nonbinary-support · 8 hours
I got fired and have been unemployed almost a month and don’t get paid til the 21st at my new job.
need help with bills & getting my meds. please share & help if you can thank you! it means a lot! i just need $338 now! i’m sorry to keep asking this is just really urgent my other posts were going nowhere & my funds are just dwindling! thank you all so much! and a special thank you to all who’ve helped and or spread this! 💙
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nonbinary-support · 14 hours
Urgent food help 6/06/24
if u see this, we need $78/$$$ of any amoun for 2 kids 5 disabled adults, four whom are gay. we desperately need help for food for rest of the week and next week, kids can go through a box of Ramen in 2 days at the slowest and one if unsupervised. Mom needs healthy food & Derek needs diabetic friendly food. My sister h terrible mouth pain so she needs easy to eat food. We aren' allowed access to the fridge.
Next thing that costs us much, uber/lyft, a ride to Walmart costs us 11 typically, then factor in tipping and no public transportation either.
Just, more than anything we need food help, I worry about the kids growing up like me, always scared of not having a next meal. I'm not asking anyone to donate or share, just that if you want to d*nate, be it any amount is more than I had before, or to reblog, to help in anyway you can.
p3ypal c3sh app v3nmo k0fi
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Hi it's Deej, black, nonbinary, disabled.
Things are looking up for me but I have some worries about how much I'm about to be doing to my body in my current state. My nutrition has been poor this year. My sleep has been poor. And now I'm at a full time management job I'm walking to.
I have a small list of needs that may help me keep this job for the month without pay. (I get my first check the 28th)
It's an hour walk back and forth from work every day and I'm also currently sleeping on the floor of my room. The air mattress I had gave out last month. I understand some people do it but I have hard core insomnia and restless leg. This is ruining my sleep and also fucking with my back and I just idk. Want this to be manageable instead of hell. I have pretty much not bout shoes in about 3 years so I'm wearing everything down to the sole.
Asking for 100 for an air mattress and like a pair of decent insoles and some sleeping meds. I probably won't able to buy a real bed for a while still. Still no insurance. I don't have anyone else.
Here's a link to my website for free poetry. It's all I have to offer but also there is alot.
Kofi link
Cash is forwardalways21
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nonbinary-support · 2 days
I'm very worried about money
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nonbinary-support · 2 days
help keeping it together vol. 1
long story short, my big sister and her three girls are staying w me in my studio until they can get somewhere else together
my sister is unemployed
i am poorly employed
we could rly use help with gas (sister drives) for school and errands food and laundry money im also a little short on rent this month(grace period is until June 5th)
any help would be appreciated no set goal just need some support for family and me rn
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401 notes · View notes
nonbinary-support · 2 days
help keeping it together vol. 1
long story short, my big sister and her three girls are staying w me in my studio until they can get somewhere else together
my sister is unemployed
i am poorly employed
we could rly use help with gas (sister drives) for school and errands food and laundry money im also a little short on rent this month(grace period is until June 5th)
any help would be appreciated no set goal just need some support for family and me rn
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401 notes · View notes
nonbinary-support · 2 days
help keeping it together vol. 1
long story short, my big sister and her three girls are staying w me in my studio until they can get somewhere else together
my sister is unemployed
i am poorly employed
we could rly use help with gas (sister drives) for school and errands food and laundry money im also a little short on rent this month(grace period is until June 5th)
any help would be appreciated no set goal just need some support for family and me rn
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nonbinary-support · 3 days
no trans boy mutual don't rb the transandrophobia post
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nonbinary-support · 3 days
i already have a post going on but nothings coming up
our fridge is empty i been sick these past few days bc. i eat poorly not on time and somedays not at all
my wife was fired and wont get last paid in month and i was fired too so we dont havr any income i know things are tough for many of us but i would apreciatea if people reblog this we are a disabled couple from latinamerica i am a brown nonbinary lesbian and she is a black bisexual woman and we are both struggling to keep hopes up we are severely mentally ill and we really need help
i put up other goals but almost never met at all
im hopein to gather 200 from this so we can buy food a d groceris
ppal is this
kofi is this
dont tag as anything pls boost!!!!!!!!!!!
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nonbinary-support · 3 days
hey @humans, do you intend to ever get to the rape threats ive reported to you or are you doing a transmisogyny themed pride month this year?
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nonbinary-support · 3 days
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nonbinary-support · 3 days
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happy pride 🎉🎉🎉🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ im a Black, nonbinary lesbian struggling financially and with my health, pls donate c4$h4pp v3nm0 p4yp4l so i can buy some groceries to last me until i get paid at the end of the week. i’d really appreciate anything, so if you can pls donate or share <3 thanks
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nonbinary-support · 3 days
I love trans people so much
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nonbinary-support · 3 days
Dear kind and caring people!
I have good news and bad news for you.
I am grateful and deeply thankful that some of my family members who need urgent medical care made it out of Gaza before the situation in Rafah gets complex.
Hopefully we will start their medication and the necessary surgeries for them.
You saved some of my family members.
Remember even if you only payed 1 $ you were part of this noble saving for innocent souls.
My brother (Yahya), his wife (Wafa) and their daughter aged one year (Najat) are safe now because of your help.
For Yahya's eyes condition we still need your support whether by donating or sharing the campaign so he can get the medical care required. That were the good news.
The bad news is what you hear and see live on TV.
I am sad to tell you that Israel army invaded Rafah now. My other family members were displaced for 7th time!
I am sad that the innocent kids have to deal with all this horror by the frequent bombing around them.
PLEASE! Don’t stop sharing my campaign. You can be real part in saving innocent souls. Donate, share and talk about us.
The situation in Rafa is really hard and heartbreaking.
All I can do now is praying for my family who is still in Gaza.
And for others who made it out days ago; they need your support financially to cover their medication care and living expense.
Here are two pictures for Yahya and his daughter Najat who has a beautiful name meaning (Survival). These pictures were taken after they left Gaza days ago.
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nonbinary-support · 3 days
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Today, we honor and remember #BreonnaTaylor, whose life was tragically cut short. On what would have been her birthday, we celebrate her memory and continue to seek justice in her name. Breonna's spirit remains a beacon of strength and resilience.
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nonbinary-support · 3 days
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16K notes · View notes
nonbinary-support · 3 days
help keeping it together vol. 1
long story short, my big sister and her three girls are staying w me in my studio until they can get somewhere else together
my sister is unemployed
i am poorly employed
we could rly use help with gas (sister drives) for school and errands food and laundry money im also a little short on rent this month(grace period is until June 5th)
any help would be appreciated no set goal just need some support for family and me rn
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401 notes · View notes