nefer-tina · 27 days
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‘Thoth and the Chief Magician’, 1925. Evelyn Pau
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nefer-tina · 29 days
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nefer-tina · 2 months
hey if you're feeling bad today just remember that the ancient Egyptians knew to use the pulse as a measure of overall health, had pregnancy tests, practiced palliative care, used suture strips to close up gashes, and treated dislocated jaws and broken noses the same way we still do today
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nefer-tina · 2 months
Archaeology can be
- Getting enough proof for the Department of Transportation that the local tribes are correct, there is an ancient burial site there, the DoT cannot thus build the highway there
- Identifying and cataloguing mass graves that the government claims does not exist and assisting with both identification and reuniting remains with surviving loved ones
- Investigating impacts of climate anomalies on premodern agricultural communities, which helps other climate scientists with their models
- Rescuing sites from natural disasters or wars and helping local authorities safely take possession of artifacts
- Assisting with locating and disposing of old munitions
And so forth.
Archaeology is actually a pretty hard science. It is an applied science, and it has multiple applications. Most archaeologists are effectively grossly underpaid manual laborers during dig seasons, and it’s not 1912 anymore. There are codified ethical standards. If you take a bone home from a dig without proper custody you will never work in the field again.
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nefer-tina · 2 months
nasa: we're going to shoot three rockets directly at the sun during the total eclipse. for study and research purposes.
me: oh cool
nasa: we have named the rockets apep. this stands for atmospheric perturbations [in the] eclipse path.
me: oh cool
nasa: apep is also the ancient egyptian deity of chaos and darkness, who ceaselessly seeks to extinguish the sun. we launch these rockets directly at the sun in the name of apep.
me: oh... cool?
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nefer-tina · 2 months
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I know this isn't ninjago guys but I finished this 17 hour painting for my art class and I was proud of it so...enjoy.
I love Egypt fun fact about me. :)
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nefer-tina · 5 months
Only thing getting me through today is the thought of Starred Egyptian Tomb Ceilings
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nefer-tina · 5 months
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Propaganda under the cut
Nefertina X Apep - Mummies Alive
These two are so tragical and I wish they will end up together. Nefertina is a mummy who needs to protect the reincarnation of the prince Rapses, and Apep is literally the serpent god of evil who wants to kill him for a revenge against his family. They had a love at first sight, him not caring at all that she is undead and they have similar tastes and a great romantic and flirtatious relationship, but she is good and loves the child shr protects while he is evil and literally tries to kill him. And even when he straight up renounces his revenge for her (WHICH MEANS A LOT FOR A LITERAL EVIL GOD) they can't be together not only because her job is fulltime and because he only respects her and doesn't hesitate to endanger people just for reaching his goal which horrifies and angers her. But if Apep himself could already give up on a godlike revenge for Nefertina, I hope everyday they would end up working things out one day
Scarab X Heka (Hekarab) - Mummies Alive
Ok Scarab may technically not be a monster but a very old human, to the point he looks very dry and literally white, plus he does take a big scarab form at some point. And Heka is literally is staff who is sentient for some unspecific reason, this is like shipping Jafar with his snake staff. But GOODNESS do they scream old married couple, bickering, sassing each other, him not hesitating to betray anyone but her, she being very loyal despite her sarcasm, caring and being concerned for each other, him including her in his master plan, and being so casual like she just asking him to get milk on the way while he goes for a rampage... heck they even share a kiss!
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nefer-tina · 8 months
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Some self indulgent art of my Oc with one of the bestest boys, Armon~
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nefer-tina · 8 months
Oh hey man. Good to see you. I thought you died. Didn't you die? I was sure you died? Why are you alive? Weren't you meant to die a long time ago?
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nefer-tina · 11 months
If reincarnation is real I wonder how many people stare at their own art in museums, listen to their own music they made in a different life and read books they don't remember writing
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nefer-tina · 11 months
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Good boy ____ Tarani
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nefer-tina · 1 year
Now that finals are passed, I hope I can focus more on this blog. I'm excited to see such renewed interest in MA!
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nefer-tina · 1 year
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nefer-tina · 1 year
As Prince Rapses is the son of King Amenhotep, that should place his previous life at the Eighteenth Dynasty.
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nefer-tina · 1 year
I've been thinking about this, actually. I wondered if Scarab might not have been a subtle nod to King Ay, even if Scarab's not technically a priest.
Young Scarab appreciation post 👀
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Another inaccuracy is he is dressed like a pharaoh not like a vizier only the pharaoh could have a fake beard and the shepherd staff scepter. But we can say it was because he wanted to be pharaoh so much he was already seeing homsel in his place and dressing for the job he wanted lol
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nefer-tina · 1 year
If Mummies Alive were more popular, I feel that Rath would be a tumblr sexy man.
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