niftydev · 9 years
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niftydev · 9 years
At this rate, it doesn't look like you know her very well either.
Go fuck yourself.
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niftydev · 9 years
I'll bet Vi misses her little blonde.
You obviously don’t know Violet at all. Lmao.
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niftydev · 9 years
do you think alana deserves happiness?
If it doesn’t mean she’s hurting anyone in the process then I suppose. Alana strikes me as the type to not take anyone else’s happiness into consideration except her own, though.
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niftydev · 9 years
It doesnt bother you that they still talk?
You’re lying.
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niftydev · 9 years
think about lily..... when lily cheated, no one cared. now she's MARRYING karen. why should violet be any different?
Listen. It’s different, okay? Elena and Lily weren’t… I mean they hadn’t even been together for nearly as long as Violet and me…
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niftydev · 9 years
Are you worried about Violet cheating?
No. She wouldn’t…
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niftydev · 9 years
How can you still trust Violet knowing that she fucked Alana?
That was a long time ago and we’ve all matured since then. Maybe you should consider doing the same.
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niftydev · 9 years
Devon's eyes widened at the mention of marriage. A smile lifted up her lips, once again, as she spoke teasingly, "That was a slip of the tongue, my love. But marriage, huh? What would grade nine Carson say to that?" Grade nine Carson would definitely feel opposite, that much Devon could recall-- they hadn't met at that stage but she'd heard enough from Violet and the rest of Westbridge what Violet used to be like. It never made Devon think any less of her girlfriend. "True," Devon replied, leaning into Violet as she began to turn red at the tender touch, "If I knew that I wouldn't have challenged you. You know I hate losing."
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"Izzy it is." Devon informed with a growing grin, leaning down to snuggle the baby but instead getting a slobbery lick across her chin and lips in return. "Agh, it burns!" She performed melodramatically, though had begun laughing which pretty much gave her away. "Your mummy definitely won't kiss me now, will she Izzy? Huh? Will she?" Evidently the brunette had become like every other human being when faced with a baby; brainless, fueled only by the cuteness and attention of said being, her tone giving it away as well as her inability to avert her wide eyes. "Look at our baby, Vee. She's so pretty."
" — Hey, I haven’t married you yet." Violet grinned, putting weight on the word ‘yet’ as her hand went to rest automatically on Devon’s thigh. The way Violet touched her was almost unconscious; out of habit, more than anything else. But really, the brunette found it hard to keep her hands to herself when she was around her girlfriend. It was a sort of affection only Devon could inspire in her. She laughed, tucking a lock of Devon’s hair behind her ear. "C’mon, you know I’m the hide and seek queen.” She grinned, another laugh escaping her lips.
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Laughing as Devon quickly jumped up, watching her face off. ” — You’re coming back, right?” She called out after her, scooping up the puppy and sitting it on her lap as she waited for her girlfriend. Violet’s eyes immediately went to Devon, and the piece of paper in her hand; her eyes widening slightly at the energy the girl had put into it. Humming contentedly as Devon handed her the paper, Violet’s scanned the page, her gaze quickly going to the top five. Idly stroking the dog, the brunette bit her lip as she contemplated the names. “Um…” she trailed off, looking down to the puppy in her lap before looking back up to Devon. “I like Izzy,” she said simply, beaming at the brunette before leaning across to kiss her. “And don’t worry, I won’t.”
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niftydev · 9 years
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niftydev · 9 years
Well, this storm was worse than just a storm, but Devon wasn't about to mention that. Besides, she was aware that Nessa had said that solely for her sake. "We are. We're fine. Probably caring a little too much about the power and not enough about the actual storm, but oh well. How long do you think we have left before it shuts down?"
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             No, Lily wouldn’t let anything happen to Karen but Karen also wouldn’t let anything happen to Lily and, even with that, none of them would be able of doing shit if the car got out of control or they got stuck in the middle of the blizzard. But, instead of projecting those bad thoughts and worrying Devon even more, Nessa tried her damn hardest to smile and nod. Okay, at least Lily wasn’t answering either… but that only helped to worry her even more. So, in conclusion, she was currently inconsolable.
                        ” Yeah… probably. I mean, it’s just a storm… “ A very scary storm that everyone has been freaked over the whole week. ” Are you guys safe? “
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niftydev · 9 years
Karen: i was gonna cry if something happened to you fuck
Karen: yeah, all good. you? vi?
Devon: i'm currently eating pringles & watching doctor who and vee is IN THE BATH i told her to just go outside instead and save us money.
Devon: im about to join her tho. tmi? tmi.
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niftydev · 9 years
Karen: Hey, are you guys safe???????
Devon: THANK GOD. yes yes yes I am. Are u & lil ok???
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niftydev · 9 years
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niftydev · 9 years
"I know, I am too..." And that was the truth. Devon was just glad that at least her twin, Darcy, had replied to her text reassuring her that she was, in fact, safe. Nessa wasn't that lucky. "Lily wouldn't let anything bad happen to her, right? -- Besides, countless times has Kare forgotten to charge her phone which on most days is annoying as hell, but now gives us something."
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"Lily and Karen are probably watching romantic comedies with weddings in them like the dorks they are in a successful attempt to block out the storm and in an hour or so they'll be like 'oh man, we're terrible, we haven't check our phones yet!'. I spoke to Iris earlier and she said Lily wasn't answering either so, in other words, that's exactly what's happening."
             Nessa shook her head, running her shaky hands through her hair, pushing it off her face. God, she just wanted her sister there. She’d clearly told her to be there and now maybe she was stuck out there because she’d been going there. Or maybe she was inside her place, safe and sound. Either way, Nessie had no idea and it was making her freak out even more.
                         ” Nothing. Not even a text… Devs, I’m so worried and this storm is just wrecking my nerves. “
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niftydev · 9 years
"Still no Karen?" Devon was as worried as Nessa, she was just better at used to hiding it.
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                    ” —… I hate this. “
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niftydev · 9 years
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