Excellent Practices for Efficient Bulk Hiring in Delhi NCR
How long does it take you to hire the right candidate for an opening vacancy? Of course it’s a lot of hard work but it’s a lot more challenging for recruiters and hiring managers when it comes to hiring in bulk. There are a few practices that will ensure the success of mass hiring campaigns for your organization.
Cases of Bulk Hiring
Bulk Hiring often happens in various industries, when in starting new projects, like construction, manufacturing, hospitality, oil and gas companies.  Large scale recruiting doesn’t mean playing with the quality of hiring. It is important for recruiters to define the needs and demands of bulk hiring campaign to design a suitable plan. As a hiring manager, you will have to answer a couple of questions like:
-   What is the first task in mass recruitment campaign?
-   How long will it take to fill in all the vacancies in a campaign?
-   Do you want these candidates on a contract bases for a short or long period of time?
-   What kind of candidates you want to hire?
-   How much money will you pour into the campaign?
Everything else is easier for the recruiting team.
Steps taken to hold Bulk Hiring in Delhi NCR
Choose an effective recruiting team
Create a proper detailed plan
Build selection criteria for various positions.
Market your campaign on proper channels.
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Best Sources for Bulk Hiring Of Candidates
When it comes to bulk hiring of candidates, candidate pools should be made to meet the quantity needs. You should benefit from the sources for a successful volume recruitment campaign:
Employee Referrals
The company’s most valuable asset has always been its employees. When it comes bulk hiring, you will be surprised by the power of the present employees’ networks. Let’s do the math: 100 employees multiplied with 300 people in each employee’s social network equals to 300 people who have seen the advertisement for the job. Your present employees could recommend qualified candidates who have the skills and culture fit from their own pools.
Job boards and fairs
Job board has been the traditional channel but an effective way of hiring candidates. Recruiters could find several candidates on several job portals.  A job fair is an effective choice if you want to meet large volumes of potential candidates. You will get several resumes and job seekers within a couple of days. The company can even have a campus employment fair at work if needed.
Universities, colleges and vocational schools
Partnering with local universities, colleges and schools can save you a lot of time, effort and money in hiring fresher’s for various positions. It is a win-win situation for both education and business.  A detailed on boarding process is important for all kinds of new hires.
Social networks
Networking is an important key for recruiters and job seekers on social media platforms. You can market your bulk recruitment campaign on the company’s social profiles as official announcements. These channels will attract attention from those who are interested in the company.  
Staffing Agencies
If the company doesn’t have any experience in bulk hiring, then it is best to look out for staffing partners who’ll help in the process of recruitment or hire them to do a complete bulk recruitment campaign.  A professional recruitment firm has professional skills in planning sourcing, screening resumes, interviewing and various other tasks in bulk hiring than in house recruiters.
 Bulk hiring in Delhi is about the quantity and quality of hires to place people in the right business.  Hence, be careful when bulk hiring for your company.
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Nimbus Hire background verification services. Our robust portfolio of products and services help build trust in your alliances. We provide a range of pre-employment services.
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We are the recruitment consultant in Noida, Delhi, India. We do not assume that a specific degree subject or personal background dicates your potential.
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Nimbus Hire has expertise in recruitment personnel for permanent hiring positions. This can save employees both time and money. We help you hire the right people
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Background checks often include checking up on a candidates work history, proof of residence and educational background. Very often, candidates often ask themselves.
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Technical recruiters services providers in Delhi NCR. We are the leading recruiter service provider in Delhi, India.
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Startup Recruitment Tips for Organization
Startup companies are a big deal of today. Every startup companies one day or the other face the recruitment problem as quality professional always avoid startups. So how to provide the best recruitment solution for startups. Some tips are given below:-
Set your vision: - Try to find out the vision for which you are doing recruitment and with that vision in mind try to streamline the recruitment solutions with the future vision of the company.
Try to recruit from customer centric point of view: - Some profiles in the company require a proper talent to deal with customer enquiries. Customer care is one of such position; sometime client got converted with excellent client support.
 Flexi Work Hours: - Flexi Work hours in the startup company make work comfortable attracting the best talents to your startups and increases the business two folds.
Maintain your startup assets: - For startups, Employees are like assets and if any member in the company leaves then it totally results in loss for the company. so maintain your company assets either through communication or through properly pay hikes.
 If you are looking for further startups recruitment service , There are many online blog available for you to put the recruitment risk factor away from your company..
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Why background screening is necessary for your organization?
Background verification is one of the most important aspects of any organization as it protects company reputation. If the employee is dishonest and have past criminal records then it may also degrade the company reputation and decrease the overall company productivity. So what are the steps that are taken into account to ensure good and productive candidate in an organization:
 Look for references and internal recruitment
It is always advisable to look for the internal resource for hiring. Your internal staff is the best source to find the good candidate for the job you are looking. So always look for references and ask your employees to refer the good candidate for the post vacant.
 Before Hiring go for extensive educational qualification check
Sometime some candidates submit fake documents for getting job and this cause inappropriate candidate get hired for the position. So does an extensive educational qualification check to ensure the right knowledgeable candidate got hired for the position.
 Check Employees past employment records
Past employment details of the candidate also plays a very vital role in deciding the right candidate for the organization. Past employment details not only provide you with the right employment details of the candidate but also the behavior of the candidate in different organization for which he works.
 However background verification services can make your work easy by providing all the services under one roof with only marginal amount of money taken at your end.
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Project Based Hiring is on Rise
With increased work pressure and focus on early project completion of the task within given timelines. The role of project based RPO Service is on the rise in the market. The reason why the project based hiring is on the rise is due to the following reasons:-
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1.       If the recruiter opens the permanent position in the company and recruits the candidate. But at the same time candidate is incapable to do the propjet assigned due to the lack of skills or leave the company due to some other reasons then it is not good for the proper project execution. In that case you can hire a projects based hiring is fruitful
2.       Sometime the additional work force is required only during the peak seasons. In that project based hiring is the best bet for the organization.
3.       Project based hiring secures the candidate with specific skill set and they can work independently also
4.       Project based hiring can work with your internal permanent team of employees to reduce the work pressure on the team.
5.       If during the project progression sometime the candidates are idle for short 1-2 hours in the mean time you can ask the project based hirer to train the internal team of candidate with future project expansion in mind.
6.       If you are a startup then project based hiring can cost and you don’t have to pay extra penny in case there is no such project in the pipeline.
In case, if you are looking for a project based hiring in India there are many RPO service provide that can proves to be fruitful and provides you with the best recruitment solution available.
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How to do IT / Technical Recruitment?
With the increasing use of technology, IT professional whether it would be a developer, designer, digital marketing are in great demands. With the increase opportunity there are some case arises when any IT candidate leaves job even not completing their notice period and without even any short notice. So, the most challenging task of IT recruitment is to search both a stable as well as a good candidate for the job.
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This is the major concern of some big/small IT companies so I am sharing some points to keep in mind while doing IT recruitment
Promote Referral Recruitment: - referral recruitment is one of the best ways to recruit the best candidate for IT. Referral ensures a good candidate as you get referrals from the in-house employee so surely he will promote a good and suitable candidate for the company.
Proper Background Screening: - Background Screening also plays a very good role in promoting IT recruitment. Proper Background screening involves proper social media profiles, check, Last Teo reference company check, Family background checks, and criminal checks. If the background screening records are good there is 95% chance that the candidate is good for the positions for which you are hiring.
Change Your Recruiting Mind: - Sometime you find people who are very smart and have hands on various tool and technologies, but not fit for the role for which you are looking. So while hiring, do some trust on the candidate that he can master all the job specifications required. This type of candidate is fruitful if you are looking for business expansion
Hire a specialist IT recruiter: - If you are a big firm so spending some money on the IT recruiter resource is also beneficial as they are highly specialized in doing IT recruitment and the best part is they have practical experience in hiring this type of candidate.
However, If you are looking for IT recruiters in Delhi, there are many IT staffing agencies which claim himself to be the best, but only a few will provide quality recruitment when it comes to stability and expertise for the job.
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Tips for attracting the best talents to your startup
For any startup, hiring the best talents is the biggest challenge that any new employers will face. Startupsuccess is mainly depends upon on only 20% of overall employees. As only 20-25% of the employeesare the biggest decision makers on the marketing front and all other client related deals. Every growing startupoffers the best salary packages, flexible work hours with work at home facilities but still they fail to attract the best talents in their basket.
 Some best tips discussed below to hire the top A+ employers for your startup:-
1.       Good career opportunities: - Personal and professional achievement are the best part that every employee want to see at the work place. It’s a very tedious task for any early stage startup to convince employees on this front where limited resource is the boundation to grow professionally. So try to convince employees with good career growth.
2.       Positive work environment: - Today the work environment is very hectic and to maintain a positive environment is one of the biggest challenges faced by startup employers. Engagingemployees on other fun activities will solve all the issues related to work pressure.
3.       Focus on Perks and other benefits: - Hectic work environment creates problems even when top executive have to come office on the weekends. Provide them with peace of mind with flexi hours and work at home opportunities will provide your employees with a peace of mind.
4.       Encourage team work: - Team work is one of the biggest factors of any organization to promote team as an organized work force. As employers, engage yourself in the entire office related task to present your employees with best example of team work.
About Author
Sameer Sinha is work as HR Head with one of the leading recruitment agency and one of the best headhunters in India. He is also specialized in bulk hiring, technical recruitment consulting.
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