nite · 15 years
Say what? A blog?
Yes, I know. I have been lacking in the blog updates as of late. So here is a quick run down of what I've been up to in the last couple of months:
Joined a gym
Quit smoking
Eating Healthy(er)
Learning Python
Learning Django
I'll try and update this blog a little more of my activities, but twitter is where you'll find most of my updates.
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nite · 15 years
If you are using Mac OS X, and would like a great twitter client. Nambu is your answer. It has three different views:
Combined View
Sidebar View
Multi Column View
If you are a fan of TweetDeck, you'll love the Multi Column View.
Give it a try!
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nite · 15 years
So Many Ideas, So Little Time
I have so many ideas that I would like to implement into a website, but absolutely no time to actually start development. I have a little php modular framework system that I have been working on for some time, which I could use to help decrease development time, but not by enough.
Learning a whole new language like Ruby on Rails isn't an option, because I am a PHP fanboy. Plus from stories that I've read, Ruby on Rails doesn't like to scale that nicely.
I think I might just make a simple list and start development, and tick things off as I go.
Who knows, next time you see me on the interwebs, it might be on a whole new blogging engine that I have created myself, you'll have to wait and see!
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nite · 15 years
Cocoa Applications
So here is a list of applications that I am looking to develop, or have started developing:
TorrentFlux Interface
A simple frontend for my TorrentFlux installation on my server. I am sick of having to login each time just to check on the status of my downloads, so I am developing a simple Cocoa application that I can use to quickly check the status of each download.
TweetDeck like application
I love TweetDeck, but I don’t love how resource intensive it is (mainly memory), but that is mainly AIR’s fault. So I am thinking, if I put my mind to it, and ready a lot of Cocoa articles, I could get something with 10% of the functionality done realitily quickly.
Extremely Simple Bill Keep Application
As I share a house with both my beautiful girlfriend and my brother, I am in charge of taking care of all the bills. I am currently using a Google Spreadsheet to keep track of them all, who owe’s what, and what everyone has paid. I want to take all this functionality and put it into a simple server/client application. This will allow me to create an application that posts data to the server, and an application(s) for both my girlfriend and my brother to use, to view any outstanding bills that consern them.
The only one I have actually done any development for is the TorrentFlux interface. It’s coming along nicely, but I still have a lot of work to do (eg, starting/stop torrents, adding new torrents, etc).
Hopefully, when and if I get some free time, I can dedicate myself to some Cocoa development, and get these ideas coded.
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nite · 15 years
I have been some what slack with updating this website. I guess I have lost all energy to blog. Either that, or my life so busy at the moment, that I don't have the time to write anything.
So here is a quick update of what I have been upto:
Purchased a new car. (will post pictures soon)
Started riding my bike for at least an hour a day
Bought some house stuff (microwave, cordless phone, etc)
Jailbroke and unlocked my girlfriends new iPhone
Twittered way to much each and every day (must integrate into this site when I get some time)
Started learning Cocoa/Objective-C (lots of fun)
Not much on that list, but enough to keep me busy.
Until my next update, have fun and stay safe.
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nite · 15 years
New car?
If all goes well, I may be getting a new Car tomorrow. Here's hoping that I have inherited good haggling skills from my dad.
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nite · 16 years
New theme
Got kind of bored with the old theme.
Enjoy this new one!
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nite · 16 years
Anyone that has multiple macs, or an airport express must purchase this software. It's simply amazing.
I have almost get every room in my house streaming any audio coming from my macbook.
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nite · 16 years
Tumblr media
Say hello to my new Macbook.
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nite · 16 years
Macbook here I come
So, I have decided. I am going to get myself a new Macbook. Why? Because I was considering getting an (now old generation) Macbook Pro. Now that apple have refreshed the Macbook line, it looks like an attractive buy for me.
This will also enable me to give my current Macbook to my beautiful girlfriend, who is seeking a Mac (yes, I have corrupted her into the Apple Fan-boy(girl?)'ness).
Now it's just a matter of saving my little pennies to purchase this wonderful machine.
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nite · 16 years
Firefox Tab-Send Shortcut
I have been using the keyboard shortcuts in GMail for the longest time. I am so used to them that I find myself hardly ever using the mouse when sending or browsing my email. But for some reason, when using Firefox my Macbook, I could not simple press tab-enter to send an email when composing.
After a quick google search, I figured out the root of the problem. It turns out, a system wide keyboard shortcut was interfering with the tab key. To be able to revert this shortcut, goto System Preference -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> All Controls (last radio button).
This will bring back the ability for you to tab-send within GMail.
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nite · 16 years
New Macbooks or HDTV
I have recently come into some money (thank you Australian Government) and trying to think of things to spend it on (tech related ofcourse).
My two options are:
New Macbook (if all the rumours are true). This would enable me to give my current Macbook (which I am typing on now) to my beautiful girlfriend. She really wants a Mac, and I keep telling her if I get a new laptop, she can have this one.
New HDTV + Apple TV I've always wanted a 1080p flatscreen TV. The addition of an Apple TV would also let me watch all my downloaded content (which would replace my modded xbox XBMC).
I think for now, I will just keep the money in the bank and keep savings, until I am come up with a decision.
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nite · 16 years
I need faster internet
One of the drawn backs to living in Australia, is the crap internet service this country has. I have the fastest possible connection I can get in my area. If I were to move closer to the main city, I would have a much faster connect for half the price I am paying at the moment. I wouldn't mind so much about the speed, if only TWiT Live was watchable on my current connection.
Anyone that knows me, knows that I download a lot of IPTV/Podcasts, mainly from Revision3 and TWiT. I used to download each (and should still have copies of them on my NAS) of each TWiT video special. Leo stopped doing this in favour of a live streaming of his podcasts and radio shows. The downside to this, his live streaming is in such a high bitrate, that it is simply unwatchable on my current connection.
Randomly, I seem to be able to watch the stream fine, but most days, it's simply unwatchable. I was extremely glad that it work flawlessly when I stayed up to 2 am on the iPhone launch to listen to Leo and guests talk about the leaked audio stream as it was being streamed.
Well, that was my rant for tonight. I'll leave you with this... Australian ISP's, fix your stupid connection speeds and outragious prices!
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nite · 16 years
Could this be what EVERYONE has been hoping for? I really hope so!
Please Apple, don't restrict your development community.
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nite · 16 years
Hello World
Hello World, I have finally decided that I need a simple "blog" to share anything that might be on my mind, or find interesting. The problem is, I can never sit and write anything interesting for any length of time. So this is where tumblr comes in. I will post short updates, photos, links when I find something cool, interesting, etc. Until then, hit me up on twitter.
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