It’s National Crossword Puzzle Day, in case you were wondering. Thanks to the University of Michigan Library Special Collections for bringing this to our attention and sharing this awesome anarchist collection with us.
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Computer Security Day.
We’re living in the freewheelin’ days of the internet. Where we still have net neutrality (there’s still time to make your voice heard!!), and think that our data is safe in the cloud. Hahah. We’ll look back at this time and laugh. How naive we were...
Annnnyway, do some stuff t o d a y to protect your data. It’s important even if you think “I don’t care if anyone knows I binge watch Gilmore Girls.” Here’s some info about how to protect passwords and something of a laundry list about steps you can take more broadly. Be safe out there, folks! 
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Okay, this has nothing to do with the national day today, but it is awesome. We found cowboy-themed temporary tattoos in our supply closet and put them on. 4 of us chose the cactus, and 3 of us put them on our arms. The 4th decided her neck was a good place for it...and we protected her privacy for this picture. Naturally.
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National Square Dance Day annddd CHOCOLATE DAY
Yes, you read that correctly. National. Square. Dance. Day.
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But, more importantly: it’s CHOCOLATE DAY. c h o c o l a t e  d a y.
Admittedly, every day is chocolate day for me. But, today will be extra special. We’ll buy special chocolate and do an elaborate square dance before consuming said chocolate. Ritual is important.
So, fans, what are your favorite chocolate things? OR, what is your fondest square dance memory? Yes, we’ll accept contra dance stories, too.
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Giving Tuesday
Would you like to know how many emails I got this morning soliciting me for donations? Glad you asked. A zillion. I got a zillion solicitation emails.
And for good reason. Because today, after a long weekend of indulgence and gluttony, there is a national holiday to celebrate “giving,” i.e. giving money without expectation of something in return, like a tote bag or a fridge magnet. Just give. No tote.
Today, our team compiled a list of some charities that are particularly close to our hearts. We’re donating today, and hope that all our fans will, too.
Meals on Wheels
Planned Parenthood
International Justice Mission
Feeding America
Disaster Relief for Puerto Rico - Philips Lighting
Medecins Sans Frontieres
Boys and Girls Club
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Start Your Own Country Day, P.2
Great day, friends! One of our fans created his own country. Below are the deets. Submissions welcome, as always.
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Start Your Own Country Day
Stay tuned! 
Because this day is such a big undertaking, we’re giving our fans the long weekend to develop their flags, anthems, currencies, and national flowers for the countries they’re starting.
Enjoy your time at the kid’s table! 
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Happy False Confessions Day, y’all! Our fans are really into celebrating, which we applaud. You go, fans!
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Yesterday Was World Toilet Day
As you might imagine, this is a b i g  d e a l in our office. We like toilets. We participate in design jams about toilets. There are pictures to prove it. They’re too embarrassing to share publicly, though, sorry. 
But since our crew was doing laundry, shopping for groceries, and scaling mountains yesterday, we didn’t have time to properly celebrate. Today, we *rejoice* about our connection with and love of toilets. Submissions accepted, as always.
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4 things to celebrate:
1. National Homemade Bread Day 
2. National Baklava Day
3. National Take a Hike day
4. Danny DeVito’s 73rd birthday (yes, I know it’s not a “national day,” but worth celebrating nonetheless)
It’s Friday and I don’t have the energy for other clever quips, so please excuse me as I slide into the weekend...
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Found some gross stuff while celebrating Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day... 
Fans, do yourselves a favor and follow suit. It’s cathartic, we promise.
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Another 2 for 1!
National Pickle Day AND National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day!
Our fans sent images to help us kick it off. As always, we’re accepting more submissions!
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Loosen Up Lighten Up Day
A great day to wear sweatpants, come in late to work, and eat oreos for lunch. Take full advantage! Or take it more literally and do what one of our fans tried: “I've been sucking on a helium tank all day in an attempt to honor the "lighten up" part of the day.”
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An artifact from World Kindness Day. One of our fans brought in these treasures to share in an act of kindness. Yes, they are delish. 
Apparently they taste even better on homemade macha ice cream...but the fan didn’t bring in any of that. We’re waiting for Macha Day for that special treat! 
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World Kindness Day
I know y’all are kind every. day. of. the. year. But today is the day to flaunt that kindness! Scream it from the rooftops! Better yet, don’t. Because screaming in public is generally unkind. People don’t tend to like that.
Instead, hold the door for someone. Take out the trash. Compliment a child’s artwork. Buy your coworker a coffee (hint hint). 
Be kind! 
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Forget Me Not Day + National Vanilla Cupcake Day
Like chocolate cupcakes? Well, today we celebrate the ying to your yang, the Bonnie to your Clyde, the fire to your ice. Yes, vanilla cupcakes.
AND it’s Forget Me Not Day. Our fans are torn - does it mean we’re celebrating the adorable blue flowers or the longing to be remembered forever? Your choice. Either way, celebrate! 
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I asked around for examples of chaos in our office, and one fan shared this page of her notebook. “I swear it’s organized chaos!” she says. Mm hmm...
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