neelspav · 3 years
everyone is being upset that Simon didn't say it back when Willhelm told him "I love you"
but I think he didn't tell him so Simon would tell him back. I think we all know that he does. Willhem told him, because he wanted him to know. and I think it's a promise. with the way he looks at the camera, I think he is about the go batshit in season 2.
he told Simon "I love you" but what he meant is " I'll fight for this love. I'm sorry, that I didn't before, but I'm gonna prove myself worthy for your love"
and I'm gonna riot myself if Willhelm doesn't snap next season. I'm gonna tiot if they throw that promise out of the window.
Willhelm is pissed now, let him. let him fuck shit up like the rebel prince he wants to be.
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neelspav · 3 years
I think the people who say Simon doesn’t love Wille as much as Wille loves him missed the entire point of his arc in season 1.
Simon’s entire arc this season was that he cares too much for other people and ends up neglecting his own needs and what is good for him.
Most of the trouble or heartbreak Simon gets into over the course of the season comes from his desire to help people. His entire drama with August started because he wanted Sara to get invited to the party so she could have some fun. His entire drug dealing subplot exists so he can pay off his debts to people; his father for the booze, his mother for the private lessons he took without telling her.
In fact, Simon’s issue with Wille is that he cares for him too much, not too little. He constantly puts Wille’s needs above his own. He’s clearly very upset that Wille called him drunk and high, especially given his history with his father, but in the morning, he just tells Wille it’s okay. Not only does he hold him, he holds both of his hands, strokes his face and hair with so much gentleness, and continuously tells him it’s okay. Keep in mind, Wille has already broken his heart twice already. Simon is also clearly very upset about what happened with Alexander, but is unable to stay angry with Wille as soon as he sees him crying and immediately rushes to comfort him.
If Simon didn’t love Wille as much as he does, his decision to let him go would hold no stakes for him. Where are the stakes if he was like, “meh, it was just a crush anyway”? You can see the pain in his eyes as he tells him he needs to figure things out on his own, the way his heart breaks in half as Wille holds him in and tells him he’s sorry. His decision is so powerful for his character because it was clearly so hard for him. If he didn’t love Wille, there’d be no weight to that sacrifice. He sacrifices his love for Wille to uphold his love for himself.
By dismissing Simon’s feelings for Wille as just a “crush” or “attraction” and that Wille’s feelings were stronger, you’re actually undermining the power of Simon’s journey and the important lessons he learns about maintaining self-worth and dignity in the face of heartbreak.
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neelspav · 3 years
Ay- Donna Tartt- pls write a second part of the goldfinch- same story BUT boris’ POV. I’m in desperate need.
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neelspav · 3 years
🛐we love her
donna tartt is just like "i'm going to queerbait all of you on purpose and I'm going to do it unapologetically and more than once" and the gays are like yes thank you queen
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neelspav · 3 years
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That’s the same theo that though at AGE 13 that saying bye to two men he was friends with was gay.
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neelspav · 3 years
John Crowley not only didn’t gave us proper Boris moments, he also didn’t gave us the reunion from popchik and boris and i think about that everyday
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neelspav · 3 years
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Also Theo: „does Popper make me look gay??????:?/)/$2$$3 becAUse IM NOt gay!!!/!!/$/$-”
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neelspav · 3 years
Idk who need to hear this but having a small white dog isn't gay but f*cking your boyfriend is.
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neelspav · 3 years
there's really nothing like getting to the vegas chapters and practically being able to feel the entire book opening up and getting brighter
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neelspav · 3 years
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Boris smoking in the bath
Gouache painting
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neelspav · 3 years
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neelspav · 3 years
All we know about kitsey is that she’s annoying af and blind and had features that r similar to andy bruh- yeayea- theo aint gay nooo
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“He’d grown up to be good-looking. Even at his gawkiest and most pinched he’d always had a likable shrewdness about him, lively eyes and a quick intelligence, but he’d lost that half-starved rawness and everything else had come together the right way. His skin was weather-beaten but his clothes fell well, his features were sharp and nervy, cavalry hero by way of concert pianist; and his tiny gray snaggleteeth—I saw—had been replaced by a standard-issue row of all-American whites. […] It occurred to me that despite his faults, which were numerous and spectacular, the reason I’d liked Boris and felt happy around him from almost the moment I’d met him was that he was never afraid. You didn’t meet many people who moved freely through the world with such a vigorous contempt for it and at the same time such oddball and unthwartable faith in what, in childhood, he had liked to call “the Planet of Earth.””
Aneurin Barnard as Boris Pavlikovsky in The Goldfinch (2019)
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neelspav · 3 years
Holy fuck-
ohhh my god the implications of the goldfinch painting and theo being paralleled across the entire story. the painting being one of the sole survivors of the explosion in fabritius’ studio, just like theo in the bombing at the met, and their existences being interconnected from that moment onwards. the goldfinch, against all odds, surviving two explosions and hundreds of years, just like theo, who shouldn’t have survived in the explosion, or the following years of being passed along across different homes, just like the painting was. because the painting is theo, and theo is the painting. that’s why he’s so attached to it, why he continues to be connected so deeply with it.
then think about the fact that theo kept the painting hidden away for so long, all the years after vegas keeping it wrapped in newspaper (at least to his knowledge), locked away in a container, the only other person whom he showed it to [willingly] being boris. if the painting is a metaphor for theo’s true self, then that means that theo has only ever really shown boris his true self that night in vegas, and kept it hidden from the rest of the world. he didn’t tell hobie, or pippa, or kitsey about the painting, much less let them see it. boris is the only one who theo showed the painting to, and the only one that theo has ever let himself be truly seen by.
then take into consideration that boris stole the painting from theo. why did boris steal the painting? we’re told that it’s because he’s a thief, at least that’s what he admits to theo. but it’s not just that, is it? by taking the painting, boris is taking not just a part of theo himself, but his very essence, a physical manifestation of theo that he can keep for himself, albeit selfishly, so that even if theo leaves, he would always be somewhat connected to him. that’s why boris didn’t try too hard to give the painting back when theo left vegas. because he knew that theo could be lost to him forever, and the painting would be the only thing left of theo that he could keep.
and then couple that with the ending. the painting is brought back to the authorities, back to the museum, where it belongs. who else is brought back to someone, or something, that assumed would be lost to them forever? boris lost theo, just like the museum lost the painting—a precious, beloved thing, valued to them above all else—and theo is brought back to boris, the painting returned — both ending up where they belong.
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neelspav · 3 years
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boreo sleepy time
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neelspav · 3 years
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[𝕹𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖗]🌵🌅🎰
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neelspav · 3 years
This is the cutest thing ever. I live for boreo-
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silly dancin bois
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neelspav · 3 years
Okay but am i the only one that is curious about what happened w/ finn and oakes- they had such a great friendship on set-? Y’all think they still sometimes talk? Bruh
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