newtsixtyfive · 15 hours
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i was held at gunpoint to post this doodle from january
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newtsixtyfive · 3 days
Writers: Sneak peeks
Here are the things our artists are thinking so far
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Do you see something that interests you? Is there an idea in here that you just have to have?
Sign up now:
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newtsixtyfive · 16 days
I genuinely don't think ppl acknowledge how crazy foggy nelson was in season 2 of daredevil. matt let him think he was DEAD for months, stole from him, pushed him away, and tried telling him that their friendship was worthless. and foggy said no. I won't accept that. I know you. I know you're hurt, and broken, and scared of losing me so you're pushing me away before I can abandon you. I would never do that, but you can't trust that because everyone else you've ever loved has. I can't convince you but I WILL do anything for you. I will not walk away no matter how much it hurts me in the process. and I will be here when you're ready to come home to me. when he thought matt was dead he said he didn't know who he was without him, and when he came back to him he quit his high-paying job to work out of a butcher shop as an office so he could be with matt. HE WAS INSANE FOR THAT!!!!1!!!!!!
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newtsixtyfive · 16 days
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my beautiful silly prince ily
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newtsixtyfive · 17 days
Sign Ups Open!
17 more days for artists!
You can also join the discord for more info, reminders, or to support the writers and artists even if you're not sure about participating yourself.
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newtsixtyfive · 18 days
DBHrarepairsweek 7 - date voting time
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newtsixtyfive · 18 days
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Carnival / Kanye West, Ty Dolla $ign (Edit Audio)
Ft: Reed
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newtsixtyfive · 21 days
DBHrarepairsweek 7 - Prompt suggestions
Feel free to submit any prompt ideas you have (either comment under this post or send a message)
Deadline is April 10
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newtsixtyfive · 23 days
Detroit Become Human Reverse Big Bang 2024 Info Masterpost
D:BH Reverse Big Bang 2024 Schedule
08 April (Mon): Signups open 29 April (Mon): Signups close for ARTISTS 19 May (Sun): Signups close for ALL 01 June (Sat): Artist Concept arts & notes due 08-15 June: CLAIMS 16-22 June: Moderators match people 23 June: Matches go out PRIVATELY 30 June: MATCHES BECOME PUBLIC July, August, September: Creation time 15 Sept (Sun): Posting begins 30 Sept (Mon): Posting ends, event over, celebration!
For the purposes of this event, we are assuming art includes digital art, traditional physical art (that can be photographed and shared), manipulations, or fanvids.
We are happy to consider other kinds of art -- ask the mods via discord or tumblr.
With each art, you will be able to share some thoughts on your idea, as well as things you are open to and things you aren’t open to.
Each artist is expected to complete one quality work per idea. We have shared advice on what this means and are willing to answer any questions you might have.
Keep art snippets and previews in the artists' section until matches go public.
Art should be a new enough concept that hasn’t been thoroughly discussed or partially shared elsewhere.
Art that is NSFW, or involves the AO3 Big Four or other heavy / hardcore topics is allowed, but do keep in mind that this is a community event; the more extreme your work, the harder it might be to find an enthusiastic writer.
We encourage artists to share a SFW art concept for claims, but will include a space in signups where you can tell writers if you plan to also draw NSFW content for your idea. However, this isn’t required; if your concept is entirely NSFW, that’s okay too.
Alternate Universe (AU) works are absolutely allowed.
Crossover works will be allowed if DBH is the main focus canon and DBH characters are the main focus — but do keep in mind there is no guarantee any writers will know, or be willing to handle, your secondary canon. Your mods personally recommend avoiding crossover fanart for this event.
We can only guarantee one piece of fiction per artwork. However, if the numbers work out, writers may be allowed to pick up additional work, like last year. Writers will not be required to work with each other, so you may receive different, unrelated fics for the same art. Isn’t life neat?
Minimum wordcount for this event is 10K.
While you can go nuts with wordcount above 10K, we heartily encourage writers to finish their story within the event timeline.
If you decide to write for more than one piece of art, we strongly encourage you to attempt, for example, two 10K-15K pieces. Longer multichapter stories are still allowed, but based on the completion rate of last year’s bang, we are encouraging authors to limit their scope appropriately if picking up multiple works.
Work needs to be a new story that hasn't been thoroughly discussed or partially published elsewhere.
We expect your fanfic to work with the art you claim and, in general, with the preferences your artist has expressed.
We expect you to appropriately tag your work and any shared snippets.
Keep writing snippets in the writers' section until matches go public.
We encourage you to use a beta and will help you find one if necessary.
Alternate Universe (AU) works are absolutely allowed, if they work with the art you’ve claimed.
What’s a Reverse Big Bang? Big Bangs are fun fandom events that focus on two main things. The first is teaming writers and artists together for joint fanworks; the second is usually a longer timeline meant to produce longer fanfics and more / more detailed arts. A Reverse Big Bang starts with the art first, and the process will go as such: Artists will share a sketch / concept piece, along with some thoughts about the story that might go with it, and the kind of fics they’d like to be paired with. The mods will combine these into an anonymous masterpost. Writers will then fill out a form telling the mods their top 3 picks, as well as any others they’d be interested in doing. The mods work magic behind the scenes to pair up artists and writers.We do our best to get you one of your top three, but as always it depends on how the ratio works out. Teams go out privately, first, to make sure we haven’t accidentally paired you with your fandom nemesis. Teams are then released publicly. Each team then focuses on finishing their arts and fics together.
How much do I have to do? / How many things can I make? All artists and writers are only required to make one work. Both artists and writers will have the option of doing at least two works. For fics, the minimum length will be 10,000 words. The maximum is as many words as you want. However, we encourage you to plan a fic length that allows you to finish your story during the time frame of the Bang. This is doubly true if you intend to write for more than one piece of art! The maximum number of submissions (for artists) and claims (for writers) will depend on the number of participants we have as well as the ratio of artists to writers. We should be able to predict this most of the way through sign-ups and will make a public post when we have it. Remember that once your concept has been paired with a team, you can make as much art as you want for that fic and within that idea!
Since it’s a Reverse Big Bang and arts come first, are there any quality requirements for the art? We want to remain an event open to as many people as possible, and recognize that artists and writers come at a variety of skill levels. So technically, no, there are no quality requirements; we’re not gatekeepers. That being said, in the interest of keeping participants as happy as possible with the individuals they are assigned to work with, and because this question has been asked by many artists, we have some guidelines about art:
We ask artists to produce one quality work. Quality means different things to different artists, but we ask that artists produce work that takes enough of the artist’s time and effort to be a top-level work you can be proud of. Art that takes more than one session, art that takes multiple hours, art that includes extras like colors or color palettes, background details — these are all things that can help your art meet that quality requirement, but obviously will be different depending on artist and style. Artists are expected to take the event seriously. Art that has not been made in good faith - for example, appears to be trolling or a meme, or stick figures on a post-it note - will not be accepted. Being silly or funny with art is fine, as are comic-style submissions; just make it in good faith understanding this is a public event where you will be working with partners. We do NOT expect things to be at a “quality” level when submitted for writer claims. Please don’t panic. An unfinished work or concept sketch will suffice to get your point across early in the event. Like last year, we are assuming art includes traditional digital art, traditional physical art (that can be photographed and shared), manipulations, and fanvids. Unfortunately, with a Reverse Big Bang, podfic isn’t an option as it needs the fic first. (However, if you are a podficcer and interested in participating, contact the mods and we’ll consider connecting you with an existing team.) The mods have no preference to what program or method you use to make your art as long as, once again, the art is made in good faith. Want to make pixel art in Excel? Go for it. The effort is what matters. Works done by AI are not welcome in this event. This is not a statement on the merits of AI in fanwork creation. It reflects the serious value and respect the mod team has for individual creators in fandom.
What if there isn’t any art I want to write for? Can I know pairings/topics before I sign up? No, you won’t know what specific art will be available before you sign up.
What we will be doing is asking artists to share what they intend to do optionally in their sign-up form so that we can share a list for people to get excited about, because that's the positive hype we want for this event.
That being said: If you truly sign up in good faith and do not find any art that you can create for, we do not want any participants to feel trapped into making content they will not enjoy. The mod team will work with you privately to find a better way for you to participate.
The mod team will also not be insulted by anyone who considers their own writing preferences and abilities and decides that a Reverse Big Bang is not the event for them. Feel free to come cheer instead!
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newtsixtyfive · 23 days
DBH RBB 2024 Signups are open!
See our pinned post for schedule, rules, and so on. Ask here or on discord if you have any questions!
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newtsixtyfive · 24 days
I just finished episode 7 of Shou, and Izaya's phone call to Mikado is very interesting to me. He initially calls to antagonize Mikado, or at least it seems like it with how he criticized Mikado's response to the Dollars going off the rails again and his strained relationship with Masaomi.
But really, it seems more like genuine advice to me than most of the bullshit Izaya goes on about in the series. I'll be real, I personally think Izaya is more honest with Mikado than anyone else in the series. When he gives him advice, it feels a lot less manipulative than his "advice" for any other character. This is especially true compared to how he is with Masaomi. Every bit of advice Izaya ever gives Masaomi is wrapped in riddles or culminates in some sort of arm-twist to get him to do what Izaya wants. Sure, Mikado is part of Izaya's plan to awaken the head, but it seems like he has a vested interest in Mikado ultimately coming out on top. I wonder why that is? Perhaps the fact that Mikado is a direct parallel to Izaya himself within the high school trio? Izaya clearly sees himself in Mikado, and wants to support him in a way he probably didn't have when he was up-and-coming himself.
It especially comes through to me at the end of their call this episode:
"You're a good person, and that's something to be to be respected. But didn't you start the Dollars because you got bored of being respectable? An escape from the ordinary—isn't that your dream? That's why I'm worried about you. I said it before, didn't I? To enjoy an ordinary life, you have to constantly evolve. But that's definitely not something you should try to do by yourself."
Izaya ends the conversation by insisting Mikado call him by his given name, a sign of friendship and equality, and reminds him that he has lots of people in his corner—Anri, Kida, and him. It's especially notable to me that Izaya doesn't reference himself as an exclusive authority here, and even sites Masaomi (who doesn't get along with Izaya) before he references himself. If it were really a manipulative tactic to keep Mikado under his thumb, he wouldn't have suggested Mikado communicate with his friends about the problem. Hell, in the original run, Izaya's WHOLE PLAN was centered around these three NOT communicating.
What's also notable is how Mikado takes that advice. He thanks Izaya in earnest, and later reminisces how he used to think Izaya was sketchy, but he now believes he's nice.
Orihara Izaya is nice. To Ryuugamine Mikado.
I think that's kind of an important facet of Izaya's character, that he is capable of caring for others. He's just a little chosey about who in his circle actually gets that care.
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newtsixtyfive · 24 days
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It was funnier in my head
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newtsixtyfive · 24 days
haha hey remember that whole speech izaya gave to masaomi about how his guilt over getting saki hurt "will be [his] god" and how it mirrors izaya's role in shinra's stabbing and how he STILL has nakura under his thumb because of it, partly because of his own guilt in the matter. haha did you know that if youre unaccustomed to feeling guilt for whatever reason- either you repress it constantly or just straight up can't feel guilt- when you DO end up feeling it full-force, you have absolutely no coping skills in place to deal with it because.... well... when have you ever? when could you have learned? haha did you know that this can lead you to repressing guilt even further because of how distressing the act of Feeling It is?
haha do you ever think about izaya- not the person himself but his name, a different reading of "rinya," named after the biblical isaiah, his father a Christian, growing up in a religion that heralded guilt as not only an absolver of oneself but as a necessity to eternal life? do you ever think about how growing up seemingly unable to feel guilt would do to someone in this environment? this horrible feeling as you realize you lack the inate ability to feel something so crucial to life, to the afterlife? to being remembered? to continuing on? and what happened the first time he ever felt guilt over something? he was just a child, dealing with an emotion he'd never felt before- did he repress it? it seems like he did. imagine trying to repress guilt then feeling more guilt over your repression of it, because not being able to feel it is one thing but actively turning away from it is another, but god, it hurt, and you have sisters to feed and a life to live and hurt compounding in on itself and you know human beings have limits and you can't go on feeling guilt and reach yours. you have sisters and they need you and you know you would never shed your cowardice long enough to kill yourself, so whatever hell you were in, you'd be stuck there, so best not make it worse.
you can go through your life thinking that your lack of guilt was because you don't really do anything that necessitates guilt- you don't do much of anything at all, really, you just watch, but then you meet a boy and you do things and you do more things and a floodgate opens and things get riskier and riskier and your only friend gets stabbed and that, that necessitates guilt and it comes in droves- overwhelming, horrible, and you're completely unequipped to deal with it.
you know you're rotten, now, but there's nothing you can really do about it. so you continue on being rotten and repressing any guilt you feel because the thrill of doing what you do outweighs the guilt anyway, and it's not like you can stop- not like you want to stop, more like, because you're in control of everything. and most of all, you're in control of yourself. and all the while that guilt lingers behind you.
you may have become an athiest but you've created your own god, ready to condemn you to your own Hell.
isn't that funny?
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newtsixtyfive · 24 days
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Kida is taking the photo of Mikado in the first one
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newtsixtyfive · 25 days
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I know that happened
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newtsixtyfive · 25 days
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And this is why I shouldn't have access to art programs
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newtsixtyfive · 25 days
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