You know that thing where you try hard, so very hard, to make it to somewhere or something important (like work, study) on time, and maybe you get there and maybe you fail to, and anyway you're by then so freakin' exhausted from the effort and your brain-body starts simply opting out from going on...?
Yeah. That.
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question about the myth of the ‘neurotypical’ post. is it saying that we need refine our definition of neurotypical? or that neurotypical people don’t exist? or something else entirely? just asking for clarity!
In my mind, the question is never really "does [social construct] exist", it's "is this concept helpful for understanding the world, explaining why things are the way they are, and predicting what will happen in the future?"
and the post's argument is that the concept of the neurotypical is not helpful for understanding problems like ableism, wealth inequality, and other oppressions. The claim that some people (most people even?) have the currently socially ideal type of brain really adds nothing useful to conversations about mental health struggles and how many of us are incapable of functioning happily or healthfully in the capitalist world.
It's far simpler to conclude that society imposes a set of behavioral and psychological norms on the population, and then punishes anybody who openly violates them. That understanding of the world doesn't require that we believe that actually a lot of people love those norms and just magically happen to fit into them just right, actually.
Neurotypical, in my view, and the OP's view, is a social ideal and standard, in some ways like "whiteness" -- no one fully lives up to the ideal, but certain people are privileged for aspiring to it and doing all that they can to try and align with it and everybody else is destroyed by it and dehumanized by it. The same thing might be said for straightness and cisness, and in fact I would make that claim.
Ultimately, I think believing that the majority of people are just naturally neurotypical does way more harm than good for our movement. It's breathtakingly clear that neuro-normative standards harm everyone, restrict everyone.
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#likeacutewiddlesausagedawg #butitsafish
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In a piece that’s very much giving stop buying avocado toast, Buzzfeed asks a financial planner for advice on how to get out of debt when you have ADHD.
Debt is framed simply as a result of “impulse spending”, and capital management expert Daniel DeWitt’s tips include things we’ve all been told a thousand times, like not using credit cards, cancelling subscriptions, and cutting back on that pesky expense, food.
It’s a classic American message of personal responsibility filtered through a diagnostic lens, the solution to economic hardship presented as learning better “self-management” skills to generate more wealth. I can’t help but think about the idea of false consciousness here — those structures or ideas that hide the real nature of a capitalist economy.
In this case, it’s the idea that a brain disorder is the cause of your money problems. The DSM is being used to obscure the real cause of economic hardship: exploitation.
Svend Brinkman has described diagnoses as “anchors” in a modern world that is constantly shifting and accelerating. They can be a kind of answer (see: the rock bottom to “it finally all makes sense!” trope in diagnosis stories), but they can also take all the politics out of our pain.
A biomedical view of ADHD explains economic hardship with a detached neurological lens that seems to exist somewhere outside of history. But debt isn’t caused by Bad With Money Disorder — it’s a tool of class warfare, and ADHD or not, we’re all being targeted.
yet another absolute banger by Jesse Meadows. Check it out.
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#you can loop it if you want #safe #cosy #soothing #carwash
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Guy who’s only seen beauty in the mundane looking at any object: getting a lot of beauty and wonder vibes from this…
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This came to me in the shower this morning, does anyone know it? Or something quite similar? Or did I make it up...? I feel like (it's) not (mine), but the context (I think) was being a non-binary parent in a metaphorical sea of, well, mothers and fathers. "If you are Earth Mother And you, Sky Father Then I am Ocean: vast, abundant... prone to high tides, and swallowing men whole..." The next bit goes something like: Capable of absorbing, unseen and largely unsung... a lot of ppl's shit. I had a really late night. 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpvv5F0P0ZRSlHQE73sAuiXwWWjNMe30I4OnlE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Oof. I gotta get this out. I am sitting in my car, in an underground carpark, crying, and sending words of comfort to strangers online... when really, I need some of that, I think. Vale Cuda. Honestly, I feel gutted out. Some folks will find this/me ludicrous, I'm sure. This doggo came into our lives just over one month ago. And now he is gone. Deemed unsuitable for re-homing, and euthanased. As noted, he was very dog-aggressive, and ultimately attacked a friend's dog (now on the mend, thank goodness). Back at the shelter, he did not pass his subsequent behavioural assessment. Now, I KNOW we were very lucky and things could have gone far, far worse, and I feel highly chastened by that. But this dog, man... for somewho who feels - is - misunderstood by others on the regular, and is as a result isolated and lacking, well, a lot of the comforts of close friends, family and community... he brought me a lot of comfort in that short time he was with us. I don't know what happened in his life that made him the way he was. But I could definitely empathise with him. He just wanted his people. His cuddles. A comfy sofa to lie like a graceless goofball on. I miss him. I feel like I failed him, big time. 😥 How do I explain to Jovy that this is ultimately what happens if you make a mistake, or can't control your impulses... and your humans... your grown-ups... your community can't support you in the ways you need? How, if you can't conform to how society needs you to be, you can be "disappeared"... how, were I not human, I might be disappeared for these reasons, too (and I'm well aware that this literally happens to humans in some places). This hurts, man! 💔 (at The World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnnreiPSKfjB9o4dQBCXjUAK-vCvBJJu8X6Jo40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Jesus. Popping up like that old gas-lighting ex you can never seem to finally be rid of. "But, but... I've chaaanged! It'll be different this time, I praaahmise..." #noom #dietculture #pfft https://www.instagram.com/p/CniOxFuyyCVLxCs7HfhBVMUZAXZKkyKhTI4Srs0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Wau. Beautiful Jupiter. Repost from @insidehistory #Jupiter #Juno #NASA #insidehistory https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm9dEnoNKe9/?igshid=OGQ2MjdiOTE= https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm_RMzKycaomxdp65sQuNZa3Of9ASFQ6lhFWww0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I really did LOL at this one. But also... really tempted to DM. 😛 How did she know my kid is well into model trains though?? That stuff is 🤑 💲💰💲💰💲💰💲💰💲💰💲💰💲 #forex #forexguru #modeltrains #sugarbae https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm-YAbJy9TiCHhFU_BWG8xyYI5-U_5HA1jzP1k0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Important PSA, news just to hand: "The movie "Zardoz" takes place in 2023, so get ready for everyone to start dressing like this" (I sacrificed the caption to save the thigh-high boots... #priorities) uh... please? 😁 (at Darwin, Northern Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm5MTpVShVinio78P2Finz41_nz2tbjcLAee6o0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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NYE 2018/19. 😯 #belleh (at Darwin, Northern Territory) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm0xy6bSPzoRM1loL4Vi8bQRojJL9Sgr5TlzTo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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San Diego State University, what gives...? 😂 UofA student union, what gives...? Your late '90s alum is asking... 😝 (btw this would be an awesome dry season fundraiser for the CDU student union... imo) Shared by @godisapowerbottom https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmzW6V9qS-K/?igshid=OGQ2MjdiOTE= (at University of Adelaide) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm0LJqASMpyU28pn12zYvCKdU6FvxHm8oeRifA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Oooch, BURN!! 😂
#tertiaryed #cryptocurrency #scams
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