Is this poll for unpopular shinies or for the shinies of unpopular pokemon?
This is a very late response and it's been a while since I ever gave a proper update and I apologize on both ends. Depression kicked me in the ass but I'm actually gonna try to get things done soon.
As to answer your question, it's both! Unpopular shinies in terms of the shiny themselves or the pokemon itself being an unpopular pick, either way is just as accepted.
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Happy belated birthday!
Oh, thank you anon! :]
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Apologies for the minor delay! My birthday came and passed. I'll be working more on cleaning submissions and maybe bracketing today.
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[Image ID: a reply from bananaquilava that says "You should reopen submissions until you get exactly 3 more." It was sent 19 hours ago. /end ID]
You are such a fucking genius actually.
ANNNNNNND cut! That'll be enough submissions for now, but I have to scroll through and check what you all submitted!
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[Image ID: a screenshot of a google form that reads text "Responses". There are 66 things submitted. /end ID] I might have to start it up if I feel there aren't enough, but for now, I am shutting down the form and going through these! [ @pokemon-tournament-directory for the update!!!]
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ANNNNNNND cut! That'll be enough submissions for now, but I have to scroll through and check what you all submitted!
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[Image ID: a screenshot of a google form that reads text "Responses". There are 66 things submitted. /end ID] I might have to start it up if I feel there aren't enough, but for now, I am shutting down the form and going through these! [ @pokemon-tournament-directory for the update!!!]
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Minor announcement/question! I am going to be starting a minor shiny bracket for eeveelutions, and I'm wondering if I should include every eeveelution minus Umbreon [popular shiny], Espeon [semi popular pokemon], Leafeon [colorblind rule] or Sylveon [popular pokemon AND shiny]. However, as I have a minorly skewed view with eeveelution popularity, especially with their shiny forms, I wanted to ask:
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@bulbagarden @pokemon-tournament-directory I'm not sure if it's okay to @ either of you, but my submissions have only had 7 pokemon submitted, and I don't particularly want a small bracket.
I AM NOW ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS FOR POKEMON! [<- there's a link in there!]
The form will go on for a week, and if i need more, i'll let it continue another week and i will shut it down to start seeding brackets.
feel free to reblog this to allow more people to see it!
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I AM NOW ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS FOR POKEMON! [<- there's a link in there!]
The form will go on for a week, and if i need more, i'll let it continue another week and i will shut it down to start seeding brackets.
feel free to reblog this to allow more people to see it!
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Edited pinned post as this all gains traction. Hi there. I'm Distortion! I go by glitch/it pronouns, and I've been a fan of pokemon since before I could read. I am a minor, but I have a bunch of free time on my hands as I have just recently graduated. My main blog will remain private for comfort and safety reasons, but I have my ask box open if you have any questions! Before I start, I will say that THIS BRACKET IS NOT A SAFE SPACE FOR PROSHIPPERS/PEDOPHILES. I starkly believe fiction and reality do effect each other. JK Rowling did not get to the point she is at on her own, it was the mass support of her racist, antisemitic books that got her there. If I screen your blog and see you have open proship things on it, I will remove your submission. In cases of blogs that are older, I will only allow your submission if it was something very clearly in the past, because I do believe people can grow. If you have posted something along the basis within the span of 14 months, I will most likely not allow your submission into the blog.
Here are the basic rules for you.
Don't submit any popular pokemon!
This is meant to be a bracket for not so popular pokemon, so I will be deleting the form submissions of pokemon that are very popular. This includes:
Legendary pokemon, unless they are a definitive underdog of their legendary group. (Ie Lunala would not be allowed, but Kyurem would.)
Pseudo-legendary pokemon
MOST starter pokemon, unless they are definitive underdogs of their starter trio. (Ie Blastoise wouldn't be allowed in the bracket, but Delphox would!)
As much as I love some of these pokemon too (I adore many shiny pseudo-legendaries), they'll just sweep the competitions.
Keep in mind: As I am colorblind, I cannot sometimes tell the difference between certain pokemon. If I cannot tell the difference, it cannot be in the bracket.
I love subtle shinies as much as the next person, but I am minorly red-green colorblind (this has sparked arguments with my friends over shiny Metapod being red or orange before!) and so I need to force a rule of no minor difference between red or green shinies. Pokemon like Bruxish would be fine to submit, as I can definitively tell the difference, but if I can look at the two images of the most current gen they're in on Serebii or Bulbapedia and be left scratching my head on which is shiny, I cannot include it. I am very sorry to people who would want to submit Carnivine, for example.
Include variety in your pokemon gens!
If you do choose to submit multiple pokemon, please do have some variety in your pokemon generations/regions! As of right now [3:28 pm PST, July 7th] I currently have less than 5 submissions for the Sinnoh, Alola [+ no Alolan forms!], Galar, and Hisui regions. Some of these only have one or no pokemon, which is a little disheartening! For some of the popular regions, I might set up the brackets by region to see the one true shiny for each of these generations, and then putting them in the ring against each other. You all seem to like the first three regions, as do I! I made this bracket to have variety and fun with the vast amount of pokemon you think are underdogs. If I do not have enough pokemon for the regions by the time the cutoff date (July 8th) rolls around, I will pit some of my own picks into the bracket. With all of that out of the way, here is the submission link for the form! [<- Psst, there's a link in there!!!]
If I have to edit this post, I will. Otherwise, I hope you all have a wonderful day filled with many shiny sparkles!!!
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