norookie-blog1 · 7 years
’ you could never back down. ’
THERE ARE THINGS HERE  /  @huntingtrip
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            ❛  No. Not when it matters.  ❜  There have been times it seemed that she would break, crack under the weight of everything life has sent her way. Fate seems to be a fickle thing, as if constantly testing those deemed strong enough to handle it. But Stef thinks it’s always been about making smart choices, and knowing which battles to pick, and which to sit.
     ❛  But God knows sometimes you need to let go.  ❜  There’s fierceness in the look she sends him, trying to convey she isn’t joking, and he better listen.  ❛  You don’t ever back down, not unless it’s the smart thing to do. Sometimes the better choice isn’t to go into things blindly. Stupid gets you killed  ——  and I will not have you dying before an old lady like me.  ❜
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
hamilton   /   starter sentences.
feel   free   to   change   the   pronouns   to   make   these   fit!
’ this kid is insane, man! ’
’ the world’s gonna know your name! ’
’ what’s your name, man? ’
’ there’s a million things i haven’t done. ’
’ just you wait. ’
’ in new york you can be a new man. ’
’ you could never back down. ’
’ you never learned to take your time. ’
’ the world will never be the same. ’
’ pardon me, are you [ name ], sir? ’
’ i’m at your service, sir. ’
’ i have been looking for you. ’
’ i’m getting nervous. ‘
‘ can i buy you a drink? ‘
‘ while we’re talking, let me offer you some free advice. ‘
‘ don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for. ‘
‘ you can’t be serious. ‘
‘ you want to get ahead? ‘
‘ fools who run their mouths off wind up dead. ‘
‘ what time is it? ‘
‘ pour me another brew, son! ‘
‘ to the revolution! ‘
‘ good luck with that. ‘
‘ what do you stall for? ‘
‘ if you stand for nothing, [ name ], what’ll you fall for? ‘
‘ who are you? ‘
‘ i am not throwing away my shot. ‘
‘ i’m young, scrappy, and hungry. ‘
‘ with every word i drop knowledge. ‘
‘ i’m a diamond in the rough, a shiny piece of coal. ‘
‘ only nineteen, but my mind is older. ‘
‘ i have learned to manage. ‘
‘ the plan is to fan this spark into a flame. ‘
‘ don’t be shocked when your history book mentions me. ‘
‘ i will lay down my life if it sets us free. ‘
‘ if you talk, you’re gonna get shot! ‘
‘ i think your pants look hot. ‘
‘ what are the odds the gods would put us all in one spot? ‘
‘ oh, am i talkin’ too loud? ‘
‘ i promise that i’ll make y'all proud. ‘
‘ rise up. ‘
‘ i imagine death so much it feels more like a memory. ‘
‘ i never thought i’d live past twenty. ‘
‘ this is not a moment, it’s the movement. ‘
‘ we need to handle our financial situation. ‘
‘ i may not live to see our glory. ‘
‘ i will gladly join the fight. ‘
‘ let’s have another round tonight. ‘
‘ raise a glass to freedom. ‘
‘ remind me what we’re looking for. ‘
‘ i’m looking for a mind at work. ‘
‘ there’s nothing like summer in the city. ‘
‘ your perfume smells like your daddy’s got money. ‘
‘ [ name ], you disgust me. ‘
‘ you want a revolution? i want a revelation. ‘
‘ chaos and bloodshed are not a solution. ‘
‘ they’re playing a dangerous game. ‘
‘ for shame, for shame! ‘
‘ it’s hard to listen to you with a straight face. ‘
‘ honestly, you shouldn’t even talk. ‘
‘ my dog speaks more eloquently than thee. ‘
‘ i’d rather be divisive than indecisive. ‘
‘ you say the price of my love’s not a price that you’re willing to pay. ‘
‘ why so sad? ‘
‘ now you’re making me mad. ‘
‘ you’ll be back. ‘
‘ soon you’ll see. ‘
‘ you’ll remember you belong to me. ‘
‘ time will tell. ‘
‘ i will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love. ‘
‘ don’t change the subject. ‘
‘ i’ll love you till my dying days. ‘
‘ when you’re gone, i’ll go mad. ‘
‘ i will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love. ‘
‘ any hope of success is fleeting. ‘
‘ i cannot be everywhere at once. ‘
‘ i’m in dire need of assistance. ‘
‘ close the door on your way out. ‘
‘ have i done something wrong, sir? ‘
‘ dying is easy, young man. living is harder. ‘
‘ why are you telling me this? ‘
‘ we are a powder keg about to explode. ‘
‘ i have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight. ‘
‘ where are you taking me? ‘
‘ i’m about to change your life. ‘
‘ this is not a game. ‘
‘ you strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied. ‘
‘ you’re like me. i’m never satisfied. ‘
‘ i’ll see you on the other side of the war. ‘
‘ love doesn’t discriminate. ‘
‘ there are things that the homilies and hymns won’t teach ya. ‘
‘ i am the one thing in life i can control. ‘
‘ there’s only one way for us to win this. ‘
‘ i’m sorry, is this not your speed?! ‘
‘ can we agree that duels are dumb and immature? ‘
‘ my name’s been through a lot, i can take it. ‘
‘ i’m more than willing to die. ‘
‘ look around at how lucky we are. ‘
‘ how long have you known? ‘
‘ you should have told me. ‘
‘ i’m not sorry. ‘
‘ look at where you started. ‘
‘ the fact that you’re alive is a miracle. ‘
‘ we don’t need a legacy. ‘
‘ we don’t need money. ‘
‘ no one has more resilience. ‘
‘ i know that we can win. ‘
‘ history has its eyes on you. ‘
‘ immigrants: we get the job done. ‘
‘ so what happens if we win? ‘
‘ the world turned upside down. ‘
‘ do you know how hard it is to lead? ‘
‘ don’t come crawling back to me. ‘
‘ you’re on your own. ‘
‘ i’m dedicating everyday to you. ‘
‘ domestic life was never quite my style. ‘
‘ i’ll be around for you. ‘
‘ i’ll do whatever it takes. ‘
‘ i’ll make a million mistakes. ‘
‘ i’ll make the world safe and sound for you. ‘
‘ why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room? ‘
‘ why do you write like you’re running out of time? ‘
‘ why do you always say what you believe? ‘
‘ it’s the middle of the night. ‘
‘ is this a legal matter? ‘
‘ you’re making a mistake. ‘
‘ don’t forget to write. ‘
‘ we have to win. ‘
‘ i’ve come home to this? ‘
‘ headfirst, into the abyss! ‘
‘ let’s get to the bottom of this. ‘
‘ so what did i miss? ‘
‘ you wanna pull yourself together? ‘
‘ take a break. ‘
‘ i am on my way. ‘
‘ i’ve got so much on my plate. ‘
‘ it’s good to see your face. ‘
‘ screw your courage to the sticking place. ‘
‘ close your eyes and dream. ‘
‘ there’s trouble in the air, you can smell it. ‘
‘ i hadn’t slept in a week. ‘
‘ i don’t know how to say no to this. ‘
‘ i am ruined. ‘
‘ nobody needs to know. ‘
‘ we oughta give it a try. ‘
‘ talk less. smile more. ‘
‘ hate the sin, love the sinner. ‘
‘ i’ve always considered you a friend. ‘
‘ i swear your pride will be the death of us all. ‘
‘ now is the time to stand! ‘
‘ we’re too fragile to start another fight. ‘
‘ have you an ounce of regret? ‘
‘ ev'ry action has its equal, opposite reactions. ‘
‘ it must be nice
. ‘
‘ i wanna give you a word of warning. ‘
‘ relax, have a drink with me. ‘
‘ why do you have to say goodbye? ‘
‘ i don’t have to tell you anything at all. ‘
‘ do you promise not to tell another soul what you saw? ‘
‘ are my answers to your satisfaction? ‘
‘ rumors only grow. ‘
‘ i wrote my way out of hell. ‘
‘ overwhelm them with honesty. ‘
‘ have you read this? ‘
‘ i came as soon as i heard. ‘
‘ i’m not here for you. ‘
‘ you could never be satisfied. ‘
‘ god, i hope you’re satisfied. ‘
‘ that’s one less thing to worry about. ‘
‘ you ever see somebody ruin their own life? ‘
‘ i saved every letter you wrote me. ‘
‘ i knew you were mine. ‘
‘ you said you were mine. ‘
‘ i thought were mine. ‘
‘ you and your words flooded my senses. ‘
‘ you built me palaces out of paragraphs. ‘
‘ you have ruined our lives. ‘
‘ i hope that you burn. ‘
‘ they don’t exactly cover this subject in boarding school. ‘
‘ stay alive. ‘
‘ is he breathing? is he going to survive this? ‘
‘ there is suffering too terrible to name. ‘
‘ i never liked the quiet before. ‘
‘ that never used to happen before. ‘
‘ can you imagine? ‘
‘ i know i don’t deserve you, [ name ]. ‘
‘ is there anything you wouldn’t do? ‘
‘ i’ll be damned! ‘
‘ what if this bullet is my legacy? ‘
‘ legacy. what is a legacy? ‘
‘ i’m the villain in your history. ‘
‘ who lives, who dies, who tells your story? ‘
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
“i have learned to manage.”
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            ❛  As we all did, darling.  ❜  Such is the sad truth of this new world, where survival of the fittest rules over morality. Stef thinks humans have always been corrupt ; she has seen it to be true for years, and long before the dead walked their streets, but now it seems the worst comes out of all those few that are left, and settles for good. But she has no intention of letting it consume her. She prides crisis to be her specialty, suave as she is in handling one tragedy after another. It’s in her blood, and it has been there for decades. She knows how to do this  ——  she has to.
That’s why she shifts slightly forward, leaving his personal space in tact, but being close enough to mean reassurance. A little smile tugs on her lips then.  ❛  But you don’t have to do it alone.  ❜  Not while she’s alive and kicking, and damn it if she’s going anywhere.  ❛  See, you might have noticed I’ve been around long enough to know a thing or two  ——  and I’ve found it’s easier to be strong when you don’t have to be strong all by yourself. I was a bit of a troublemaker back in my day, and I promise you, four or six fists are better than two.  ❜
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
also, what i love about my fc of choice is the fact i have icons that allow me to just......... work it. there you have stef being a great mom / grandma to everyone while looking fabulous
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then you don’t have the time to cut your hair so it’s just all over the place really, and i mean who has the time to worry about it
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then you may think she died bc she got lost, and she seemed immortal, but i mean she’s still an old lady, until she emerges from the forest with a new haircut and a sharpened stick bc she just ran out of ammo
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
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beware those who get the stare of doom.
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
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rp sentence starters using lines from leigh bardugo’s work , six of crows 
“ of course they were wrong. ” “ every act of violence was deliberate. ” “ every favor came with enough strings attached to stage a puppet show. ” “ it’s always good to have a country in debt to you. ” “ this night smelled like violence. ” “ it’s about sending a message. ” “ i’m not going to bet on my own death. ” “ i don’t know what you are, but you’re not made right. ” “ when everyone knows you’re a monster, you needn’t waste time doing every monstrous thing. ” “ greed bows to me. ” “ i don’t think gods work that way. ” “ men mock the gods until they need them. ” “ are you going to tell us anything else about your miraculous plan? ” “ there’s a difference between confidence and arrogance. ” “ i’m not sure i have a heart to give anymore. ” “ unless you can be useful, go away. ” “ i’ll make you wish for death. ” “ i’m not in a very rational mood. ” “ you do not argue with a man covered in blood and a knife up his sleeve. ” “ look for miracles and listen to bedtime stories. ” “ if they want my blood, let them come for it. ” “ it is an insult to the dog to call you one. ” “ i’m going to feed you to a pack of hungry hounds. ” “ congratulations on your recent advancement to murderer of rank. ” “ i’ve spent most of this last year trying to find a way to set things right. ” “ has a true word ever left your lips? ” “ i might have loved you too. ” “ your conscience is interfering with your memory. ” “ i’m a very valuable investment. ” “ i don’t want to go back to sleep yet. ” “ at least we’re both the same kind of stupid. ” “ i’ve been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days. ” “ i don’t want your prayers. ” “ our luck is changing. ” “ that seems like cheating. ” “ we both must take the risk together. ” “ you’ll see who wins in the end. ” “ don’t leave me. ” “ someone had to pay. ” “ doesn’t matter how big the gun is if you don’t know where to point it. ” “ we’ve managed to get ourselves locked into the most secure prison in the world. ” “ the trick is in getting back up. ” “ i’m not going to pretend everything is okay. ” “ i don’t want to kill people, not really. ” “ i’m already a ghost. ” “ better terrible truths than kind lies. ” “ the heart is an arrow. ” “ how long have you been holding onto nothing? ” “ i practice the art of ‘pull his shirt over his head and punch till you see blood’. ” “ i made a bad call, and i deserve the blame for it. ” “ if we don’t survive this night, i will die unafraid. ” “ you should have drowned. ” “ you don’t deserve miracles. ” “ if your god is so delicate, maybe you should get a new one. ” “ we really need to get more suitable friends. ” “ you know they would not offer you mercy. ” “ let them live in shame instead. ” “ we are all someone’s monster. ” “ i want you to stay. i want you to … i want you. ” “ and how will you have me? ” “ give me a reason to stay. ” “ we all carry our sins. ”
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
Studio Ghibli Sentence Meme
“Now I have something I want to protect. It’s you.”
“I’m not afraid to die!”
“You cannot change fate. However, you can rise to meet it, if you so choose.”
“They say that the best blaze brightest when circumstances are at their worst.”
“Fear and anger only make it grow faster.”
“I think I can handle it.”
“Here’s another curse for you - may all your bacon burn.”
“Don’t worry! Stay right where you are, I’m coming to get you! You’re gonna be fine, I won’t let him hurt you.”
“I need something of yours. How ‘bout your eyes?”
“We gotta get out of here! We’re gonna get in trouble!”
“You, you sabotaged me! Look! Look at what you’ve done to my hair! Look!”
“No more killing. It has to stop!”
“You sound ghastly, like some 90-year-old woman.”
“Guys, don’t take that food! We’re gonna get in trouble!”
“Fight ‘em! C’mon!”
“Smile so we can make a good impression.”
“We each need to find our own inspiration. Sometimes it’s not easy”
“I finally get a bouquet and it’s a goodbye present. That’s depressing.”
“Life is suffering. It is hard. The world is cursed. But still, you find reasons to keep living.”
“Sorry, it looks like you’re involved.”
“Oh, my baby! Are you all right? Are you emotionally traumatized?”
“Now I’m trying to look inside myself and find out how I did it.”
“Leave before it gets dark.”
“Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can’t remember.”
“Cut off a wolf’s head and it still has the power to bite.”
“It’s all so familiar yet I know I’ve never been here before. I feel so at home.”
“Now I’m trying to look inside myself and find out how I did it.”
“I suggest you surrender. There is no ship coming to rescue you.”
“I had no idea that my rage could drive me to kill.”
“These days, there are angry ghosts all around us - dead from wars, sickness, starvation - and nobody cares.” 
“A heart’s a heavy burden.”
“Please! You must stop!”
“Well, well, well… hello kitty.” “You can’t be busy - you’re five!”
“So you say you’re under a curse? So what? So’s the whole damn world.”
“ I have really had enough of your incredible stupidity.”
“Lamebrain! They made an escape! Now step on it!”
“I didn’t want them to kill you.”
“It’s fun to move to a new place. It’s an adventure.”
“Welcome the rich man, he’s hard for you to miss. His butt keeps getting bigger, so there’s plenty there to kiss!”
“You shouldn’t be here! Get out!”
“He said Mom was ugly, now go get him!”
“Kill him and you’ll be famous.”
“I’ve seen him do this once before when a girl dumped him.”
“S/He’s alive. There goes that dream.”
“That was the night I died.”
“I’d rather be a pig than a fascist.”
“You don’t remember your name?”
“Don’t be afraid, I just want to help you.”
“Poor kids. I’ll really miss them.”
“I don’t fight for honor. I fight for a paycheck.”
“ No, No, No! Don’t do this! Help! Help! Crazy lady with the shovel!”
“She was once quite beautiful, so I decided to pursue her, then I realized she wasn’t, so then, as usual, I ran away.”
“You’re in love. Don’t deny it, you’ve been sighing all day”
“She never woke up again.”
“You blubber heads! I’m not runnin’ a luxury cruise! Now get to work!”
“Why does everything that’s good for you have to taste so bad?”
“Whatever you don’t want me to clean, better hide it now!”
“This is our little secret. You tell anyone and I’ll rip your mouth off.”
“I give up. I see no point in living if I can’t be beautiful.”
“If I lose my magic, that means I’ve lost absolutely everything.”
“ It’s… you’re scaring me. I have this weird feeling you’re going to leave. ”
“There’s a demon inside you.”
“Don’t get alarmed but I’m being followed. Act normal.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got four-wheel drive.”
“This is what hatred looks like! This is what it does when it catches hold of you! It’s eating me alive, and very soon it will kill me!”
“Smooth. Very smooth. You definitely know how to make a good first impression.”
“Everyone fears their own mortality.”
“Play with me or I’ll break your arm!”
“I gotta get out of this place. Someday I’m getting on that train.”
“Wait give us a minute! This is clearly harassment.”
“Why do fireflies have to die so soon?”
“There you are, sweetheart. Sorry I’m late. I was looking everywhere for you.” 
“When you’re going to kill a god, let someone else do your dirty work.”
“Why did you stop me from killing her?”
“When I saw you, I just wanted to find a way to protect you.” 
“One thing you can always count on is that hearts change.”
“Tell me while you’re still alive!”
“This is a tomb for the both of us.”
“If nobody comes in, I’m gonna have to eat pancakes forever and be fat, fat, fat! And what am I supposed to do about that?”
“Even if you were a woman, you’d still be an idiot!”
“What do you say we give ‘em a little demonstration of how fast we can run, huh?”
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
hamilton   /   starter sentences.
feel   free   to   change   the   pronouns   to   make   these   fit!
’ this kid is insane, man! ’
’ the world’s gonna know your name! ’
’ what’s your name, man? ’
’ there’s a million things i haven’t done. ’
’ just you wait. ’
’ in new york you can be a new man. ’
’ you could never back down. ’
’ you never learned to take your time. ’
’ the world will never be the same. ’
’ pardon me, are you [ name ], sir? ’
’ i’m at your service, sir. ’
’ i have been looking for you. ’
’ i’m getting nervous. ‘
‘ can i buy you a drink? ‘
‘ while we’re talking, let me offer you some free advice. ‘
‘ don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for. ‘
‘ you can’t be serious. ‘
‘ you want to get ahead? ‘
‘ fools who run their mouths off wind up dead. ‘
‘ what time is it? ‘
‘ pour me another brew, son! ‘
‘ to the revolution! ‘
‘ good luck with that. ‘
‘ what do you stall for? ‘
‘ if you stand for nothing, [ name ], what’ll you fall for? ‘
‘ who are you? ‘
‘ i am not throwing away my shot. ‘
‘ i’m young, scrappy, and hungry. ‘
‘ with every word i drop knowledge. ‘
‘ i’m a diamond in the rough, a shiny piece of coal. ‘
‘ only nineteen, but my mind is older. ‘
‘ i have learned to manage. ‘
‘ the plan is to fan this spark into a flame. ‘
‘ don’t be shocked when your history book mentions me. ‘
‘ i will lay down my life if it sets us free. ‘
‘ if you talk, you’re gonna get shot! ‘
‘ i think your pants look hot. ‘
‘ what are the odds the gods would put us all in one spot? ‘
‘ oh, am i talkin’ too loud? ‘
‘ i promise that i’ll make y'all proud. ‘
‘ rise up. ‘
‘ i imagine death so much it feels more like a memory. ‘
‘ i never thought i’d live past twenty. ‘
‘ this is not a moment, it’s the movement. ‘
‘ we need to handle our financial situation. ‘
‘ i may not live to see our glory. ‘
‘ i will gladly join the fight. ‘
‘ let’s have another round tonight. ‘
‘ raise a glass to freedom. ‘
‘ remind me what we’re looking for. ‘
‘ i’m looking for a mind at work. ‘
‘ there’s nothing like summer in the city. ‘
‘ your perfume smells like your daddy’s got money. ‘
‘ [ name ], you disgust me. ‘
‘ you want a revolution? i want a revelation. ‘
‘ chaos and bloodshed are not a solution. ‘
‘ they’re playing a dangerous game. ‘
‘ for shame, for shame! ‘
‘ it’s hard to listen to you with a straight face. ‘
‘ honestly, you shouldn’t even talk. ‘
‘ my dog speaks more eloquently than thee. ‘
‘ i’d rather be divisive than indecisive. ‘
‘ you say the price of my love’s not a price that you’re willing to pay. ‘
‘ why so sad? ‘
‘ now you’re making me mad. ‘
‘ you’ll be back. ‘
‘ soon you’ll see. ‘
‘ you’ll remember you belong to me. ‘
‘ time will tell. ‘
‘ i will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love. ‘
‘ don’t change the subject. ‘
‘ i’ll love you till my dying days. ‘
‘ when you’re gone, i’ll go mad. ‘
‘ i will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love. ‘
‘ any hope of success is fleeting. ‘
‘ i cannot be everywhere at once. ‘
‘ i’m in dire need of assistance. ‘
‘ close the door on your way out. ‘
‘ have i done something wrong, sir? ‘
‘ dying is easy, young man. living is harder. ‘
‘ why are you telling me this? ‘
‘ we are a powder keg about to explode. ‘
‘ i have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight. ‘
‘ where are you taking me? ‘
‘ i’m about to change your life. ‘
‘ this is not a game. ‘
‘ you strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied. ‘
‘ you’re like me. i’m never satisfied. ‘
‘ i’ll see you on the other side of the war. ‘
‘ love doesn’t discriminate. ‘
‘ there are things that the homilies and hymns won’t teach ya. ‘
‘ i am the one thing in life i can control. ‘
‘ there’s only one way for us to win this. ‘
‘ i’m sorry, is this not your speed?! ‘
‘ can we agree that duels are dumb and immature? ‘
‘ my name’s been through a lot, i can take it. ‘
‘ i’m more than willing to die. ‘
‘ look around at how lucky we are. ‘
‘ how long have you known? ‘
‘ you should have told me. ‘
‘ i’m not sorry. ‘
‘ look at where you started. ‘
‘ the fact that you’re alive is a miracle. ‘
‘ we don’t need a legacy. ‘
‘ we don’t need money. ‘
‘ no one has more resilience. ‘
‘ i know that we can win. ‘
‘ history has its eyes on you. ‘
‘ immigrants: we get the job done. ‘
‘ so what happens if we win? ‘
‘ the world turned upside down. ‘
‘ do you know how hard it is to lead? ‘
‘ don’t come crawling back to me. ‘
‘ you’re on your own. ‘
‘ i’m dedicating everyday to you. ‘
‘ domestic life was never quite my style. ‘
‘ i’ll be around for you. ‘
‘ i’ll do whatever it takes. ‘
‘ i’ll make a million mistakes. ‘
‘ i’ll make the world safe and sound for you. ‘
‘ why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room? ‘
‘ why do you write like you’re running out of time? ‘
‘ why do you always say what you believe? ‘
‘ it’s the middle of the night. ‘
‘ is this a legal matter? ‘
‘ you’re making a mistake. ‘
‘ don’t forget to write. ‘
‘ we have to win. ‘
‘ i’ve come home to this? ‘
‘ headfirst, into the abyss! ‘
‘ let’s get to the bottom of this. ‘
‘ so what did i miss? ‘
‘ you wanna pull yourself together? ‘
‘ take a break. ‘
‘ i am on my way. ‘
‘ i’ve got so much on my plate. ‘
‘ it’s good to see your face. ‘
‘ screw your courage to the sticking place. ‘
‘ close your eyes and dream. ‘
‘ there’s trouble in the air, you can smell it. ‘
‘ i hadn’t slept in a week. ‘
‘ i don’t know how to say no to this. ‘
‘ i am ruined. ‘
‘ nobody needs to know. ‘
‘ we oughta give it a try. ‘
‘ talk less. smile more. ‘
‘ hate the sin, love the sinner. ‘
‘ i’ve always considered you a friend. ‘
‘ i swear your pride will be the death of us all. ‘
‘ now is the time to stand! ‘
‘ we’re too fragile to start another fight. ‘
‘ have you an ounce of regret? ‘
‘ ev'ry action has its equal, opposite reactions. ‘
‘ it must be nice
. ‘
‘ i wanna give you a word of warning. ‘
‘ relax, have a drink with me. ‘
‘ why do you have to say goodbye? ‘
‘ i don’t have to tell you anything at all. ‘
‘ do you promise not to tell another soul what you saw? ‘
‘ are my answers to your satisfaction? ‘
‘ rumors only grow. ‘
‘ i wrote my way out of hell. ‘
‘ overwhelm them with honesty. ‘
‘ have you read this? ‘
‘ i came as soon as i heard. ‘
‘ i’m not here for you. ‘
‘ you could never be satisfied. ‘
‘ god, i hope you’re satisfied. ‘
‘ that’s one less thing to worry about. ‘
‘ you ever see somebody ruin their own life? ‘
‘ i saved every letter you wrote me. ‘
‘ i knew you were mine. ‘
‘ you said you were mine. ‘
‘ i thought were mine. ‘
‘ you and your words flooded my senses. ‘
‘ you built me palaces out of paragraphs. ‘
‘ you have ruined our lives. ‘
‘ i hope that you burn. ‘
‘ they don’t exactly cover this subject in boarding school. ‘
‘ stay alive. ‘
‘ is he breathing? is he going to survive this? ‘
‘ there is suffering too terrible to name. ‘
‘ i never liked the quiet before. ‘
‘ that never used to happen before. ‘
‘ can you imagine? ‘
‘ i know i don’t deserve you, [ name ]. ‘
‘ is there anything you wouldn’t do? ‘
‘ i’ll be damned! ‘
‘ what if this bullet is my legacy? ‘
‘ legacy. what is a legacy? ‘
‘ i’m the villain in your history. ‘
‘ who lives, who dies, who tells your story? ‘
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
anyway, if anyone needs a mom / grandma, consider this post a big
👀  👀  👀
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
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           ❛  I used to be in a band when I was younger, you know.  ❜  She smiles in a little attempt at fixing the mood, and quickly thinks that perhaps some things of her youth ought to remain unsaid. But she’s heard her sing  ——  voice clear, and almost haunting against their reality ; Stef only hoped to stop her mind from bringing the memory of her daughter where it didn’t belong.  ❛  I haven’t had much time for it, you know  ——  but we’ve had a couple of gigs. And you have so much talent, dear.  ❜
@anxtherdeadgreene​  /  sc.
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
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welcome to the apocalypse. where make-do is a motto and life seems wrong, out-of-place. where the weak become strong because they have no other choice. where the guns remind us that this is just an attempt to punch holes in the darkness that envelops us… and yet, we ask  ——  can the last person on the planet please turn off the lights?    /    IND.  TWD  OC,  WRITTEN  BY  MARTA.
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
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           ❛  Son, the best thing you can do right now is to trust your gut.  ❜  Fierce conviction speaks through her, even though Stef realizes it might sound like something anyone else could say. But things have always been keen on falling onto her face, and though the dead have never walked their streets before, keeping a cool head in crisis is the best she knows they could do.  ❛  There is no right way of doing this. You just need to take it one step at a time, and trust an old lady like me to give you a friendly smack if you should need it. I can throw as mean of a punch as I make a pie.  ❜
@stillcominback  /  sc.
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
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MOODBOARD   ——   stefania branson aka apocalypse grandma good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment. yet in the end, nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
hamilton   /   starter sentences.
feel   free   to   change   the   pronouns   to   make   these   fit!
’ this kid is insane, man! ’
’ the world’s gonna know your name! ’
’ what’s your name, man? ’
’ there’s a million things i haven’t done. ’
’ just you wait. ’
’ in new york you can be a new man. ’
’ you could never back down. ’
’ you never learned to take your time. ’
’ the world will never be the same. ’
’ pardon me, are you [ name ], sir? ’
’ i’m at your service, sir. ’
’ i have been looking for you. ’
’ i’m getting nervous. ‘
‘ can i buy you a drink? ‘
‘ while we’re talking, let me offer you some free advice. ‘
‘ don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for. ‘
‘ you can’t be serious. ‘
‘ you want to get ahead? ‘
‘ fools who run their mouths off wind up dead. ‘
‘ what time is it? ‘
‘ pour me another brew, son! ‘
‘ to the revolution! ‘
‘ good luck with that. ‘
‘ what do you stall for? ‘
‘ if you stand for nothing, [ name ], what’ll you fall for? ‘
‘ who are you? ‘
‘ i am not throwing away my shot. ‘
‘ i’m young, scrappy, and hungry. ‘
‘ with every word i drop knowledge. ‘
‘ i’m a diamond in the rough, a shiny piece of coal. ‘
‘ only nineteen, but my mind is older. ‘
‘ i have learned to manage. ‘
‘ the plan is to fan this spark into a flame. ‘
‘ don’t be shocked when your history book mentions me. ‘
‘ i will lay down my life if it sets us free. ‘
‘ if you talk, you’re gonna get shot! ‘
‘ i think your pants look hot. ‘
‘ what are the odds the gods would put us all in one spot? ‘
‘ oh, am i talkin’ too loud? ‘
‘ i promise that i’ll make y'all proud. ‘
‘ rise up. ‘
‘ i imagine death so much it feels more like a memory. ‘
‘ i never thought i’d live past twenty. ‘
‘ this is not a moment, it’s the movement. ‘
‘ we need to handle our financial situation. ‘
‘ i may not live to see our glory. ‘
‘ i will gladly join the fight. ‘
‘ let’s have another round tonight. ‘
‘ raise a glass to freedom. ‘
‘ remind me what we’re looking for. ‘
‘ i’m looking for a mind at work. ‘
‘ there’s nothing like summer in the city. ‘
‘ your perfume smells like your daddy’s got money. ‘
‘ [ name ], you disgust me. ‘
‘ you want a revolution? i want a revelation. ‘
‘ chaos and bloodshed are not a solution. ‘
‘ they’re playing a dangerous game. ‘
‘ for shame, for shame! ‘
‘ it’s hard to listen to you with a straight face. ‘
‘ honestly, you shouldn’t even talk. ‘
‘ my dog speaks more eloquently than thee. ‘
‘ i’d rather be divisive than indecisive. ‘
‘ you say the price of my love’s not a price that you’re willing to pay. ‘
‘ why so sad? ‘
‘ now you’re making me mad. ‘
‘ you’ll be back. ‘
‘ soon you’ll see. ‘
‘ you’ll remember you belong to me. ‘
‘ time will tell. ‘
‘ i will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love. ‘
‘ don’t change the subject. ‘
‘ i’ll love you till my dying days. ‘
‘ when you’re gone, i’ll go mad. ‘
‘ i will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love. ‘
‘ any hope of success is fleeting. ‘
‘ i cannot be everywhere at once. ‘
‘ i’m in dire need of assistance. ‘
‘ close the door on your way out. ‘
‘ have i done something wrong, sir? ‘
‘ dying is easy, young man. living is harder. ‘
‘ why are you telling me this? ‘
‘ we are a powder keg about to explode. ‘
‘ i have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight. ‘
‘ where are you taking me? ‘
‘ i’m about to change your life. ‘
‘ this is not a game. ‘
‘ you strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied. ‘
‘ you’re like me. i’m never satisfied. ‘
‘ i’ll see you on the other side of the war. ‘
‘ love doesn’t discriminate. ‘
‘ there are things that the homilies and hymns won’t teach ya. ‘
‘ i am the one thing in life i can control. ‘
‘ there’s only one way for us to win this. ‘
‘ i’m sorry, is this not your speed?! ‘
‘ can we agree that duels are dumb and immature? ‘
‘ my name’s been through a lot, i can take it. ‘
‘ i’m more than willing to die. ‘
‘ look around at how lucky we are. ‘
‘ how long have you known? ‘
‘ you should have told me. ‘
‘ i’m not sorry. ‘
‘ look at where you started. ‘
‘ the fact that you’re alive is a miracle. ‘
‘ we don’t need a legacy. ‘
‘ we don’t need money. ‘
‘ no one has more resilience. ‘
‘ i know that we can win. ‘
‘ history has its eyes on you. ‘
‘ immigrants: we get the job done. ‘
‘ so what happens if we win? ‘
‘ the world turned upside down. ‘
‘ do you know how hard it is to lead? ‘
‘ don’t come crawling back to me. ‘
‘ you’re on your own. ‘
‘ i’m dedicating everyday to you. ‘
‘ domestic life was never quite my style. ‘
‘ i’ll be around for you. ‘
‘ i’ll do whatever it takes. ‘
‘ i’ll make a million mistakes. ‘
‘ i’ll make the world safe and sound for you. ‘
‘ why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room? ‘
‘ why do you write like you’re running out of time? ‘
‘ why do you always say what you believe? ‘
‘ it’s the middle of the night. ‘
‘ is this a legal matter? ‘
‘ you’re making a mistake. ‘
‘ don’t forget to write. ‘
‘ we have to win. ‘
‘ i’ve come home to this? ‘
‘ headfirst, into the abyss! ‘
‘ let’s get to the bottom of this. ‘
‘ so what did i miss? ‘
‘ you wanna pull yourself together? ‘
‘ take a break. ‘
‘ i am on my way. ‘
‘ i’ve got so much on my plate. ‘
‘ it’s good to see your face. ‘
‘ screw your courage to the sticking place. ‘
‘ close your eyes and dream. ‘
‘ there’s trouble in the air, you can smell it. ‘
‘ i hadn’t slept in a week. ‘
‘ i don’t know how to say no to this. ‘
‘ i am ruined. ‘
‘ nobody needs to know. ‘
‘ we oughta give it a try. ‘
‘ talk less. smile more. ‘
‘ hate the sin, love the sinner. ‘
‘ i’ve always considered you a friend. ‘
‘ i swear your pride will be the death of us all. ‘
‘ now is the time to stand! ‘
‘ we’re too fragile to start another fight. ‘
‘ have you an ounce of regret? ‘
‘ ev'ry action has its equal, opposite reactions. ‘
‘ it must be nice
. ‘
‘ i wanna give you a word of warning. ‘
‘ relax, have a drink with me. ‘
‘ why do you have to say goodbye? ‘
‘ i don’t have to tell you anything at all. ‘
‘ do you promise not to tell another soul what you saw? ‘
‘ are my answers to your satisfaction? ‘
‘ rumors only grow. ‘
‘ i wrote my way out of hell. ‘
‘ overwhelm them with honesty. ‘
‘ have you read this? ‘
‘ i came as soon as i heard. ‘
‘ i’m not here for you. ‘
‘ you could never be satisfied. ‘
‘ god, i hope you’re satisfied. ‘
‘ that’s one less thing to worry about. ‘
‘ you ever see somebody ruin their own life? ‘
‘ i saved every letter you wrote me. ‘
‘ i knew you were mine. ‘
‘ you said you were mine. ‘
‘ i thought were mine. ‘
‘ you and your words flooded my senses. ‘
‘ you built me palaces out of paragraphs. ‘
‘ you have ruined our lives. ‘
‘ i hope that you burn. ‘
‘ they don’t exactly cover this subject in boarding school. ‘
‘ stay alive. ‘
‘ is he breathing? is he going to survive this? ‘
‘ there is suffering too terrible to name. ‘
‘ i never liked the quiet before. ‘
‘ that never used to happen before. ‘
‘ can you imagine? ‘
‘ i know i don’t deserve you, [ name ]. ‘
‘ is there anything you wouldn’t do? ‘
‘ i’ll be damned! ‘
‘ what if this bullet is my legacy? ‘
‘ legacy. what is a legacy? ‘
‘ i’m the villain in your history. ‘
‘ who lives, who dies, who tells your story? ‘
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
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norookie-blog1 · 7 years
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 what if you LIKE THIS and i come to your IMs to PLOT STUFF?
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