njavj · 2 months
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the smilerrr
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njavj · 2 months
Can you tell me more about mavka and what her deal is? She reminds me of Scandinavian huldra from thr little I've heard and I'd love to learn more about her!:D
hello friend. a mavka, navka or nyavka is an undead forest spirit, one of type which ukrainians call the covered dead (заложні мерці) — spirits of people that died of unclean, improper death, and therefore couldn't finish the transition and weren't allowed to the orherworld. the name covered undead comes from the fact that in old times they weren't properly buried, and were left in forests covered by leaves and twigs.
generally mavky are envisioned as beautiful girls, although in some regions there are beliefs about male mavky (sometimes called didky). mavka looks perfectly human except for the fact that their backs lack skin and muscle, exposing their innards and spine. they aren't malicious, but are obliviously playful and can hurt people during their plays — tickle or dance you to death, drown, ward you off your tray. in some western regions it's also believed that time goes faster when encountering them — what is felt like several hours could actually be several hundred years.
navky live in forests and mountain caves, and they like to dance, weave, play and prank wanderers, especially young men. to ward off mavky valeriana, garlic and wormwood are used, as well as wearing your shirt inside out. like most undead spirits in ukrainian mythology, navky are most active during the green festival/rusalka week.
there is a ukrainian holiday called navsky velykden, or undead easter, celebrated at the first thursday after easter. in this day all mavky, rusalky, upyri and all the other unclean forces celebrate easter. at night during the holiday it was prohibited to visit churches, since celebrating undead could dismember you if spotted.
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njavj · 2 months
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one soul into one body
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njavj · 2 months
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njavj · 2 months
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njavj · 3 months
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njavj · 3 months
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njavj · 3 months
I will start thread about coolest Ukrainian women for international women day.
First, we will start with classics
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Queen Olha was a brilliant strategist and diplomat. She was also ruthless in revenge.
One day, tribe of drevlyany killed her husband, and sent a two delegations to attempt to marry the queen. Why two? First one was buried alive by Olha, and second one was locked out in sauna and burned.
Finally, she asked each household from city that killed her husband to give her three pigeons and two sparrows. Upon achieving birds, Olha tied burning twings to their feet and let them out. Birds returned home and set the houses they were nesting on on fire.
Olha was one of the first people to pick up christianity (for diplomatic purposes). According to legend, she tricked emperor Konstantyn to baptize her in order to avoid marrying him and preserving good relation with Byzantium.
Olha’s politics included regulation of taxation, construction of first stone buildings in all Kyiv Rus, and introduced first administrative units.
In addition to this, she successfully defended Kyiv in siege of 968 protecting it from Pechenegs.
She proceeded to advise her son once he became the king himself, and after passing Olha was canonized as a saint.
Absolute badass. Absolute girlboss.
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njavj · 3 months
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Price: starting from 20 Euros !
Colour (+5 eur)
Extra characters (+10 eur per character)
Will do:
Complicated poses and outfits
@maladroit_marrow on discord
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njavj · 3 months
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Line up,,,,
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njavj · 3 months
daily clicks for palestine
donate to feed refugees in rafah
spreadsheet of gofundmes to evacuate families
fundraiser for esims for gaza
orgs to donate to
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njavj · 4 months
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njavj · 5 months
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You couldn't pay me
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njavj · 6 months
one of the greatest tragedies in life is that you will always be loved more than you will ever know. someone in class finds your presence inviting and warm, even if you’ve only ever exchanged a few words with them—maybe none at all. someone on the street loves your smile and it gets them down the next few streets. someone you used to be friends with still wishes to fondly call your name. someone you used to be friends with five years ago would give anything to be in the same room as you today. someone who regularly comes into work is disappointed when you aren’t there to brighten their day. someone missed you today. someone noticed you were gone. someone loves you when you’re there; someone loves you when you’re nowhere to be found at all. you think you have always disappeared when you’re no longer in the picture, but you’ve never left the frame.
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njavj · 6 months
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Sisters from Poltava, early XXth century
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njavj · 6 months
Sorry I'm still incredibly overwhelmed thinking about the cannibalism thing. To think that dave k truly said that were the other still alive, bridgens and peglar respectively would resort to cannibalism in order to survive. For the other. They would survive only for the sake of the other still being alive. Eating people only because the other is still living and they cannot fucking live without each other I am going to fuckeigndndnhhshsh hdhhehshsskh <- brain blew up
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njavj · 6 months
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Things are happening on reddit
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