girls we rot, but then the sun comes out and the moss clears away & it turns out the whole time we were growing new bodies hidden under the hushed tones of the winter nights and what we thought was ash was just a cloak. we rise, rotting girls, we rise. but now we smell like jasmine and the bones don’t feel like anchors and this world doesn’t taste like the bottom of the sea.
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had a photoshoot with a small vintage powder container and a couple of the cats around my neighborhood :)
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A book of Nature Myths by Florence Holbrook
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Gentle Witchcraft
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Just a collection of witchy things that give off a gentle, loving energy without being focused on self love or romantic love specifically <3
It’s the little things:
Gentle little witch things to do
Witchy blessings
I AM… spells
Witch’s morning routine
Glow like the moon
Shine like the sun
To radiate a loving aura
To attract kindness
Soft shores bath spell
Quartz wellness bath
Here comes the sun
My love soothes you pet spell
Dandelion wish spell
Restful sleep and sweet dreams
Rose water spells
Room healing spell
Ease the pain
Tarot spreads:
Good morning!
Reduce anxiety 
The new you
Let go and grow
Shimmer and shine
Radical softness
To promote peaceful feelings
Inner peace
I will make it through this
I am comfortable in my own skin
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pagans with aphrodite as their deity: self care is so important 🥺 please take care of yourselves today!! drink some water, put on a face mask
pagans with dionysus as their deity: i just set a Dorito on fire and fucking ate it and i was applauded by a god
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Greek Mythology art by IrenHorrors!
Nyx, Hecate, Selene, Artemis, Melinoe, Hades and Persephone, Athena, Aphrodite, Thanatos.
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Enheduanna is the world’s earliest known author. A woman who wielded incredible power and authority, her legacy has stretched over time longer than she likely ever anticipated.
BASIC BIO: (c. 2300 BC) Enheduanna was the daughter of King Sargon of Akkad, and appointed by him to be the high priestess of the goddess Inanna and god Nanna in the Sumerian city of Ur. This politically-motivated move (he knew she’d be good for unity in the kingdom) exposed Enheduanna to great power, and she was essentially responsible for Sumer’s entire spiritual system. In her capacity as priestess, she composed a number of poems and hymns, not only in devotion to her gods, but also in reference to herself. She is, to date, the first example of an artist who signed her work.
HER IMPACT: Enheduanna continues to be celebrated around the world for not only her writings, but for the social and political significance of her role as high priestess. Her writings are available to read online, and offer an interesting insight into the education and literacy of women in Sumerian culture. Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos series dedicates some time to her, and she is the subject of many modern feminist debates. Perhaps my favorite thing about Enheduanna is that what we know about her is informed largely by what she wrote about herself - it’s not the most unbiased portrait, but I love that she herself was allowed to create it.
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The soft creaking of the little cottage tucked away deep in the forest. The smell of pine and fresh air, away from the smog and chemicals in the city. Bare feet on the moist dirt underneath you. Little mushrooms growing near the moss. Let the forest speak to you and you'll hear all that you need.
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Moon Oil
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🌙 to borrow the essence of the Moon. Can be used according to the properties of the Moon (emotions, rest, deep thoughts, psychic abilities, divination, etc.)
• ingredients:
-lavender (rest, peace, dreams)
-bay leaf (divination, protection)
-chamomile (rest, soft emotions)
-jasmine (attraction, deep emotions)
-a pinch of sea salt (the ocean, protection)
-anise seed (psychic abilities)
-selenite (dust/shavings is enough; cleansing, moonlight)
-silver glitter (optional; moonlight)
-petal of a white or purple flower (optional
•grapeseed oil is best for this but any oil can work just fine
•charge in the light of the full moon
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Sun Oil
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🌞 to borrow the essence of the Sun. Can be used according to the associations of the Sun (energy, luck, happiness, warmth, luck, etc.)
• ingredients:
-saffron (wealth, warmth)
-bay leaf (cleansing, wards negativity)
-lemon and/or orange zest (energy, cleansing)
-lemon and/or orange seed (attract the Sun's energy)
-red pepper flakes (energy, heat)
-citrine (sunshine, joy, luck)
-red carnelian (Sun energy, physicality)
-glitter (optional; sunshine)
-petals of any yellow, orange, or red flower (optional)
• sunflower oil is best for this but you can use any oil you like!
• leave to charge in sunlight for a day
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Anti-Depression Self Love Candle Recipe🌱🌷💓✨🍃🌙💐
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ok luvlies here is my Anti-Depression Self Love Candle recipe for all my fellow mentally ill witches on my blog💗
Things you need (all precharged and cleansed where needed)
a white or pink (love) candlestick
blue dripping wax (health and healing)
black dripping wax (protection)
dried eucalyptus leaves (healing)
dried rose petals (self love)
4 cloves (healing and naturally painkilling)
salt (protection and purifying)
coffee grounds (magic amplifying)
rose eo (self love)
eucalyptus eo (healing)
left over herbs and two sprigs of fresh eucalyptus
a small basin to hold the candle
(i know this seems like a lot of ingredients but u can tailor this to what you have and need)
throw the dried eucalyptus leaves, rose petals, cloves, salt, and coffee in a motar and powder them as fine as you can with a pestle. focus on the intention behind each ingredient as you do this, what will these herbs help you with? (i guess you can also food process these? but since i don’t have a food processor i did this by hand and this step took me a little while lol)
leave your powdered herb mix to the side, if you want to draw sigils on your candlestick, now is the time to do so. i used my ‘i am loving’ sigil on mine.
now annoint your precleansed candle with the eucalyptus and rose essential oils. i used 2 drops of eucalyptus and 4 of rose because the eucalyptus is such a strong scent i didn’t want the rose to be overpowered. you want the candle super oily so your herbs will stick to it’s sides.
over some parchment or newspaper, begin pressing your powders onto your anointed candle. if some falls off that’s ok, you can sprinkle it over the candle when the candles almost finished and your not handling it so much.
melt the wax on the base of your candle using a lighter or match and, working quickly, press the candle to your basin to secure it. doing this now instead of as the last step makes it so much easier to drip the wax over your candles without rubbing off the herbs.
now it’s time to drip the wax over your candle, just do this until you feel satisfied that you can see the colour and it looks cute.
after you’ve finished step 6 the candle itself is finished! just fill the basin with leftover herbs and herb powder. i threw some salt and rose buds on top of mine too.
stick the eucalyptus sprigs in the herb bath and you’re completely done!
to finish i just lit mine and left it near my windowsill to charge under the sunlight with two rose quartz and a tree agate.
i hope you guys are feeling better soon and if you like these posts lmk and i’ll make more!
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🌄Morning Witchcraft☀️: how to connect to the elements
These are some of my tips for connecting to the elements in the morning before school, work, busy days, or just a day at home. It’s also handy for witches like me who prefer to work in the morning and daytime 🌞
💨wake up at dawn if you can (dawn is the time that correspondes with air)
💨pick a perfume that correspondes with your intent for the rest of the day
💨listen to some music to set intent for the day and energize yourself
💨get some fresh air and let the crisp morning air invigorate and center you
💨light incense that correspondences with your intent of the day
💨enjoy the morning bird chirping
💨do a daily divination reading to get a feel for what to expect for the rest of the day
💨incorporate almonds, honey, strong scented herbs like dill, or eggs in your breakfast
💧have a cup of tea or some water when you wake up
💧take a shower or bath and let it cleanse you
💧take a morning swim if you can
💧moisturize with lotion that correspondes with your intent for the day
💧make a water bottle of infused water (with the herbs/fruits of your intent) to carry around and keep you hydrated for the day
💧collect morning dew
💧pick a seashell that correspondes with your intent for the day to carry around with you
💧sing! (to connect to mermaids and warm up your voice for the day)
💧incorporate apples, berries, salt, fish, or avocado in your breakfast
🌿take a walk or jog
🌿do some yoga
🌿pick a crystal that correspondes with your intent for the day to carry with you
🌿ground yourself
🌿take care of your plants (water them, talk to them, etc.)
🌿do a prosperity spell for the day
🌿spend time with your pets
🌿use plant based products or make your own if you can (like shampoo, soap, makeup, etc.)
🌿incorporate nuts, beans, roots (like ginger), and greens (like spinach and kale) in your breakfast
🕯light a candle to set your intent for the day
🕯enjoy the morning sunshine, feel it’s warmth
🕯do some makeup or fashion magic when you’re getting ready
🕯meditate with the Sun
🕯take vitamins and/or medications
🕯stay warm with hot teas, hot showers, blankets, etc. (the morning can be a bit chilly)
🕯use the sunshine as a positivity and happiness spell and let it charge you for the day
🕯carry a tealight with you (you never know when you’ll need one)
🕯incorporate citrus and spices (like cinnamon, peppers, etc) into your breakfast
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A Crash Course on Channeling
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What is Channeling?
Channeling is allowing a nonphysical entity to use your physical body, in order to accomplish something. If that sounds, vague, it’s because it is. Channeling takes many different forms and intensity levels! Depending on how it’s done, it can be a medium-difficulty task or one of the most advanced things a spirit worker can do. 
Types of Channeling
I once heard channeling described as a car ride, and in my experience that’s very accurate. The car is your body, and you’re in it with an entity. Sometimes you’re in the driver’s seat, and the entity is in the back seat giving directions. Sometimes you or the entity is in the passenger’s seat: not calling most of the shots, but able to reach over and grab the wheel if needed. Sometimes you’re in the backseat watching the entity drive, and sometimes you’re in the trunk. In practice, this can take a number of forms.
Speaking on Behalf. This is the kind of channeling people do most often. The entity isn’t controlling you, just feeding you lines which you can then relay to a third party. You’re translating their messages to something other people can comprehend. If you’ve ever answered a question for a spirit in their words, you’ve done this. 
Isolated Channeling. The entity takes control of just a part of the body, usually the hands or fingers. This is mostly used for things like automatic writing.
Assuming Form. Also known as consensual possession. The entity is in the driver’s seat, speaking and acting for themselves without your help. Some people will call this “horsing.”
Possession. While the word “possession” could technically cover all of this, within the spirit work community it’s usually reserved for channeling where the human did not consent beforehand. This doesn’t necessarily mean in a violating way- I once had a friend who got possessed just long enough for an entity to yank them out of danger; once I was taken for just a moment to convey a quick (but very direct) message to a devotee, and snapped out of it right after. 
Reasons to Channel
Everyone will have a different reason to channel but most of them fall under a few categories:
Helping Someone Else. You’re channeling on behalf of someone who can’t [easily] reach the entity themselves, in order to ease communication between the two parties. This is often seen with mediums contacting spirit guides and Ancestors.
Aid in Other Works. The entity is better suited to accomplish a certain task than you, so you let them take the lead. This is often seen with a familiar or spirit companion, someone the practitioner works with closely enough to know their strengths and trust them. 
Easier Communication Overall. Channeling is a way to get really familiar with an entity’s energy. Again, we often see this with spirit companions and is more to bond than to achieve another goal.  This would include automatic writing or letting a spirit experience things “through” you. 
Ritual Invitation. In some traditions, it’s common to invite deities to ritual events. Often, some type of channeling/possession is expected and is usually reached through ecstatic experiences. It’s taken as a sign the deity has arrived at the party, either a sign the offerings have been received or a time for the deity to convey important messages. 
Before-You-Begin Essentials
Know How To Protect Yourself. This is non-negotiable. Is your discernment tuned enough to spot an impostor or malevolent entity? Do you know how to end a session early? Do you know how to banish a spirit in an emergency? If the answer is no, then study up and return to channeling when you’re ready. 
Know Your Entity. Channeling, by nature, puts the practitioner in an intimate and vulnerable place, so you don’t want to give that access to an entity who may misuse it. If it’s your first time channeling, make sure you trust this entity with your life. 
Don’t Channel Alone. When you channel, you’re in an altered state of consciousness. Having someone grounded near you helps keep the session on track and keep you out of trouble should you need it. (Either by forcing an entity out if needed or just keeping you from climbing that tree.) 
Other Notes
It’ll Probably Take a Lot Out of You. Have something ready to ground and rehydrate yourself after a session, and make sure you don’t have anything high-demand planned after. 
Start Small. No need to jump head-first into the most advancecd and high-intensity types of channeling! Start with automatic writing or painting and get used to the feeling and work your way up.
Don’t Make It Weird. Basic etiquette still matters. Channeling is not a pass to give unsolicited messages to other practitioners, speak on behalf of their deities to them (unless they’ve specifically asked), or say hurtful things cushioned by: “What? It wasn’t me who said it.”
Messages Are Rarely “Pure.” This means everything is still filtered through you, the practitioner. Your values, morals, biases, and beliefs can inform what messages get through and how they are conveyed. Nobody wants to send out a message they disagree with, after all. This becomes less of an influencing factor with experience as one learns to hone their skill and let go more, but it’s important to always keep in mind. (If a channeling friend says a deity doesn’t accept your gender identity or something, that’s a good sign that really your “friend” doesn’t accept it.) 
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