nightshadling · 4 years
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nightshadling · 4 years
For a second, she thought that she saw him. It was a glance, a shadow in the corner of her eye and the paranoia set in like an unwanted memory. So much so that she pulled away from the person she was talking to, to slip into the shadows of the ally. She knew it was probably strange to them, but Sally didn’t have time to comprehend that. Not when her mind thought she saw her father. “He’s not here-” She muttered under her breath as she tried to calm her heart that was beating rapidly in her chest. Sally had gone white as a sheet. Arms wrapping tightly around herself as she sunk further back into the shadows to try and calm her nerves. She was just being paranoid. God she hoped she was just being paranoid. When she caught the glimpse of the person she was with peer around the corner, the petite woman cursed under her breath as she moved to grab their wrist and carefully tug them into the shadows with her. Hand raising to cover their mouth as the beginning of her name fell from their lips. “Please don’t say my name-” The red head whispered, pleading in her eyes and clear panic as she looked over their features. “Please.”
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nightshadling · 4 years
“And she finds it difficult to believe — that a person would love her even when she isn’t trying. Trying to figure out what other people need, trying to be worthy.”
— Margaret Atwood (via thelovejournals)
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nightshadling · 4 years
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Sippy Cup, Melanie Martinez
If they say to kill yourself, then you will try it
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nightshadling · 4 years
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nightshadling · 5 years
“Jack-” Sally spoke, turning her head up to look at him when she heard his voice. She was perched on the outskirts, watching like she always did. Wrapping her jacket that little bit tighter around herself to warn off the cold. “What are you doing out here? I thought you’d be busy planning your event?” The red head as softly, arms circling tightly around herself as she looked over at him. @jackclantcrn​
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nightshadling · 5 years
For lonely people, rain is a chance to be touched.
I don’t know why I like this quote so much (via thewoundsinmyheart)
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nightshadling · 5 years
Sally spent as little time in her apartment as she possibly could. Not because she didn’t like having her own space at long last, but the fear of her father unexpectedly finding it was still ever present in her mind even after so long. Besides, after having spent so many years watching the world from her dusted window, or from the times she actually managed to run away from her father for the day- Sally tried to soak up as much of her surroundings as she possibly could. Even if she still watched from afar, she was getting closer and that was the main thing. 
It was late granted, but with the moonlight casting it’s light over the town it didn’t seem so daunting. The red head was wondering around the edge of the grave yard picking some thistles, berries and well- anything she could find to try making new natural fabric dyes with in the morning. With the stray cat by her side- she was in a world of her own well- that was until the noise of another took her by surprise. On instinct she stumbled back into the shadows to try and hide out of sight, but her clumsy nature caught the better off her and instead fell backwards dropping the basket and landing on the floor. Embarrassment automatically set in as she went to gathering the petals as she spoke: “I’m sorry- I was just-” The red head spoke quietly with a small shake of her head. Not even bringing herself to look up at the other person in range - in truth a part of her hoping she’d gone unnoticed. Which from the crash her landing had caused would be a miracle.
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nightshadling · 5 years
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nightshadling · 5 years
"You look beautiful Daisy, you always do." Sally spoke softly, as she put the pin carefully back in the pin cushion at her wrist before she turned her eyes back over to the woman. A gentle smile on her features as her eyes flickered over the draped fabric. "I think I like the other lace trim with it though- the gold one? I can always add some beads to it if you want?"
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“Does it look bad?” Daisy asked, searching the face before her looking for any sign of a reaction. “Please don’t lie to me either, it’s an opening night outfit and I have to look perfect.”
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nightshadling · 5 years
Sally was a sucker when it came to cats. Sure if she felt stable and comfortable she would have gotten her own by now, but there was always the fear of having to leave suddenly. And the red head couldn't bare the thought of leaving it behind. Besides, she'd made close friends with the stray in her neighborhood, so it was like she almost had her own, but not quite. "She's beautiful.." The red head spoke, her eyes lightened up as she carefully stroked the cat an scratched behind its ear. "How long have you had her for?”
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“Oh, this is Luna, you can pet her if you’d like.” Emily spoke softly as she turned her gaze upwards. A young black cat with just a hint of white across her face rubbed her head against Emily’s hand as she sat in her lap. People probably weren’t used to seeing a cat out and about on a leash but Emily loved taking her baby out and about for walks and Luna, clad in her little black and grey plaid harness and matching leash, was equally as excited to be out of the house. 
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nightshadling · 5 years
Sally smiled softly as she listened closely to the others words. It must be nice having family that were that close and caring towards one another; more than that it was nice seeing others so happy when talking about home and family. Sally couldn't relate, but if anyone deserved to be surrounded by good loving people it was Minnie. "Oh I-" The red head spoke with a small shake of her head as she looked at the container in her hands. "That's really kind of you, but I can't take all of those off your hands. You should keep some of them atleast."
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“My parents sent me the nicest care package themed gift.  They gave me a whole bunch of handmade gifts including a new quilt from my grandmother, some jam, and well a bunch of little sentimental things.  I got lots of my mom’s cookies, fudge, other sweets that I miss from back home.  It’s way more than I need or could possibly eat so I was wondering if you’d like some?” Minnie asked offering them a container full of sweets.  “What good are sweets if you can’t share them right?”
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nightshadling · 5 years
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nightshadling · 5 years
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Jack looked at her for a brief moment and sighed. She could tell, couldn’t she? Still, it was better to be honest with her than to just keep hiding it, right? “Work’s been a bit stressful,” he said, “For some reason I just cannot figure out an idea for this job I’m working on. This company asked me to plan their Christmas festivities this year. And I’m honestly really stuck.” Jack reached into the bag he had with him and pulled out his notebook, detailing everything he had in mind. So far, none of it really seemed good enough.Things seemed just a touch too scary for his liking. “And I’m supposed to give them the plans next month,” he said, “I’m sure I’ll get in trouble for this one.” 
Listening quietly with light concern edging over her features, the red head pushing herself up from where she was perched to make her way over to his side. Peering down at the notebook in his hands, her eyes flickered over the various ideas seeing if some how she could be of any help. Since her mother passed, Christmas was never exactly a big thing in the Dollahan house hold. Even then her mother had been more interested in Halloween than any other holiday. So Christmas festivities weren't exactly in Sally's vocabulary, apart from what she'd seen in films and observed from her window. "It looks like you have lots of ideas in here.." Sally spoke gently her head tilting slightly as she read over his shoulder. From what she'd seen, Sally didn't doubt that he was talented at what he did. Though there was no denying this was definitely different. “Do you have any you like so far? Or parts of an idea?”
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nightshadling · 5 years
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nightshadling · 5 years
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hopeless fountain kingdom favorite lyrics - 6/?
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nightshadling · 5 years
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Born with Congenital amputation, Sally was born with a foreshortened left arm with it ended just below her elbow. While growing up her father would make her prosthetic’s so from first glance no one ever really knew. For as long as Sally wanted to leave the confines of her childhood and escape her father’s strict rule over her, she was reliant on the prosthetic’s for sewing. So as much as she was sure she was ready for the world, with the prosthetic’s locked away at night there was little she could do. As many times as she would secretly sneak out during the night, she would always have to come back come morning. Needing the arm to earn a living and for her own safety blanket with the fact she doesn’t like not being seen without it. Not because she is ashamed or embarrassed, but she doesn’t want something to make her stand out and set her apart from everyone else. She’d rather just stay in the shadows unnoticed. Eventually, she slowly taught herself how to fix something if it went wrong. After so many years of living with one, the red head has several which she took when she ran away from home.
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