netamoonshark · 11 days
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A piece for my contribution to the @noragamibigbang! Please read @skadventuretime's wonderful Hadestown + Noragami crossover fic that accompanies this artwork and her other masterful fics!!
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netamoonshark · 11 days
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Happy valentines day ft the last chapter
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netamoonshark · 11 days
Noragami Spoilers
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If little 14 yo me who just finished both seasons of Noragami anime and just started the manga knew what was happening now she would break down sobbing and never touch noragami ever again I'm telling you
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netamoonshark · 11 days
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for my beloved bestie @herstrayskies ♥
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netamoonshark · 11 days
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netamoonshark · 11 days
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Who would have thought that in the end the hours of study and homework would become Yukine's sakura for ten years.
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netamoonshark · 11 days
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Baby chicken Yukine
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netamoonshark · 11 days
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netamoonshark · 11 days
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netamoonshark · 11 days
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Save haruki
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netamoonshark · 11 days
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this was giving me kazubisha vibes, so i had to do it (ft. Kuraha)
my adventures with chouki
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netamoonshark · 11 days
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gift for a friend's birthday :)
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netamoonshark · 15 days
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase more about the dylia (dylla + lilia) ship. It is so crack and yet so satisfying. Please i beg 🙏🙏🙏
Dw anon I'm here to deliver🙏🙏
This got long and it's kinda all over the place SORRY I just REALLY wanted to ramble about them
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So I see them meeting around Deuce's second year I HAVEN'T THOUGHT EXACTLY HOW (so I'm open to ideas) BUT they found themselves attracted to each other rather quickly.
Lilia found Dylla's confident and strong personality intriguing, enjoying how she didn't hesitate to talk or speak her mind.
I imagine Dylla didn't have an interest in dating considering she had to look after Deuce, and depending on what you think the father is like, her want to date can decrease even more.
So imagine her surprise when she found herself giggling at Lilia's antics...she hadn't enjoyed being around someone like that in a WHILE so it was a very odd, yet nice feeling for her
I'm so sure Deuce and Silver noticed this and tried to encourage them to talk more.
They keep in contact!! Phone calling each other daily, they were in the "we're just friends" phase for a while until Lilia FINALLY went ahead and asked her out-- and she accepted!
I think they both would be pretty awkward at the start, but Dylla less- both because of her personality and, well, Lilia hasn't felt this way in over 400 years, with Meleanor and her husband having been the first to make him feel this specific love.
He wants to appear confident and sure about himself, but he just isn't, and Dylla can see that and tries to reassure him as much as she can.
But, of course, she also carries her own doubts, after all, she hasn't been with someone in YEARS, and she's scared of this going badly again. Not to mention, she doesn't want to do something that could potentially make Deuce uncomfortable, since a mom dating again could bring mixed feelings to the child.
Although she doesn't ask for reassurance from her son, obviously, it's not his responsibility, Deuce catches onto her doubts and tries to comfort her even a little bit.
"You said all you wanted from me was to visit once in a while, right? Well, I want you to enjoy your life! No need to worry about me."
These are the words she tries to keep in mind every time she starts feeling unsure, and honestly, they help more than Deuce himself realises.
So what do they do once they're sure they have sealed the deal and are official? They move together!
Instead of running on to some unknown Eastern country to never be seen again, Lilia moves with her to Clock Town. Dylla is one of the many things that made him want to look at the future and not be scared of his family seeing him grow old.
Admittedly, he's nervous, he won't disappear off the face of the earth, but he's still moving far away. And this is where Silver comes in
"If being with Dylla makes you this happy, you should go for it. And knowing you'll be in a good place, and that I will be able to visit you, is enough for me."
Similar words were given to Lilia by both Malleus and Sebek. Knowing that he's still moving away is hard, but at least he's somewhere they know he'll be okay, somewhere they can go and see him again whenever they want to.
So Lilia is a fae but can't exactly...use magic anymore, he's an old man he's way past using magic.
But that doesn't stop him, and with Dylla's help, he's getting a job at White Rabbit Home Delivery!!
He almost crashed the car 3 times but he got the hang of it soon enough.
They live like this for a few years but to a lot of people's surprise (mostly people at work) these two aren't married, despite acting like a married couple.
I feel like, despite being comfortable and sure about their relationship, they wouldn't legally speaking get married, it's not something that for them felt necessary (mentally speaking they said their vows years ago lmao).
What they do instead is a small ceremony with their friends and family. Nothing super fancy, all they wanted was to have fun and enjoy themselves.
They DO call each other husband and wife though, the lack of papers doesn't change the way they feel about each other and the commitment they share, so nothing is stopping them from using those terms.
So yes they are STILL "the bride and her ugly ass grom" 🙏
To finish off this post, Lilia grows his hair again!
I love the idea that he cut it to signal the start of something new when he became a father. I like thinking that when he moved in with Dylla he began growing it again, to show his start with this new chapter of his life.
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HASHDHSSKAJEISD If I get more asks I could go more in-depth with them or their families, I could also maybe include my oc Jess and their relationship with these two hehe
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netamoonshark · 29 days
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that one homeless guy or smth
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netamoonshark · 29 days
me presenting my highest quality content to tumblr this april 3rd
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netamoonshark · 29 days
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It's just them.
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netamoonshark · 2 months
MCD but Dante quite literally waited for Aphmau for fifteen years
When they return Aphmau goes to the spot she told Dante to wait and she is met with a grave
On his tombstone it had the usual stuff and then something like “he is still waiting for his sister to come home” and Aphmau breaks down
His cape is tied to the tombstone and she immediately takes it and holds it
She wears the cape for the remainder of the series
She blames herself for leaving her brother waiting
Dante stood in the same spot and waited for his sister to come home and like a loyal guard he didn’t let himself get distracted by anything not offers of food, blankets, or sanctuary he didn’t move and he died there
Alina is a middle name her first name is Dante named after her loyal uncle
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