neon-malai · 2 months
"Fire on Water" / 'நீர் மேல் நெருப்பு' at Osaka Asian Film Festival,Japan.
Apologies for the delayed post. I've been occupied with the festival. "Fire on Water" / 'நீர் மேல் நெருப்பு' had its Asian Premiere at the Osaka Asian Film Festival https://www.facebook.com/OsakaAsianFF
I was here back in 2017 with Jagat. Since then, I've missed the festival, the people, and the country. This time, I'm glad to be here again with the team, including our Post-Production supervisor Samad and lead actresses Rubini Sambanthan and Rupini Krishnan. Unfortunately, our main lead Karnan couldn't make it this time. How I wish he were here.
I still remember planning a longer stay for the festival back in 2017, but I had to rush back to Malaysia since my son's delivery was expected earlier than anticipated. I informed the festival organizers that I had to leave early and offered to cover the flight change charges, but the festival program director, Terouka Sozo San, graciously absorbed the costs as a gift. Such a sweet people.
Hence, I'm glad to be back here to witness the works of other Asian directors and meet them in person. I'm also grateful for the opportunity to serve as one of the jurors for the short film competition. It's a wonderful feeling and experience to be able to watch the voices of young filmmakers from across Asia. I
I'm touched by the fact that almost 5-7 people who watched Jagat back in 2017 came back to watch my second film, "Fire On Water." They vividly remember Jagat, and some even attended two screenings. They mentioned experiencing different layers of emotions the second time around. Such an intimate and lovely festival and people!
9th March 2024
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neon-malai · 5 months
யானே பொய்என் நெஞ்சும் பொய் என் அன்பும்பொய் ஆனால் வினையேன் அழுதால் உன்னைப் பெறலாமே தேனே அமுதே கரும்பின் தெளிவே தித்திக்கும் மானே அருளாய் அடியேன் உனைவந் துறுமாறே -திருவாசகம்
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neon-malai · 5 months
I’m so humbled to inform everyone that Fire on Water-Neer Mel Neruppu (Original Tamil title) ‘Satirical Romantic Drama’ that I have written, directed, and co-produced under our banner Skyzen Studios will have its world premiere at the International Film Festival of Rotterdam in January 2024.
IFFR is quite special to me since it was my first International Film Festival back in 2007 with my short visual poetry video called 'Thaipoosam'. The films, people, and ambiance are still vivid in my memory. I look forward to attending again this time with a feature-length film.
Special Thanks to my Producer and business partner Sivanantham for initiating the idea to revive this story, Dato Seri A.Anandan who supported the development stage, as well as the entire cast and crew who put their hearts and souls into the project.Thanks for believing in the project.
Thank you, Stefan Borsos and the selection committee for selecting the film. It's great to read Srikanth Srinivasan's description of the film on the IFFR website. His description captures the entire intention and spirit of the film.
Posted on FB -21st December 2023
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neon-malai · 5 months
Happy New Year!
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Posted on Facebook 1st January 2024
It was a hectic year for me in 2023. I finished the post-production of "Fire on Water" / Neer Mel Neruppu" before beginning production of my third film "Macai/The Serpent and the Saviour". Thanks to the amazing team and to my wife, Mages for being a strong pillar.
The year 2024 will be somewhat the same as the previous years with 'Macai/ The Serpent and the Saviour' Post production work and my further plan is to either rework one of my old scripts (developed somewhere before Covid) or to completely write a new one while brewing the others projects slowly.
It will be interesting to see what happens this year. In any case, I anticipate a great year in 2024.
I wish you all a happy new year! May you all have an abundance of health, peace, and prosperity!
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neon-malai · 5 months
“Love says 'I am everything.' Wisdom says 'I am nothing.' Between the two, my life flows.” ― Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, I Am That
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neon-malai · 5 months
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Thank you for the overwhelming support for the "Fire on Water" film poster! I didn't expect such a flood of likes, comments, and reshares. While I couldn't personally respond to each comment and share, please know how much I appreciate your enthusiasm.
For those expressing interest in the poster, let me spotlight the talented team behind it. The concept originated from the mind of our renowned artist, Stephen Menon. I shared the character's essence and the symbolism of fire and water with him, and within days, he returned with the idea and initial sketch.
Sharing the sketch with our brilliant stills and behind-the-scenes photographer, Magendran Subramanian, we realized additional budgeting for a separate poster shoot wasn't feasible. Creatively, we decided to capture the perfect shot during filming itself. Initially, I allotted extra time for Magen to capture the image independently while filming. True to his lightning-fast skills, he nailed the ideal poster moment on the fly! Despite this being his first film as a stills and BTS photographer, Magen's extensive experience and talent were evident in every frame, making him feel like a seasoned pro.
Working with Designer Vinoth Madivanan was a long-held wish. Unfortunately, conflicting commitments prevented collaboration on "Jagat." This time, I asked if he'd consult with a fine art artist for the poster, and he graciously accepted. Together, we explored several drafts based on Stephen's initial concept. Stephen provided invaluable guidance on text placement, spacing, and color palette. It's a seamless collaboration between Siva (Producer), Vinoth, Stephen, Tamaka Tamakastudio (Tamil font artist), and myself.
Primarily knowing Tamaka as an abstract artist, I discovered her hidden talent for creating custom Tamil fonts on Instagram. Intrigued by her unique style, I contacted her about designing a font for me. Despite her expertise in abstraction, we prioritized readability as the key function of the font. After collaborating on several drafts, we successfully honed the design into a beautiful and legible Tamil font. Partnering with Tamaka was a fantastic experience, bringing her artistic vision to life in a functional format.
Another crucial credit goes to the face of the poster, Karnan G Crak Asuranz, the lead actor in "Fire on Water." His intense gaze perfectly captures the film's essence and adds undeniable impact to the poster.
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neon-malai · 5 months
The name ‘Neon Malai’ emerged when I pondered a title for my blog. In my early years, navigating a fusion of Tamil/Asian roots with Western education, pop culture, and aesthetics, I often crafted titles blending Tamil and English.
Initially titled ‘Neer Mel Neruppu’ (Fire on Water), originally ‘Monsoon Malai,’ alluding to monsoon rain, morphed into ‘Neon Malai.’ This shift was inspired by Tamil poet Bharatiyar’s concept of ‘Para Shiva Vellam,’ where inspiration flows like an eternal river through the universe. Rabindranath Tagore likened his enlightenment to a sudden melting of a frozen waterfall.
In ‘Neon Malai’ (Neon Rain), I offer another interpretation of accessing the universe’s boundless essence, envisioning an eternal rain of neon lights—a symbol of abundance and eternity in my imagination.
#rabindranathtagore #bharathiyar #SubramaniaBharati
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neon-malai · 5 months
Every now and then, I contemplate whether I should start a blog. If I articulate all that’s on my mind through words, how else can I visually express it? Later, I realized that a lifetime wouldn’t be sufficient if I were to turn all my thoughts into a film.
They say a story chooses its medium, and perhaps, my thoughts will do the same. Some might become films, others may find their place on this blog, and in rare cases, a few might do both!
Whenever I meet old or new friends, I notice I’m faced with similar questions: “What’s your latest film? When will it be released in theaters?” At times, they delve deeper, asking how I’ve been surviving all these years.
Moving beyond these inquiries takes time, and I’ve come to realize my attachment to film has become my singular identity. It was also my mistake not to consistently update my progress. Only recently have I become more active in sharing updates. Thus, I decided to document my progress through blogs, aiming to foster deeper conversations rather than simply updating the status.
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