nightmarecita · 3 months
Adam X Oc
The first time they met, Adam's first impression was that she was boring and had very bad taste, at first he was a little curious about her, which was normal, but his attempt at rapprochement was not the best of all.
—And this cutie?— the man known as Ethan, whose purpose in the band was to play the drums, leaned a little towards the shorter winged girl with a subtly flirtatious smile, finding her sweet appearance and face attractive at first glance. tender and with a squashy appearance.
The angel tilted her head a little and retreated a little at her sudden approach, her eyes were a little drooping and everything about her revolved around colors with various shades of blue, her eyes, her hair. her. . . Her mouth, because it gave the impression that there were cyan marks on the sides of her mouth, simulating small embroidery.
—Leave her alone, she came for me, asshole.– She was named Laila, who was in charge of pushing away her dear friend's drummer, a dear friend she had met about a week ago, actually, but he was quite nice to her. . . And she reminded him of someone she knew during her lifetime.
Adam was elated and happy after being booed by some fans, and after handing out some autographs and exciting the girls with flirtatious looks, he made his way through the hallways so he could drop off his things and finally leave, he hummed a little under his breath, his Good mood could be quickly noticed, he still had a lot of energy, and he was thinking about releasing it, specifically on someone.
— Wait for me outside, dear, I'll just change.– He immediately recognized Laila's voice, who was in her band. From the hallway he watched her enter the bathroom and leave a girl behind.
For a moment the appearance of the angel seemed familiar to him, approaching her to inspect her one more voice, where do you know her from? There are many people in heaven, but he specifically remembered having seen her somewhere, not at the concert, he didn't remember. having seen it as a spectator.
But admiring her a little more closely, he remembered her desire to expel the energy he had from her into more physical action, and even though she wasn't his type physically, he didn't hesitate to approach her.
— Hey, cutie, are you waiting for someone?– Adam's sudden approach surprised the angel a little, but she just looked at him and nodded. Her face was a little curious to Adam, but that didn't stop him.
— Who are you?–
Adam almost drowned.
With a puzzled expression, she went blank, silently staring at the short one as she processed her question, what kind of question is that?
— What kind of question is that?! I'm the fucking Adam! Do you live under a rock or what?!– He frowned, leaning exaggeratedly towards the angel, who pressed his back against the wall. by that approach, but after trying to make sense of the situation, his smile suddenly grew, bringing his face closer to her, almost in a predatory way while his wings spread over her, giving a feeling of intimidation because this It made him look bigger than before.– Ohh, I get it, you're trying to play dumb to get my attention, aren't you? You fake little bitch.– The tone of his voice quickly became slightly mocking and seductive, as the angel Below him I looked at him with confusion and surprise, all of this was very fast and sudden.
— Since you don't know who I am, why don't I show you who Adam is?— Her hands held the angel's hips, causing her to jump a little because of it.
— No!– When this was too much for her, she pushed the man from her body, her cheeks were a little red and she was a little agitated, clearly this whole act worked to upset her, since you were not used to these things.
It took Adam a few moments to process that she had pushed him, so he stayed silent, staring at her until he scowled angrily, crossing his arms in indignation.
— Hey! How dare you push me?! You should be grateful that I, Adam, noticed a bitter bitch like you!
That was it, he was no longer in a good mood.
Without allowing the angel to say anything else, Adam began to quietly complain and mutter curses, turning around as he quickly walked away from her,
Who would reject HIM? It was the fucking Adam, she should be grateful that he noticed her! What bad tastes she must have to have pushed him away like that, how rude!
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nightmarecita · 4 months
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In another life [Nightmare!Sans]
«“It took a while to arrive, but it was part of your destiny.”»
They were lying on the damp earth, staring up at the cloudy sky as a few drops of water fell on their bodies, some of them mixing on the ground with particles of fresh blood.
The silence wasn't awkward or anything; It was just the two of them, lying on the ground as they looked at the sky without any particular emotion, ignoring the mortal wounds on their vessels.
— I'm hungry– she said completely randomly, breaking the ice.
—You will eat when we fall to hell.—they would not be saved, they were dying slowly, and nothing would save them from that inevitable end.
— Do you believe in reincarnation?– she asked suddenly, without looking away from the black clouds that were approaching.
A beautiful, clear sky, with the sun prostrate and shining or with a beautiful albino moon hugging the sky, was not a scenario that was worthy of them, they did not deserve it.
They were only worthy of those black clouds in all their vision and the disgusting sensation of how their clothes, wet with blood, water and some mud, were sticking to their bodies.
— We're about to die, stop torturing me with meaningless questions because you're hungry– he snorted, refusing to answer his opponent's question.
— That's why I don't like you, you're bitter.– He blinked a little, closing one eye when a small drop of water fell into it.
— I'm not interested.–
They both stayed silent for a while, comfortable with each other's presence and with the fact that they would die at the other's side, although they would never admit it.
It was a good ending for them. A good ending for an obsessed man and a traitor.
A King, and a warrior from the enemy Kingdom.
The hatred was mutual as much as the attraction, but that barrier between them would never make them admit their interest. They were infatuated with each other, obsessed with the idea of ending the opponent to make those feelings disappear, that hatred for desire, that desire to be in each other's arms and hide in the depths of the forest, where no one would see them. or would listen, a place away from the weight of their positions, and a place where they would be nothing more than a simple couple loving each other, hidden from the sunlight.
But it was obviously nothing more than a fantasy hidden deep in their heads.
— This wouldn't have happened to you if you weren't so stupid.– His sharp tongue attacked, reminding the girl once again of how he tried to stop Dream from killing him, oh, such a stupid and involuntary action, driven by the hidden feeling of terror. knowing that he would fall.
And it wasn't just him who fell.
She was silent; She didn't want to talk about it, it was true, she was stupid for knowing the purpose of that war and trying to prevent it for personal reasons.
— . . . I deserve it, I betrayed my King a long time ago.– She had planned so many times to abandon the royal guard, and simply be an ordinary inhabitant, even though she swore to protect him until his death.
She wanted to ask him everything, most of all the reason why she had tried to protect him, even though she could imagine it, it was not the same as hearing it from her lips. . . But he knew, she wouldn't get to hear her response, she felt her life draining away, and she didn't have much of it left.
— If reincarnation existed, I swear he would kill you again.
— Oh, how nice of you– she murmured sarcastically.
However, her response was no longer heard. Now she was alone, knowing that she didn't have much time left either.
— If I could be reincarnated, I would kill you too. . .
She slowly closed her eyes, feeling them sting slightly.
A tear was camouflaged among the drops of water.
And she finally stopped breathing.
She was sitting in the living room, on her cell phone, answering the messages her mother sent her asking her if she was having a good time, to which she responded with affirmations and anything that didn't make her worry.
I was in Dream's room, and there were Ink and Blue too, talking and playing the console, suddenly making a fuss when they lost, they had to take turns so they could all play, but there wasn't much of a problem. Dream's mother was already asleep in her bed, since it was 1 at night, and her brother was in her room.
Although she had not even seen her brother when she arrived, she did not even know what he was like, only she knew his name and she knew that he existed.
— Are you done yet?– Ink questioned when he saw her leave her cell phone face down on the nightstand next to the bed.
— Uh-huh– with that short response, she got out of bed under the squid's gaze. — I'm going to the bathroom– she said with a vague gesture, walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.
To get to the bathroom she had to go down the stairs to the first floor and cross through the kitchen, on the other side through a hallway she reached the bathroom. The house was quite dark, so that he had to be careful not to trip on the stairs or any furniture while looking for the light switch.
She walked down the stairs carefully, resting her hand on the wall trying not to trip immediately due to the lack of light. He knew that the kitchen switch was at the entrance to the kitchen, so he walked straight towards it, walking cautiously and silently, somewhat tense, as if something was going to come out of the darkness and catch her, how ridiculous.
Sensing that he would be able to see any spirit lurking near her, he flipped the switch, turning on the light bulb at once. Obviously, there was no one, no ghosts, nothing.
He sighed softly, feeling somewhat relieved.
— On one side, you're getting in the way.
At the first little noise he made, his entire body went numb with fright, jumping slightly, stifling a scream from the small shock.
Moving quickly and moving to the side, moving a little away from the entrance to the kitchen, he finally saw it.
His expression softened.
A tired and angry face was what he saw in the skeleton dyed black, with his pajamas all pretty blue with little yellow stars.
She felt strange seeing him, she felt like she had seen him somewhere, but she didn't remember him.
The tallest man's rough and annoyed expression disappeared in a matter of seconds when she analyzed the human in front of him, she looked at her strangely, slowly analyzing her from top to bottom.
Obviously, she was friends with Dream, but he had never met her, yet she seemed so to him. . . Known
They both remained silent for a while with the same mental objective, they tried to recognize each other, staring at each other, analyzing each other.
— I know you?. . .– Nightmare was the first to speak, with a confused and curious tone.
— I think so. . . I feel like I saw you somewhere but I don't remember where.– Maybe Dream showed her a photo sometime and she just doesn't remember it.
A sudden desire to slap him came to her heart, but she wasn't going to get aggressive for no apparent reason with her friend's brother.
. . . But why did she feel like hitting him?
—What's your name?– The tallest man questioned, believing that with a name he would be able to identify her, not that he was very interested, but. . . Well, yes, he was curious.
He told her name, watching as he fell silent again, trying to remember, but nothing came to her mind, just not.
Between him he closed his eyes.
An uncomfortable silence settled in the place, looking to the sides nervously before the attentive gaze of the man in black.
— You're staying the night, right? — She looked at him strangely at the question, nodding slowly in affirmation.
Her body stiffened, shuddering as a shiver ran down her spine, causing her to straighten slightly when her adversary placed her hand on his shoulder, but what made her break was hearing her voice so close to her ear.
— When everyone is asleep, come to my room.
And with that whispered request, he turned away from her, turning to return to her room, leaving her there as she stared where he had gone, her cheeks red.
— . . . Ah—. . . Oh, right, the bathroom. – Somewhat nervous about the above, she hurried to the bathroom, trying to momentarily forget what had happened.
Finishing, she returned upstairs, glancing at the door to Nightmare's room, remembering her previous request. She shook her head quickly, entering Dream's room.
. . . Yellow's brother is very strange.
Maybe if I go to his room later after all.
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nightmarecita · 4 months
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Nightmare!Sans X Reader
He was just perfect.
Maybe he wasn't a human, maybe he wasn't the kindest being precisely… After all we are talking about the incarnation of evil, a highly toxic entity.
But please, the strange charisma he possessed was so alluring once you stopped being a disgusting being in his orbit, a voice so deep, thick and evil that listening to it could only give you chills, even if he was joking cruelly, being sarcastic or reproaching your ignorance.
She couldn't help but feel attracted to the demon that controlled her body at will even if he didn't have her soul in his hands, yet her head could only focus on him, feeling the coldness of his being pass through her clothes, his long limbs clinging to her as if he thought she would be able to escape despite her dazed gaze and the loving way in which she watched him, stunned by his closeness and that penetrating gaze that seemed to make her obey any order he even thought of.
He could barely handle her heavy presence, and having him practically pressed against her only made things worse, with his tentacles passing along her back, pulling him towards himself to close the little space between them, feeling the palpitations in the girl's chest against him.
He wanted to make fun of her, how stunned she was, how stunned she had become with just that, but the girl's loving gaze prevented her words from coming out, and she couldn't help but stay with a bewildered expression on her face because of so much emotion. He didn't know how to feel, it was. . . Something strange. . . She's not supposed to enjoy it so much, he's not supposed to be like this because someone looks at him with such a pretty face.
. . .
But he felt conflicted.
His cheekbones took on a soft turquoise color, slightly deviating his orbit to the other side, showing something. . . Confused and nervous.
His grip gave a little.
She should be afraid of him, but instead she was totally enjoying the situation.
—Nightmare. . . – Her pleading voice caught his attention, turning his gaze towards the girl, who was gently squeezing the edges of his foreign sweater, gently squeezing her eager lips– Please? . . – She murmured in a shameful tone for not wanting to pressure the negative one and get him to get away from her, but she wanted to continue.
She was eager to feel his presence consume her.
. . .
Now that was what he was supposed to do-
The King's mind went blank, observing and feeling the mixed emotions and feelings of that woman, why the hell would she even want him closer?
He was curious about the topic, but was he supposed to feel this way?
He had previously been in control of the situation, but being aware of everything his adversary was feeling right now confused his highness. She wasn't trying to run away, she was even begging for the continuation of her actions, so happy, so excited and watching him. . . So.
It was stupid that he felt nervous and strange, she was a human, those emotions and feelings were just something temporary, once he got what he wanted, he would no longer be able to feel interest in staying close to someone like him.
He inhaled softly in a somewhat nervous way, bringing his hand to the girl's cheek, slowly stroking it with his thumb as he returned to focus his sight on her eyes, with a strange feeling growing in him because of the adverseness of her face. she.
Finally, he slowly leaned towards her, in which she raised her arms, slightly surrounding her neck without holding on to him, but touching the bones of her neck, rubbing them a little causing Nightmare to tingle. .
They both instinctively closed their eyes as they sealed their breaths in a small kiss, the heat on their cheeks increasing considerably.
Nightmare's confidence was lost when acting, and that was shown in the clumsiness of the kiss, it was in a way something quite tender, since before he seemed so sure of himself, but now he no longer seemed to be able to take control of the situation. .
His hand, which was previously on the girl's cheek, slowly crept to the back of her neck, gently burying his fingers in her hair, tangling them a little between them.
She stood on tiptoe, pressing her lips harder against him, feeling him shudder as she clung to her body.
His body generally felt cold, but right now he didn't know if it was his own temperature or Nightmare's, but he wasn't able to feel that coldness that there was beforehand, the slight burning on his lips and wrapped around his body did not lose its importance, but it couldn't bother him less, it was a strangely pleasant feeling.
It wasn't something that hurt exaggeratedly, but feeling that gentle burning only made him feel a slight heat in the area.
His grip on the girl began to tighten again. He actually didn't dislike the way she clung to him, her touch soft and strangely loving.
It felt like a rare dream where someone seemed to genuinely love him despite the being he was.
And he was starting to feel better and better, he was. . . Pleasant, and he couldn't help but feel attracted to that affection that he disliked so much, without realizing it, he began to cling to it.
They slowly broke away from the kiss, each feeling different ways, but they could both agree on how pleasant it had felt for both of them, even if it wasn't the best, even if it wasn't much.
It felt even more than that.
"Mh?" he murmured with a soft voice, smiling softly when he felt his limbs beginning to move restlessly on his back, with his thumb lightly rubbing his cheek and a very intense expression, in which his pupil did not leave his face, and they were still as close as before, but this time without kissing.
However, he didn't seem to hear her, he seemed quite focused on analyzing her, as if he was waiting for something from her or as if he was still trying to process the situation. Likewise, he didn't complain about the subtle little pampering Nightmare gave to her cheek, he felt so pretty.
“My king?” He laughed softly as his cheeks heated up as his head slowly leaned against his shoulder, lifting his face a little to let him be comfortable.
However, apparently, the way he called it caused the entity to snap out of its mini trance, instantly raising its head, staring with its eyes wide open at the girl, as if it were processing what it had just done and how it acted. .
Oblivious to Nightmare's precise feelings, he seemed to see himself. . . Highly strung.
But he didn't even let her utter another word as he disappeared from his sight in a second.
—Oh. . . – He murmured softly about that, blinking a few times. He didn't seem bothered by anything she did, but he did seem a little uneasy.
Somewhat curious about that, she slowly placed the tips of her fingers on her lips, barely touching them.
She could still feel the soft burning of it.
Sorry, my English is very bad, but I wanted to try writing on Tumblr
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