nogarett · 6 years
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no one is underage in this au
went through many names for her but @reversecastle helped and gave this wonderful suggestion
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nogarett · 6 years
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the soft edgy boy, takeshi! as a young teen and as a grown ass adult, still wearing them creepers and skeleton hands
- if you like my art please consider supporting me on patreon or ko-fi !
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nogarett · 6 years
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I was totallt gonna post an actual picture from this shoot but lets face it, this is better #bts #behindthescene #backstage #crew #waybackwednesday #squadra #закулисами
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nogarett · 6 years
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I’m sorry the last part was so long ago, but hey! here’s one of the main boissssss
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nogarett · 6 years
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he may act like he’s punk rock but he’s just a mellow lawful boy
dima is a much bigger rebel than he’ll ever be
- if you like my art please consider supporting me on patreon or ko-fi
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nogarett · 6 years
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remember that one time i had a dream my shepard was russian and had a sister who’s a dancer and they had similar sounding names and then i changed the entire story i had in mind for her?
also apparently today is shepards birthday and i didnt realize it wow
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nogarett · 6 years
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don’t give him the responsability talk
all he wants to do is get high on the beach
- if you like my art, please consider supporting me on patreon or ko-fi!
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nogarett · 6 years
when you really want to draw but your brain wont let you get out of bed
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nogarett · 6 years
did someone order gold saints drag queen headcanons?
aries mu: first of all this bitch can READ. she’ll read you, your parents, your dead grandma, your third cousin twice removed, your unborn children. if it breathes, she reads. she looks like the sweetest most harmless person in the world, but she’ll roast your shady ass at any given time without missing a beat. her library is open 24/7. REALLY good at sewing. has a strong drag family that she cares a lot about and its the only thing that gets to her.
taurus aldebaran: the actual sweetest most harmless person in the world. she’ll lend you a wig and give you advice at 3am. ridiculously funny, almost always in a good mood. she’s kind of mu’s opposite in the sense that she looks intimidating because she’s big and loud, but she’s really sweet. great cook, will often bring homemade snacks for everyone. probably the only one who never secretly wanted to punch mu. learned to laugh at herself
gemini saga: SHADY.  she can be very kind, but she can be very...  competitive. her looks are always flawless and creative and she’s very critical of herself. started doing drag to help with her confidence and it kind of worked but she often loses herself in her drag persona. cries a lot.  has an actual personality disorder. she says she knows she’s hot and everybody wants her, but she doesn’t actually believe it (its true tho).
cancer deathmask: hates everybody, only hangs out with her clique of equally asocial queens (shura and dite). actually very intelligent and opinionated. has a weird sense of humor, only dite ever laughs at her jokes (and its only 40% out of pity). sarcastic little shit. severe depression and drinking problems. needs a hug. wont say it out loud but she definitely doesnt think she deserves to be in the competition.
leo aiolia: a literal baby. youngest queen in the group. very naive and easily manipulated. gets read on an hourly basis. very proud, gets flustered and grumpy when she realizes she’s being read. which isnt often cause she’s pretty dense. can’t flirt to save her life. her older sibling is her drag mother and her biggest source of motivation. speedy queen, can sew at the speed of light. strong sense of justice. just got out of her emo phase
virgo shaka: sassy bitch, always has an answer ready. the only one who can hold her ground against mu. very religious. her fake eyelashes are too heavy and she cant open her eyes. who needs eyes with lashes like those. keeps trying to flirt with aiolia but it doesnt work. has no mercy, not even her drag children are safe from her sass. in fact, she’s very strict with them. has this holier than thou aura and a confidence that can only be described as godly.
libra dohko: everyone wants to know her plastic surgeon’s name cause at her age she should look like a raisin. gives moral lessons all the time. they sort of make sense but we’re all pretty sure she makes shit up on the spot. oldschool. full of tattoos. likes to go to the gym and eat healthy food. is probably fucking a judge. shortest queen. keeps talking about how things were different “in her day”
scorpio milo: the longest nails, always perfectly manicured. everyone’s afraid she’ll poke someone’s heart out someday. great dancer, flexible and a major show off. loves to remind everyone she can do the splits all the time. low tolerance for traitors, will make sure no one is cheating. started doing drag when she was literally 8 and would wear her mom’s heels and put on a show. is a drag mother to a bunch of drag kings.  has an amazing butt
sagittarius aiolos: ray of sunshine, is everyone’s main bet to win. the pope is rooting for her. we’re all rooting for her. soft and kind, cares too much about everyone. is very proud of her younger sibling, and of her spouse. will gush about them all the time. kinda well known in the drag scene. always in a good mood, has a great sense of humor, charming. over all perfect human being. never saw it coming. 
capricorn shura: major case of resting bitch face. got into drag because of dite and deathmask. turned out to be the most polished queen of the trio. perfectionist. has a huge celebrity crush on saga and aiolos. is terrible at hiding it. takes everything seriously. other queens think she’s too serious but she’s just autistic and probably didn’t get the joke. fashion queen.
aquarius camus: huge nerd, usually quiet but won’t shut up about her special interests. never changes her expression. has too many feelings and no idea how to handle them. cries a lot. one day her crush said her eyebrows were cute so she made sure her drag make up followed the shape. also autistic. has two drag children who will probably best her some day. is probably rich since she flies back and forth to visit them. a dumbass. 
pisces aphrodite: the fishiest queen. narcissistic. doesnt care about anyone. secretly cares a lot for her two friends. knows she’s gorgeous and relies on beauty often. hates having to do any effort. turned her station into a little garden with flower pots. says its because she likes her face framed by roses. baby talks to them when she thinks no one’s looking. likes to be adored. all she ever wanted was the world.
general headcanons: they never use their own hair. putting on wigs is a long difficult process. many bobbypins were harmed in the making of this series. i will probably use manga hair colors out of drag and anime hair colors in drag, with some exceptions (aldebaran has short hair, and he and the twins have dark hair. i refuse to make any of them blonde. i’m still thinking about deathmask and mu but they’ll likely not be blonde). i have many otps but the only actual couple included is saga and aiolos for plot reasons. 
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nogarett · 6 years
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- his majesty seadragon probably
srsly tho saint seiya online is such an absurd game, i need friends to play with me cause ihave no idea what im doing all of the time
also its a masterpiece
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nogarett · 6 years
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100% accurate depiction of That Scene from curiosity and charm by @cephalonsuda
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nogarett · 6 years
please let us know of your headcanons for gold saint drag queens. please, i need it like air.
well you didn’t hear it from me, but i’ve heard there was a lot of drama in the house of gemini because only one of the twins was picked for season four and the other was very displeased.
see i don’t know the details but the exact words out of her mouth were “girl i’m gonna be on the show if i have to wake up a sleeping god, don’t you try me”, but who knows with those two, they are such drama queens 
well, only one twin was picked but we do have sisters that season. i don’t think the oldest one is going very far tho.
and did you watch that one swedish queen’s audition tape? fishy! bet she’ll just swim through the competition.
imo people should watch out for that blonde bitch with the nail, apparently she’s been on heels since she was eight.
i should stop here or people will think we’re gossiping and we don’t do that here
(( no but real talk, there are so many gold saints i could spend days just on drag queen head canons!! i can say for sure that the classic bois are gonna be season four im skipping season one of real life drag race fyi and i do plan on doing lost canvas, next dimension, and omega gold saints…… and….. every other class of saints help!!!! my plan was to do it season by season, but that would take a really long time to get to the 12 temples so fuck it, i’ll change my plans
still, i’ll make a post just with my headcanons later this week, do not worry anon! meanwhile, is there anything in particular you wanna know? ))
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nogarett · 6 years
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lioness ban? lioness ban.
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nogarett · 6 years
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im so (not) sorry 
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nogarett · 6 years
The girls of Saint Seiya as drag king ;) please. You Nailed the guys. I am getting excited too much. ❤️❤️❤️ sending my love to your masterpiece!!
oh my god yes absolutely
thank you, that is so sweet! 
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nogarett · 6 years
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i refuse to give them eyebrows even as drag queens
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nogarett · 6 years
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a purple boy
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