nightsshinetogether · 6 years
The funny cats histories
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193K notes · View notes
nightsshinetogether · 6 years
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
Trees live underground and use the above-ground part as a snorkel.
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
I want a simple life. I want to get up late, drink tea, and read old books. I also want a spaceship and a pet dragon. 
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
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Read More Here: 9 Unhealthy Behaviors Adults Have After Going Through  Childhood Trauma - Psych2Go
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
What could lead a previously emotional person to feel very apathetic towards everything? And how do you get rid of apathy?
What you’re describing seems to be something called ahedonia- which is when an individual ceases to feel happiness or excitement for activities that would otherwise be enjoyable. It is a symptom of many mental illnesses, including depression but can also be a result of stress.
Imaging studies have demonstrated that people that experience ahedonia have decreased activity in an area of their brain called the ventral striatum (in red).
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Now interestingly, prolonged activation of this section of the brain is linked to sustaining positive emotions of reward and enjoyment. So whilst most of us will be able to savour the taste of a good cheesecake or appreciate the beauty of a clear starry night, someone with ahedonia will not. Due to their less active ventral striatum, they may know the stars look aesthetically pleasing but will find it hard to feel the same awe and astonishment that others might.
The stars (and the cheesecake) were just examples! Ahedonia comes in many forms- sexual ahedonia, musical ahedonia and even social ahedonia! 
You asked how to overcome apathy/ahedonia and my personal advice is that you need to identify what is at the source first. Is it stress? Is it some other underlying mental health issue? The best thing to do is to speak to a professional to overcome it and the apathy will soon follow.
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
20 important study skills/tips i’ve learned from my professors
1. start studying a week before every quiz/test. seriously.
2. watch youtube videos/ted talks on the topics you are learning about.
3. get lots of sleep! sleep helps you process the day’s events, including what you learned.
4. write out your notes. it’s proven that handwritten notes help you learn better than typed out notes.
5. don’t just read what your professor gives you. find academic journals, books, etc. that correspond with your subjects.
6. read the news! especially in the social sciences/humanities, connecting concepts with current events helps you understand and process more easily.
7. exercise! this doesn’t have to be going on runs or lifting weights, it could even just be going for a 20 minute walk. just get your blood pumping, it’ll help you focus.
8. study at your desk. it may be tempting to study in bed, but your brain connects your bed with sleep, so you’ll get tired more quickly.
9. reviewing notes doesn’t have to be something you sit down and do for an hour. skim through them and test your memory while eating breakfast!
10. expand your study time throughout the day to avoid burnout. for example, rather than studying for 5 hours straight, study for an hour here and there in between your activities.
11. make your notes organized and easy to read, but not distracting. bright colors and flashy notes may seem better, but can sometimes distract from the purpose of the notes.
12. use apps such as quizlet. this way, you can go through definitions while waiting in lines or walking to class.
13. it’s more important to know concepts rather than facts. for example, you should be able to take what you know and apply it to different situations, not just the situation the textbook gives you.
14. just because the professor doesn’t require you to read textbook, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. it helps explain concepts in a different way than your professor, and a lot of times hearing two different explanations for the same concept helps you understand it.
15. read in advance. read the textbook before your professor begins going over the chapter, so when he/she does, you can easily follow what they are saying.
16. do any extra credit work that comes your way. even if you don’t need the extra boost now, you might later.
17. go to class!! if you always skip class and show up at office hours completely lost on the concepts, they’ll laugh in your face. they’ll take you 100x more seriously if you show up.
18. however, if you are sick, take a day off. it’s more beneficial to you in the long run. 
19. learn how to say “no”. if you have an 8 am the next day, don’t stay out until midnight with your friends. 
20. don’t stress too hard over quizzes. if you expect them to go horribly, they will. you got this.
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
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via weheartit
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nightsshinetogether · 6 years
you can still radiate light if you’re sad. you can still be kind and soft-hearted if you’re a bit cynical. you don’t need to be the happiest person to make someone else’s day better.
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