noora-novak · 4 years
Sitting at the bar on Monday night was sometimes either a good thing or a bad thing and tonight it happened to be a bad thing. She had just gotten into a dumb fight that escalated with one of her brothers about something and Noora honestly wasnt in the mood for much interaction, sure the blonde shouldn't be at the bar then, and home is where she should be, but a drink is what she wanted and a beer is what she got. Taking a sip and circling the rim with her thumbs, starring at the half empty bottle the women took a swung of it and swallowed hard. Taking a deep breath, Noora looked up as someone started to say something and then the blonde laughed a little "I promise you, the shrimp tacos are amazing." Licking her lips, Noora looked at the brunette and shook her head “Food Trucks come around on occasion I believe.” 
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Standing at the bar holding a glass of tequila and sliding the lime wedge around the rim, Thea let out an annoyed sigh. “God damn, I know this place is near the water and all but does anywhere in this town serve tacos that don’t contain any fuckin’ fish?” She asked to no one in particular, the annoyance clear in her voice as she took a sip from the glass before setting it down. Leaning forward, trying to get the bartender’s attention, Thea posed the question. “The shrimp tacos… should I bother? Or is there a food truck near by I should be giving my money to? And be honest! I know you work here but if the tacos are shit…” 
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noora-novak · 4 years
top 5 most attractive people in Wilmington?
“Beau would’ve been at the top of that list, but, I’m not sure, he can pull off the cast. aside, from that? I’d have to say… Dani, of course… Noora, Syd, (though, I’d deny it, if she asked), Scar, and… Violet Murphy’s somethin’ else, that’s for sure. Em’s not bad to look at, either, but… I know I’m not her type, so, I won’t give her the satisfaction.” 
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(@beau-haywood, @daniellesheppard, @noora-novak, @sydncyfitzpatrick, @scarlettmontgcmery, @violetmurphy, @emberwest).
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noora-novak · 4 years
MONDAY, APRIL 6th, 2020
at johnnie mercers pier 
It was a gorgeous day in Wilmington with the weather being 80 degrees, it was the perfect beach day. She hasn't been to the beach in quite sometime and even though Noora was supposed to be at work, the women was the boss and owner so the blonde could pretty much do whatever she wanted if needed. Spring had sprung and after everything that had happened in Wilmington, the beach was her safe haven, her favorite place in the World. Meeting Nadia there for lunch, the thirty-four year old had bought some food from her cafe and Noora couldn't wait to share it with her friend. The two have been friends for a while now and she always liked meeting up with Nadia. With her hair half up, half down and wearing a pink cover up after she changed into her bathing suit, the pastry baker was walking along the sand digging her toes deeper and deeper into it, and finally looked up at her friend "Hey you! I brought us food, figured you’d be hungry." Taking a deep breath, Noora smiled and pushed her hair out of her face and then handed the box of food to her friend “I kind of brought everything.” @nadiaxmontgomery​
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noora-novak · 4 years
Who are your favorite people in town?
          “Alright, saddle up… Calvin, Michael, Shay, Cleo, Claire, Noora, Wren, Jason, Caleigh, Mila, and India.” @calvinxmccoy @michaelotis @shayowens @halsteadcleo @clairckim @noora-novak @wrcnkunsang @jxsoncash @caleighgx @milademir @indiclima
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honesty hour
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noora-novak · 4 years
who's your best friend?
          “Well, I think I’d have to say Calvin and Michael. Both are people I look up to, respect, and admire. They’ve kind of been mentors for me on life and the job and reassimulating back into this world after my time in the corps. Then there’s Noora —- she keeps me sane and I don’t think I’ve ever known anyone easier to talk to.”  @calvinxmccoy @michaelotis @noora-novak
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honesty hour
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noora-novak · 4 years
anything going on between you and Noora?
“please… as if… I’d ever be good enough, for that girl. she’s my closest friend… but, it’s not like that. not, at all. besides, she knew pre-puberty Jess, there ain’t no coming back, from that.”
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noora-novak · 4 years
have you ever been in love?
no. ive loved.. my mother and father and two older brothers. ive been loved i just have never been in love. i dated from here to there but no.. i never have. 
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noora-novak · 4 years
Would you ever move back to Southport?
I miss Southport with all my heart but Wilmington is home now. It has been for 10 years now, which is still crazy to me that Ive been living here for that long now. Though since my family is still in Southport I try to go there on the weekends and whenever Im not working since I have two nieces who live there as well, plus Im always there for the big, annual 4th of July festival/parade/fireworks charade. 
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noora-novak · 4 years
who do you hate most in the world?
I dont really hate anyone. You'd have to do something really fucked to me in order for me to actually hate you. Dislike maybe my ex but I dont hate him. 
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noora-novak · 4 years
Who is the person closest to you?
In town right now its @natehuntington and @upinsmke theyre my best friends in the whole World aside from my two brothers and I love them both to death. 
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noora-novak · 4 years
favorite thing to do?
Well reading. I could read anything really, my moms an English teacher so Im very happy that I was introduced to books at a very young age. If I wasnt then I feel like Id be that kid who never picked up a book and I couldnt have that. Itll always be my favorite thing to do and my first love. I also love Yoga and swimming in the ocean so theres a couple but defiantly reading is a favorite. 
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noora-novak · 4 years
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noora-novak · 4 years
What was the scariest moment of your life and how did you handle it?
My dads a firefighter, so pretty much everyday is the scariest moment of my life because Im always so worried he wont come home to us. Though that feeling was much worse when I was younger, but its gotten a lot better now since he become promoted to Chief. I used to handle it by taking deep breaths and drinking tea because that usually clams me. The second scariest moment of my life was when I fell off of Starla once at a competition, and I felt super dizzy and everything felt out of place. I was fifteen at the time and thats when I stopped competing because I was so scared to fall off Starla again. 
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noora-novak · 4 years
how did you get interested in horses?
Growing up horses were always my favorite animal as a kid. I thought they were the most beautiful things on the planet and would always get stuffed horses for Christmas and every other holiday/occasion. When I was 12 I begged my mom and dad for lessons, and with being the amazing parents that they are they let me take horse back riding lessons and Ive been keeping up with it ever since. I dont compete anymore, but I do love riding Starla every once in a while.
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noora-novak · 4 years
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noora-novak · 4 years
Feeling big paws on her body, the blonde was trying to get her purse from her front seat but got distracted by something else. Noora smiled and then leaned back against her car as the women took a hold of her dogs leash. Shaking her head, the blonde looked at the brunette and smiled softly "Oh no.. it's totally fine. I have a dog myself, her name is Sugar but I usually walk her super early in the morning." Folding her arms across her chest, Noora continued with ‘What kind of dog is she, or he?” Questioned the other women, Noora smiled softly “Its so cute.” 
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        “I am so sorry, I swear usually she isn’t this excited but being stuck at home while I’ve been busy helping out has really got her cabin fever apparently,” Lenore laughed lightly as she adjusted the leash in the hand of her golden retriever Bailey, “I hope I didn’t ruin your clothes or…anything when she jumped on you? If so, I can pay for the accident.” 
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noora-novak · 4 years
Noora's cafe had a nice pace going on, there were costumers but not a lot which was fine to her. There was a regular that came in whole Noora always liked talking too, so when she saw the brunette come in and sit down the thirty-four year old grabbed the coffee pot to go refill her drink. Listening to her friend speak, Noora looked at Ember and sighed "People are such assholes, for literally no reason. You just gotta ignore them or make fun of them to be honest. That's what I used to do when I'd get shitty costumers when I first opened up Sweetener." Rambling a bit, Noora shrugged her shoulders and then looked at the other women "I'm sorry this day sucks. You want like a mini pie or something like that? It's on the house.." Noora suggested and the shook her head "No.. don't be quiet. I'm always here if you need to vent, you know that." She was the type of owner who wanted to get to know all of her costumers “So aside from this day sucking, what else has been new with you? Anything interesting?” 
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Sitting down at the first table she saw in the cafe with available chairs, Ember sighed before taking a long sip of her drink. “Do you ever wonder if maybe people just.. y’know, all get together one night and decide ‘hey, I’m going to be an asshole tomorrow for absolutely no reason’? I.. I’m pretty sure they do, because today has been full of grumpy, grumpy people, they.. they definitely had an asshole meeting last night, and everyone was invited except me, apparently. I hate this day,” she rambled quickly, looking up to the other person. “Sorry. Ignore me. Go back to your drink, I can be quiet, I promise.”
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