nelliama · 5 years
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This is one of the first houses that I imagined and created on my own. I’m usually very bad at it, but I was so proud of myself on this one that I wanted to share. The story here is that, I have maybe 600 hours of playing on this game and until a few months, i didn’t played a character until his death. So, for the release of Strangerville, i created Josh (picture). He got maried with Chistian, adopted a baby girl, and his tiny house was not enough anymore. So they moved here, and they built this house.  It was not like this in the first place, but their girl had three kids and the husband came too. It is a very happy place, where i played for a long time and i’m so in love with the house and every memory it contains. This is where Mia, the daughter, first kissed her boyfriend, where she had her three babies, where they lived all together and where Josh died.  This game is so full of emotions and creations, it is just impossible to get over with.  I would love to share more houses and more characters with you, so let me know if you are interested. Mia’s kids are now full adults and there is a lot to invent here !
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