nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
I think you have the one of us with a stick up their ass backwards lmao. Defensive much? My point is, shit said before the word 'but' does matter. Why tf wouldn't it?
Tyler is 100000% wrong for using the N word in any form. Period. However, he said Nigga not the n word with a hard R and YES there is a difference. As in “my nigga”. I still cringe anytime i hear I️t but as someone who lives in the south in an interracial marriage lemme tell ya, there’s a huge difference in intention/type of person
You know, everything you say before the word “however” doesn’t count right?? And this type of defence perpetuates the problem.
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
Dr. Phil said the whole 'but' things years before it was on Game of Thrones, so that makes it count for exactly nothing. This is the same man who says children don't develop empathy or sympathy until age 8. Please. Raise your hand if you've seen or had a toddler, or at least a kindergartner, show concern and try to comfort you or another person. Oooh, ooh ME! He's full of shit and so is his 'nothing matters before but' crap.
Tyler is 100000% wrong for using the N word in any form. Period. However, he said Nigga not the n word with a hard R and YES there is a difference. As in “my nigga”. I still cringe anytime i hear I️t but as someone who lives in the south in an interracial marriage lemme tell ya, there’s a huge difference in intention/type of person
You know, everything you say before the word “however” doesn’t count right?? And this type of defence perpetuates the problem.
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
He said after Nova was born he was so happy with his baby girl and didn't know why he'd thought he'd be anything else. I know he's saying now he wants a boy, but literally millions of people have said this. It's not at all uncommon or wrong for a person to want a boy or a girl; or to want whatever gender their first one wasn't so that they have one of each. Most people who want children would like at least one boy and one girl. Geez. There's nothing wrong with it; he's not being sexist. it's just a different experience raising a boy and he wants to experience that! I know boys have their own issues, but from experience (aside from 7 years working daycare and raising my 2 nieces and nephew, my nephew from 5 months old and the girls from 2 and 3 years old) I can tell you it's a very different experience. Both can be so sweet then throw tantrums, but (and this is just MY opinion) boys are easier. Every time they get dressed, I pull out a shirt and pants and say, how about this today? To my boy. And he's happy with exactly that lol, 'Yay, my dinosaur shirt', or 'Oh yeah, my Spiderman shirt!' Girls? A battle. My husband calls the middle one Blossom because nothing she puts together matches in any way, shape or form, and they both want to look 'hot'. They're 8 and 9 now. It's a battle to get 'em dressed, get their hair done, everything a fight. And they're always wanting makeup, nail polish, hair dye (no). You don't have to deal with that with boys. People need to gtf over it. 
Personally I think I Tyler is a bit gross about wanting a boy. It's not wrong to hope for a boy/girl as I think everyone does that, but he was downright grumpy when they found out Nova's gender as if his whole day was ruined bc he got stuck with a girl. He seems to be a great dad regardless but he's not very good at hiding his disappointment with not having a son and how desperately he wants one. I don't dislike him for it but he could handle it a bit better imo.
Eh, I see where you’re coming from but I disagree. I just literally don’t see anything wrong with it.
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
Seeing so many of these is so hard. I went down the rabbit hole too. In 2008, I killed myself. I thought of everything, including my mother's intuition. I knew she called at lunch every day and if I didn't answer she'd come home. So I waited, tried to sound normal, and as soon as I hung up I started eating somas, norcos and Tylenol (to stop my breathing). Over 50 pills. It wasn't a cry for help. I truly meant to be done and I succeeded. Mom had a bad feeling rush over her at work and called again, then rushed home. I was revived and when I woke up in the hospital, I was SO pissed!! But I accepted then that God wasn't going to take me until he was damn good and ready and resigned myself to living. I found my husband, then found a great job. He found a great job and we financed a car. I went from having no home, no car, and working menial jobs to having a great guy, a house we're working on together, and two nice cars. Slowly but surely, I started to accumulate all the things I so desired and never thought I'd obtain because I'd had to start over so many times, I just didn't think I had it in me. I did, and YOU DO TOO! You don't know what tomorrow holds. Please, please don't try it! You could become a vegetable; you could devastate others, even though from your point of view, they'd be better off. They won't. They'd be better off with a healthy, happy you. If anyone needs to talk, please message me anytime. If anyone understands, it's me.
i’ve just accepted that nothing will ever be okay and i’m patiently waiting for the right time to kill myself
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
I have to say, I've worried about how Aubree will turn out. She's so strong willed (she locked Chels out and went back to sleep at 2 yrs old lmao) and (Imo) Chels has been kind of lax with discipline. Idk, even with Cole she may go through a rough time later because of Adam. I also worry about Gracie. She acts out a lot and seems jealous of Ali, yet last night revealed she also had concerns Ali's condition was somehow her fault. She may also have something similar to survivor's guilt because she's ok and Ali's not. It's going to be so very hard for her when Ali really starts to deteriorate, and (I can't even imagine) eventually passes away. Especially when she looks back and sees how she treated Ali sometimes, even though she's just a kid too. All that combined with her being in that area where pills are so prevalent and being around Mama Dawn and Sandra, I just worry. I so hope I'm wrong. Obviously I worry for Jenelle's kids, and I think the coven will raise Nova and Stella to hate men as well. Kail's kids seem fine now, but she's uprooted and moved them so many times they may have trouble staying in one place. Isaac has lived in at least 7 different houses by now. After being told Javi was just going to work and would be back, don't worry etc. etc., only to have the truth sprung on him in a very confusing way at the last second, is probably causing anxiety, mistrust. They may be mistrustful of women after seeing their mom be so sneaky. She's also SO controlling. Like she even tells Isaac how to sit when she's talking to him. She changes him out of his pj's as soon as he wakes up (according to Javi, who is also controlling and approved.) No biggies, just shows how she needs to control the most miniscule things. Why not ever let him lounge on Sundays for a bit in his pj's? Why can't he lean back and talk to you, why does he Have to sit up rod straight? I can see him choosing to live with Jo later. I worry Sophia won't have any concept of the real world and will be worse than Farrah in how she treats people. And that she may become sexually active way too early. Leah is so smart and pretty, oddly enough, I think she'll do well in life, despite Amber. Nothing stands out for Addie, Nova and Watson, too little I guess. I think Maci's kids will be fine; the only concern I've thought of is Bentley and beer. It's just been made so commonplace for him, by Maci and Taylor, Larry and Jen, Rhine. It's nothing in the South to have a beer after work. But they have several. And I can just see Bentley being a popular, beer guzzling frat boy. The only thing is, not everyone lives to grow out that stage. Sometimes they get alcohol poisoning, or crash their vehicles. Or it develops into full blown addiction. Ok, I'm stopping now lol, these are just things I've thought of at some point or another and anon got me on a roll! :)
(An anon asked this): "Aubree is one of the few children I don't worry about on this show." // THIS IS SO INSTERESTING. I often wonder which kids do you all truly worry about so I'm openly asking. Mine are Jenelle's (even though Jace is with Babs), Amber's, Farrah's and Brianna's. Maci, Chelsea and Leah are the best, Kail may be a shitty person but she's a good mom, and I'm torn with Cate&Tyler's daughter Nova because while they can provide for her, the emotional aspect worries me a lot...
For me after that episode it’s Kaiser I worry about most.
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
Although a few facts are historically inaccurate, it’s a great read. My issue can be found in the comments. A person actually was more disturbed at the thought of the cats being in the line of fire than ANYTHING ELSE in the article. Um, what about the SOLDIERS in the line of fire?! What about the limited food supply they so desperately needed, hence the cats being brought in to keep the rats from eating it? Or biting soldiers in the trenches? As if war isn’t hard enough without a rat crawling over you while you try and concentrate. I’m all for being an animal lover, but people are seriously going overboard when they value the life of a cat over a person. It’s not the same, sorry, not sorry.
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1944 - Snowball the cat tries to take over a machine gun in Normandy so she can shoot some Nazis herself.
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
100% teenmomdramalama! Not only does she not tell him, forcefully, that his insistence on speaking his mind whether it cost him visits etc or not effects Cate as well and if he cared about her, he would bite his tongue. Yet she’s guilty as well. Literally as soon as Teresa called and Cate left the room to talk to her, she came back and recounted the entire conversation for the cameras. The conversation in which Teresa JUST asked that she not even discuss their conversations on the show!! Lasted all of 2 seconds and both still bring up Carly every episode.
The thing is though that Cate doesn't have any control in the situation whatsoever cuz the reason Brandon&Theresa have made the choice not to send updates&respond to messages from Cate&Ty is cuz Tyler refused to respect their wishes to maintain privacy for Carly&not post her pictures publicly or talk about her on the show&Tyler refused to follow that simple request in order to maintain contact&unfortunately for Cate since she is still with him she was cut off right along with him.
Exactly. She’s kind of a victim in this.
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
There's a whole subreddit group of them, wrap your head around that. And they Love Trump because he's them. The fact that he wasn't laughed out on day one is disgusting.
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A New Hampshire Republican State Representative anonymously created the “Red Pill” subreddit.
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
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Watch: In a powerful Congresional speech, Sandra Bland’s mother called people who think they’re woke “the walking dead” because of how little we still know
The speech included a rousing call to action before the newly formed Congressional Caucus On Black Women & Girls. And her words were incredibly resonant, even if you think you know the whole story.
Gifs: Josh Begley
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
My Weekly Thoughts
Yes, Javi did admit he not only came over unannounced and uninvited, he Hopped The Fence!! And when he came in, he said there were shoes and clothes everywhere and he asked Kail what had happened, why tf is the house so messy? Um, none of your fucking business! He doesn’t live there; it Would be scary to come out of the bathroom and there’s your hulking ex-husband ranting about the mess. Kail didn’t say Isaac said he was scared, Jo did. Because Kail called the police, since Javi refused to leave, and then called Jo to come get Isaac. Jo said Isaac said it scared him and he didn’t like that. I thought Vee downplayed it but she’d feel differently if it were her home and her child scared. That was when Kail asked Jo to tell Javi because of all this he couldn’t be alone with Isaac anymore, for now. Jo literally said, ok..goddammit. Lol. Javi laughingly told his friends about hopping the fence. That’s psycho stalker behavior and it’s not ok. The cops asked if Kail had anything in writing saying he couldn’t be there, since it technically was still his house, she didn’t, and there wasn’t anything they could do. But the fact that Javi stayed on and ranted and made her call the cops before he would leave is crazy. And him saying shit about how the house looks is yet another example of his compulsive, controlling behavior. You would think Kail learned her lesson about getting pregnant by someone you really don’t know that well. Idc if they were married, they still met, married and conceived in a very short period of time. It takes years to really know if you’re going to work. At least date two years. Chelsea, so far, has just been lucky in that with Cole. At least she waited 6 months to introduce Aubree; Kail had Isaac saying I love you to Javi within 6 months. Kail also said on the aftershow that she was sick as a dog for the first 12 weeks of her pregnancy and wasn’t at all with either boy, so maybe it is a girl. And maybe she’s already showing how different that will be :)
Jace came into Jenelle’s house, sat down and immediately picked up the Xbox controller and started playing. I think he looks at her place as the ‘fun’ place (most of the time), where he’s largely left alone and allowed to do whatever he wants. Sharing custody with my nieces’ and nephew’s paternal aunt has taught me about that one. They act completely different, by all accounts, at either home. She’s always frazzled, yelling, has no control. She lets them run wild and talk back and regularly feeds them cereal for supper. At our house, while they are allowed freedom outside, since we live in the country, they have rules. They have to eat a good meal or they don’t get a snack. If they don’t eat their veggies etc, they get a banana, apple or whatever instead of ice cream or cookies for snack. I don’t argue with them. I tell them what to do and they do it. If they start to talk back they get time out or some consequence. And they are so much easier to deal with. Because the rules are clear, they know what to expect, and they know I don’t play. This makes them torn. On the one hand, they enjoy the freedom they have at her house to skip a bath, eat cereal, talk back. On the other, they thrive on a schedule and knowing what’s coming. They’re so much calmer that way and I keep trying to tell her, don’t get down to their level. If they tell you to shut up, you don’t scream, no You shut up! You calmly tell them they don’t speak to adults that way and to go to their room. It works so much better but she keeps doing it her way and keeps texting me all the time all upset. It’s frustrating. I just hope having them Fri-Sun will be enough to instill good hygiene and eating habits etc, to make a difference. They Love corn and green beans! And they’re like .50 a can at Walmart, how freaking hard is it to warm up a can of corn to go with supper? Ok, I'ma stop now. :) Ohhhh, but Jace’s face during that whole conversation :( You could just tell he was thinking, this is my fault, it’s about me. Esp with Jenelle screaming she only gets stressed out over her mom and Jace. Good job Juhnelle. If that text from Nathan about moving to England and signing over his rights is real, OMG. Shows how impulsive and unstable he is, again. I can’t believe he’d even consider just leaving Kai and signing over all rights. That would show he really only cares about himself.
I thought Chelsea ordering the baby was a little over the top. Cole was a good sport about it, but as she said, she’s the one whose going to be breastfeeding and getting up at night. So why make him get up several times with a crying, mechanical baby when he has work the next day? She can be a little controlling too. But baby Watson is just beyond adorable and I love the things she buys for him, too cute!
This is from last week, but someone mentioned Leah’s grandma saying have Germy sign over Addie and do it alone. I couldn’t believe she was telling Leah that. I get it’s frustrating for him to change times, but it’s not grounds to keep Addie away from him and her have no father. I was glad Leah didn’t even consider it. Her mom and grandma are crazy. Leah seems to realize that now and she is doing so much better as a mom and in thinking for herself. She must’ve decided on college instead of cosmetology because of the schedule, mostly. It would’ve required Saturday hours and her missing time with the girls. In any case, it’s awesome she’s staying un-pregnant and starting college. I hope she sees it thru and continues on this path. My only criticism would be that she needs to stop discussing Ali’s life span in front of Ali. Ali doesn’t need to know right now that she may not live to get married and go to college. Kids come up with enough to worry about on their own. She might interpret it as, omg, I could die any day!
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
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Kim Jong Un Would Really Hate For You To Watch This, Which Is Exactly Why You Should
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
Latest TM Thoughts
Wow, can I just start by saying Kail looked really manic when she smacked that camera!! She needs to admit she has anger issues. No, not just admit, she's done that. She needs to DO something about it. If she doesn't work through her issues, she will never be truly happy. I know she has periods where she feels joy from her children etc., but Boozie Suzy did some damage. And I'm sorry, but you don't simply get past a rape by shoving it down deep and never mentioning it again. It's just going to fester. Kail needs counseling, she probably needs to be on some sort of mood stabilizer, something. She started with Javi as soon as they sat down by saying something about his shirt being tight. Is she the clothes police now? Let it goooo! Wtf good did that do? None of her logic makes any sense. She doesn't believe in God or Heaven, yet Christmas is sacred to her. Figure that one out. Isaac should be with Lincoln every Christmas? Never experience waking up with Vivi? Or she can't even let them wake up together and Javi come get him in the evening, or Christmas eve? Kail made these choices that will now dictate her life and she's only got herself and their dad's to blame. She's not in a position to be completely uncompromising. She's already lucky as hell Javi didn't go after her for spousal support, especially considering he's going to have 50/50 custody of Lincoln. I don't believe for one second they did Marriage Boot Camp for any other reason than the money. Sean Lowe from the Bachelor said they only did it because it's an insane amount of money for only ten days of filming. On that note, I think Javi is on Nathan's level there. He knew, like Nathan did, exactly who this girl was and how much she made, roughly. Once the show's cancelled, and I doubt there will be many more seasons, Javi's going to regret that. I wonder if he can ask for it later? One thing's for sure, if the situation were reversed, trust and believe Kail would get every dime she could, if for no other reason than to hurt him. Just like she played with Jo. She's only not playing as much now because Javi has so much dirt on her. She fought Jo tooth and nail for every second with Isaac, but without so much as trying for primary of Linc, she signed it over. Javi's an ass, but he has every right to be upset about her acting as if his absence was a vacation and not a deployment. And to be upset over her calling herself a single mom when he has Linc as much as she does and Jo's right up the street and, by all accounts, has Isaac about as much as she does. Vee may have seemed salty, but she's right. When this baby comes, Javi asks for support (because only living off his military pay and selling stories to Radar is going to be a rude awakening. He went from a twin bed at Mom and Dad's to Kail's money and 'their' house), and the TM money dwindles, Kail will go after Jo for more support. And he won't be able to use any footage to prove he's had Isaac so much. Their's is such a great household and she Will have her hands full, maybe Kail should consider giving Jo 50/50. It would help her in starting a career. But I don't feel bad for Javi as much as I would if I didn't believe he started the whole thing for fame and money. He was only 19 so I'll give him that, he was young and impulsive. Still is. Anyhoo, Jenelle. If only she had stayed out of trouble the past few years. She was just in court last year. I think Babs is right, she's Slowly growing up. She's smart; she passed the courses on the Dean's list and that's not something to be dismissed out of hand. Yet she lacks the common sense to know she needed to keep pursuing it, or at least start part time. The more time that passes between graduating and finding work in that field the harder a time she'll have. I also noticed she didn't tweet out that David did still work and she didn't buy a boat and truck lol. She did tweet about the years Babs said she had Jace. For once, she was right. Babs said he'll be 8 in August and I've had him 9 years. Um, ok? Not sure how that works. But I'd be on Jenelle's side in that a family life would be best for Jace if a, she had done this a few years ago at least, or b, she had been sober (and passed more than one drug test attesting to this) and out of trouble for a few years. Then I'll start buying what she's selling. She's simply waited too long. And people say Jace always says he wants to stay with Babs but he hasn't always. Sometimes he Has asked, when am I coming to live with you? He probably thinks he'd get to play video games and play on dirt bikes etc, since his time with Jenelle is mostly fun time. Stuff Babs doesn't have the time, energy or money to do with him, mostly. I think he doesn't want to hurt either of them, but he'd be content to stay with Babs and visit Jenelle. Again, I'm so proud of Leah this season. She's stepped up her parenting and disciplining and seems as if she's really putting the tools she learned in therapy to use (ahem, Amber). And I hope she really is staying single for now. Watson is the cutest ever and I'm so happy for Cole and Chelsea. Now There's a Mom who truly puts her children first.
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
TM Opinions
Lots going on here lately. First off I’d like to clarify why I, like some others, am shaking my head at Kail. Because she has stopped putting Isaac first. That poor boy is still reeling from the divorce, with the added change of two siblings and now a 3rd, and probably yet another move. Kail’s mentioned moving and she never stays in one place long. Isaac’s moved probably 7-10 times in his short life. Stability does matter, and it may cause him to be unable to stay in one place long later in life. Or it could cause him to be obsessed with staying put. Creating a home and never leaving it, a la Cate and Ty. He’ll probably have trust issues from being told Javi would be back, don’t worry, only to find out he was never coming home as it were. He also may be mistrustful of women because he’s seen his mother sneak around behind peoples’ backs. Or of ppl in general. Lastly, we have no idea what the father of this new baby is like. But what, is Isaac going to have 3 dad’s now? Kail was only trying to hurt Jo because we all know damn good and well if Isaac wanted to call Vee Mommy and was crying for her when Kail was sitting right there, the way he did for Javi when Jo was there at his graduation, Kail would SHIT A BRICK. She’s made her life harder than it needed to be. 3 kids is hard enough, but 3 kids with 3 fathers means scheduling with 3 other ppl AND her career. Just lining up childcare will be tough. And when the TM $ runs out, she’ll really find this out. Thank God Javi and Jo are involved dads. Hopefully the new one is too, but she will have to meet each of them regularly, deal with their complaints. And, if she doesn’t remain with the 3rd one, a whole other 4th man (or woman) will need to be considered (feelings and scheduling-wise). She’s limited herself as far as where she can take a job. And I don’t see her having much success as a host; she has zero presence on camera and could barely deal with the few lines she had to read on the aftershow. Unless she works on her delivery and grows tremendously, I’m not sure what she’ll do. Work off camera, I suppose. Maybe she’ll get a spin off. Now, allow me to play devil’s advocate for a sec for David. His ex has apparently decided to drop the restraining orders and allow joint custody. He WAS found not guilty for choking her. We know from Jenelle’s trial that not everyone found not guilty is, in fact, not guilty. We also know innocent people are found guilty all the time, and, unfortunately, that people lie to get their ex in trouble at times. Many women (and vice versa) have accused men of abuse just to get back at them for cheating or whatever the perceived wrong is. Maybe she lied. If she’s any sort of mom she certainly couldn’t be bought if she truly thought her son was in danger with David. No? Then how about this: people can and do change. My husband and I were both wild, partied, brawled, whatever. Within a year of meeting, we could be found cuddled on the sofa, watching tv or reading books, stone cold sober (after work, of course). We went from being the family troublemakers to having parents just so relieved we had finally straightened up. It took a few years of not ever seeing us messed up or go to jail for everyone to completely believe it, and that’s what it will take for me to buy that Jenelle is done being stupid too. Point is, it IS possible that he really has changed and is good for her. He shouldn’t have spoken to Kai like that, but it’s far from the worst thing I’ve seen out of ‘parents’. I’m rooting for Leah on this basis as well. She seems to have realized she wasn’t parenting well and really learned and is using the tools she was given in therapy. She actually engages with and disciplines her children now, and she seems much happier and healthier. Fingers crossed it’s real and it lasts.
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
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nikastormborn-blog · 7 years
2/13 Episode Etc.
Deb’s video was everything. It gave me a much needed laugh. She was SO uncomfortable and so fake, oh.my.GOD. Kail and Leah were on the other side chuckling and trying so hard not to fall off the couch laughing. Good idea getting Maci and Cate off the stage MTV. I don’t know if Kail needed some credit for internship at school or what, but they let her do some of the hosting on the aftershow. She ALWAYS trips over the first sentence, then reads it ok the rest of the way. But she adds nothing, no emotion, no flair. Just flat. When you listen to her do it, and then listen to Nessa, it’s such a big difference. You’d think she’d be more comfortable in front of the camera by now. She seriously needs to work on that if she wants a career in it. On a positive note, it seems like the TM2 girls are happy and healthy, for the most part. If Leah’s not clean, she’s putting up a damn good front. Methadone? Idk, but if it is, hey, it’s better than all the nodding out going on. And she’s actually disciplining her kids instead of letting them run wild all the time. She seems to be getting a hold on them. In Jenelle’s defense (ugh, that hurt), Nathan DID say he wanted her back sometimes. She didn’t just pull that one out of her ass, unless the text didn’t say that. I have to watch it again, but it started out like, it takes Kai 2 days to settle in and then he’s great and she lets him run wild. But at some point, he admitted wanting her back sometimes. Of course, he denies it when his butt buddy Josh is there, says oh hell no, never!! Weeelllll, maybe 1%, she IS the mother of my child and I’ll always care about her. And that it was weird seeing her pregnant by another man. He said he missed how great they were in the beginning and could be and that they just couldn’t resolve certain issues. Part of him Does regret breaking up. Probably his empty wallet. I thought David was very polite during drop off, always is. Yer know, it Is possible for people to change, and in not so long a span. My husband was still drinking and I was still taking pills when we got together, 6 years ago. We both saw how the other was and didn’t like it. We basically agreed to stop and did. We’d both been to jail and probably don’t look so great on paper. But we’ve had the same (good) jobs now for 4 years each, clean for over 5 (6 in November), and no one’s gone to jail. And it, in everyone around us’ opinions, almost was overnight. This is why I hold out hope that David has changed and maybe, just maybe, he’ll be good for Jenelle and it’s not all fake. At least she’s gone from, why does he have to go out every Fri or Sat night, to staying home. Idk how many days she left Ensley for; the Blue Ridge Parkway is in NC, so it could’ve been overnight. I wouldn’t, but..idk. Vee’s a little salty. I think she’s thinking, I take care of her son half the time, yet Jo’s child support’s the same. She said they kept him while Kail went on ‘vacations’ and I got the feeling Vee would like one too. Maybe if Jo didn’t pay Kail so much, they could. (Idk how much he pays. Anyone?) I would be too though. If Jo has him as much as Kail then he’s paying for food there too. And Isaac doesn’t take much to Jo’s because he has clothes etc there. I’d be wanting to change it too. I know how it feels because my nieces and nephew’s paternal aunt got primary custody and we got every weekend, but get them more when they’re out of school or sick. And she gets all the tax breaks and child support etc; we have to pay out of pocket for every thing they wear, eat, etc at our house. It adds up, since they think they must feed 24/7 lol. Even gas to meet 30 minutes away twice a week is taxing. On a happy note, my boss just came in and gave me a Valentine’s card with $50 in it! Yayyyy!! So happy and blessed to have found a good job, working for good people :)
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