nishith-winchester · 2 years
“Oh I uh just wanted to go somewhere more quiet. Great hall is pretty loud.” Nish wasn’t used to being around large groups of people or having meals with so many where everyone was talking all at the same time. It could be a bit exhausting so he figured he would duck into a classroom with his plate and eat there. “I can help clean up though.” Nish took a bite of his sandwhich and started picking up the tea sets near him. “I’m Nish by the way, and you?”
Flitwick’s last class had just finished up, the professor trotting out after the students to rush off to lunch with the rest of them while Bell stayed behind, collecting the mismatched tea sets the previous class were using, but looked up when he heard someone enter the Charms room. “The Professor already went to lunch. You’ll have to come back another time to see him. Unless you’re here to help me clean up.”
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nishith-winchester · 2 years
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A boy caught between the afterlife and the living. Finding his dead parents is all he wants if only to say goodbye.
Name: Nishith Winchester (17) Birth: December 13th, 2002 in Toronto, Canada Nationality: Canadian, Indian Species: Muggleborn wizard Gender: Cis man Pronouns: He/Him Disciplines: Sees ghosts Faceclaim: Avan Jogia
Residence: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland Occupation: Student Affiliations: Gryffindor House Connections: TBD
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nishith-winchester · 3 years
“Most of them went here I think, there are a couple Triwizard Tournament players around, plus folk who died at the Battle of Hogwarts,” Freddy grabbed another bit of toast, lathering it with jam. “I’ve never really thought about it, ghosts come and go, they’ve even got parties around Halloween and Christmas. Our History of Magic professor is also a ghost, though we’re not sure he realizes it… nor how he actually grades our work actually.” She really ought to look into that.
“Oh a Gryffindor, exciting, House of the Brave and Daring. We’ve more than a few friends among the lions, good bunch they are,” Freddy bounced her leg a little, she could feel a headache coming on, oh fiddlesticks she really hoped it wasn’t a vision. “Do? We have all sorts of clubs, Quidditch of course, me and my friends study together and there are parties to go to. Hogsmeade of course. I personally spend alot of time in the Library and practicing spells with some of my friends.” Freddy leaned back tapping her feet on the stone floor. What else did they do for fun? Other than the usual messing with her Visions or going on hikes and other adventures outside of Hogwarts jurisdiction. “What do you like to do?”
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“A lot of death for a school…” Made him a bit uneasy really. No wonder there was so many ghosts everywhere. The walls had felt pained and now it made more sense. He would have never assumed a school for children would have such a morbid history. Then again sometimes the most haunted locations were the ones that were least expected. “I’ve never known if I should feel bad for those that don’t know they’re dead or have peace in the fact that they don’t have the painful memory of dying.”
“Well I wouldn’t consider myself excessively brave or daring but I do like the color red.” Nish could understand why they broke the students up into smaller groups but it also fet odd to have such a clear separation and based off of supposed personality traits. “Oh great you know your way around the library! Could you show me the way? With the way the stairs change I keep getting lost and give up.” Especially with how many ghosts there were he was even more hopeful that the library would have books to aid his research. “Honestly I’m not sure. I’ve never really settled down enough to figure out what I like to do…” Nish was having the sudden realization that outside of his work and studies he really didn’t have anything for himself. “Guess I should probably start finding a hobby or two.”
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nishith-winchester · 3 years
.Freddy looked over to the young man beside her, it was rare that she sat outside of Hufflepuff for breakfast but she’d wanted to ask Des to walk with her Defense. Besides it was nice to mingle outside her House at mealtimes, no reason to pretend the Houses were barriers, afterall most her friend group were quite diverse in the colors they wore. But there was a new boy at Hogwarts, in their year. Odd, not unheard of, but still odd.
“Dunno, at least since he died I suppose. They tried to chop off his head and he’s always trying to pull it right off, but we’ve lots of ghosts hanging about the halls and such. Some are really nice and will help you with your History of Magic essays or even with dueling stances!” Freddy put down her toast and tea turning to look at him. “I’m Freddy by the way, Freddy Ryland of Hufflepuff, I think we may have a class or two together. What’s your name again? I think I might’ve missed it sorry?” she offered a bright smile wiping her hands clean with a free towel. 
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“And judging by his clothes he died sometime in the early 1400s... Why hasn’t he moved on? I mean sure he looks happy but it must be hard on him.” To Nish,  surviving long after your loved ones seemed like a rough fate. He knew not everyone felt that way but he couldn’t quite understand it. “Guess the ghosts here just really like the students and life at Hogwarts.” Nish couldn’t relate. Sure it wasn’t the worst place to be but it certainly felt restricting. “I’m Nish and I’m in... Gryffindor,” he hesitated as he tried to remember the name. He really didn’t understand the difference. “Honestly I’m not even sure what my classes are. Still getting used to a real schedule.” He was more so used to reading and practicing in the back f the van while his parents drove to the next investigation. “So um what is there to do around here? Is it all just studying?”
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nishith-winchester · 3 years
( discipline )
My upbringing wasn’t necessarily the most normal but it was always an adventure. Maybe all of the freedom and fun has me ill-prepared for the real world but maybe I don’t care. I liked our life and I want it back. I could never see myself stuck in a boring office doing whatever menial job pays for a roof over my head. Give me the open road any day. I plan on finding my parents in the after life then getting the hell out of dodge.
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nishith-winchester · 3 years
childhood memories 
send me  ( humor )  for my muse to tell a joke they remember from their childhood 
send me  ( tears )  for my muse to discuss a childhood memory that makes them sad
send me  ( lost )  for my muse to talk about an item from childhood they wish they still had
send me  ( anger )  for my muse to discuss a memory from childhood that makes them mad
send me  ( smiles )  for my muse to talk about a childhood memory that makes them happy
send me  ( rage )   for my muse to talk about how anger affected them throughout their childhood 
send me  ( doubt )  for my muse to discuss a time they weren’t believed as a child, due to their age
send me  ( taught )  for my muse to talk about a time in their childhood when they learned a valuable lesson
send me  ( memento )  for my muse to talk about an item they still carry with them from childhood, and its significance 
send me  ( discipline )  for my muse to talk about how the way their parent(s) / guardian raised them has affected their life, now 
send me  ( rose tinted )  for my muse to talk about a childhood memory they used to view as positive, but now see as negative 
send me  ( inspiration  )   for my muse to talk about someone they knew as a child who inspired them to be who they are, currently
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nishith-winchester · 3 years
send me ‘I want the K’ and I’ll generate a number;
1: Hot, Steamy kiss 2: Cheek Kiss 3: Nose Kiss 4: Forehead Kiss 5: Firm Kiss 6: Gentle Peck 7: Romantic Kiss 8: Eyelid Kiss 9: Jawline Kiss 10: Neck Kiss 11: Collarbone Kiss 12: Chest Kiss 13: Stomach Kiss 14: Kiss Along the Hips 15: Kiss in the Rain 16: Upside-Down Kiss 17: Goofy Kiss 18: Underwater Kiss 19: Forceful Kiss 20: Any of the Above
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nishith-winchester · 3 years
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Inner Moodboard
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nishith-winchester · 3 years
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Outer moodboard
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nishith-winchester · 3 years
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nishith-winchester · 3 years
It was weird being back in a school. It had been a couple of years and the only reason he agreed to go was because his grandmother, his legal guardian, couldn’t actually take care of him full time and she felt it was safer for him at a school. He chose Hogwarts for the location and the library access. Still, Nish felt trapped and suffocated by the routine he was given. He tried not to panic about it as he stirred his tea and watched Nearly Headless Nick wander around the Great Hall. “So he just walks around here all the time? Do you know how long he’s been here?” Nish asked the person next to him.
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nishith-winchester · 3 years
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Name: Nishith Winchester
Birthday: December 13th, 2003
Birthplace:  Toronto, Canada
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: TBD
Nationality: Canadian/Indian
Faceclaim: Avan Jogia
Bloodstatus: Muggleborn
Wand: Banyan Tree wood, 13 inches, Reachisey scales
Patronus: TBD
Boggart: Driving in a car
House: Gryffindor
Classes: Divination, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology
Clubs: TBD
Education: Homeschooled except for 1st year spent at Ilvermorny and 4th year spent at Mahoutokoro
Location: Scotland
Residence: Hogwarts
Occupation: Student
Pavani Ghosh and Ezra Winchester met one fateful night in Paris, France. They had both been called in to investigate an extreme paranormal situation linked to the catacombs. They worked together to find proof of the supernatural all around the world. They decided to work together and fell deeper in love. They married in a traditional 3 day Hindu wedding and welcomed their son Nishith the following year. They continued to travel around the world with their baby tagging along. Nishith’s classroom was in museums and historical sites around the world. 
Magic abilities started to show but the Winchester’s thought that it was the ghosts around them. Then when Nish turned 11 he received a letter from Ilvermorny as their permanent address was in Toronto. His parents were elated and they pushed him towards going so he could learn magic. Nishith wasn’t the biggest fan at first but he did find magic fascinating. He kept trying to take photos of the ghosts at the school but they all ended up just as blurry as the proof he’d gotten since he was a child. After his first year he decided to stay with his parents instead and they hired tutors to teach Nishith the magic that they couldn’t. His dad faced some health issues so Nish went to Mahoutokoro for 4th year because his parents wanted him to have more stability while his dad recovered in India. Nish was happy that his father was better and he was happy to be back on the road after he finished the school year. 
6 months after Nish’s 16th birthday there was an accident. The 3 of them were driving in Rutland as part of their United Kingdom tour. They were rammed into by a car going double the speed and they flipped multiple times. Nish crawled out but he was surrounded with blood and broken glass. His arm and leg were in agony but he still tried to drag his parents out of the car. They had spent so long reaching out to the dead and now Nish couldn’t believe his parents joined them. 
Now he had managed to request a place at Hogwarts for his final year so he could stay in the United Kingdom while having a place to sleep and eat. Staying in the UK gave Nish hope that he would be able to reach out to his parents. He could feel them but they were lost. They weren’t strong enough to come back to him or interact at all. They felt so far away and Nishith missed them so much. He missed them so much it hurt and he just wanted a chance to say goodbye.
Nish is a free spirit who loves to travel and gets very fidgety when he is stuck in one place for too long. He wants to find his parents but he also wants to continue their work of trying to help spirits move on if they are stuck.
Nish could see ghosts even when his parents couldn’t and he keeps a book of all the spirits he has come across.
He has a hard time dealing with traditional school as routine didn’t fit well with his lifestyle.
He has a small birthmark on his hip that he likes to think is in the shape of a pac-man ghost.
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