ninasuraya · 6 years
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ninasuraya · 6 years
People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it’s served up.
George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings (via booksqouted)
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ninasuraya · 6 years
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It’s really hard to bear, when someone leaves you for a reason without taking a single effort to stand by your side…
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ninasuraya · 6 years
be disappointed by the most people that I loved is the most hurts that I can't bear
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ninasuraya · 6 years
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ninasuraya · 6 years
I’m tired of waiting for things to happen to me. They never do. It’s almost as if they chose something better.
A.R. Donovon (Words from the Heart // #21)
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ninasuraya · 6 years
I stand at a distance as you battle your thoughts They smother you, trying to drown you in rivers of worries And though you’ve learned to swim well You wonder if this will be the time you’ll be overpowered But I tell you this, because I stand at a distance That no matter how wild the waves ever get A mountain is not what a river can ever drown For it flows from you and falls at your feet So when their crashing scare you, I want you to remember You are a mountain. And rivers can never drown mountains
(via rncpoems)
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ninasuraya · 6 years
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by Corrò Simone
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ninasuraya · 6 years
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ninasuraya · 6 years
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by Jenni Konrad
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ninasuraya · 6 years
Lessons I learnt this year. #1 Don’t make home out of people. They leave, they leave all the frigging time. Save your heart from the sorrows, be independent and put yourself first. Self love is not selfish. #2 Dreams do come true after all but that doesn’t mean you can sit still and do nothing. You have to work your ass off for it then it’ll surely come your way. #3 Friendship doesn’t fill the gas tank. Not gonna elaborate on this, well all know this! #4 Love yourself. Buy that dress even though it comes with a hefty price tag, read that book that you have in your shelf for the longest time, wear make up , paint your face as your heart desires, sleep for 12 hours , sleep the whole weekend away, sleep for 1 hour if that’s what you want. This is your life, you can’t let people dictate what’s supposed to be yours.
singlaughscreamlikenobodycare,  writing prompt #73: Write about the lessons you learned this year. (via wnq-writers)
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ninasuraya · 6 years
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this: We all want everything to be okay. We don’t even wish so much for fantastic or marvelous or outstanding. We will happily settle for okay, because most of the time, okay is enough.
David Levithan, Every Day (via books-n-quotes)
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ninasuraya · 6 years
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ninasuraya · 6 years
A list of 10 lessons learnt from surviving today. 1. So many pretty girls wear scars. 2. Love can be done alone. 3. Cry, cry, cry. It’s gonna be alright. (Please don’t die.) 4. Tous les garçon s'appellent Patrick. 5. On bad days, love yourself more than ever. That’s the challenge of such days. 6. You’re not immune. They haven’t found a cure for unkind words yet. So, it’s okay to be hurt. 7. Even if you think you won’t make it past today, give yourself a chance. You just might. 8. I love you so much. 9. It’s okay to still love the one who left. Even for always. It’s okay. 10. On some days even the sun struggles to be seen. Other days you shine. Because you’re a goddamn star.
lossofinkforever,  writing prompt #62: list 10 pieces of advice you’d give yourself (via wnq-writers)
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ninasuraya · 6 years
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ninasuraya · 6 years
Moving on from someone is a lot like giving up your favorite food. It’s something you might not eat everyday, but you always come back to it. It is always there in the back of your mind. When you give that up, it is constantly reminding yourself that you can no longer have it. Maybe some days you falter and send them an I miss you text or look through old pictures, but one day you will find a new favorite food and you will no longer think about the last one.
redpandapig,  writing prompt #17: Write about moving on (via wordsnquotes)
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ninasuraya · 6 years
Moving on was the day my body forgot how your hands felt to be on it. Moving on was the day my thoughts didn’t find their way back to you. Moving on was the morning I woke up to whisper into the still morning air “I forgive you”. Moving on was letting the past be in the past, and remembering that your hands, your words, your atrocities to me will never be relived. Moving on was the day I finally saw who I was becoming - a fearful, solitary creature - and said “no more”. Moving on was the day I accepted that there will be so many people in my life who will love me no matter what my past was. Moving on was walking away from the memory of you.
avengersbabyy,  writing prompt #17: Write about moving on (via wordsnquotes)
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