nascar-fanfics · 5 months
i hope to get back to writing soon! i've had major writers block and haven't really gotten into writing recently :(
hope your year is wonderful 🩵
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nascar-fanfics · 1 year
the mason sisters: nine - throwback edition
summary: a little throwback to celebrate throwback week at darlington! mercy and laurie meet for the first time in school and have ice cream together, and mercy and katelyn race for the first time together on dirt.
word count: 2748
warning: injury, concussion, swearing
next chapter | masterlist
“mercy-kay, you know this is important for you!” claire held her daughter’s hand, who was crying. “i don’t wanna go! this is scary!” “mercy, let’s give it a try. you’re gonna be okay, sweetie. you’re going to make a ton of friends and have so much fun at school!” “but you’re not here… it’s scary without you, mommy!” mercy sniffed, looking at her dad, who was holding her younger sister in her arms. “daddy, do i have to go?” “mercy, honey, this is going to be good for you!” mercy was not interested in going to school. the thought of being without her parents scared her to the point of an anxiety attack. “would you feel more comfortable if you brought pinkie?” claire handed mercy her stuffed pink bear, giving her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. “you’re going to have so much fun, mercy. i promise you. if you can do a whole day at school, i’ll take you out for ice cream. how does that sound?” “okay, mommy! i can do this.” mercy sniffed, holding pinkie in her arms and fixing her backpack. “let’s go inside, okay?”
after getting settled in the classroom, mercy sat with pinkie in her arms, looking around at the other children in her class. she noticed one girl who was sitting in the corner looking scared. mercy decided to approach her and sat next to her. “hi. i’m mercy-kay. are you okay?” “hi, mercy-kay. i’m laurie. i miss my mommy.” the pig-tailed brunette sniffed as mercy sat next to her. “i get it, laurie. my mommy said there’s nothing to be scared of. she told me that ice cream is my reward for finishing a day at school. wanna play with pinkie? she brings me a lot of comfort.” mercy held out her bear to laurie, who had a smile on her face. “she’s pretty.” “thank you! i’ve had her since last week. she’s my favorite bear! do you have any favorite bears?” “i have a sea otter named obi. i named him after obi-wan kenobi from star wars. he’s my favorite character!” laurie pulled her otter out of her backpack and showed mercy. “luke and r2d2 are my favorites in star wars! wow, a girl that likes star wars… this is awesome!” “do you wanna be friends, mercy-kay?” “i would love to, laurie!”
“mommy! mommy! i made a friend today!!” mercy ran to claire, hugging her. “that’s great, mercy! maybe we can schedule a play-date with her parents?” “yes please! laurie!! i’m over here!!” mercy waved to laurie, who dragged her mom over to mercy and claire. “laurie, slow down! you know i can’t run as fast as you!” laurie’s mom chuckled. “why don’t we head over to the playground? it’ll give us a few minutes to schedule a play-date.” “laurie! this is my mommy.” “hi, laurie! i’m claire. mercy says you’re her new friend?” “yes, miss claire! i’m her new friend. this is my mommy! we’re gonna go play now.” laurie grabbed mercy’s hand and ran with her to the playground. “i’m lily, mercy is adorable.” “thank you, lily.” claire giggled. “she’s a spitfire. laurie is adorable as well.” “thank you, i was so worried she was going to be crying by the time school was over. she did not wanna go to school today.” “i know the feeling, lily. i had to persuade mercy with ice cream to even get her inside.” claire chuckled. “we would love for you two to join us, if you’re up for it?” “laurie would love that. it’ll get me out of the house for once!” lilly and claire chuckled as they headed over to the bench on the side of the playground to exchange contact information.
mercy and claire got into their car and headed to their favorite ice cream shop with laurie and lily following them in their car. “how was school today, mercy?” “besides the smelly boys, it was fun! laurie and i are going to be best friends. she’s really cool and likes star wars!” “that’s fantastic, dear! her mom seems like a nice lady, i’m glad you made a friend. i told you that that would happen!” “i was scared, but i made it. i’m proud of myself.” “i’m proud of you, mercy. you’re getting to be a big girl now!”
“so, laurie, how was school?” “i was scared, but mercy made me not scared. she showed me pinkie, her pink bear. i showed her obi and she said she loves star wars. she’s my new best friend!” “i’m glad she’s your friend, laurie! claire seems like a really nice lady, too. we’re gonna try to get a play date scheduled with you two, if you’re okay with that?” “yes, yes, yes!!!” laurie squealed, hugging obi and kicking her feet in her car seat. “i still have to take you to see cars again… maybe we can go see that and then a playdate?” “yes, yes, yes!” lily smiled at her daughter, who was singing to whatever was on the radio.
“okay, how does saturday sound for a playdate? we can go see cars.” “mercy’s been wanting to see that for a few weeks now, actually. she loves anything to do with racing, especially nascar.” “laurie does too! her favorite driver is dale jr.” “mercy’s is jimmie! we’re huge jimmie johnson fans.” “nice, he’s got a great season ahead of him. looks like he might win the championship!” “i hope so. mercy would love to see him win the championship. she’s the biggest jimmie fan i know.” claire looked over at mercy, who was talking to laurie about racing. “i’m a big jimmie johnson fan. i really like him!” “junior is my favorite. we should dress as them for halloween this year!” “yes! i think that would be cool. i wanna be like him when i grow up. he’s so cool!” “he is very cool. i wanna do something in racing when i grow up.” “same here!” mercy giggled, taking a bite of her mint chocolate chip ice cream and kicking her feet.
“remember the day our moms took us for ice cream after our first day at school?” mercy was flipping through the photobook on the coffee table. “look at us in our costumes that year.” laurie gasped. “we should go back to that ice cream shop and recreate the photo mom took of us.” “especially in honor of this throwback weekend.” “i miss those days, mercy. those were simpler times.” “yeah, they really were simpler times… not a care in the world besides ice cream, pinkie, and obi. do you still have obi?” “yep,” laurie smiled. “i sleep with him every night. you still have pinkie?” “absolutely. i still sleep with her every night. she’s not as bright pink as she was before, but she’s still comforting.” “yeah, obi is looking rough these days.” laurie chuckled, resting her head on her best friend’s shoulder. “thanks for bringing me out of my shell that day.” “always. you’re my best friend, i knew we would be best friends on that day.” “all it took was our love of cars and star wars.” laurie looked back at the old pictures of her and mercy with a smile on her face.
trigger warning for the next flashback: see chapter summary
mercy and katelyn had their first dirt race together, the second season of mercy’s dirt career, and the first dirt race of katelyn’s career. mercy qualified second, and katelyn qualified sixth. mercy climbed into her teal and black car, giving her sister a thumbs up just before. she tapped the picture of her holding her sister before starting her engine, hoping to provide her with some good luck.
the first green flag waved and mercy was battling for the lead, dirt flying and her hands quickly moving against the wheel so she didn’t crash out. after a few laps, she noticed her sister coming up behind her. “awesome, kate.” she mumbled to herself, seeing someone come up behind her sister and started to battle for position. she could see her parents as she drove by cheering their daughters on. mercy looked away for one second and noticed her sister’s car flipping and pieces breaking off. the car that bumped into her drove past katelyn, slowing down when the caution flags waved. mercy could feel her anxiety bubble up inside of her, her parents running onto the track. her seatbelt wouldn’t unclasp, she practically ripped them off of her, including her helmet, and bolted to her sister’s car. she screamed for her sister, narrowly missing another car coming to her. mercy had to be held back by security so the paramedics could get to her. “let me go! that’s my sister!” she screamed, tears falling drastically down her face. she saw the car that wrecked her sister and fumed. she wriggled herself out of the security’s arms, running to the driver. “you practically killed my fucking sister. what the hell do you have to say about that?” “that’s racing, girl. she wouldn’t have made it through the race anyways.” the driver, ivan, smirked, flipping his helmet visor down. “i’ll have your fucking career for this. you hear me? you’ll be fucked for life, asshole!” no one has ever heard a twelve-year-old girl swear as much as mercy, her face as red as a lobster. “mercy, you need to calm down, honey. your sister’s in the best hands.” “what if she dies, huh? i’ll get this fucker for manslaughter! murder, even!” mercy yelled at a security officer, who was coming over to her. “they’re taking her to the hospital. are you staying to compete or would you like to go?” “go ahead and see your sister, i’d love to beat two girls to show girls can’t do shit.” ivan chuckled. “i’m not letting that asshole beat both of us. i’m staying. kate’ll understand.” mercy headed back to her car, watching the ambulance drive off. she looked in her mirror to see green flags waving, starting up the cars around mercy. she pulled her helmet on, looking at the picture of her and her sister. “doing this for you.” she mumbled to herself, tapping her baby sister’s head.
there were three laps to go, ivan ahead of mercy and keeping her from passing him. dirt flew everywhere and mercy felt determined to beat ivan. she worked her ass off to pass him. once the white flag came out, she found an opening to pass ivan. she sped as fast as she could, drifting in front of ivan and speeding ahead of him, four car lengths between them. she glanced in her mirror and at the picture of her and her sister, then focusing on the track in front of her. the checkered flag waved, mercy coming in first. “all for you, katelyn.” she muttered to herself, seeing ivan start to speed up. she moved away from his path, letting him pass her.
mercy headed down to victory lane, climbing out and celebrating her win for a few seconds. “i can’t celebrate without my family. please, i need to be with my sister.” mercy shook, her whole body feeling like it was pulsating. “are claire or gregory mason here?!” mercy yelled, her face suddenly flooding with tears. “mercy, i’m here!” claire, mercy and katelyn’s mom, yelled, running to victory lane. “mom, i wanna go to the hospital to be with katelyn. i refuse to do any victory lane stuff right now.” mercy hugged her mom, crying into her shoulder. “i’ll make sure you get there, they should let us go.” “go ahead, masons. go be with her.”
the ride to the hospital felt like forever. mercy couldn’t stop thinking about her sister’s condition. was she going to be okay? does she have any life-threatening injuries? is she going to die? “mercy, she’s going to be okay. your dad told me that she’s sleeping at the moment.” “what happened, mom?” mercy sniffed, a tear falling down her face. claire wiped the tear off her face with her thumb, holding her daughter’s face. “she has a broken arm, collarbone, and a few blood vessels popped in her face. the worst part is the concussion, but she’ll recover from that. she’s going to be okay. it’ll take some time to heal, but the doctors said that because she’s so young, everything will heal properly. darling, she’ll be okay.” mercy held her mom’s hand, looking outside at the lights of the streets.
“she’s right in here.” claire held her daughter’s hand as she ran to her sister. “oh god, katelyn…” she held her sister’s bruised hand, running her thumb over her knuckles. “she’s gonna be okay, merc.” gregory pulled mercy into his chest, hugging her oldest daughter. “how long is her recovery?” “she’ll be able to race again if that’s what you’re asking.” gregory looked at his youngest daughter, who was sleeping. mercy kept her hand holding her sister’s, trying not to cry as she watched her breathe.
an hour into mercy’s visit, laurie and her parents came to visit. they brought some snacks for the family, along with a stuffed owl for katelyn. “she’s gonna be okay?” “she’s just got a broken arm, collarbone, and some bruises. the worst part is the concussion, but with proper recovery, she’ll be okay.” gregory nodded, diane sitting next to mercy. “i know it won’t help much, but congrats on your win tonight. laurie told me you won.” “thanks, diane. it was a hard fight for me. i wanted to come here, but i knew katelyn would want me to race.” mercy rested her head on her best friend’s mom’s shoulder.
laurie and her parents left after an hour's visit. katelyn was still asleep, probably from the medication and surgery. mercy wanted her to wake up so she could tell her that she won, but at the same time, she was so peaceful. gregory went out to get dinner for his girls, and claire stayed with mercy and katelyn. “mom, did you see my flip-out?” “you screaming at that little shit-i mean kid? yeah. he deserved it.” “he’s a punk, mom. he’s always saying that kate and i can’t do anything because we’re girls. i’ve beaten him at multiple races, including today. i can clearly race better than him.” “mercy, honey, don’t get arrogant. you’re only stooping to his level. he’s gonna get his someday.” claire ran her fingers through mercy’s sweaty hair, watching her daughters and feeling so proud that her oldest is so protective of her baby sister. katelyn’s hand twitched in mercy’s hand, a small grunt coming out of her. “kate? sis, are you awake?” “i feel loopy… where am i?” katelyn looked around and saw an iv in her, along with a sling and a cast. “honey, you had a really bad accident tonight. you’re going to be okay, you just have to recover. you might not race for a while while you’re in recovery.” “mom, i just started my career. it’s over already?” “kate, you have to recover. you’re going to be okay!” mercy held her sister’s hand, pushing some hair behind her ear. “i’ll help with your recovery, i promise.” claire held her daughter’s other hand, relief flushing through her. “you’re gonna be okay, katelyn. i promise.” claire smiled as gregory walked into the room with food. “hey dad, she’s awake.” mercy smiled, wiping tears off her face.
as they all ate dinner, claire and mercy described the race to katelyn and gregory and how mercy beat ivan for the win. katelyn wanted to give her sister a hug, but it hurt to move her arm. “i’d hug you, sis, but i hurt a little.” katelyn adjusted as much as she could so she could eat. “congrats, sis. i’m so proud of you.” “kate, i’m more glad that you’re okay. that win doesn’t mean anything right now. by the way, laurie and her parents left you this.” mercy handed her sister the stuffed owl. “it’s so cute! aww, i love it. next time i see them, i’ll have to thank them. i love this little dude!” katelyn hugged the owl, a smile on her face.
mercy didn’t like being home without her sister, so before she fell asleep, her mom facetimed her dad so they could say goodnight to each other. mercy went to sleep that night, thinking about her sister, their futures, and how she never wanted to race dirt again and show the world that girls can race and win.
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nascar-fanfics · 1 year
the mason sisters update
good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!!
i’m so sorry for the delay in the next chapter!! i’ve been working on my health recently after having lung issues since october. i’m hoping to get a chapter posted this week. it’s going to be a little different; it’s going to be a flashback chapter in honor of throwback week! i’m also hoping to get a chapter in the week of the 600 since i’ll be going to that race! 
i hope you’re having a great day/afternoon/evening, i’ll see you in the next update <3
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nascar-fanfics · 1 year
the mason sisters: eight
summary: a little bit of the past hinted, relationships blossoming, and a quick family dinner.
word count: 8483
warnings: trauma mention, romance, food, anxiety
next chapter | masterlist
(a/n: i created a character descriptions carrd! it’s on the masterlist, which you can find here!)
alex pulled away after a few seconds, his cheeks dusted pink, while mercy’s cheeks were as red as a coca-cola bottle. ‘holy shit, this is really happening is it?’ she thought to herself, most likely looking like a deer in the headlights. alex chuckled, his hand resting on mercy’s neck, his thumb grazing her jaw. “w-we should, um, get back t-to the truck.” alex realized what was going on and went back to being his awkward self. “i-i’m really sorry if, uh, i ruined anything with, uh, that.” mercy’s eyes were as wide as the moon, her jaw moving up and down like a fish. “n-no, um, you didn’t. i, uh… i liked it…” mercy couldn’t make eye contact. she’s had a crush on alex since they first met on twitter years ago, and have come across each other a few times in xfinity. she had dreamed about this moment, or something like it, for years. “alex, can we, uh, keep this a secret? just between us? i’m not really good with relationships and, um…” mercy finally made eye contact with alex, who had reached for her hand. “i’m good with that, merc. i’m fine with keeping this secret until you’re ready.” “thanks, alex.” mercy smiled, taking his hand and pulling her phone out to see a text from katelyn. “rascal wants to know if we want taco bell or something else. i’m good with whatever.” “could go for a few burritos.” alex shrugged, opening up the menu to taco bell. “dude, that would be shitty for tomorrow. you might literally shit yourself.” mercy laughed, scrunching her nose. alex thought about it for a few seconds. “it’s worth taking the risk.” “i’ll let rascal know.” 
‘we want taco bell. i’ll take my usual, alex wants burritos. add two bajas to that and some cinnabon delights pls thx <3’
‘Sounds good. We’ll pick up dinner around 7:50 and be at our house by 8. See you in a bit :)’
‘see you then! i’ll give u money for dinner’
‘No need.’
‘thx see u soon’
‘See you soon!’
“she said she’ll bring the food over close to 8. we live like ten minutes from taco bell, so it’ll hopefully still be hot by the time we get home.” mercy put her phone in her pocket, tapping her thigh with her pointer finger. “ready for a drive?” “yeah, i’m up for that. just driving around? don’t need to go anywhere?”alex started walking with mercy to his truck. “i don’t think so… i’ll pack stuff tonight for tomorrow’s race at home.” mercy turned her head to look at alex for a second, their hands brushing against each other. it was a slightly awkward, but comfortable silence between the two drivers, the faint sound of sand and rocks crushed by other cars leaving along with rainfall. the rain started to pick up, the pair starting to speed up to alex’s truck. by the time they got to alex’s truck, it was pouring. mercy’s already soaked hair was dripping. “shit, lemme put my hair back up so it doesn’t ruin your truck.” “merc, i’ve got two dogs. you won’t ruin my truck with your hair!” alex chuckled, taking his mask off once he got into his truck. mercy took hers off once she buckled in. she put her hair back up and fixed her wet bangs in the mirror. “mind if i play some stuff?” “not at all, just none of that bubblegum shit you like.” alex scoffed with a slight smirk on his face. “that’s rascal that likes bubblegum pop, unless you’re talking about bts.” “please no bts.” alex pleaded, the smirk still on his face. “what a letdown. i race my ass off today and you won’t let me play one of my favorite groups.” mercy placed her hand on her chest, acting offended. “alright, only a little bit of bts.” “yay!” mercy giggled, shuffling her playlist with my chemical romance and a little bit of bts. “this one has my chem in it, so your ears won’t bleed the entire time.” “thank god.” alex grinned, heading out of the track onto the highway for a quick drive.
a few songs played when alex moved his hand from the steering wheel to the arm rest, his hand grazing mercy’s. mercy wasn’t one to ‘take the lead’ per say, except on the track. she’s a very awkward person and hasn’t been romantically involved with anyone since high school. she glanced at her hand next to alex, thinking about taking the next move. i mean, he kissed her, right? they’ve known each other for years, only coming in contact in person a few times throughout each season. she’s only been in nascar since 2018, coming across each other a couple of times in xfinity. other than that, it’s all been through twitter, instagram, snapchat, or the occasional interaction outside of racing.
“great job today, mason!” alex chased down mercy, who had finished third after battling the entire race for positions higher than 15. “thanks, bowman! i appreciate the support. michigan is one of my tougher tracks. any tips you can give me besides not crashing?” mercy laughed, holding her hand out for alex to shake. “honestly? don’t crash.” the pair laughed. “seriously, you’re really good. i’m glad to see you get a good finish. i hope you get that win next week!” “hey, thanks alex! good luck tomorrow.” “thanks! again, awesome job today.” “thanks much, alex. i hate to cut this short, i’d like to talk again! i need some friends.” mercy laughed. “i’ll dm you on twitter!” alex nodded, waving. “sounds good. see you soon!”
“i know that look on your face. what’re you thinking about?” alex turned to look at mercy. they were at one of the longest stop lights in the city, which gave them some time to talk. “one of our first in-person interactions. it was after the 2018 xfinity michigan race. one of my best finishes of the season. i think that’s when we started to really become friends. i kinda wish we had gotten together more, but our schedules were always overlapping each others. i’m glad next year we’ll actually get to really become friends. maybe something more.” mercy mumbled the last part of her ramble, looking out the window. “i didn’t catch that last bit.” alex tilted his head a little, knowing what she said, but wanting her to repeat it anyways. “i’m glad we’ll be able to become fri-” “the other thing.” alex noticed the light turned green, facing the road and pulling into the small parking lot overlooking a small pond with the sunset behind it. “listen, i wanted to, uh, admit something… something back to you.” alex sighed, unbuckling his seatbelt once the truck was in park. he turned his body to face mercy, who was distracted by a duck in the pond. “that duck is the cutest little thing i’ve seen all day.” mercy pulled her phone out to take a picture of it, a smile on her face. “mercy?” “oh, shit… sorry, alex. i got distracted.” mercy turned to face alex, a light smile on her face. “you wanted to admit something?” she turned down the music, a quiet my chemical romance song playing. “yeah, um… how do i word this…” alex whispered. “i, uh, really like you… a lot. i have for a while, actually. we just haven’t had the time to really meet and anything like that, uh… yeah. i really like you. you’re funny, kind, smart, not afraid to stand up for yourself… i just don’t want to ruin this friendship we have.” alex babbled, his eyes not meeting mercy’s and his face growing pink with embarrassment and awkwardness. “alex…” mercy gently held alex’s hands with her own, a smile on her face. “i like you too. i mean, i admitted that back at the track, but i, uh, don’t think this’ll ruin anything. we could hide our relationship, i-if you wanted to be in a relationship. we don’t have to, we can just be friends, i don’t mind either way. i’m comfortable with wha-” “i’d like to be together.” alex squeezed mercy’s hand, a smile on his face. mercy met his eyes and let out a little giggle, planting a quick kiss on alex’s lips. “that was really forward, i’m sor-” alex interrupted mercy’s ramble with another kiss, his hand resting on her cheek and sliding down to her jaw. they pulled back after a few seconds, hands still in the same places as they were before.
katelyn and tyler were driving around charlotte, taking personal tours of the city to show each other their pasts and (hopeful) futures. they noticed a cute, picturesque spot for them to stop at and stretch their legs. katelyn checked her phone to see if she had any messages from anyone, then put her phone in her pocket and sat next to tyler on the bench. he had his arm wrapped around katelyn's shoulders and her head on his shoulder. "this is so peaceful. despite my job, i love quiet spots like this. merc is the total opposite. she wants all the city noise with a little bit of nature." katelyn sighed, resting her body against tyler's chest. "you two are total opposites, it's kinda funny." "yeah, we really are. the only things we have in common are our look, little music taste, and our love of nature and hatred of assholery." katelyn chuckled, tilting her head to look up at tyler. "would she kill me if i kissed you?" tyler tilted his head, glancing down at katelyn's lips and up to her eyes. "probably, but it's fine. she can deal with her baby sister being with someone." katelyn smiled, a giggle escaping as she leaned forward and planted a kiss on tyler's lips. they sat there for a moment, katelyn's hand on tyler's cheek and his hand between her shoulders. as they parted, tyler's cheeks grew pink. "you're really cute, mason." "mmm, i dunno, ankrum, you're pretty cute yourself."
after a while of sitting on the bench, katelyn checked the time and noticed it was getting close to 7:30. "hey, it's almost dinnertime. i can lie and say there was a lot of traffic, if you want me to?" "no, kate, we really should go. my tumbly is getting grumbly." tyler giggled, poking his stomach. "okay, winnie the pooh!" katelyn giggled, standing up with tyler and kissing him on the cheek. "does this mean we're together?" "i-if you wanna be?" katelyn's eyebrow rose and a light smirk on her face grew. "yeah. i really like you, kate. you really make me happy." tyler held katelyn's hand, placing a kiss on her knuckles. the pair climbed into the truck, heading down to taco bell.
mercy and alex were over at alex's place letting the dogs out. mercy noticed alex was acting a little different than before. "you okay?" mercy asked alex, who was staring off into space. "yeah, just thinking about stuff. we're keeping this secret, right?" "uh, if you want to. i'm good either way." mercy nodded, tossing a toy for the dogs to catch. "yeah, i'd like to see how long we last. are we telling anyone? like, siblings, close friends?" "i'm up for keeping it a secret all together. see how long we last? i mean, rascal and laurie have their suspicions…" alex nodded. "yeah, true… fuck it, i think only katelyn and laurie should know. maybe our parents… we'll figure it out sometime." mercy nodded back. "yeah, we'll figure it out!" mercy smiled, giving alex a peck on the cheek. "c'mon boys! it's getting cold, mercy's gonna freeze." "oh shush, i have a hoodie inside, i'm fine. ooh, i can steal your hoodies now!" mercy cackled maniacally, tugging at alex's hoodie. "oh, dear." alex chuckled, pecking mercy on her forehead. mercy checked the time on her fitbit, noticing it was getting close to dinner. “it’s seven ten. whenever you wanna head out, i’m ready. maybe we could pick up dessert?” “yeah, i’m up for that.” alex opened the door to let the dogs in. meryc walked into alex’s house, shivering a little. “i should’ve brought myself a hoodie. i’m freezing now.” she chuckled. “i still need to shower before dinner. i’m all sweaty and gross.” “yeah, i could smell you from a mile away.” alex grinned, mercy sticking her tongue out at him. “meanie.”
alex and mercy left alex’s house with the dogs, hoping that tyler won’t mind the dogs coming over. katelyn would definitely love it, she loves all dogs, no matter the size. mercy played a different playlist on the ride home, specifically one with van halen in it. “sucks that eddie died,” mercy sighed. “it was the same day as your announcement that you got the 48. i remember sobbing and then getting the notification that you got the ride. i didn’t know how to react.” she chuckled, intruder playing in the background. “now, alex, you can’t have intruder play and then another song. you have to hear intruder and then pretty woman. it’s so good, i love the transition.” alex turned the radio up a little so mercy could jam out. “he’s impressive. one of the best, i might add.” “he’s the best, the goat of all guitar players. there’s no one who can beat him. that transition!!” pretty woman started playing and mercy started singing as loud as she could. “i love this song!”
after some van halen and other songs alex introduced mercy to, they arrived at the mason residence. the oldest mason child noticed her parents’ car in the driveway, a smile on her face. “they must’ve just got home from dinner. when we moved down here for our careers, they decided to get a duplex for us to live in. we get our own space and mom still does our laundry.” mercy laughed, alex grinning. “they’re awesome parents. i love them and thank them every day for what they sacrificed.” “they’re really nice people. i’m surprised your dad didn’t shove a shotgun in my face.” alex joked. “oh jeez, dad wouldn’t do that! it would be my mom. she’s been protective of us since day one.” mercy voiced, texting her sister.
‘we’re home. we’re gonna go say hi to the parental units and then be over at our side afterwards. see u in a bit :)’
‘Sounds good. We’re getting ready to head over to Taco Bell. Should be there in 30!’
‘coolio >:D’
‘See you soon!’
“rascal and tyler are heading over to taco bell. i figured we could pop in and say hi to my parents? if you want to, it’s totally fine if you don’t. i just like to let them know when i’m home.” “yeah, i’m fine with that!” alex beamed, opening the back doors to let the dogs out. mercy grabbed her purse from the front of the truck and headed to her parents’ side of the house. she paused about halfway up, turning to alex. “should we tell them tonight? about us?” alex caught up with her, after finn and roscoe decided to wreak havoc on the squirrel that hangs around the house. “poor ulysses. he’s our resident squirrel friend. we feed him on occasion.” mercy giggled, ringing the doorbell to her parents’ house. “to answer your question, i’m fine with it either way.” alex rested his hand on mercy’s lower back, giving her a quick kiss on top of her head. the door opened a few seconds later, revealing claire and gregory. “mercy! hi honey!” claire practically pushed gregory out of the way to hug her daughter. “hi mom, hi dad! i brought alex along, he’s like a lost puppy, folowing me around.” alex rolled his eyes, a chuckle escaping him. “i mean, we’re teammates next year, so i may as well get to know your daughter better.” alex shook gregory’s hand. “welcome to our home, alex.” “thank you, mr. mason.” “gregory, please. that was my father’s name.” gregory chuckled, patting alex on the bicep.  “alex!” “hi mrs. mason.” “alex,” claire gave alex a look before hugging him. “how many times do i have to tell you to call me claire?” she laughed as mercy hugged her dad. “i hope you both don’t mind, i brought my dogs, finn and roscoe, with me.” “they’re sweethearts! hi boys!” claire crouched down as much as she could to pet them. “you two are just lovebugs, aren’t you? hi, oh my, hello!” mercy giggled at the interaction her mom was having with her boyfriend’s dogs. boyfriend? hmm. she could get used to that.
“do either of you want anything to drink? we’ve got coffee, tea, coke, mountain dew, water…” “i’d like a water, please and thank you.” “mountain dew is good by me, thanks dad!” “anything for you, dear?” “tea, mint? thank you.” claire sat down next to her daughter, finn coming up by her feet and sitting down. “so, anything you two can talk about with hendrick yet?” “well, i think they’re announcing my ride next month. they’re still riding the alex to the 48 high at the moment, which i’m super excited about.” mercy smiled, scrunching her body and stretching her arms in front of her. “i wish you guys could’ve been there today, i fought really hard. i understand why you wouldn’t want to, though.” alex nodded. “yeah, she really kicked ass today.” gregory brought two of the four drinks, handing them to mercy and alex. “we watched it, merc! you did fantastic today, we’re so proud of you.” “it was a crazy race, my first in the rain! thanks, you two. i wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you two, literally.” mercy giggled, sipping her mountain dew. “i’ve raced against mercy a few times, she’s really good and is gonna be a fantastic addition to the team. we’re sharing a garage next year, so we’ll be seeing each other a lot.” alex scratched roscoe behind his ear as he sauntered by, a little wag of his tail lightly smacking alex’s leg. “it’s a good thing he doesn’t annoy me.” mercy laughed, lightly smacking alex on the knee. “only a little, he doesn’t like bts.” “finally, someone on my side in this house!” gregory raised his hand, a laugh bubbling out of him. alex high fived mercy’s dad as claire put her hand on her chest. “i really like them! i think they’re a good group of young men who are definitely attractive.” “thank god i have an army ally with me.” mercy blew a kiss to her mom, a small giggle escaping her. “alex, i have to ask, how long have you had your dogs? they’re so well-behaved!” claire gave finn a belly rub, whose tail was wagging as fast as it could. “i got roscoe when i was 19, he’s a rescue. finn i adopted a few years ago. they’re just showing their outside selves,” alex laughed, “these two are absolute psychos at home and when other dogs are near. roscoe, especially. he’s insane. he’s barking so much that my ears start to hurt. finn joins in especially when the mailman goes by. it’s kinda funny.” “they’ve never acted like that around me whenever i’m over there. they’re such good boys when i’m around!” mercy scratched under finn’s chin, then calling roscoe over. “they like to show off their good sides when someone else is around.” alex grinned, a light laugh coming out of him. mercy’s phone dinged, a notification from katelyn popping up on her screen. 
‘Traffic is so bad right now. It looks like there was an accident. We might be a little later than 8pm. :(‘
‘shit! stay safe. take ur time coming here. alex n i are over with the parental units. we’ll be okay :) u two stay safe!’
‘Will do, sis! I’ll update you as time goes on.’
‘pls do! again, stay safe :)) <333’
‘We will! <333’
“alex, rascal and tyler are gonna be late. there was an accident near the taco bell, they’re okay,” mercy turned to her parents, “they’re gonna be a while before they get here.” “that’s all good, i can wait for food.” “i’m glad they’re okay!” gregory sighed a sigh full of relief. “who the hell is tyler?” claire gave mercy a look. “ma, tyler is the driver she’s been seeing. i’m not sure if they’re official yet, but i’ve met him and he’s a really sweet kid. trust me, i know who to look out for.” mercy rested her hand on her mom’s hand, running her thumb over her knuckles. “i never want anything like what happened to me happen to her. it won’t, tyler is a really good kid. you’ve probably heard his name; tyler ankrum? he’s blonde, about 5’10, drives the 26 truck?” “he sounds like a good kid, mercy.” gregory piped up, alex nodding. “trust me, claire, he’s a really good kid. he’s always very kind to katelyn and treats her extremely well. he even brought her flowers for their first date.” “so that’s what i saw the other day when i brought you two your laundry…” claire paused. “i need to meet him.” “he’s coming by today with katelyn. we decided to take a drive after the race and they wanted to do their own thing, along with laurie and austin. speaking of, um, laurie and austin… they’re together now, mom and dad, i don’t know if i told you.” mercy smiled, thinking about how cute they are. “they’re adorable together!” claire smiled, turning to gregory. “austin is a really good kid, too. laurie’s like our third daughter, she’s been a part of the girls’ lives since they were in elementary and pre-school.” gregory explained to alex. “laurie’s an interesting character,” alex chuckled, “she’s one of those kpop stans.” “that’s how mercy got into kpop, actually.” claire explained to alex. “she was over at our house and mercy was practically drooling over bts, specifically yoongi.” “mom!” mercy whined, her face growing pink. “‘that’s who i’m marrying, mom. that’s my future husband.’” claire raised her voice a pitch higher, then looking at gregory. “‘he’s gorgeous. dad, there’s no need to pay for the wedding, he’s rich.’” gregory did the same as claire, chuckling at mercy’s embarrassed state. “oh my god, i’m never coming here again.” mercy hid her face in alex’s shoulder, who laughed at the encounter. “it’s our jobs to embarrass you, kiddo.” claire sipped on her tea, stifling a laugh. “i embarrass you more than your mom, honey.” gregory chuckled, sipping on his water. alex drank a bit of his water and tapped mercy on the head with his free hand. “trust me, merc, i’ve had plenty of embarrassing moments with my parents, especially in high school when i’d have a school dance or something.” mercy sat up, her hair slightly messy. “at least it’s not in front of your teammate that can use it as blackmail with the entire team.” mercy squinted her eyes. “i will tell everyone you secretly like bts if you tell anyone about this.” she pointed. “got it, bowman?” “got it, mason.” alex smirked, pointing back at her. mercy’s phone dinged again, katelyn texting her.
‘It’s starting to clear up now. Should be there pretty soon, twenty minutes max.’
‘okay ! see u in 20 :)’
“katelyn and tyler should be here in twenty minutes. hopefully with hot taco bell.” “you’re getting taco bell again?” claire chuckled. “the tenth time this week!” “i have an addiction, it’s been fed a lot by alex recently.” mercy tilted her head to look at alex. “i have a bad experience with one taco bell in particular, actually. i found out i got fired from a team in the drive thru. a rule i always follow now is to never check twitter in a taco bell drive through. mercy almost did and i threw her phone in the backseat.” alex laughed, sipping on his water. “i was mad too, i was about to retweet a tweet i saw from lizzo, then one that had pictures of eddie van halen.” mercy fake pouted, crossing her arms. “i never found those tweets again.” “that’s awful, alex! i can’t believe that they’d do that.” gregory gasped. “yeah, they’re not a team anymore now.” alex shrugged as claire noticed her phone ringing. “that’s awful, alex! hang on just a sec, katelyn is calling me. i’ll be back in a sec.” claire took the call and headed into the kitchen. “mercy told me about your love of dogs, she’s been trying to think of a foundation… have you thought about what your foundation will be?” gregory asked alex, who had finished his water. “i wanna do something with rescue animals, like roscoe. as you know, i rescued him when i was 19, he’s a huge part of my life. i hate the idea of kill shelters, too. i just wanna do something with animals.” “that’s really interesting! rescue animals are such sweethearts. we rescued a pair of cockatiels when mercy was about 16, one of them passed, then we rescued another one a few months later. you’ll probably hear them later when you’re over at the other side of the house. mercy absolutely loves birds, she’s always been a bird lover.” “tinsel is a loudmouth and stormie is just a dummy who loves food a little too much,” mercy laughed, “stormie will actually start dancing when she’s excited. she’s a cutie. tinsel absolutely loves mom, he starts singing and whistling whenever she walks in the room.” mercy showed alex a video of stormie dancing and tinsel whistling and sitting on her mom’s shoulder. “i usually don’t like birds, but they’re really cute. so that’s why you’re weird! you’re one of those bird people!” alex teased, mercy lightly shoving him. “you’re weird.” “gregory, do you want anything from taco bell? katelyn is in line.” claire yelled from the kitchen. “a power bowl sounds good, chicken specifically, and a pepsi! tell her i’ll pay her back, too.” gregory leaned back on the couch, flicking his eyes between alex and his daughter, noticing a look shared between them. claire came back a few minutes afterwards, sitting back down next to her husband. “mom, dad, i, uh, we wanted to tell you something before you found out from a rumor or through someone else. katelyn and tyler don’t know this yet, you two are the first to know.” mercy swallowed an invisible lump in her throat, looking down at the ground and then back up at her parents. “um, alex and i, we’re together, we’re dating.”
katelyn and tyler were finally geting out of the taco bell drive-thru, forty-five minutes after they got there. “finally, i was getting so hungry.” katelyn whined, grabbing a cinnabon delight from one of the two bags. “can you pop one of those in my mouth? i’m hungry, too.” tyler opened his mouth for a delight. “they’re so good.” katelyn muffled, a little bit on cinnamon stuck on her face. “mercy got me addicted to these.” katelyn popped a delight into tyler’s mouth, a big smile on his face. “i can see why mercy would be addicted to these.” tyler turned onto the highway as katelyn texted her sister to let them know they were almost home.
after ten minutes, tyler pulled into the mason household driveway, alex’s truck and the mason parents’ car still in the driveway. “sucks we’re almost thirty minutes late, but that traffic sucked. just glad we got food.” katelyn grabbed a tray of drinks and a bag, tyler also grabbing one of each. after locking the truck, katelyn send a message to the family groupchat to ask if someone could open the door. mercy opened the door and finn and roscoe started barking. “hi boys! hi, hi, hello!” katelyn baby-spoke, quickly heading inside and setting the food down. tyler closed the door behind him, handing katelyn the food and drinks. “hi, sorry about the wait. damn traffic.” katelyn sighed, taking a sip of her baja blast. “thanks for bringing the food, how much was it?” gregory pulled his wallet out. “mr. mason, no, it’s my treat.” tyler shook his head. “please, call me gregory. thank you, young man. tyler, right?” “that’s right, sir.” claire walked up to tyler. “how are you old enough to be driving?” “mom, he’s two years older than me!” katelyn whined as gregory laughed. “claire, stop, you’re scaring him.” “i’m claire, by the way. as you know, i’m mercy and katelyn’s mom. i’ve heard a lot about you from the girls.” “hello, claire. it’s very nice to finally meet you.” claire gave tyler a hug. “i’m a hugger, i don’t do handshakes.” she beamed, patting him on the back. “please, come in and eat.”
after everyone ate and had random conversations about things in life, katelyn and tyler offered to take the dogs outside. “thanks, you two. i brought some toys for them to play with outside, if you wanna bring them out. they’re over by mercy’s purse.” alex sipped on his pepsi, watching the younger drivers walk outside. “i’ll go play with them, they seem to like me.” mercy smiled, squeezing alex’s hand and walking outside. once the door shut, claire spoke up. “i’m happy for you two.” a smile beamed on her face showing her happiness. “all i’ve wanted for mercy is happiness, whether it be in her career or in relationships. i just want her to be happy. you are a wonderful young man, alex. i’m happy mercy found someone that really cares about her.” claire rested her hand on alex’s forearm. “alex, i know you’ll take good care of her,” gregory smiled, “she’s a good kid, you’re a good kid. i know the only trouble you’ll get into is on the track. she can get mouthy.” the three laughed, thinking about times when mercy gets mouthy. “i’ve seen it firsthand. well, over the radio. she was practically burning holes in the 9 car today.” alex laughed. “she’s always had an issue with noah, he was kinda like ivan back in her dirt days.” claire pressed her lips to a thin line. “learned his lesson multiple times from the girls.” “she hasn’t told me about that, what happened?” alex asked mercy’s parents. “long story short; he would always say that mercy and katelyn couldn’t do anything because they’re girls and would try to purposely wreck them to ‘prove’ they couldn’t do anything. happened once and mercy was livid. she cannot stand misogynistic people.” gregory explained to alex, who was taken back. “well damn, good to know. i guess i’ll have to hold her back from shit.” alex laughed, then covered his mouth. “shit, crap, excuse my language.” “alex! no need, mercy’s got a trucker’s mouth.” “i heard something about a trucker’s mouth?” mercy yelled when coming inside with katelyn, tyler, and the dogs. “katelyn’s mouth is more trucker than mine!” “total lie!” katelyn stuck her tongue out at mercy, who responded with the same expression. “absolutely not, rascal!” “what a meanie my sister is, huh, tyler?” katelyn pouted. “i dunno, both of you have equal trucker’s mouths.” tyler held his hands up in surrender. mercy rolled her eyes in amusement. “i totally forgot to shower. i was going to when i got over here but decided to stop in. shit.” “i’d implement a swear jar but that thing would be full because of me.” alex joked, a laugh escaping him. “you wanna hear a trucker’s mouth? spend thirty minutes with alex.” mercy lightly elbowed alex in the arm laughing. “yeah, yeah, i know. i’m a bad boy.” alex joked. mercy checked the time and noticed it was almost 10:30. “not to change the subject, but what time do you have to be at the track tomorrow?” “uh, 10am-ish? is it geting late?” alex looked at the time. “well, it’s almost 10:30. i just don’t want you to be late.” “we can set up a bed for him if it’s more convenient?” gregory offered. “no, it’s okay, i appreciate it, though! i have some things at my house that i still need to get for tomorrow.” “understandable. if you ever need to get away, we always have space for you.” claire smiled, noticing tyler and katelyn out of the corner of her eye. “do either of you want anything for the ride home? anything to eat or drink?” “maybe a water? thank you!” tyler piped up. “same for me, thanks.” alex nodded.
“thank you for everything, you have a wonderful home and you’re a wonderful family!” alex beamed, giving claire a hug and then gregory a handshake. “you’re a wonderful young man, alex. you’re always welcome any time.” claire rested her hand on alex’s bicep, giving it a light pat. “absolutely, alex.” gregory shook alex’s hand again, a smile on his face. “i’ll walk you out, alex.” mercy headed outside with alex, closing the door behind her. katelyn and tyler peeked out the window to watch them. "katelyn, could you help me load the dishwasher? mom's finishing up on laundry." gregory asked, looking up and seeing katelyn's head slump down. "i'll be right there." "i don't mind helping, don't tell me i can't. i insist." tyler stood up, holding his hand for katelyn to take.
"i'm glad you stayed and had dinner. i enjoy spending time with you." mercy smiled, holding her hands in front of her and checking to make sure the dogs are still with them. "i'm glad i got to know your family a little better. you all have such a great relationship." alex gleamed, his hand resting at his side as he took his time heading to his truck. mercy's hand lightly brushed alex's, craving warmth. alex linked his hand with mercy's, fitting together like a perfect puzzle. "you're freezing! did you bring a hoodie out?" "no, i'm usually good if it's a quick walk like this. alex, i'm fine." mercy silently whined when alex let go of her hand. he took his hoodie off and handed it to her. "alex, i said i'm fine!" "please, just wear this. i don't want you getting cold." mercy huffed, putting the hoodie on to shush alex. "it looks good on you." alex mumbled loud enough for mercy to hear. "thank you. i'll give this back to you tomorrow." finn and roscoe sat next to mercy, their sides up against her legs. "guess they really like me." she chuckled, petting them and giving them neck scratches. "you're wearing my hoodie, that's why." "no, they like me. let me be happy with that." mercy snorted, a giggle escaping her as well. 'cute.' alex thought to himself, thinking about mercy's snort-giggle. "it's getting late, i don't want you to be late tomorrow." mercy sighed. "even though i don't want you to go." "i know, but if i don't, i won't be able to win for you tomorrow." "i wanna see you win tomorrow and definitely win next week, it's my birthday on sunday." "i owe you a drink, then." "sounds good. i'll see you tomorrow. bye boys!! you be good for alex!" mercy gave the dogs head scratches and pets again, their tails thumping against her and themselves. "they're such cuties, alex. i love these dudes." mercy stood back up and saw the dogs climb in the truck. "before you say anything, you're a cutie, too." mercy giggled, a bright blush wiped all over her face. "well, thanks, but i think you are." alex muttered, his face red. 'thank god it's so dark.' mercy thought to herself. after a few seconds of awkward silence, mercy grabbed alex's hand and held it, looking up at him and blushing even brighter. "i'll see you tomorrow, merc." alex placed his hand gently on the back of mercy's head, bringing her close to him and planting a kiss on her lips, eyes fluttering shut. mercy was, once again, filled with butterflies. alex's hand moved from the back of her head to her jaw, just like it was earlier in the truck. he ran his thumb over her lower cheek, just above the top of her jaw, and pulled back slowly. a quiet whine flew out of mercy's mouth, pleading for another kiss. she pushed herself forward and kissed alex again, her hands on his shoulders. she pulled back after a few seconds and exhaled. "um, i don't know what came over me, um… s-sorry, goodnight." mercy stepped back to go back inside and alex grabbed her hand. "merc, there was nothing wrong with that. you're perfect, there's nothing wrong with wanting another kiss." his eyes were glimmering in the streetlight, mercy's were starting to erupt with tears, but she shoved them down. 'he's not like him.' she thought to herself. "th-thank you for saying that. i'm gonna, uh, head in." "i'm gonna wait until you are inside before leaving." alex placed another kiss on mercy, but on her forehead. "get some sleep, merc. i'll see you tomorrow." "see you tomorrow, alex." mercy smiled, mimicking alex's expression. mercy headed up the driveway, turning around once she got to the door to see alex wave her inside. she giggled, waving at him and walked inside, closing and locking the door behind her. she saw the headlights fade away, then his truck turning the corner. "do you guys wanna hang out for a little bit, or do you have to get going, tyler?" "i could stay a little longer. we could watch a movie or something?" "i'm up for that!" katelyn gleamed, mercy responding with a smile. "we're gonna head to bed, goodnight girls! we love you!" "goodnight! we love you too!" mercy and katelyn blew kisses to their parents, waving to them. "we have a door through the kitchen to the other side. it leads to our kitchen." katelyn led tyler and mercy to their house, locking the door behind them. "so, mercy, nice new addition to your closet." katelyn nodded towards the hoodie mercy was wearing. "alex was insisting i take his hoodie because i was cold. he said to give it back tomorrow." mercy put her hands in the hoodie pocket, fumbling with her fingers. "fine, i'll spill… we're dating." "finally! i'm happy for you!" katelyn squealed, her fists  shaking in front of her. "aww, congrats!" tyler high-fived mercy, a laugh coming out of both of them. "it was lowkey unexpected, to be honest. i'll tell the story another time, please don't tell anyone, we're only telling a small group of people. we wanna keep it a secret for as long as possible." mercy explained as katelyn practically tackled her sister. "i'm just so happy for you, merc. so damn happy."
after 45 minutes into mercy's choice for a movie, big hero 6 of course, katelyn had fallen asleep. tyler and mercy were starting to fall asleep. "should we end it?" mercy asked tyler, who had nodded off. "it's fine. she's asleep. i don't wanna wake her. speaking of kate, i wanted to let you know that we're together. kinda funny how we have the same anniversary." tyler chuckled, his eyes flicking to katelyn, who was asleep next to him. "i'm glad you two are together. she's my baby sister and i want happiness for her. god, i sound like my mom." mercy chuckled. "seriously, though, you make her happy. thanks for being a part of her life. you're a really good guy, tyler." "thanks, merc," tyler beamed. "she makes me really happy."
once the movie ended, katelyn woke up to tyler lightly brushing his fingers through her hair. "kate, i gotta go home. i'm getting tired." "ty, you can stay here, the guest bedroom is always available." mercy gleamed. "i just gotta clear some stuff off the bed and you can use it tonight." "ty, please?" katelyn pouted, giving him puppy eyes. "alright, i'll stay over. i can shower before the race." "sounds good! i'll be fixing your room."
mercy had just finished taking her shower after calling tyler and katelyn upstairs. “i’m gonna be a minute, i just finished showering. tyler, your bed is ready! lemme know if you need anything!” “will do, thanks!” tyler beamed, holding katelyn's hand as they headed to the bedrooms. mercy quickly got dressed, fixing her hair into braids. she exited the bathroom to find tyler and katelyn waiting by her room. “did you need anything?” mercy questioned. “uh, there aren’t any pillows… i don’t mind getting them if you wanna tell me where they are!” “oh, shit! my apologies, i thought i put them on your bed. turns out they’re in my room.” mercy chuckled. “so sorry about that!” mercy went into her room and grabbed the spare pillows. “here they are, i hope they’re comfortable! i get the bamboo pillows because they’re biodegradable when you’re done using them but they are fantastic for your head. i love the feeling of them!” “wow, these are comfortable. thank you!” tyler squeezed the pillow, feeling the softness of the cover and the foam inside. “do you need anything else? we’ve got plenty of water, humidifiers, whatever you need.” “just a water is great, i don’t mind grabbing it!” “tyler, i don’t mind getting them either. you’re the guest in the house.” katelyn yawned, heading over to the closet in the hallway and grabbing three bottles of water. “thanks, rascal.” “thanks, kate.” “alright, i’m gonna go finish getting ready, goodnight you two!” mercy gave katelyn a kiss on the forehead and a hug to tyler. “sleep well, wake me if you need anything.” “will do, thanks. goodnight!” “love you, sis.” “love you too, rascal. goodnight tyler!” mercy headed into her room to finish her skincare.
“do you wanna hang out for a few minutes before bed?” katelyn held her hand out, leading tyler into her room. the walls were a mix of pastel and medium purple, her bed just by the window with two end tables, a desk to do schoolwork, and a couple of chairs scattered around. on one of the chairs was a violin case with a stand next to the chair and music on the stand. there was a decent sized tv in front of her bed on the wall. the posters on her wall described her perfectly, from taylor swift to fall out boy to bts, mercy clearly raided her room with those. there was an owl poster on the back of her door, framed pictures of her and her sister and parents everywhere, a jar saving money for taylor swift tickets for her next tour, a bunch of cds lining her shelves, plus her laptop with a bunch of stickers on the front. “i like your room, it’s very you.” tyler noticed a picture of her and mercy after mercy won her first xfinity race. another one next to it when katelyn won her first truck pole, along with a goal sheet. circled in purple was ‘win a race’. “thanks, tyler. i’m thinking of adding a picture of us to my photos. we’ll have to get some more together.” katelyn beamed, leaning in to give tyler a kiss on his nose. “i have a couple of selfies of us from today, i can send you those.” tyler gently squeezed katelyn’s hand, who started playing soft music. they decided to look through the photo book of the sisters’ racing days, whether it be dirt or asphalt. “aw, mercy’s last win on dirt!” katelyn smiled, remembering watching the footage. “that was my first dirt race. i still wish i could’ve been there to see her win it.” “but you were there?” tyler asked katelyn, who sighed. “it’s a really long, traumatic story. i’ll tell you some other time.” “shit, that’s okay. i can wait.” tyler wrapped his arm around katelyn’s shoulders, looking at the different memories the sisters shared.
“it’s getting late, do you wanna go to bed?” katelyn looked at the time, which was a little after midnight. “we really should.” tyler yawned, noticing katelyn nodding off a few times in a minute. “kate, you’re going to bed, you!re falling asleep!” tyler chuckled, planting a kiss on katelyn’s forehead. “alright, i’ll go to bed. goodnight, tyler.” katelyn opened her arms for a hug, receiving one, along with a quick kiss on the lips. “sleep well.” “you too.”
after tyler and katelyn went to bed, mercy turned on some quiet music, specifically the playlist she’s been working on with songs alex has shown her, plus songs that remind her of him. she then checked her social media feeds, seeing pictures of laurie and austin being cute after the roval. she liked the tweet and replied. after checking her twitter notifications and dms, she checked her notifications and a text from alex came in. 
'You awake?'
'yeah. why are you?'
'Can I FaceTime you?'
'sure, i can help. i'm getting ready for bed, it takes me a bit.'
not even a second after the text, mercy got the facetime call. she answered it and saw alex was laying in bed. "hey. what's up?" mercy noticed alex's eyes were a little red. "were you crying?" "y-yeah." alex sniffed. "i had a major anxiety attack. i started thinking about the fact i might not make it to the next round." "alex, hey… you're gonna do great. you're gonna be fine." mercy raised her voice a pitch or two, trying to comfort him. "can you talk to me while i start to fall asleep?" "absolutely. whatever you need, alex." a comfortable pause between the two became the main subject and mercy shut her camera off. "where'd you go?" "i'm changing out of my bra, it's kinda weird seeing your girlfriend's boobs on the first day of your relationship." "you know i wouldn't care." alex smirked, flipping to the other side of his bed. "perv." mercy rolled her eyes, chuckling. she turned the camera back on and set the phone up so he could see her. "you finally showered, stinky." "shush." mercy giggled, putting her nighttime moisturizer on. "did katelyn ask about us?" "yeah, she kinda figured it out the second i walked in wearing your hoodie." "so much for keeping it secret." "yeah. it's fine, i told her and tyler. i trust them. should i tell laurie and austin or just laurie?" "laurie. not that i don't trust austin, i just think a small group is better." alex sighed, muffling a grunt. "roscoe just kicked me." "how rude." mercy grabbed her phone and went back to her bedroom. “speaking of your hoodie, it’s safe. kinda cold in here,” mercy put the hoodie on and pulled her hair out from under the hoodie. “i haven’t seen you in braids for years.” alex pointed out. “yeah, i only wear them when i go to bed or if it’s really windy. despite having thick hair, it’s super fine and knots easily. mercy chuckled. the song that was playing ended, the intro to summertime started playing. "is that summertime playing?" alex inquires. "yup. one of my favorite songs off of danger days." mercy grins, fiddling through her vinyl collection. “i have all their albums on vinyl. i want bullets on cd, but i can’t find it for less than $120. i love them, but $120 is a lot.” “yeah, that’s why i use spotify.” alex turned to see roscoe in rem. with a light smile on his face, he turned back around and saw mercy looking at her black parade album. “still can’t believe they’re back. when i saw that they had posted, i literally screamed as loud as i could and went insane all over social media.” mercy sighed, a soft smile on her face. “i remember seeing your posts about their return. i think you sent me those tweets.” alex mumbled his eyes not leaving his screen. “that’s how i found out.” “yeah, your timeline was probably all my keyboard smashed tweets.” the oldest mason looked over at her phone again. “are you staring at me?” her lips formed a grin. “yeah, what’re you gonna do about it?” alex joked, a slight smirk on his face. mercy shut her camera off, giggling. “hey! turn that back on, i wanna keep staring at you.” “so you can make me uncomfortable?” mercy chuckles, which turns into a giggle. “dammit, you know my secrets.” alex faked his annoyance, a smile on his face. ‘he’s so pretty… how does he not see it?’ mercy thought to herself, turning her camera back on. “there she is!” the older driver giggles, which made mercy respond with a soft giggle, glancing at her spotify queue to see what song is next. "aww, the next song is so cute." "is it bts?" "surprisingly, no. you'll see." mercy scrunched her nose at alex, a breathy giggle escaping her. "if you stay, i would even wait all night." mercy sang to herself, putting under eye masks on. "or until my heart explodes, how long until we find our way in the dark and out of harm? you can run away with me anytime you want." "gerard way is quaking in his boots." "alex, don't even compare me to him. he's way better." mercy held up finger guns, an animated smile on her face. "and i'm dating you, why?" "hey!" mercy pouted, folding her arms. "go to bed." "no." alex stuck his tongue out, mercy mocking him. mercy started a timer on her fitbit, glancing back over at her phone. "merc, thanks for facetiming me. it's much appreciated. mind if i stay longer?" "all good by me. just waiting a few more minutes before climbing in. these help with puffy eyes in the morning." mercy’s fitbit beeped, then she took the under-eye masks off, tossing the crescent shaped masks into the trash. she brought her phone to the bathroom, washed her hands, and laid under her covers in her bed. "hi." mercy giggled for the thousandth time that night. "hey." alex beamed, his blinking increasing. "you look like you're getting tired, alex." "yeah, a little." he yawned, shaking his head afterwards. "you really should go to sleep, it's gonna be an early morning for you." "yeah, i know." alex sighed, then whining. "i don't wanna stop talking to you, though." "want me to wait until you're asleep to hang up?" "no, it's okay. i'll see you tomorrow." alex stuck out his bottom lip, making a pout. "i'll see you tomorrow, alex, goodnight." "goodnight." they waved to each other, then hung up. mercy looked at their texts, a dog emoji next to alex's name. she changed it to alex with the dog emoji and a heart, then locking her phone after turning on her music to go to sleep. she thought about the day, from the race to the facetime call they just had. she felt like the happiest girl in the world.
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nascar-fanfics · 1 year
mason sisters update
hi everyone! i’ve updated the story all the way through chapter seven! chapter eight will be coming soon. i’m currently going through bronchitis which really sucks :(
i’m excited for the season to start back up again, hopefully i’ll have the next chapter out by then!
have a great day/afternoon/night!
0 notes
nascar-fanfics · 1 year
the mason sisters: seven
summary: mercy has an awesome race, despite an annoyance, fun times with a track family, and feelings confessed.
word count: 5379
warnings: swearing, noah gragson, period cramps
next chapter | masterlist
(a/n: i created a character descriptions carrd! it’s on the masterlist, which you can find here!)
mercy woke up to a cramp. she checked the time on her phone and noticed it was almost five in the morning. she noticed her bed was really comfortable. ‘this isn’t my room.’ mercy thought to herself. she noticed she was in alex’s room, alex nowhere to be found. mercy saw a note next to her phone, picking it up and reading it.
‘You fell asleep shortly after we came back inside. I figured the car ride would wake you up, so I let you sleep in my bed. Wake me if you need anything :)’
 a smile she got up out of the bed to go change her pad and take some more pamprin. she noticed on her way to the bathroom, alex was asleep on the couch. he looked so peaceful, she didn’t want to wake him. she crept quietly to the bathroom and shut the door. she pressed her back to the door and let out a huge sigh. mercy couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that alex had put her in his bed. did she have help getting there, like him carrying her? no, he probably woke her up and helped her to his room. either way, she’s thankful alex was around. mercy sat on the toilet and checked her phone for texts. she saw multiple from katelyn, laurie, and tyler.
rascal: ‘Where are you?’
rascal: ‘Nevermind, Alex texted me. See you in the morning, sleep well.’
bestie for the restie: ‘austin cried at moulin rouge djjshjddkd’
bestie for the restie: ‘hope ur doing okay <3’
unknown number: ‘Hey! It’s Tyler. Kate gave me your number, hope you’re doing okay! Katelyn invited me to watch the race tomorrow. I’ll hopefully see you tomorrow sometime! :)’
mercy marked the messages unread so she could respond to them in the morning. after finishing up, she washed her hands and headed out of the bathroom, shutting the light off and leaving the door open. she noticed alex getting a glass of water. “shit, i hope i didn’t wake you.” mercy blurted, fixing her messy braids. “no, you didn’t wake me. roscoe needed to go out.” alex chuckled, taking a sip of his water. mercy stood by the back door, looking out at the backyard to see the sun coming up. “a cramp woke me up, so i took some more pamprin. it wasn’t super painful, but it couldn’t hurt to help future me.” she turned to look at alex. “how did you get me to your room? did i just walk there or did you carry me?” alex took another sip of his water, glancing at mercy, then letting roscoe back inside. “that is a secret i will never reveal.” alex taunted, petting roscoe on the head. “you definitely didn’t carry me. you would’ve dropped me.” mercy scoffed, a small smirk on her face. “you’re pretty light. these guys are heavy.” alex yawned, taking another sip of his water and setting it on the kitchen counter. “i feel bad that you have to sleep on the couch. you could’ve left me on the couch.” “i wouldn’t have felt right leaving you on the couch.” alex leaned against the wall next to mercy, about a foot of space between them. “you’ve got a race in ten hours. go back to bed. i can bring you to the track.” “alex, you don’t have to do that. i gotta get dressed and shower before i get over there.” “i don’t mind. you’re probably the only person i’ll do this for.” mercy yawned, resting her head on the wall. “you’re a really good person, alex. i really appreciate you.” alex’s heart fluttered at mercy’s compliment, a light blush on his face. “thanks, merc. seriously, go back to bed.” he laughed. “i wanna see you win today.” “i’ll shout you out.” mercy chuckled, putting her phone in the hoodie pocket. she grabbed her glass of water and started to head to alex’s room. she turned around and gave alex a quick hug. “seriously, thank you for everything. you’re the best.” alex froze for a second, then hugged mercy back. “it’s no problem at all.” mercy didn’t want to let go. alex was so warm, and she felt safe in his arms. after another few seconds, mercy let go of the hug and pat alex on the arm. “i’ll see you in a few hours.” “see you in a few. sleep well!” “you too.” mercy beamed, taking her glass of water and heading into alex’s room. she shut the door behind her and pressing her back up against the door. she stood at the door, a big smile on her face. she headed back to bed, taking the hoodie and her shirt off, climbing under the covers and staring at the ceiling. she covered her face with her hands, a small giggle and squeak leaving her body. she was head over heels for the tucson native. alex laid back down on the couch, covering himself with the blanket. he stared at the light fixture, thinking about the moment he and mercy had. he has no idea mercy likes him, but he certainly can’t stop thinking about her. he thought about her as he drifted to sleep.
mercy woke up to her alarm at nine, pressing snooze and pulling the covers over her head. she let out a somewhat loud groan, forgetting alex is in the living room. she shut her eyes again, but the light from the sun still kept the room bright. “fuck it. i’m up.” mercy ripped the covers off of her, the cold air practically smacking her body. she shivered audibly, throwing her shirt and alex’s hoodie on. she opened the door a little and saw alex half awake on his phone. “morning.” mercy waved. “am i good to come out?” “morning.” alex’s morning voice made mercy blush. “yeah, come on out. i’ll get us something to eat.” “thanks.” mercy yawned, stretching her arms up above her head. she pet finn and roscoe on their heads, scratching under their jaws. “morning, boys! i hope you two slept well!” “they woke me up just before you came out here, little brats.” alex joked, sitting up and stretching his arms. “did you sleep okay?” “yeah, i did. thanks. i might have to steal your bed. it’s so comfy, i felt like i was sleeping on a cloud.” mercy sighed, a slight smile on her face. “how about you?” “up until the dogs jumped on me, i slept pretty well.” “good.” mercy fiddled with the sleeves of the hoodie, pulling them over her hands. “why does it have to be so cold?” “i enjoy it.” “you’re crazy. black coffee and enjoying the cold?” “where did i grow up?” “right.” mercy nodded. “back at you, where did i grow up?” “new hampshire.” “exactly.” alex opened the fridge and grabbed bacon and eggs. “anything specific you want?” “scrambled eggs and some toast, lightly toasted?” “sounds good.” “thanks again. i appreciate this.” mercy sat at the table, scrolling through twitter. she saw a tweet that tagged both her and alex in it, saying they should be a couple. “did you see that tweet about us becoming a couple?” alex asked mercy, adding some mozzarella and cheddar cheese to mercy’s scrambled eggs. “yeah. i just came across it. what if i like it to mess with the fans?” mercy looked over at alex, who had a grin on his face. “retweet it and see what people say.” “i’m just gonna like it.” mercy tapped on the like button, then scrolling again. she saw some tweets from her friends, liking and replying to them. “breakfast is ready!” alex brought over two plates, one with his food and one with mercy’s food. “thanks again. i appreciate you making me breakfast. i owe you again.” mercy took a sip of her apple juice. “it’s no problem, i don’t mind doing this. i’m not a very good cook, but i can make some mean scrambled eggs.” alex sat next to mercy, setting his phone down and eating his bacon. “do you eat ba- wait, you’re a vegetarian, right?” “yep. i miss chicken a lot, though.” mercy took a bite of her scrambled eggs. “holy fucking shit, alex. these are so good. you’re making me breakfast from this day forward.” alex laughed at mercy’s ramble about his cooking. “thanks. i don’t mind doing it.” “i’m literally drooling, dude. i’m like your dogs when they see treats.” “i’m glad you like them. it doesn’t take much time if you wanna learn how i make them?” mercy nodded quickly, her smile growing. her phone pinged with a text from katelyn. 
‘Hey sis! I hope you’re up now. Gotta get to the track soon.’
‘yeah, alex is gonna drop me off at home and watch the race with y’all.’
‘Cool! I hope they’ll let him in.’
‘they will. i’ll use the family excuse >:)’
‘Sneaky sister.’
‘speaking of alex, he made me breakfast :)’
‘Show me!’
“katelyn wants a picture of you and i with the breakfast you made.” “oh god, i look terrible.” alex chuckled, fixing his hair. “dude, you look better than i do at the moment. look at my hair.” mercy flattened her hair as much as she could. she opened the camera app and took a video of her food and alex. “your hair certainly looks better than mine.” alex held up a peace sign and a closed-mouth smile. “dude, i’m recording.” “you said it would be a picture! hi katelyn.” alex waved, giving mercy a joking glare. “i lied, sorry.” mercy made a pouty face as alex flipped her off. “hey! meanie!” both alex and mercy laughed as she ended the video. she sent the video to katelyn and set her phone down. “i should be at the track no later than noon.” “shit, it’s almost ten. are you sure you don’t want to shower here?” “i appreciate the offer, but i don’t have any clean clothes or my soaps. i do like the smell of the stuff you use, but i’d feel bad if i used your stuff.” mercy immediately cringed, practically admitting she liked the way alex smelled. “i-i meant your stuff sm-smells nice, bu-but not on me.” alex grinned, a small chuckle escaping. “you’re fine. i can’t tell if that’s a compliment, but i appreciate it if it is.” “i-i guess it is.”
mercy grabbed her purse, shoved her phone in it, and put her shoes back on. “are you sure you don’t mind dropping me off? i’m way out of the way of the track.” “seriously, i don’t mind. we should get going.” “okay, thanks again.” mercy smiled, petting finn and roscoe. “i’ll see you two soon!” mercy headed out of alex’s house and to his truck. “wanna take the truck today?” “yeah, i like the way the speakers sound with my music.” alex started his truck from the house, unlocking his door and checking it, then heading to his truck. “can i connect my phone?” “yeah, sounds good.” mercy connected her phone and shuffled the playlist she made when she goes on drives with alex. after pressing shuffle, mercy texts katelyn.
‘kate, i’m headed home. be there in a few :)’
‘See you soon! ^^’
“i might need to pick up some uncrustables before we leave for the track.” alex muttered, glancing at mercy. “sounds good. see if you can find the peanut butter and honey ones! those are the best. i haven’t been able to find them for a while.” “sounds good, i thought you were gonna say the strawberry ones. i was about to stop the truck and let you walk home.” alex laughed, tapping his steering wheel. “katelyn loves those, i despise them.” mercy gagged. “they’re so gross.” “i know, right? they’re terrible!” alex slowed the truck down at a stoplight, turning to mercy. “alright, what’s better; nutella uncrustables or grape jelly?” “the nutella ones are the best along with the peanut butter and honey ones.” “you’re so smart, mason.” “why thank you, bowman. i think you’re pretty smart, too.” mercy bowed her head, letting out a chuckle. alex turned back to the steering wheel, noticing the light turned green. “do you want me to text you when i’m on my way or do you wanna text me when you’re done?” “either way is fine, i hopefully won’t take long. i just gotta shower and put my clothes on.” alex nodded, turning into the mason household’s driveway. “thanks for letting me stay over and everything. mercy got out and started to head to the door. alex followed her, walking her to her door. “i’ll see you in a bit.” mercy smiled, giving alex’s arm a squeeze. she unlocked her door and saw katelyn sitting on the couch. “how are the lovebirds?” “katelyn, you’re obnoxious, tyler’s chill. shut up.” “i meant you and-oh, hey alex.” “hey katelyn, i assume you’re gonna be at the track later? do you need anything from the store?” “strawberry uncrustables?” “i told you, alex, she’s the number one strawberry uncrustable fan!” “well, she’s a psychopath!” alex laughed as mercy set her purse on the table. “alright, i’ll pick you both up after i grab some stuff at the store.” “see you soon!” katelyn waved. mercy headed to the door, giving alex a side-hug. “you’re gonna have to get used to me hugging you.” mercy giggled. “i’m a hugger, i think you knew that.” “ha, yep.” alex chuckled, side-hugging mercy. “alright, go shower!” “yes, sir!” mercy saluted, laughing as she locked the door behind alex. “just get married already.” “katelyn!” mercy flipped her sister off, heading upstairs to her bathroom. she grabbed some clothes out of her closet, a somewhat tight my chemical romance shirt, black leggings, a sports bra, and two pairs of underwear; one period and one regular.
after taking her shower, she decided to leave her hair down and let it somewhat air dry before she put her hair in braids at the track. mercy got dressed and checked her phone, seeing a text from alex that he’s on his way. “rascal! alex is on his way. if i’m not down there, can you let him in, please?” mercy unwrapped her towel and hung it back up, grabbing her clothes and getting dressed in her room. she checked her phone again and saw a text from aj.
‘Hey niece! Family meeting before the race, it’ll be at your hauler this week.’
‘cool! see you then. thanks for letting me know :)’
‘No problem! See you then :)’
mercy finished putting her clothes on, brushing out her hair and contemplating whether to wear a little mascara or not. she decides against it, saving a little time. mercy grabs her firesuit, putting the legs on and tying the arms around her waist. she finishes brushing out her hair, grabbing a few ponytail holders and heading downstairs. “oh, hey alex! i hope i didn’t take too long.” “nope, just got here.” “okay, good. i’m ready, i just gotta put my shoes on.” mercy sat on the stool by the island, putting her racing shoes on and bringing her filas with her. “alright, i’m ready. kinda nervous for today. i have a team meeting, so if you two wanna head to my pit box, i’ll meet you after.” “cool. got extra masks?” “mmhm, i always have extras. our parents are really high risk.” “understandable. oh, i brought uncrustables for us. they’re in the truck.” “awesome! laurie’s gonna be there today as well, she’s gonna be at austin’s pit.” katelyn smiled, getting her purse and heading to the door. “you’re gonna kick ass today, mason.” alex held mercy’s arm, giving it a squeeze. “you’ll win today.” mercy smiled, a light blush on her face as she opened the door. “shit, is it gonna rain today?” katelyn looked up at the sky. “yeah, i saw it’s gonna rain during the race. that’s why i’m nervous.” “like alex said, you’re gonna kick ass.” “thanks, sis.” mercy locked the door behind them, testing it to make sure the house is locked.
mercy held up her lanyard, showing the security member that she’s racing today. “go on ahead.” “thanks!” alex nodded, driving off. mercy quickly threw her hair in a ponytail, a few pieces of her hair hanging to frame her face. mercy let out a breath, shaking her head. “gonna kick ass today. rain isn’t gonna affect anything. just the air.” she mumbled to herself, noticing the rainclouds coming in. alex parked where he was directed. they got out of alex’s truck, putting their masks on. mercy kept her firesuit tied at her waist, grabbing her phone and bringing up her and aj’s texts.
‘i’m here! i’ll be at my hauler in a few minutes.’
‘Justin said he’s ten out. I’m pulling into the parking lot now. See you in a minute!’
‘see you in a min :)’
“alright, i gotta get to my hauler. i’ll see you guys soon.” mercy hugged katelyn, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “see you soon, sis, love you.” “love you too.” katelyn gave her sister a kiss on the cheek, grabbing her biceps. “go get that win, mercy.” “i’ll try, katelyn.” mercy messed with katelyn’s hair, giggling. “meanie!” mercy turned to alex, giving him a hug as well. “i’ll see you in a bit, have fun getting to know my rascal more.” she laughed, patting alex on the back. “i’ll keep an eye on her.” “tyler said he’s gonna be here in a minute, i’ll let security know he’s with us.” “okay, tell him to meet me at the pit box! love you!” “love you too!” 
mercy connected her headphones to her phone, listening to her raceday playlist. she said hi to the other crews and drivers that passed her. she noticed her crew chief, matt. “matt! hey, aj mentioned a team meeting being held at my hauler?” “yeah, i heard about that. come on in, you’re the first one here.” matt let mercy into her hauler, her crew, aj, justin, and ross cheering as she walked in. “shit! y’all scared the hell outta me!” mercy laughed, holding her hand over her chest. “congrats on the ride!” justin smiled, giving mercy a hug. “thanks, older little brother.” mercy hugged him back, patting him on the back. “uncle aj! did you organize this entire thing?” “i sure did, my wonderful niece!” aj pulled mercy into a hug, rocking her back and forth. “thanks, aj. you’re the best uncle.” she broke the hug, noticing ross with his arms open. “cousin ross!” mercy hugged ross, patting him on the back. “seriously, you’re gonna kick ass next year. i’m so proud of you.” “thank you, ross.”
“hey, y’all! there wasn’t a meeting, it was a little party before the race. they congratulated me on the ride. i got some cake, saved y’all some.” mercy held up the plastic bag filled with slices of cake, sodas, and chips. “figured y’all might be hungry during the race.” mercy stuck the straw of her drink up her mask, taking a sip of her pink lemonade. “thanks! i’ll never say no to cake.” alex smiled. “tyler! hey, i’m glad you could make it.” “glad to be here. i wanna see you kick ass.” “well, hopefully, i can keep it up front. i got fourth in qualifying. doesn’t matter, though. there wasn’t any ‘qualifying’.” “we’ll be cheering you on!” mercy stood by her car, pulling her phone out and opening the camera. “matt, could you do me a huge favor? can you take a picture of the four of us with my car?” “absolutely!” mercy stood in front of the window net, alex on her left, katelyn on her right, and tyler next to katelyn. she wrapped her arm around katelyn’s shoulders and her other arm around alex’s back. alex’s arm was wrapped around mercy’s waist, a slight blush on her face from the contact. “alright, got it! i took a few, i know how you kids are.” “thanks matt. i’m assuming we’re gonna be good on points if we don’t win next round?” “you sure you wanna know?” “no.” mercy laughed, patting her crew chief on the shoulder. mercy stood by her car, holding the umbrella that matt gave her at her hauler. “alright, showtime.” mercy mumbled to herself, hearing the announcement for fans to rise and remove hats.
after the anthem, mercy hugged katelyn, tyler, and alex. she gave matt a fist bump and tucked her hair into her firesuit top, giving her friends and sister a thumbs up. she climbed into the car and situated her helmet. mercy took a deep breath in, let it out, and pressed the mic button. “can y’all hear me good?” “10-4, you’re clear.” “yep, all clear.” paul, mercy’s spotter, called. “cool, can’t wait to kick ass today. got one of my future teammates with me, alex, my sister, katelyn, and tyler, who’s in the first stage of dating my sister.” “bet that hits rough.” matt chuckled. “not really, just makes me feel more lonely.” “the way you and alex look at each other, though, i have a feeling you’re not just gonna be teammates.” “matt, shush. paul, you heard nothing.” “mercy, have a great race today!” matt kaulig perked up over the radio. “hey matt! thanks, i’m hoping to get you another win. let’s do this.” “fire it up, missy.” matt the crew chief held a thumbs up to mercy. mercy turned the car on, the vibration from the engine filling her ears. “let’s get this win.”
mercy stepped on the gas, heading onto the track. “the nine is getting obnoxious. he keeps slowing down when i speed up. i can’t stand to look at him.” mercy grumbled over the radio. “it’s just the caution laps, you’re almost there.” “i can’t wait to pass him.” mercy sped up as noah sped up, fishtailing the car. “three, two, one, green, green, green.” matt blurted over the radio, mercy stepping on the gas and pushing the nine forward. “one behind you, outside, outside, clear.”
it was the last lap of stage one. mercy and noah were fighting for second. “fucking hell, noah’s getting on my last nerve.” mercy stepped on the gas and passed the nine, finishing second in the first stage. “good job, merc.” “thanks guys, you’re the best.” mercy headed down pit road when it was open, stopping at her pit box. “go, go, go!” matt yelled through the radio, mercy speeding out of her pit box, ending up first off of pit road, noah second. “alright, don’t be mad, but the nine came off second.” “i swear i’m gonna lose my mind.” mercy groaned, seeing the nine behind her.
stage two had finished, mercy finishing third this time behind her teammate. “p3, mercy, good job out there. nice job avoiding that caution a while back.” “thanks matt, car’s a little tight, but running really well. y’all brought me a good car this week, thanks.” “10-4!” matt called, mercy bringing her car down pit road and receives four tires, gas, and a looser car. “go, now!” mercy sped off pit road again, ending up first off of pit road. “hell yeah, first!” “awesome job, guys. thanks for sending me off quick.” mercy smiled, tapping her steering wheel. stage three begins and justin is right behind mercy, pushing her ahead of everyone else.
“ten to go, merc, go get that win!” “yes sir.” mercy weaves her way through the track, getting behind aj for third. “i love you uncle aj, but i really want that win.” the caution comes out with six to go.
the caution ends, mercy behind aj again. she pushes him ahead, but chase briscoe gets a good push from behind and ends up ahead of aj. another caution comes out at lap 64 with four laps to go. “four to go, gonna go into overtime. need anything beforehand?” “10-4, matt. i think i’m good. i just wanna get this win.” “we’ve got a good chance, for this time and the whole organization.” “10-4.”
“three, two, one, go!” matt yells, mercy speeding up and pushing aj in front of the 98. she gets in front of the 98, a big chunk of space between her and the field. she follows aj around the track, trying to get a spot where she can pass him for the win. “inside, inside, clear.” paul shouts into the mic, mercy annoyed that she can’t pass aj. “one to go.” matt tells mercy. “10-4.” “one behind, you’re good.” paul shouts. “right on your bumper.” “who the fuck is this?” “are you gonna be surprised it’s the nine? outside, clear.” “you’re absolutely kidding me.” mercy groaned. “it’s like he’s been on my ass the entire time.” mercy speeds ahead of noah, finishing second behind aj. “great job, guys. birthday weekend next week, merc.” “ha, yeah, i’ll be 21 on sunday. sadly, can’t drink if i win on saturday.” mercy laughed, bumping aj’s bumper. “uncle aj! woohoo!” noah passed her on the cool-down lap, bumping into the side of her. “what the fuck is his problem?” “no idea. don’t go storming over to his car, just stay with aj.” “10-4.” mercy slowed down on pit road, getting out and heading to her pit box. “didn’t get the win for y’all, but we got second!” “really good job today, merc. proud of you, kid.” matt hugged his driver, a big smile on their faces. “gotta go see uncle aj, back to back wins!” mercy jumped up and down, going over to her friends. “congrats merc! i’m so happy for you.” tyler gave mercy a hug, patting her back a couple times. “thanks, ty! glad you came out to see me try to kick ass.” she laughed, turning to look over at katelyn, who practically jumped into mercy’s arms. “i’m so proud of you sis, you kicked ass today.” “thanks, kate. it’s your turn to kick ass next week.” “merc, i can’t get over how badass you are on the track.” alex beamed, hugging his teammate. “well, thank you, alex. i think you’re pretty badass on the track, too.” “thanks merc.” alex patted mercy’s back as the rain began to fall again. “alright, i gotta go see uncle aj. anyone wanna come with?” the three of them joined mercy to go congratulate her teammate.
aj was being interviewed by nbc when the four walked into the building. “UNCLE AJ!!” mercy yelled, fixing her mask and running to aj, who got spooked and almost fell over from mercy’s hug. “my favorite niece! thanks for the help.” aj laughed, rocking mercy back and forth. mercy grabbed a water and dumped it on aj. “as if i’m not already wet from the rain!” aj hugged mercy again, getting her firesuit wet. “congrats again, uncle aj!” mercy threw a peace sign up at the camera and hugged aj again. “i’ll see you for the family picture.” 
once mercy was finished being interviewed, she headed back out with her umbrella to meet up with her friends. “hey, whenever y’all wanna leave, we can! i can get dressed at home.” “no, go ahead and get changed, you’re probably drenched.” katelyn pushed mercy into the women’s bathroom, a laugh escaping them. “alright, i’ll be out in a minute.” “sounds good!” katelyn nodded, turning back to tyler and alex. “so, what are we up for?” tyler shrugged. “i wouldn’t mind going on a drive. i know going for drives always makes me calmer.” “yeah, that sounds fun!” katelyn smiled. “how about you, alex?” “y-yeah, a drive sounds good.” alex nodded, looking up from his phone. he was texting mercy, who was supposed to be changing.
‘i’m glad katelyn pushed me into the bathroom, honestly. i was starting to stink and i really needed to put deodorant on. i would hate for your truck to smell like my stink lmao’
‘You know there’s a thing called febreeze, right?’
‘yeah lmao i figured i’d be nice. you doing okay, bud? you looked really pale.’
‘Just really nervous for tomorrow. I’m worried I won’t make it to the round of 8.’
‘you’re gonna make it, alex! i know you and how well you run here. you’re gonna make it to the round of 8, i know it! <3’
‘Thanks, Merc. You’re the best :)’
‘that’s all you buddy. alright, i’m done changing. be right out.’
‘Alright, see you in a second’
mercy opened the bathroom door to see katelyn, tyler, and alex chatting. “hey, y’all, i’m ready to head out.” mercy fixed her shirt and put her bag over her shoulders. “i heard something about a car ride? that sounds fun.” “i was thinking about carpooling with tyler, if that’s okay with you, sis.” “absolutely, rascal! meet us for dinner at our place?” “we’ll pick up dinner.” tyler smiled, linking katelyn’s arm in his. “awesome! let me know where you’re ordering and i’ll send you what we want.” “cool. see y’all at eight?” “eight is good. see you then!” mercy waved to tyler and katelyn, who headed to tyler’s car. mercy looked around, swinging her arms. “so, uh, how are you?” she asked alex, who was staring off into space. “anxious.” “i get it, alex. i totally understand.” mercy saw alex’s hands starting to shake, a sign of an anxiety attack coming on. “hey, alex, hey.” mercy grabbed alex’s hands, bringing him into the bathroom so he could sit on the counter. she traced his knuckles, keeping eye contact. “alex, look at me. what do you see? what do you smell? what do you hear?” “i-i see you, uh, i sm-smell soap, deodorant, i he-hear the fan running and-and rain falling.” “good, good. what do you taste?” “th-the cake you gave us. the pink lemonade yo-you brought.” “great. focus on my fingers. close your eyes.” mercy traced circles into alex’s hands and arms. “you feeling a little better?” alex nodded, opening his eyes to see mercy with a small smile on her face. “good. do you wanna sit for another minute?” “ye-yeah. if you have time.” “i don’t have anything else to do until tomorrow, which is watching you race.” mercy smiled, lightly grabbing alex’s shoulder. “i-if you’re okay with me coming tomorrow.” “yeah, absolutely.” alex had a light blush on his face at how close he and mercy were. “cool.” mercy smiled. “i’ll be the loudest person there cheering for you.” “can’t wait to hear you.” alex beamed, a chuckle escaping him. “i’m ready to head out when you are.” “yeah, i’m ready.” mercy backed up to give alex room to get down from the counter. 
before they headed into the parking lot, alex stopped mercy and stepped closer to her. “i, uh, wanted to thank you again for helping me with my anxiety attack. i really appreciate it.” “it’s no problem, alex. i don’t mind helping you out. i know my ways around anxiety, i’ve been suffering with it my entire life.” mercy half-smiled. “i sometimes can’t handle it, but most of the time, i can keep myself calm under extreme anxiety. next time you feel anxious, come to me for tips.” “i’ll do that.” mercy noticed a blush on alex’s face again. “can i, uh, admit something to you that might ruin our friendship?” “oh god, you’ve killed someone.” alex laughed. “oh, no, i haven’t… yet.” mercy smirked, a chuckle coming out of her. “i hope i won’t be your first.” alex beamed, scratching the back of his head. “seriously, what’s up?” “i, uh, have been feeling a certain way… ab-about you.” mercy paused, a massive blush on her face. “i, uh, i really… uh…” she looked up at alex, who gently grabbed her chin, his thumb just under her lower lip. “if you’re gonna say you like me, feeling’s mutual.” he smirked, his cheeks growing a touch of pink. “oh thank god, i didn’t have to actually say it out loud.” mercy chuckled, pushing her hair back out of her face. “but, uh, yeah, i do. i really do. you’re kind, funny, re-!” mercy was interrupted by alex planting a kiss on her lips, the rain falling down on them. it was the cheesiest moment of their lives, but right now, all they could care about was being with each other.
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nascar-fanfics · 1 year
the mason sisters: six
summary: tyler and katelyn go on a date, mercy gets her period, and alex realizes something about himself.
word count: 5954
warnings: menstrual cycle, swearing
next chapter | masterlist
(a/n: i created a character descriptions carrd! it’s on the masterlist, which you can find here!)
the future teammates headed downstairs. “d-do you want another drink?” mercy asked alex after a few minutes of awkward silence. “yeah, uh, water sounds good.” “sure.” mercy grabbed alex’s cup from his hand, their fingers grazing each others again. she quickly strode over to the kitchen and poured some water into the cup. ‘this is so fucking awkward. why did i do that?’ mercy thought to herself, almost spilling the water. she made her way back over to alex and immediately had a cramp, spilling a little water on her shirt and the floor. she caught herself before hitting the floor. “fucking hell!” mercy groaned, setting the cup on the island and grabbing paper towels. “do you need help?” alex got up from his seat and headed over to mercy, who had started to clean up the counter. “i’m helping you, hand me some paper towels.” alex held his hand out for some paper towels. “a-are you okay?” “i spilled it, i need to clean it up.” mercy grumbled, slamming the roll of paper towels down on the counter. “hey, you good?” alex calmly asked mercy, who looked like she was gonna cry again. “i-i’m sorry. i’m just… i had a really bad cramp and it sent pain all the way down my lower back and my stomach.” alex grabbed the paper towels and started wiping up the water by mercy’s feet. “you shouldn’t have to clean up my mess.” mercy kneeled down and grabbed alex’s wrists. “please, just let me help you. go sit down.” alex tilted his head. “fine. i’ll sit down after we clean this up. i’m gonna head to the bathroom as well. put on something if you’d like.” “sounds good.” 
a few minutes later, mercy came out of the bathroom and headed back to the kitchen and threw her trash away. alex waved mercy to the couch. she sat down, sighing. “i’m sorry, again. my period sucks.” mercy sniffed, wiping her eyes with her hoodie sleeves. “you don’t have to apologize for anything, merc. like i said before, i don’t understand what it’s like to be a woman, but i know a little about periods and stuff from health classes and my exes.” alex rested his hand on mercy’s knee, keeping it from bouncing. “you’re gonna be okay. katelyn is gonna have a great night, and you’re gonna have a great night. maybe i can convince you to come over and see the dogs again?” alex tapped mercy’s knee, tilting his head again. “those two certainly love you.” “if you don’t mind? like i said before, i was gonna watch movies until rascal comes home, i’d appreciate some company.” mercy smiled, wiping her eyes again. “there’s the mercy i know, smiling at dogs.” “can i come down now? have you two have stopped flirting?” katelyn snickered. “wh- rascal, how the hell long have you been listening?” mercy shouted, turning to see katelyn peeking through the staircase. “since you sat down on the couch.” “katelyn marie, i’m gonna kill you.” “i’d be happy to die in this dress, at least i’d look hot before i died.” she put her purse on and walked down the stairs. she had black heels on with the dress she got earlier and a black cardigan. “damn, sis! tyler’s gonna be drooling.” “you look really nice!” alex stood up with mercy, their hands grazing at how close they were to each other. mercy’s face turned a light pink again. “thanks much! tyler said he’s five minutes out. he took a shortcut. alex, could you please get pictures of merc and i?” katelyn handed alex her phone. he took it and opened up the camera. “get close, girls.” alex chuckled. mercy wrapped her arms around her sister’s shoulders and planted a kiss on her cheek. katelyn started laughing as alex snapped the picture. the sisters took a more serious picture, then another fun one. “please send me that, rascal. i wanna make that my lock screen.” mercy headed over to alex and took katelyn’s phone and snapped a few pictures of her being cute, funny, and a couple serious pictures. the doorbell rang, katelyn jumping a little. “he’s here!” mercy skipped to the door, opening it and seeing tyler in a nice dress shirt, jacket, and pants with dress shoes. “hey, tyler! been a minute. how are you?” mercy greeted tyler, hugging him. “not much has gone on, how about you?” tyler hugged mercy back, patting her lower back. “got some news to share soon. i’ll give you a hint: i’m getting closer to my goal.” mercy backed away, noticing flowers in his hand for katelyn. “wow, kate, you look… wow.” tyler’s jaw dropped, then opened and closed again like a fish. he stared at katelyn, who stared back at him. “told her he’d do that.” mercy leaned to alex, fist bumping him. “th-thanks, tyler. yo-you look really nice, too.” “i got these for you. i-i hope you like them.” the blonde man handed katelyn the purple flowers. “tyler, you’re too sweet.” katelyn smiled, giving the flowers a sniff and handing them to mercy. “nope, you’re not leaving without pictures!” mercy giggled, opening her camera on her phone. “you’re such a mom.” katelyn groaned, making tyler and alex laugh. “i can take one of the three of you as well?” “that’d be great, thank you, alex.” mercy took a few pictures of tyler and katelyn holding the flowers. she handed alex her phone and stood on the other side of tyler. alex took a couple pictures and handed mercy her phone back. “could you put these in a vase for me? thanks sis.” katelyn blew her sister a kiss as tyler took her arm. “hey alex! how’re you and the doggos?” “we’re pretty good, thanks, tyler. how are you?” “pretty good. mercy, any specific time i should bring her home?” “uh, no. i mean, we have to get to the track early tomorrow, so no later than midnight?” mercy shrugged, checking her phone. “yeah, we gotta be out of charlotte at noon-ish tomorrow, and we have a few meetings tomorrow as well.” “sounds good. you ready, kate?” “ready, ty. i’ll see you later tonight, merc! good to see you again alex.” “see you tonight!” “good to see you too, kate.” mercy walked out behind them, waiting at the porch. “she’s growing up too fast.” mercy waved to her sister and her date. “my parents are okay with kate going on a date, they’ve met tyler before and they like him.” “he’s a good kid, you’ve got nothing to worry about with him. the worst thing he’d do is go way past the speed limit.” alex chuckled. “i hope that’s all it is. i know tyler, he’s a good kid, like you said. i’m just protective of my sister, y’know?” mercy watched the car drive away, waving again. “i get it. but you have nothing to worry about.” alex patted mercy on the shoulder. “oh shit, your dogs. we can head over there in a second, lemme grab my purse.”
“so, are alex and mercy together?” tyler asked katelyn, who was stealing glances from the blonde. “no, sadly. they’ve known each other on twitter for years and have met a few times, raced together a bunch of times… i’m surprised mercy hasn’t admitted her crush yet- shit. you weren’t supposed to know that.” “i won’t say a thing. secret’s safe with me.” tyler held out his pinkie, wrapping his pinkie around katelyn’s. “thanks, she’d kill me if anyone else knew about it.” “sucks they’re not together.” tyler put his hand back on the wheel. “they’d be a really cute couple.” tyler turned his head to look at katelyn again, then back at the road. “i seriously can’t stop staring at you. you look so beautiful.” “th-thank you, tyler. i know i said this already, but you look really nice too. blue is a nice color on you, it brings out your eyes.” katelyn smiled, a bright pink blush on her face. katelyn’s phone pinged with a text from mercy.
‘alex n i are going to his place to hang. i’ll send pics of the doggos. send me a pic of you two, please! love u <3’
‘Sounds good. Tyler is still driving, when we get to a stoplight I’ll take a selfie. Love you too <3’
“mercy wants a selfie. can we take one at the stoplight?” “yeah, fine by me!” tyler smiled, a short chuckle following the smile. “cool, she’s always wanting pictures of me. maybe for blackmail?” katelyn laughed, making tyler laugh along. “stoplight is coming up, got your phone out?” “mmhm.” katelyn opened up the camera and put it on front facing. she held her phone up when they stopped at the stoplight. they smiled and took a funny selfie after a cute one. “thanks. aw, we look really cute.” katelyn showed tyler the pictures. “aw, send me those! we are really cute. especially you, kate.” “oh, stop. that’s all you, blondie.” katelyn giggled, winking at tyler. the light changed and they headed to their reservation.
“oh my god, alex, look at them!” mercy showed alex the pictures of tyler and katelyn at the stoplight. “aw, they’re so cute! i have a feeling they’re gonna be together for a long time.” “aren’t they? it’s so funny, they’re in that awkward first date phase. as much as it’s funny, it’s so freakin’ cute. hey, i hate to ask this, but can we stop at target so i can get some more pads? i just used my last one.” “yeah, that’s fine.” “thanks, i’ll go in by myself, i don’t want you traumatized by the tampons.” mercy laughed. “merc, it’s not even traumatizing.” alex scoffed jokingly. “you think i’m traumatized by that?” “no, toxic men are, though.” “i applaud y’all. i’ve heard it’s awful.” alex turned off the exit, heading to target. “indeed, it is.” mercy shivered, turning the seat heater on. “grab a hoodie from the back if you need one.” “thanks, i forgot mine at home.” mercy grabbed one of the ABR hoodies and put it on.
“uh, hi, i have a reservation for ankrum? two people?” “right this way, sir.” the hostess led katelyn and tyler to their table. “you first, hon.” tyler ushered katelyn forward. “thank you, ty.” a small blush crept on both of their faces as they sat down at their table. “enjoy your meals.” “thank you!” katelyn and tyler nodded their heads at the hostess as she walked away. “wow, this place is beautiful.” katelyn looked around, a smile on her face. “i figured there was something for both of us to eat here. i’m paying tonight, don’t even think about arguing on who pays.” tyler chuckled. katelyn pouted. “i’m buying dessert.” “nope.” the pair laughed, browsing the menu. “the slow roasted chicken looks really good.” katelyn’s mouth watered at the thought of chicken. “i’m trying to decide between the filet mignon and the ribeye… it’s a special date, i’m getting the ribeye.” “are you sure you don’t want me to pay? it’s a little expensive…” katelyn set her menu down to take a sip of her water. “no, i want you to spend none of your money. it’s only right for me to buy you dinner on our first date, second date, third date, so on and so forth.” tyler set his menu down just as their waiter came by. “good evening, my name is jamie, what can i get started for you?” “do y’all have anything non-alcoholic to drink? we’re both underage.” katelyn smiled. “yes, we have plenty of non-alcoholic drinks. we have coke products and we can also make virgin drinks.” “i’d like a cherry coke, if you have it?” katelyn asked jamie. “indeed. would you like extra cherries or cherry juice?” “yes please, both!” jamie wrote down katelyn’s drink and turned to face tyler. “i’d like a plain coke, please.” “sounds good. i’ll be right back with those.” “thanks much! “thanks.”
“why do they always run out of my favorite pads?” mercy sighed, looking behind each brand of pads. “there we go. someone hid it.” she pushed her sleeve back, since it was a little longer than her arm, and dropped the box into her basket. she grabbed some liners as well. “what’s the difference between regular, super, and super plus?” alex picked up a box of tampons. “regular is for a regular flow, super is for a heavy flow, and super plus is for really heavy flows.” “do you use them? wait, is that an okay thing to ask?” “alex.” mercy rested her hand on alex’s bicep, squeezing it lightly. “it’s okay to ask these things. i’m comfortable talking about it.” mercy squeezed his bicep again and picked up another box of pads, looking at the ingredients. “i used them once when i was 17. i couldn’t get it out and i was traumatized. i literally called my mom into the bathroom crying. she held onto my hand as i pushed it out.” “jesus, and people still use them?” “some people prefer them. some people think pads are disgusting, but i feel like i have more coverage with a pad than a tampon.” mercy shrugged, making a face at the ingredients of the pads. “titanium dioxide? no thanks.” she put the box back and looked at alex. “i’m ready to go when you-fuck.” mercy crouched, a cramp sending pain down her legs and lower back. “jesus christ, holy fuck.” she mumbled, scrunching her face. “shit, you okay?” alex grabbed mercy’s shoulders, making sure she doesn’t fall. “bad, bad cramp. i have bad months and good months. i need some pain meds.” “i can go get them, what are they called?” “pamprin, multi-symptom or max, either/or helps. max formula is pink and multi-symptom is blue.” “i’ll get you both, i’ll be right back.” alex helped mercy up and headed over to the pain medication isle, grabbing both pamprins. “i’m back, are you okay?” “y-yeah. i should be good to walk.” “do you want me to help you?” mercy nodded. “just in case. i usually only have two or three of these cramps a day, the rest are just annoyances.” “if you feel another coming on, let me know, okay?” “will do, thanks.”
“here is your filet mignon, sir.” tyler smiled, thanking jamie. “and here is your chicken, miss.” “thank you! this looks so good.” katelyn’s mouth watered again. “it’s very good. enjoy!” tyler and katelyn thanked jamie and started to eat their food. “oh my god.” katelyn exclaimed. “this is so freakin’ good.” “i know, this filet mignon is really good, too.” “i’m glad your food is good.” “yours too, you look happy.” tyler smiled at katelyn, biting a piece of his food. “i know we’re supposed to be eating, but i’ve had a lot of fun tonight. what’re we gonna do after this?” “wanna hang at my place? it’s small, but we could watch a movie?” “sounds good!” katelyn smiled, taking another bite of her chicken.
“how’re you doing?” alex buckled himself into his seat, turning his truck on. “i’m doing better, thank you.” mercy turned her head to look at alex, a tired smile on her face. “are you sure you wanna hang out? you look exhausted.” mercy shook her head. “no, i’ll be okay. i just need to take a pamprin or two.” “okay, if you need to go home or take a nap, i can keep the dogs in another room.” alex started his truck, turning the seat heater on for mercy. “thanks. it’s helping already.” mercy took a sip of her water and swallowed two pamprins.
“i’m sad my chicken is gone. it was amazing.” “are we going to get desserts?” “i’m full, i don’t know about you, kate. maybe a peanut butter pie to go, if possible?” “we can definitely do that. and for you?” “i’d like to take mine home as well. the key lime pie sounds really yummy!” “it definitely is.” jamie smiled. “i’ll bring those by in a minute.” “thanks!” tyler and katelyn smiled. katelyn grabbed her phone and opened up instagram. “do you mind if i get a picture of us for my instagram story? i’ll put it on my close friends list.” “sure.” “you’re so cute.” katelyn mumbled as she snapped a picture of tyler, not telling him about that. she put her phone away, eyes meeting with tyler’s. “you’re really pretty.” tyler blurted, a blush on his face. “well thank you, you’re pretty cute yourself, ankrum.” “thank you, mason.” tyler’s fingers grazed katelyn’s hand. katelyn decided to be bold and hold tyler’s hand, to which he blushed again. “i had a lot of fun tonight, tyler. i know i keep saying that, but i’ve been nervous all week for this, i didn’t even tell mercy until this morning. she would’ve spent too much money on me.” tyler smiled. “she’s a great sister, kate. i’m glad you have someone like her.” “thanks, ty. she’s a really great sister. i don’t tell her often so she doesn’t let her ego go to her head.” katelyn laughed. “she takes one compliment from me and it goes to her head, but from anyone else she gets super shy. you should’ve seen the day that alex called her badass. her face was so red, she was pink by the time we went to bed!” both tyler and katelyn belly laughed at katelyn’s story, wiping tears from their eyes. “you’re a riot, kate.”
“alex?” mercy mumbled. “yeah? what’s up, are you having a cramp again?” alex slowed the truck down at the stoplight, turning his head to look at mercy. “no, i just wanted to thank you for being helpful today.” mercy tapped alex��s forearm with her hand. “i really appreciate it. my ex thought periods were disgusting and wanted nothing to do with me when i was on my period.” “it’s a natural thing, why the hell would he be grossed out?” “toxic masculinity, my dear teammate. they think anything ‘feminine’ is gross.” mercy shrugged. “he was an asshole anyways. he was always flirting with my sister when we were together.” “what the hell? she’s still a kid!” “yeah, he was in his middle twenties.” “douchebag.” alex laughed, his smile making mercy blush.
“here is your bill, there’s absolutely no rush!” “thank you, jamie!” tyler grabbed the bill before katelyn could, sticking his tongue out when she pouted. “meanie. i’ll leave the tip, i should have cash on me.” “nope, you’re not paying for anything.” “i appreciate it very much, thank you, ty.” tyler smiled, signing his name and leaving a large tip. “want another drink before we head out?” “sure. oh, jamie, that’s for you! could we bother you for a couple of take-out cups with a cherry coke and a regular coke, please?” “i’ll get that right away, thank you so much!” “you deserved it, you were very kind and accommodating.” “thank you again, you two were very kind.” katelyn smiled as jamie walked away to get more drinks. “again, thank you for dinner. you’re such a gentleman.” “anything for my favorite teammate.” tyler held katelyn’s hand, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. 
“thanks for bringing me to target, alex. i don’t wanna mess up your couch or any blankets.” “it’s all good, if you need anything to eat, we can order in or i can try to make something.” alex brought mercy a water to help hydrate her. “i’m really nauseous, so nothing yet. unless if you’re hungry. i’m usually good with mozzarella sticks.” “sounds good, i’ll order in. all you want are mozzarella sticks?” “yep. use my card, i still owe you for the taco bell the other day.” “nope, you’re not feeling good, i’ll get the food tonight.” alex encouraged. “fine. you can be a pain in the ass sometimes, bowman.” “but you love me, mason.” “nope, i don’t. i find you irritating.” mercy joked. “i’m kidding, i can tolerate you.” mercy pet finn’s belly, baby-talking to him. alex’s bottom lip pouted out. “you can only tolerate me?” “i’m joking. you’re my favorite teammate. i’m definitely not your favorite teammate, it’s jimmie or william.” “i don’t know, william is getting a little annoying.” alex laughed, petting roscoe’s head. “jimmie’s always gonna be my hero, but you’re my favorite future teammate.” “aw, alex.” mercy pouted, holding her hand over her chest. her face was as pink as it possibly could be. she could feel her crush on him grow.
“thank you for coming!” “thank you for having us!” tyler waved, katelyn smiling. tyler opened the door for katelyn, receiving a smile from her. “thanks, ty. i had a really nice night.” “i had a nice night too. wanna head over to my place?” “sure. i’m up for whatever. maybe we can watch a movie, like you said?” “i’m up for a movie. maybe talladega nights?” “you know me too well, kate.” “we’ve been teammates for how long? friends for even longer?” “it’s been so long, it’s crazy.” tyler opened his car door for katelyn, letting her in. she thanked him with a smile, closing the door. katelyn checked her phone, seeing a text from alex.
‘Hey, Mercy’s at my place. She’s not feeling too good, she said she got her period. I hope you had a great time tonight!’
‘Thanks Alex! We did. Tyler is such a gentleman. You were both right! Thanks for boosting my confidence :)’
‘We told you that you’d be okay 😁 Mercy’s wanting to get some air. See you soon.’
‘See ya!’
“poor mercy. she got her period and it’s bad this month. alex was giving me updates.” “poor kid.” “she’s older than you by a few months.” “so? she’s shorter than me, she’s a kid.” “does that make me a kid?” katelyn laughed. “you’re not eighteen yet, you’re still a kid.” “oh shush.” katelyn chuckled.
after about twenty minutes of jamming to katelyn’s playlist, the young couple headed inside tyler’s home. “want some popcorn?” “sure. i’ll get the drinks.” katelyn headed to tyler’s fridge to grab sodas. “damn, you got the best stuff in here!” “your fault, kate. you recommended all of these and i’ve been hooked.” “ha, see why i’m the best?” “mmhm.” tyler put the popcorn in the microwave and pressed the popcorn button. the pair sat down on the couch together and put on talladega nights.
alex and mercy were sitting in the yard, tossing dog toys for the dogs to catch. “go get it boys! good boy, finn! such a good boy!” finn ran to mercy and dropped the toy, receiving pets from the woman. “the doggos certainly love you.” mercy turned to alex. “yeah, you’re not wrong.” mercy shivered, tightening the hoodie alex let her borrow. “thanks for letting me borrow this hoodie. it’s really comfy.” she handed alex the dog toy that she was gonna throw again. “it’s not problem at all. i have so many hoodies, it’s lowkey unbearable.” alex grinned, tossing the toy across the yard. roscoe caught it, finn running back to mercy and alex. “good boy roscoe!” mercy gave roscoe belly rubs, baby talking to him. “poor guys are tired. should we bring them in?” “yeah, i give them a bit of time outside at night. i’m afraid roscoe is gonna think a skunk is a friend and get sprayed.” “that’d be fun.” mercy giggled. “hey, how would you feel about a movie? if you don’t want a movie, maybe we can watch something on netflix?” “i’m up for whatever you want. put something on that makes you feel better.” “plenty of movies make me feel better. totoro, any movie with animals, big hero 6… it’s not a movie, but doctor who always makes me feel better. do you have anything i’ve never seen? i’m up for something new.” “i’ve got plenty. there’s a movie that i love that you might be interested in. it’s called super troopers? have you ever seen that?” “nope. never seen it.” “oh my god, you’re gonna love it.” alex beamed, turning his tv on and finding the movie on one of  his streaming services.
“man, i love this movie. it’s so funny, it’s somewhat accurate, too!” tyler looked over at katelyn, who immediately looked away. “i saw you staring, kate.” “i just think you’re cute.” katelyn mumbled. tyler grinned and planted a kiss on katelyn’s cheek. “you’re cuter.” katelyn blushed, her face getting as red as loudon the lobster. she threw a piece of popcorn at tyler. “how dare you make me blush.” “you look even cuter when you blush, kate.” “ty…” katelyn dragged out the ‘y’. “kate…” tyler dragged out the ‘a’. they’re absolutely made for each other. “dear lord baby jesus, i want to thank you for this wonderful meal, my two beautiful sons, walker and texas ranger, and my red-hot smokin' wife, carley.” tyler quoted. “i bet you could quote this entire movie.” katelyn rested her head on tyler’s shoulder. “absolutely. i’ve seen this more times than i can count. kinda like you with big hero 6.” “that’s mercy’s fault. baymax is her all-time favorite disney character.” katelyn chortled. she started to pay attention to the movie again, but caught herself gawking at tyler. she quickly gave him a peck on the cheek and started watching the movie again.
“the cops are from vermont. i figured you’d appreciate that.” alex muttered, turning and looking at mercy. “yeah, i haven’t been to vermont in years. i’m probably gonna go back during the offseason. it’s beautiful up there.” mercy pondered. “i might take my parents and sister, too. have you thought about doing anything during the offseason?” “probably going to colorado. it’s nice out there.” “i’ve never been. to think i’m a traveller and i’ve never been to colorado.” mercy scoffed, turning her head back to the movie. “oh my god, this poor kid. he’s gonna throw his brains up.” a laugh escaped mercy. “i told you this was funny.” “it’s so dumb, it’s funny!” mercy took a bite of her mozzarella stick, stealing a glance at alex. “oh my god, this kid is stoned.”
“oh god, this scene always cracks me up.” katelyn remarked. “i dare you to do this with someone.” ricky bobby and jean girard ran from their cars to the start/finish line, tyler laughing at the dramatic slo-mo. “it’s so stupid, i love it.” katelyn checked her phone, making sure there weren’t any texts from mercy or alex. she opened her camera and got close to tyler, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek again for the picture. “this is cute. it’s gonna be my wallpaper.” katelyn giggled, setting the picture as her homescreen wallpaper. she also sent the picture to mercy. “you want dessert? i’m hungry again.” tyler piped up, heading to the fridge after pausing the movie. “yeah, i’d like my pie, please. thanks, ty!” katelyn’s phone pinged with a message from mercy.
‘i’m in the bathroom changing my pad. holy fucking shit, alex let me borrow one of his hoodies and it smells really good i might keep it :O he’s being really gentle too, he bought me dinner, pads, and pamprin 🥺’
‘Marry him right now! He’s really good for you.’
‘but i’m awkward and he’s alex fucking bowman. it’s never gonna happen, sis.’
‘Bet on it. If y’all get together, you owe me $20 and you have to say something embarrassing in an interview.’
‘i’ll give u 20 bucks but i’m not saying anything embarrassing in an interview. i embarrass myself way too often in interviews anyways’
‘I’m screenshotting this for future use.’
‘bitch. >:(‘
‘Love you too.’
“how’s mercy doing?” tyler handed katelyn her pie and a fork, plus a couple napkins. “thanks. she’s doing better. she said alex bought her some pads, pamprin, and dinner. she probably asked for mozzarella sticks, they always make her feel better.” “that’s good. i’m happy she’s doing a little better. let me know if she needs you home early.” “yeah, will do. we’re not busy this weekend, but i wanna see her race this weekend. you interested in coming with me?” “sure. she’s gonna have luck on her side.” “if she wins on saturday, you’re never not going to one of her races.” katelyn chuckled, taking a bite of her pie. “this is so freakin’ good. try it!” “if you try mine as well?” “if you’re offering. sure!” tyler took a bite of katelyn’s key lime pie. “wow, this is really good.” “isn’t it? it’s amazing. your dessert is really good, too. it’s rich, i might steal it.” tyler grinned at katelyn’s statement. “you’re funny as well, you won’t get my food, mason.” “ha! try me, ankrum.” katelyn winked, sneaking a bite of tyler’s pie. “told ya.”
“i’m back, just getting some water. mind if i give the boys a treat or two?” “not at all, go ahead. they’re in the cabinet above the microwave.” “cool.” mercy cringed. ‘why did i say cool?’ she thought to herself, grabbing a water bottle and a couple of treats for the dogs. “finn, roscoe, c’mere!” it felt like a millisecond before the dogs were in front of mercy. “sit! good boys!” mercy tossed the treats to the boys, giving them pets on the head. “you’ve got some amazing doggos, alex.” mercy sat back down on the couch, a few inches of space between the two of them. mercy could feel her eyelids get a little heavier each second, wanting to close them so badly, but doesn’t want to fall asleep. the only thing keeping her awake is alex’s laughter each time something funny happens. “i can’t believe i haven’t seen this movie. this is the kind of stuff my dad likes.” mercy yawned, resting her head on her hand, elbow on her knee. “it’s so funny. it’s my absolute favorite movie.” alex turned his head to look at mercy, who blinked slowly and sat back up. “are you sure you wanna stay here until your sister gets back? i don’t mind dropping you off.” “n-no, i’ll be okay. i just need to get some air again.” mercy gets up and fixes the hoodie alex let her borrow. “want me to come with you?” “if you want, i just wanna wake myself up. i hate being this tired on a friday.” mercy gave alex a half smile, heading out to the backyard and sitting on one of the lounge chairs, leaning back and putting her legs up. she decided to quietly play some music. when she pressed shuffle on her playlist, mercy got a text from laurie.
‘how’s everything going tonight? austin and i are about to watch moulin rouge. we got dinner at jimmie’s place. thanks for the recommendation!
‘absolutely bestie! it’s one of my favorite places now. i got my period, and it’s really bad. i need to talk to my doctor again. alex took me to target and got me pads, pamprin, and ordered some mozzy sticks for me too. he’s the best.’
‘does this mean you’re dating now?’
‘no. he’s just being nice. why the hell would he like me, anyways?’
‘who wouldn’t wanna date you? mercy, you’re fucking beautiful. if alex doesn’t scoop you up i might 😘’
‘LMFAOO but what about austin?’
‘he’ll understand 😉’
‘ur so annoying’
‘but u love meee <3’
‘i guess so.’
“i got you another water. you doin’ okay?” alex shut the door and sat on the end of the lounge chair mercy was sitting on. “yeah, just texting laurie. she asked how i was doing.” mercy shivered, wrapping the hoodie around her tightly to keep the warmth in. “it’s so cold, but it wakes me up.” “same here. it’s a little bit chillier than what the weather said it would be.” alex acknowledged. an awkward silence was thickening between them. alex broke the silence by clearing his throat. “so, uh, how’s katelyn doing?” “she said she’s doing good. she sent this picture of her and tyler watching their movie. they’re really cute.” mercy handed alex her phone, showing him the picture that katelyn sent. “they’re really cute together. i’m glad she’s happy.” alex noticed a text come from laurie, not reading it. he handed mercy her phone back, their fingers touching. “mercy, your hand is freezing!” “yeah, i have poor circulation.” “you need to warm up, come back inside.” alex grabbed her arm and gently brought mercy in. when he let go of her arm, mercy quickly felt alex’s warmth leave the fabric of the hoodie. alex closed the door, looking over at finn and roscoe, who were laying on one side of the couch. “guess we gotta squeeze in now. they stole my spot.” alex chuckled, mercy realizing their legs will be touching. she shouldn’t be blushing, thinking about the fact that their legs will be touching, even though they hugged at one point. alex sat down by the arm of the couch, mercy grabbing her water and sitting next to alex and his dogs. she started to drum her fingers on her arm, which was a nervous tick she developed over the years. the movie started playing again. mercy noticed there was a little more than half of the movie left, so she got comfortable. she put her feet up on the couch, fixing her hair and taking her thick braids out of the hoodie.
katelyn and tyler had finished talladega nights and put their dishes away. they had started another movie, which was kate’s choice. she wanted to watch beauty and the beast, either version. they decided on the live-action version. “emma watson is the perfect belle. she’s who i imagined belle to look like.” “i could see you dressing as her.” “would you dress as my beast?” “absolutely, my belle.” tyler took katelyn’s hand and kissed her knuckles. katelyn giggled, a light blush on her cheeks. “such a charming prince.” tyler kept katelyn’s hand in his own, lightly brushing her knuckles once in a while as they watched the movie.
mercy felt her eyelids get heavier than before. alex’s laughter helped her wake up a little, but not enough. she yawned, chuckling at one of the bits of dialogue. next thing she knew, she felt soft fabric on her cheek and warmth. alex looked at his shoulder, seeing mercy passed out. alex thought about waking her and bringing her home, but decided against it. he grabbed his phone without waking mercy up and texted katelyn.
‘Hey Katelyn! Mercy fell asleep. I was gonna bring her home but decided against it. She didn’t feel very good all day :(‘
‘Fine by me! How was she before she fell asleep? Tyler and I are finishing up our second movie. I’ll be home at midnight, I can keep a light on for Merc.’
‘I might let her stay over tonight. She was really tired. I can bring her back in the morning?’
‘Yeah, either way works for me :) She’s got some media stuff tomorrow before the race.’
‘Gotcha. I’ll see you soon.’
‘See you tomorrow :)’
alex put his phone on the table beside the couch, turning his head to look at mercy. he thought about the years they talked on twitter, the first day they spoke face to face, the first meeting at hendrick, and all the times they hung out. he’s an awkward guy, really shy as well, but almost never feels that way around mercy. the first few times they interacted with each other, it was a little awkward. he realized that mercy was just like him. they had similar tastes in music, cars, foods, movies, you name it. alex realized at this moment, he really liked her. he really, really likes her.
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nascar-fanfics · 1 year
the mason sisters: five
summary: katelyn reveals she has a date, shopping date with the girls, and sibling bickering
word count: 4359
warnings: swearing, food
next chapter | masterlist
(a/n: i created a character descriptions carrd! it’s on the masterlist, which you can find here!)
once mercy walked inside her family’s house, she waved to alex as he drove off. she closed the door, leaned her back on the deep burgundy/brown wood, and let out a heavy sigh. she closed her eyes and squealed, letting out a small jump and waving her arms back and forth. she headed upstairs with her purse, feeling her phone vibrate. she saw it was a text from katelyn. “oh jeez, what did she do now?” mercy mumbled to herself. she saw the picture of her and alex hugging that katelyn snuck. “oh my god, katelyn marie mason, i’m gonna kill you.” mercy mumbled, heading upstairs to katelyn’s room. “seriously, rascal?” mercy barged into her sister’s room, showing her the picture. “i have no recollection of taking that picture.” “katelyn, you just sent it to me.” “i have no idea what you’re talking about.” katelyn smirked, letting out a laugh as she sent tyler a message. “you’re such a little shit.” mercy shook her head chuckling as katelyn smiled. “get to bed, rascal. it’s past your bedtime.”
the next morning, mercy received a text from alex. 
‘Hey, we’ve got another meeting later today. I can pick you up if you’d like me to? It’s about the Roval this weekend. I know you’re technically not on the team, but it might help you for next year!’
‘yeah! what time is it at? i’m gonna shower and have something to eat.’
‘oh wait,  i think i have a meeting with kaulig today. this is gonna be one of my last with them, none of them besides laurie knows. she’s my media bestie, ofc she knows lmao’
‘Totally understand. Maybe we can hang out later?’
‘yeah! sounds good :)’
“ooh, mercy~!” katelyn giggles, “you got a date with alex yet?” “shut up, no i don’t! you got a date with tyler?” katelyn immediately got quiet. “no fucking way, you got a date?!” “i’m late for a meeting at GMS.” katelyn jumps off of the couch and runs to her room to grab her stuff. “katelyn marie!”
after the meeting at kaulig, and the reveal that she’s driving for hendrick next year, mercy receives a text from katelyn.
‘Yes, I have a date. It’s tonight can u help me pls I’ll stop nagging u abt Alex’
‘of course, rascal. i’ll help you with whatever you need. just know i’m gonna embarrass you when tyler comes to pick you up. he better be picking you up.’
‘Yes, he’s picking me up. Don’t embarrass me or I’ll tell Alex you like him’
mercy put her phone back in her pocket and walked back to her car. she bumped into aj, one of the teammates that have helped her a lot on and off the track. “mercy, congrats on the ride! i’m so proud of you.” he grabbed her cheek and squished it. “she’s growing up too fast!” “aj, stop!” mercy dragged out the ‘o’ and laughed. “thanks, aj. i’m gonna miss everyone. i already miss everyone and i haven’t even left yet.” “you’re gonna be great. shout me out when you get your first win.” aj laughed, giving mercy a hug. “see you this weekend.” “see ya!” mercy smiled, heading to her car again. mercy was pretty close to aj. he was a big help to her when she started out in xfinity. she checked the time on her fitbit and decided to go on a bike ride. she texted katelyn, expecting her meeting to be done.
katelyn, however, was still in her meeting. she and her teams were discussing the strategies for the next race, which was at kansas. katelyn was hoping to win that race for her sister, since her birthday was that weekend. she’s full-time in trucks next year as a rookie, but she wanted to win this weekend badly. it could give her a jumpstart to her next step in her career, but most of all, she wanted to give mercy a gift by winning. katelyn’s meeting ended, so she was able to check her phone. she saw some texts from friends, tyler, and mercy.
‘sis, i’m going on a bike ride. you up for one?’
‘Sure, it sounds fun. Lemme just say bye to everyone here and I’ll meet you back home.’
‘cool, see u then :)’
katelyn heard tyler call her name, looking up to see him waiting for her by the door. “sorry, mercy was texting me. she’s still so protective of me, even though i’m racing.” katelyn chuckled. “she’s a really good sister to you, kate, don’t take her for granted!” tyler held the door open for katelyn. “thanks. yeah, she’s a great sister, but she can be really protective of me. it kinda gets annoying, but i understand why she’s protective.” tyler nodded. “it’s a good thing, but yeah, it can be annoying. want me to drop you off at your place?” “i’m okay, thanks. i drove myself here since our meetings were at the same time. merc and i are going on a bike ride. something’s up if she wants to go on a bike ride.” “understandable. i’ll see you tonight, kate!” tyler gave katelyn a hug and headed to his truck, a blush on katelyn’s cheeks. “se-see you tonight!” she waved, getting in her car. “oh my god, it’s really happening. holy shit, holy shit.” katelyn turned her car on, connecting her phone to the speakers to play folklore for the 20th time this week.
on her way back home, she received a text from mercy, telling her that she was home and getting herself ready for the bike ride. “thanks, mercy! i’ll see you in a bit. i’m getting on the highway.” katelyn used speech-to-text, being a safe driver. “send.” a small woosh sound emerged from the speakers, then folklore started playing again. katelyn tapped her hand against the steering wheel while singing, and belting out the saddest lyrics at any chance she could get. katelyn decided to get herself and mercy something to drink, so she headed to taco bell and got herself a pepsi and mercy a baja blast. she decided to go in and get the drinks, also adding cinnabon delights to her mobile order. she got a text from mercy again.
‘laurie decided to join us. you good w that?’
‘Absolutely! I’m bringing us snacks and drinks. What does she like?’
‘she loves baja blast. we’re the baja blast bitches.’
‘Sounds good. Be home in five’
katelyn picked up the drinks and cinnabon delights, heading back out to her car and connecting her phone again, playing her adrenaline playlist. she got way into the playlist at one point and sped up a bit. “mom and dad would kill me.” katelyn chuckled to herself. speeding on a highway would make her parents kill her, but not speeding on a race track? katelyn switched lanes to get to her exit, turning onto the street. katelyn turned her music down, and pulled into her driveway after another few minutes of driving. katelyn headed inside with the drinks and the cinnabon delights. “i’m home! got a snack and drinks.” katelyn shut the door behind her after placing the food and drinks down. “hey rascal! how was your meeting?” mercy came downstairs and gave her sister a hug. “we talked about next week’s strategies. you know i’m gonna be kicking ass to get that win for you.” “kate, you don’t have to win next week.” mercy smiled, placing her hand on her sister’s shoulder. “this is just a jumpstart for you for next year! we’re both starting out on new teams. you’re only part time right now. it’s not a big deal if you don’t win!” “merc, i want that win.” katelyn breathed. “i-i need that win. i need to show you and the world that i’m a good driver.” katelyn shook a bit, letting out a shaky sigh. “kate, what happened? is it anxiety because of tonight?” mercy sat katelyn down, bringing her in for a hug. “katelyn, tyler is a great guy. he’s such a gentleman, you have nothing to worry about-” “what if i fuck tonight up? we’re full-time teammates next year. what if i fuck up our friendship? what if this isn’t gonna go anywhere? it’s gonna be so fucking awkward next year if this doesn’t go right.” katelyn shook again, leaning herself onto mercy. “kate, tonight is gonna go really well. maybe i can have laurie and austin bring over wallace? i could ask alex if he can bring finn and roscoe over?” “i-i should be okay. i just need to get my mind clear.” katelyn sighed, wiping her eyes. “i appreciate you helping me, mercy. you’re the best.” mercy smiled, rubbing her sister’s head. “i’m always here for you.”
laurie texted mercy that she arrived to the mason house. katelyn opened the door and saw austin walking laurie to the door. “hey katelyn!” laurie smiled, giving katelyn a hug. “hi laurie, hi austin.” “hello there!” mercy muffled with a cinnabon delight in her mouth. “general kenobi!” austin responded to mercy, the pair laughing. “how are you? i’m still planning on third-wheeling y’all’s costume this year. anakin and padmé, right?” mercy laughed, giving austin and laurie a hug. “yeah! i’m still trying to find that ombre sunset dress.” laurie laughed along with everyone. “i might third-wheel y’all. maybe.” mercy laughed. “if i can find a fake beard, i’m definitely going as obi-wan!” “that’s a thing to think about.” katelyn stifled a laugh. “hey, i hate to cut this short, but i should get going. wallace is alone at the moment in the truck, and i have a meeting at penske to get to. i’ll see you tonight, laurie.” austin gave laurie a hug and a kiss on the top of her head. “see you tonight, we’re watching moulin rouge, whether you like it or not. you know i need my daily dose of ewan mcgregor.” “be ready, austin, she’s gonna be doing the choreo, background vocals, reciting every line, and crying all at the same time.” mercy laughed. “oh god, i remember the first time we watched that together.” katelyn laughed. “laurie couldn’t stop crying.” “y’all are mean.” laurie pouted. “see you tonight, austin. drive safe!” laurie blew a kiss to austin. he caught it and put his hand over his mouth. “they’re too cute.” katelyn pouted. “i know, i’m so glad i pushed her to go on that date with him.” mercy smiled, finishing her last cinnabon delight and taking a sip of her baja blast. “so, laurie, got some good news.” mercy clapped her hands together and turned to katelyn. “oh? you and alex finally together?” she smiled, giggling. “no, not yet. my favorite rascal has a date tonight. with tyler!” mercy giggled, jumping up and down. “no way!! oh my god, that’s awesome! i’m excited for you!” laurie squeaked, hugging katelyn. “where are y’all going? have you decided on an outfit?” “uh, n-no. i don’t really have anything that would look nice. we’re going to 131 main. i think it might be upscale, so something nice.” “well, let’s combine our bike ride and go find you a dress, or a nice pantsuit? whatever you like!” laurie smiled, putting her purse back on after setting it on one of the tables around the couches. “i-i don’t wanna take up our bike ride, though. i can find something in my closet.” “uh-uh, rascal, we’re going to find you something you like.” mercy grabbed her drink, finished it, and tossed it in the sink so she can rinse it when she gets back.
the girls were about five minutes away from the closest store when mercy got a text from alex. she decided to answer him after they get to the store, since she could crash her bike. “girls, can we stop for a sec? my leg hurts.” laurie slowed her bike down as the mason sisters stopped theirs. “you good?” mercy propped her bike up and headed over to laurie. “just a small leg pain. i haven’t been biking for a few weeks.” “take all the time you need, laurie!” katelyn nodded, checking her phone. mercy decided to check her text from alex.
‘Are you biking with Katelyn and another woman? I swear I just saw you on my way to Taco Bell.’
‘of course you’re going to taco bell! yeah, laurie joined us. we’re combining a bike ride and getting something for rascal to wear tonight. she’s going on her very first date with tyler! i’m so happy for her :’)’
‘Is it cool if he holds her hand?’
‘is it wrong to think it’s lame for them to dance?’
‘See this is why we’re friends, we have the exact same music taste. The shop is gonna be nuts and everyone is gonna be annoyed with us 😂’
‘we have the same music taste, humor, favorite food… are we destined to be together as friends forever?’
“why the hell did i send that text?” mercy facepalmed, groaning. “did you finally admit to alex that you like him?” katelyn smirked as laurie stretched her legs again. “no, i basically told him we’re destined to be together forever because of our similarities.” mercy looked to the highway. “maybe if i go fast enough i can kill myself from embarrassment.” “no way, you gotta win a championship before that.” laurie stood up and walked towards mercy and back to her bike. “fine. shit, he texted back! ‘fine by me, you’re really cool. i’m glad we’re teammates and that you understand my awkwardness’ with a smiley face.” “i’m going to combust at how cute you two are.” laurie gagged and katelyn laughed. “shut it, you two. laurie, are you good?” “yeah, i’m okay. let’s go.” the three women set off on their bikes.
after checking three stores and stopping for sodas, katelyn finally found her dress. a short, shimmery purple dress with long sleeves that’s off-the-shoulder. “katelyn… wow. if i were tyler, my jaw would be on the floor.” laurie gasped. “rascal… you look stunning! that’s the dress! i need to get a picture of you in it, you look so gorgeous.” mercy grabbed her phone and snapped a few pictures, sending them to katelyn. she also decided to tell alex that they found a dress, sending him the nicest picture.
‘yo! we found a dress for katelyn. it’s definitely her, dontcha think?’
‘Wow! That’s definitely her. She looks so nice! I don’t really know women’s clothing that well, but purple is her color.’
“alex said you look really nice and that purple is your color.” mercy smiled as laurie took a few pictures of katelyn. “alright, stop, you’re making me blush. tell alex i said thanks.” katelyn giggled, hiding her face. “austin said you look amazing and that he wishes you luck on your date.” “tell him i said thank you!” katelyn giggled again, looking at herself in the mirror. “damn, i look really hot.” she posed, taking some selfies. “get over here you two, i want a pic from today to remember.”
after many selfies and fighting who buys the dress, laurie and mercy split the cost and bought katelyn a matching mask to her dress. mercy had received another text from alex. “hey, alex wants to know if we want him to pick us up in his truck. he says he has room for us and our bikes in the trunk.” mercy grabbed a pretzel nugget from her cup, getting her fingers covered in cinnamon sugar. “yeah, that’d be great. i’d appreciate it. that hill killed my legs.” laurie rubbed her calves, fixing her mask on her wrist. mercy put her mask on her wrist after it fell from her ear multiple times. “sure, i’m up for it.” katelyn smiled. “you get the front, of course. more time spent close to each other.” both laurie and katelyn wiggled their eyebrows. “you both suck.” mercy rolled her eyes, chuckling, and texting alex back. “he said he’ll be here in ten minutes. anything else we need to do?” “i can’t think of anything. we should get something for alex, though. maybe a drink or something to eat?” katelyn scarffed down her last pretzel nugget. “i’m buying. you both bought my dress, it’s the least i could do.” “fine.” laurie put her card away, checking her phone. “you think alex could drop me off at my place?” “he’ll probably ask, since we don’t live together.” “how cool would that be? the three of us living together…” katelyn smiled. “dude, we already have one side of the duplex.” mercy chuckled. “anyways, laurie is probably gonna move in with austin. god, i’m a loner! you two have someone and alex and i aren’t even anywhere close to talking!” mercy laughed, taking a sip of her mountain dew. “you two are gonna get together soon, i know it.” laurie and katelyn nodded. “seriously, sis, you’re absolutely gorgeous. how the hell has alex not asked you out? if i were him, i’d be giving you my last name immediately.” “alright, that’s weird hearing that come from my baby sister. hey, alex is five out. we should get his snack and head outside so he can see us.”
after katelyn bought alex pretzel nuggets, the three women headed outside, unlocked their bikes, and waited for alex’s truck to come into view. “seriously, though, i’m surprised our bikes weren’t stolen. covid is a thing, no one has anything better to do.” “probably ‘cause they’re all home.” laurie chuckled. “hey, i see alex’s truck!” katelyn waved, mercy turning her head to see alex waving to them. she grabbed alex’s pretzel bites and pepsi, rolling her bike to his truck. “i gotcha. get in the truck, i can do this.” alex nodded to the women, mercy insisting. “dude, i’m helping you, whether you like it or not.” she laughed as katelyn and laurie got into the back seats of alex’s truck, seeing dog fur on the seats. “finn and roscoe sparkles!” katelyn smiled, brushing her legs off. mercy chuckled at her sister. “want me to get on the truck bed and strap them down?” “nah, i can do that! it’s a little tricky.” alex climbed into the truck bed, strapping the first bike down. “next one.” mercy handed alex the bike, their fingers lightly grazing each other. the oldest mason sister felt her face get hot. shaking her head, she handed alex the next bike. alex jumped down from the truck bed, shaking the bikes. he closed the bed and brushed his hands off. “oh, uh, do you want us to wear our masks in your truck?” “no big deal, i’m fine with whatever.” “okay, i promise i’m safe.” mercy took her mask off and hopped into alex’s truck. “sorry about the mess. roscoe saw the mailman and went nuts.” he laughed, brushing off the dashboard. “thank god you haven’t been in my car for a while.” mercy laughed. “katelyn got startled and spilled her soda everywhere. i can’t get the smell of baja blast out of my car. not complaining, though, it’s yummy.” “not my fault that biker sped past us going thirty over the limit!” katelyn mumbled as laurie laughed. “oh, laurie, has austin texted you?” “yeah, he said his meeting ran over and that he’ll be home soon. alex, is it possible for you to drop me off?” “yeah, all good. you’ll have to direct me, i have no idea where i’m going.” he laughed, turning onto the highway.
“here comes the best part!” mercy yelled, headbanging to cemetery drive. “when will i miss youuu? when will i miss youuu sooo faaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr?!” mercy and laurie sang, finishing off the song with fake crying. “oh to see my chemical romance live. i absolutely love them, i got into them way too late.” mercy sighed, checking the time. “shit, we’ve got an hour until the rascal’s date!” “shit, shit, shit…” katelyn groaned. “i hope he won’t be early.” alex turned into austin’s driveway, seeing his car and laurie’s car. “thanks, alex! highly appreciate it. tell me everything about kate’s date, masons. i’ll see you soon!” “see you soon, clark.” mercy waved. “i’ll walk her to the door!” katelyn jumped out of her seat, closing the door behind her. mercy watched the two women the entire time, sighing. “what’s on your mind?” alex asked his future teammate. “just can’t believe my baby sister is going on her first date tonight. i’m imagining her in her dress walking into the restaurant tyler is taking her to… she’s growing up way too fast. it feels like yesterday she was just born.” mercy sniffed, not realizing a tear had fallen down her face. alex gently handed her a napkin so she could wipe her eyes. mercy mumbled a small thanks as katelyn walked back to the truck. “hey, i’m starting to feel ready for tonight. alex, make sure she’s okay. i feel like she’ll sob the second i leave the house.” katelyn chuckled, tapping her sister’s head. “don’t frickin’ cry when i leave!” “yes ma’am.” mercy sniffed, laughing.
“alex, wanna come in? i’m not doing much tonight. unless, uh, if you have something to do, that’s fine as well. i was gonna watch a movie or two until the rascal gets home.” mercy shrugged, brushing her hair back behind her ear. “yeah, that’d be cool. i’ll just have to let the dogs out.” alex nodded. “sounds good!” “i thought you were gonna help me with my hair!” katelyn pouted. mercy turned her head and smirked. “i’m gonna make it look terrible.” the brunette woman cackled a fake evil laughter, drumming her fingers together. “i’m joking, you’re gonna look amazing.” alex chuckled at the sibling banter, thinking about his childhood with his brothers. all day, katelyn felt nervous about her first date with tyler. it’s her first date ever. she couldn’t believe it was finally happening. katelyn and tyler had gained a quick friendship being the youngest members of the team. saving her from her thoughts, katelyn saw her house in the distance. “i’m really nervous for tonight.” she quivered, picking at the skin around her fingers. “you’re gonna be looking amazing, kate. you’ve got nothing to worry about.” mercy reached her hand back for katelyn to hold. “if he doesn’t pick you up, i’m gonna personally kick his ass.” “i’ll record the entire thing.” alex laughed, tapping his steering wheel. “just be yourself, katelyn. that’s what tyler likes about you.” “alex, we should disguise ourselves and make sure we’re sitting at the table across from them!” mercy rested her hand on alex’s shoulder, holding her other hand on her face. “we should get those classes with the nose and mustache.” “hell yeah!” mercy and alex laughed, katelyn pouting. “i swear if i see you tonight, i’m gonna sue you for stalking.” “oh, honey, you’re never gonna get rid of me.” mercy blew a kiss to her sister as alex pulled up to the mason house.
mercy gave alex a drink after heading into the house. katelyn was already in her room, fixing up her makeup. her phone dinged with a message from tyler.
‘Hey! I’m coming to get you a little early. Traffic is gonna get busy soon. Maybe they can seat us early as well. I’ll be there in twenty.’
‘Alright! I’m excited to see you. I’ll see you in twenty!’ “merc! tyler’s gonna be here in twenty!” katelyn yelled from her room, taking a breath and putting on her mascara. “shit, shit, shit.” “hey, i’m here. mind if alex joins?” “nah, he’s chill.” mercy sat down next to katelyn and looked at the hair ideas that her sister decided on. “this looks easy to me. it’s quick, simple, but pretty.” mercy kept the picture up and brushed out katelyn’s hair. “whaddya think, alex?” she handed alex katelyn’s phone. he looked up at katelyn and back at the picture. “i know nothing about women’s hair, but i feel like it’ll look nice on you, katelyn.” he handed katelyn’s phone back to her. “thanks, i liked that one a lot. like mercy said, it’s simple and pretty-OW!” katelyn hissed at the pain of a knot in her hair. “did you brush your hair today?” “yeah, but the wind didn’t help.” “that’s why i keep mine in braids all the time. we got mom’s baby-fine hair and dad’s thick hair.” “you’re blessed with the easily detangled hair, though.” katelyn sighed, leaning back. mercy pushed her sister’s head forward and finished brushing it. “sit up straight, miss.” “yes ma’am.” alex chuckled at the sibling bickering. “thank god i didn’t have any sisters growing up. no offense.” “none taken, alex. at least i didn’t have any brothers.” mercy tilted her head, shooting him a short gaze of sarcasm. katelyn couldn’t get her mind off of the date tonight and started to feel nervous again. as if she practically said it out loud, mercy decided to connect her phone to the speakers katelyn had in her room and played some music to calm her down, or maybe boost her confidence. “it’s a little quiet in here, i can hear rascal’s thoughts. here’s this, it’s a playlist that makes me feel hella confident. i play it before each race.” she pressed shuffle and michael buble’s soft, baritone voice filled the room. “shit, it’s already to a good start.” katelyn moved her upper body to the beat. “i love this song, it always makes me feel like i’m the baddest bitch in the world. michael buble, how the hell do you do it?” “he’s hot. i like his voice. and i’m feeelinngggg gooooooood~!” katelyn sang, taking her phone out and recording a new video for her instagram story. she and mercy sang along to the confidence booster of a song, while alex tapped his foot to the beat. once katelyn was done, she posted the video. “i usually don’t listen to anything like this, but his voice is fantastic.” alex raised his eyebrows, a small smile on his face. “i can see confidence rising in this room.” the trumpets grew louder, along with the sisters singing. “it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life, it’s a new life, for meeeeeee~!” the sisters belted, mercy singing into her microphone hairbrush. “and i’m feeeeelllliiinnnggg goood~” finishing off the song, mercy swayed her hips, forgetting alex was in the room. immediately after the song ended, she had a bright red blush on her face. “so-sorry about that. i never get like that around anyone.” alex blinked multiple times, a bit of a blush on his face. “merc, this song brings out the bad bitch in you, you’re supposed to go nuts whenever that song comes on! he was probably in a trance.” katelyn applied another brush of mascara, touching up her lipstick as well. she turned around to face mercy, whose face was horribly red at this point. “i don’t feel nervous anymore, i feel like a bad bitch. we switched places.” “ha. so funny.” mercy mumbled. “alright, time for me to get dressed. both of you, outta here!” katelyn pointed to the hallway leading to the stairs. “yes ma’am.” both alex and mercy blurted. 
0 notes
nascar-fanfics · 1 year
the mason sisters: four
summary: photoshoots, a new old friend, and some fun times in the car.
word count: 4552
warnings: food, swearing
next chapter | masterlist
(a/n: i created a character descriptions carrd! it’s on the masterlist, which you can find here!)
over the next few weeks, mercy attended meetings with the hendrick teammates to learn more about the series and the way hendrick works. the time came to announce the new driver of the 48. mercy had interviews with hendrick, pictures taken, make-up touched up every few pictures, etc. mercy was getting tired by noon, and pretty hungry too. when she’d get a break, she’d text her parents, sister, and alex. she’d also text jimmie, asking for advice on how to keep herself sane on days like these. she laughed at his text about daytona media days. “mercy, five minutes.” the photographer, faith, called to the young woman. “‘thanks!” mercy smiled, looking down to her phone and scrolling through social media, seeing a tweet from her childhood friend, laurie. she opened up her texts and texted her, telling her to save her from this mess. “i heard someone wants taco bell!” alex yelled, walking in with a bag of food and two drinks. “you are a lifesaver, thanks alex.” “no problem.” alex sat next to mercy, chowing down on his burrito. “the potatoes are cooked just right.” mercy groaned at how delicious the potatoes are. “do you want me to pay you back?” alex shook his head and pushed mercy’s wallet out of view. “no, no, no need, merc. my treat.” mercy smiled, putting her wallet back in her purse. “thanks, alex. i appreciate it very much.” alex nodded. “it’s not a problem at all, i know what these days are like. daytona is the worst.” “jimmie said the exact same thing.” “mercy, we’ve got a few photos left, wanna come finish up and then we’ll be done for the day?” faith, the photographer asked mercy. “yeah, be right there!” mercy took a sip of her baja blast, throwing her head back at how good the baja tastes right now. “thanks again, alex.” mercy pat his shoulder and smiled, getting back to taking photos.
after about 45 minutes, mercy finally finished up photos and got to finish her now cold taco bell. “thanks for keeping an eye on my food, alex.” “i almost ate the rest of it.” he laughed, taking a sip of his pepsi. “how did you know i like baja blast?” “i follow you on instagram and twitter, i know more about you than you think i do.” he winks, laughing again. “oh my god, stalker.” mercy gasped, giggling. “you also really like dunkin coffee, especially when it’s practically cream.” “you’re one of those people who like plain coffee, psychopath.” the pair laughed, mercy holding onto alex’s shoulder so she doesn’t fall over. neither of them noticed the photographer taking a picture of the two of them laughing, planning to send it to mercy. 
after looking at the pictures with faith, mercy picked out her favorites and asked her to send them to her when she had the chance. “thanks, faith, i’ll see you soon! thanks for being awesome, too.” “no, you’re awesome! have a great week!” “thanks, you too!” mercy waved, walking out of the room and receiving a call from laurie. “laurie! oh my god it's been forever! how are you?" "i'll meet you outside." alex nodded to mercy, who nodded back. "it's been so long! we need to get together soon. i was calling you cuz i've got some news." mercy sat down on a bench in the lobby. "gimme the deets. what's up?" "so you know that a certain person and i have been talking…" laurie giggled. "austin?" "yeah. well, we're uh, having our first date tonight." "WHAT?!" mercy yelled, making a few shop guys turn to her. "sorry!! no, seriously, y'all are together?" laurie laughed. "no, not yet. hopefully it all works out. how about you? how are you and alex doing?" "you know i'm gonna pull up in a disguise, that glasses and a mustache disguise to your date, right?" mercy chuckled. "seriously, that's so awesome! yeah, we're getting really close. i mean, we're literally in the same shop next year, but he definitely doesn't feel that way." "bestie, i know you two are gonna get together. hello, you're so gorgeous, you'd be the biggest power couple!" laurie beamed. "laurie, no, it's not gonna happen. he clearly doesn't feel the same way." "he does. not to change the subject, but i'm so excited for tonight!! i'm gonna send you a couple of pics of my fits, tell me which one you like!" laurie squealed. "will do. oh, got them." mercy connected her headphones to her phone so she could listen to the call. "that black one is cute, but i think you should have a pop of color to it. maybe some red? it looks so good on you. remember when you said it would never happen because 'he's him and you're you'? look who's right again." laurie sighed. "shush. i still owe you a drink. we need to get together soon, i need some mercy-laurie time." "same here. i miss you so much, i've just been so busy. you know about what's going on, right?" "yeah, you told me the day you found out! i'm still so happy for you. any chance i can be your crew chief?" laurie chuckled. "i can talk to mr. h, maybe he can get you in here sometime. if not, you'll be at every single race. you'll get to see katelyn, too. she's gonna try her hardest to be at my races, and i'll be at hers. i'll make sure you have a spot for daytona." "awesome, thank you so much! i'll be there this weekend." "yay! can't wait. see you this weekend. love you!" "see ya! love you too." laurie sang, making mercy chuckled. she hung up the call and headed outside. "alex, you didn't have to wait for me!" "figured since we're teammates and shop-mates next year, we should get to know each other better." he shrugged. "sorry, i'm not usually this social, i'm very, very awkward." "no, no, welcome to the club. i've been awkward since i was born, buddy." mercy chuckled. "the more comfortable i get with someone, i don't feel as awkward. i mean, we had interactions on twitter and stuff like that, but face to face stuff can be awkward. i'm rambling, aren't i?" mercy cringed, making alex laugh. "it's fine, merc. i get it." after a small pause, mercy spoke up. “so, uh, where do you wanna go?” “i was thinking maybe the shop? i could introduce you to my guys and your guys?” “yeah, that sounds good!” the pair decided to walk to the shop, since mercy was getting pictures in the administration building. the two drivers were quiet for a bit, enjoying the bird sounds and quiet hum of the highway. “that’s a cardinal. i think i heard a sparrow or two. some finches as well. i had pet birds and loved all types of birds as a kid, so i know a lot about them. i still have two cockatiels from my childhood in my house, we have a specific room for them. it gets a lot of sun and they’re happy there.” “really? that’s interesting.” alex smiled, waving to a car driving by. “yeah, i really like birds.” mercy chuckled, seeing a female cardinal fly by. “that was a female cardinal. my grandmother loved them. she was a big part of my life before she passed when i was young.” “sorry to hear that.” alex pat mercy’s shoulder, “oh, thanks. katelyn took it the hardest with our grandfather, though. i was closer to my grandmother and she was closer to her grandfather. he passed when we were young, too.” mercy nodded, alex kept his hand on her shoulder for a few seconds, then slowly brought it back to his side. “yeah, life sucks, as we all know. it gets better though. i really thought i was out of nascar for good a few years ago.” mercy snapped her fingers, “i remember that. i was pissed, not gonna lie. i barely knew you, we had interactions on twitter and stuff like that, but that just really sucks. i can’t believe they fired you on twitter.” “i don’t go to that taco bell for that reason.” alex laughed. “totally get it, i wouldn’t either. i’m glad you’ve got a ride here. it’s a nice crowd of people, i just hope people here don’t avoid me because i’m a woman and ‘it’s a man’s world’. i’m young, if i don’t get any wins next year, that’s fine, i’ve got plenty of chances. i just hope my hometown crowd is as loud as it is whenever i go up for xfinity.” alex opened the door to the shop and let mercy in, a small thank you coming from the young woman. “if it’s as loud as it is in xfinity, it’s gonna be even louder in cup. i remember the first time they said your name last year, even when they said your number, they were loud. then you came out on stage and people went absolutely nuts, they love you up there.” “i’m grateful for them. i miss home a lot.” alex nodded, “i get it, i miss home. hey, some shop guys are available if you wanna go see them now.” “yeah, that’d be great.” mercy smiled, heading into the shop.
after about an hour of talking to the shop guys, mercy got a text from faith with the pictures she wanted.
‘thank you so much faith! when did you get that picture of alex and i?’
‘Just after we finished our session. You are really cute together!’
‘oh, faith, we’re not together! we’re just friends. this is our first meeting face to face, we’ve seen each other in passing but we’re just trying to get to know each other better since we’re shop-mates next year.’
‘I’m telling you right now, you’re gonna be a cute couple if you ever date. Unless you don’t swing that way, which is totally okay by me! You’re a great person and you deserve the best! ❤️’ 
‘😁😁 I’ll send you the rest when they’re finished! Have a great week :)
‘you too! 😁’
mercy saved the pictures she wanted to send to her friends and family, keeping the one of her and alex in a separate album. “thanks for the time, sorry to keep you from what you need to do, i’m just showing mercy around, since we’ll be shop-mates next year.” “fine by us, see you soon, mercy!” “see ya! thanks for being so kind.” mercy smiled, turning to alex. “ready to head out?” “yeah, gimme a sec, i’m taking all of this in right now.” the young woman giggled, running her hand through her hair. “i still can’t believe this is happening, alex. i’ve been dreaming about this my whole life.” “it’s happening, merc. a few more months and you’ll be in the cup series.” alex smiled, opening the door for mercy again. “thanks.” mercy stretched out her arms when they got outside, sighing. “what do we do now? anything else you wanna take me to?” alex thought about it for a few seconds. “just the gym, i guess? i hate the gym.” alex laughed. “i don’t like exercise.” “neither do i.” mercy smiled. “that explains why i look like this.” she moved her hands up and down her body, a chuckle escaping. they headed to the gym, seeing some more shop guys from other teams using the machines. “wow, y’all got a huge gym! i’m more of a biker, i like biking.” mercy saw a whole row of treadmills, practically in awe at the amount of them. “i know you and josh wise do a lot of biking, mind if i join you two sometime?” mercy turned back around to face alex, pushing some of her hair back. “yeah, that’d be fun! i need more support sometimes.” alex laughed, scratching his face a little. they left the area of the gym and headed outside. “so, you’re the driver of the 48 next year… that was my dream, you’re living my dream!” mercy tapped her fingers along her thigh, grounding herself. “it’s crazy how my life changed, 2016 i was filling in for junior cuz of that concussion, now i’m full time and about to take over the 48. it’s so crazy.” alex sighed. “now you’re making history as the first woman hired for hendrick motorsports. it’s absolutely nuts how much history is being made. they don’t have any idea what’s coming, merc.” “oh, stop. you’re making me blush!” mercy fanned her face with her hand, laughing. “i’m serious! you’re freakin’ badass.” alex smiled, “the queen of the xfinity series! bow down!” mercy laughed as alex bowed in front of her.
katelyn saw mercy’s car pull up to their house around five, then alex’s car pulled up behind mercy’s truck. mercy walked up to the house with alex. “i’m home! not for long, though! just wanted to grab some stuff. katelyn, you’re welcome to come along.” mercy yelled as she opened the door. katelyn ran downstairs as mercy was running up. the youngest mason sister saw alex standing near the door on his phone, scrolling through social media. “alex! hey.” katelyn waved to alex, who looked up from his phone. “oh, hey katelyn!” alex waved, “we’re gonna go get some dinner. you interested in anything? you can come along if you’d like.” “thanks! i don’t wanna interrupt anything, though. i’d feel horrible if i did.” “no, you wouldn’t be!” mercy came back downstairs in a my chemical romance shirt, black shorts, and a small bag of mascara and lipstick in her hand. “invite someone if you’d like, it’s just a small get-together.” “i don’t want to interrupt anyth-!” katelyn was interrupted by alex.“we’re totally okay with you coming along!” he smiled, “i just gotta let the dogs out before we go anywhere.” “we get to finally meet those crazy pups now!” mercy gasped, holding her hands together. “you know i’m gonna be dropping by every chance i get to play with the pups, right?” “me too!” katelyn giggled. “they’re so cute.” “until they get into stuff.” alex laughed. “they’re cute, but little brats. ready to go?” “yep, lemme grab my purse and i’ll be ready.” katelyn winked to mercy, walking upstairs and heading to her room. mercy rolled her eyes and chuckled. “pain in the ass little sister.” “i have two brothers, so i feel your pain.” alex chuckled. “they’re a pain in the ass too, but i love them.” “yeah, i love katelyn, i’d do anything for her.” mercy gave alex the side eye. “don’t tell her i said that, though. she’d never let it go.” “who wouldn’t let what go?” katelyn came around the corner of the staircase. “nothing, get your ass movin’. i’m hungry.” mercy laughed. katelyn ran down the stairs to go outside. “we’ll take my truck, i’ve got more room, if that’s okay by you?” “yeah, that’s fine!” “alex, you gotta take me for a ride in your ‘vette sometime. mercy’s been on a ride or two and i haven’t!” katelyn folded her arms, pouting. “you’ll get a ride soon. how about for your 18th?” “17 and a halfth birthday?” katelyn smirked. “kate, that’s literally passed already. that was may.” “yeah, yeah, and it’s october, i know, it’s next month, but i can’t wait that long!” “my birthday is literally next week, kate. i’ll be getting another ride!” mercy looked up at alex with a big smile on her face. “right?” “yeah, sure. i’ll make sure to scare the shit out of you with burnouts.” alex smiled. “you won’t scare me. can i drive it since it’ll be my 21st?” “don’t go drinking beforehand.” alex laughed, “dear god, it’s gonna be ruined.” “hey! i’ll take care of your pretty car.” mercy pouted, making alex laugh. “alright, ready?” mercy grabbed her keys out of her pocket and headed outside with katelyn and alex. “katelyn, you gotta sit in the backseat, alex is older so he gets the front seat.” “no, it’s okay! katelyn can have the front.” “no, that’s fine. alex should have the front.” katelyn nodded, getting in the back, sitting in the middle. mercy jumped into the driver’s seat and connected her phone to the cord and bluetooth so she could play some music. as soon as they got moving, mercy had alex press shuffle on the playlist and vampire money started playing. “oh my god, vampire money!!” mercy and katelyn yelled as alex tapped his foot to the beat. “well, are you ready ray?” mercy yelled. “yeah!” katelyn yelled back. “how ‘bout you, frank?” “oh, i’m there, baby.” alex yelled. “how ‘bout you, mikey? fuckin’ ready.” mercy changed her voice to fit mikey, then back to gerard. “well i think i’m alright!” “ONE TWO THREE FOUR!!” all three drivers yelled, headbanging and dancing in the truck. the whole time vampire money was playing, each driver yelled the lyrics and jammed out. after vampire money finished, alex directed mercy to where they were going for dinner. mercy asked alex to play vampire money again, since she loves that song so much. as they jammed out to the song, she got a text from laurie. “laurie says, ‘austin is such a gentleman, i’m so happy with how everything is going’ with three exclamation points. what do i respond with?” alex read to mercy. “uh, ‘now you owe me twenty bucks. /hj seriously i’m so happy for you’ with a few exclamation points, and uh, a red heart. thanks, alex.” “she sent a picture too, of her and austin.” mercy glanced at her phone, seeing the picture. “oh my god, they’re so freakin’ cute. kate, look!” alex turned around to show katelyn, who looked up from her phone. “aww, they’re so cute!” she smiled, going back to her phone. “texting tyler, i assume?” “hey, shush.” katelyn blushed. “it’s been a few months, ask him out for a drink or something!” “he would totally say no to me.” katelyn sighed. “i’ve only known you for a few weeks, but from what i’ve heard from merc and seen, i’m surprised tyler hasn’t asked you out.” “oh, shush, alex. you’re just saying that to be nice.” “he’s serious, kate! i’m telling you, i’ll go up to tyler and literally force him to ask you out. it’s obvious he likes you.” “not to change the subject, but lizzo is on. gimme a minute before i say anything else to boost your mood.” mercy starts dancing in her seat, alex directing her to the next turn. “ay boy, whatcha say boy, you tryna play coy like a gameboy? hit my phone, boy, is you home boy?  are you home, boy? come gimme dome, boy.” “mercy goes crazy for lizzo, alex. just to let you know, she’ll probably quote some stuff from her often. she’s a huge fan.” “got this boy speaking spanish, ay papi~!” mercy pushed her hair back, throwing her head back. “i see that. she literally shut you up for her!” alex laughs, looking over at mercy, who’s singing to herself and dancing in her seat once again. “make a girl go crazy! four, three, i like big boys, itty bitty boys, mississippi boys, inner city boys, i like the pretty boys with the bow tie, getcha nails did, let it blow dry, i like a big beard, i like a clean face, i don’t discriminate, come and get a taste, from the playboys to the gay boys, go and slay boys, you my fave boys!” 
the three drivers pull up to alex’s house, mercy parks the truck and disconnects her phone, getting out of her truck and walking behind alex. katelyn is still on her phone, texting tyler. “hey guys! holy crap, i’ve only been gone for a few hours, you’re crazy!” alex laughs, petting his dogs and giving them head kisses. “hi puppies!” mercy kneeled down and pet finn and roscoe. “oh my god, you two are just lovebugs! hi! hi! hi! thank you for the kisses, boys! you’re so sweet, hi!” katelyn puts away her phone and starts petting the dogs. “hi you two! hi! hiiiii! how sweet! hi! oh my god, hi!” alex heads towards the back door to let the dogs out. “finn, roscoe, c’mere rascals!” “hey, look, he has his own rascals!” mercy put katelyn in a headlock and gave her a noogie. “ow, ow! mercy!” katelyn laughs, pushing her sister away. the sisters head outside with alex as the sun starts to set. “wow, this is such a nice property, alex. i might just have to live here.” mercy beams, laughing along with alex. “there’s enough room if you need to crash anytime.” “alex, can i use your bathroom?” katelyn asks the older driver. “of course, when you get to the kitchen, take a left and it’ll be the second door on the right. the fan makes a weird noise when it turns on, but it’s not gonna do any damage.” “thanks much! be back in a few.” katelyn give the dogs pets and then heads back inside, closing the door. mercy grabs her phone and texts katelyn.
‘u only left so alex and i would have time alone. u brat >:(‘
‘Get itttt ;)’
‘stfu or i’ll tell tyler u loooove him’
‘I’ll delete your number and never talk to you again’
‘hehe >:)’
“i’ve been thinking about something.” alex spoke after a few seconds of silence. “yeah?” “do you wanna just have dinner here? i can order some food and we can chill here. you must be exhausted from today.” “i mean, if you’re offering, sure. i don’t wanna overstay my welcome, though.” “not a problem, you’re really fun to hang out with. i feel like we get along really well.” alex smiled, resting his hand on mercy’s shoulder. “thanks, you’re really fun to hang out with, too. you’re one of the only people i’ve met that don’t make me feel intimidated.” “god, you two, get a room.” katelyn gagged as mercy blushed, laughing. alex laughed along with mercy. “oh tyler, you’re so cute, tyler, i wanna marry you!” mercy made fake kissing noises at katelyn. “mercy-kay!!” katelyn blushed, alex laughing at the sibling banter. “you two are hilarious. katelyn, we’re gonna stay here and order food, are you in the mood for mexican food?” “hell yeah!” “ooh, can we order from que onda? they have these really good vegan tacos.” mercy held up her fists and shook them a little. “fine by me.” “same here.” “awesome. i’ll write down the order and call it in.” “oh, merc, no, it’s my treat again.” alex smirked, pulling out his phone and writing down the order.
once they ordered their food, the three drivers sat in front of the tv with some drinks and watched whatever was on tv. mercy was next to alex on the couch, katelyn was on the chair next to the couch. “thanks for letting us stay over for dinner, alex. i know i appreciate it.” mercy smiled, pulling her phone out and seeing a text from laurie.
‘what’re you up to? austin and i are hanging out at his place.’
“not a problem, i enjoy the company!” alex smiled, taking a swig of his beer. mercy texted laurie back.
‘hanging with katelyn at alex’s place. he invited us to dinner! :D’
‘oooh you’re close now ;)’
‘nope. not happening.’ 
‘mercy, my bestie, you gotta get together! ur too cute together, a power couple!!’
‘nooo it’s not happening! he’s too good for me :(‘
“the food’s here!” katelyn cheered, heading to the door to pick it up. she thanked the driver as they drove off, placing the bag on the island. alex helped katelyn with the food as mercy finished up her draft for a tweet. “would y’all mind if i posted a pic of the three of us to twitter?” “not a problem at all.” alex nodded, handing mercy her tacos. he received a thank you from the 20 year old. “same here, it’s totally fine by me.” katelyn smiled. the three sat down at the table and started to eat their food. mercy opened up the camera app and sat right next to alex, who put his arm around her shoulders, and his other arm around katelyn’s shoulders. they all smiled for the picture, then making funny faces for another picture. “thanks for getting pictures with me. i wanna get a couple more before we leave.” mercy smiled as katelyn groaned. “you know i hate getting my picture taken, sis!” “deal with it, rascal.” mercy smirked, sticking her tongue out. 
after they finished their dinner, katelyn took mercy’s phone and had her sister and alex stand outside. “alright, here we go!” alex wrapped his arm around mercy’s shoulders and mercy placed her hand on alex’s back. “i got a couple. my turn!” katelyn handed mercy her phone back. the oldest mason sister grabbed katelyn’s phone and took a couple pictures of her sister and teammate. “got a few. alex, can you please get pictures of katelyn and i?” “of course, who’s phone?” “mine, katelyn won’t send those pictures until i’m on my deathbed.” mercy cackled. “that’s not true! it only took me six months to send you that picture of you and that standee of mikey way!” katelyn grumbled. “i had that as my lockscreen for weeks. it was nice to look at his face for that amount of time.” mercy handed alex her phone and stood next to her sister. katelyn stood awkwardly next to mercy, while mercy rested her arm on her sister’s head. “you’re mean and you stink.” mercy gasped, putting her arm down hugging her sister. she had a big smile on her face, while katelyn laughed. alex laughed while taking the picture. “i got a few for ya. hope they’re not shitty.” “oh, buddy, if they’re anything like katelyn’s pics, you’re doomed.” “shut up, meanie.” katelyn pouted, making the older drivers laugh. “jeez, it’s getting late! it’s almost ten. i’ll text mom and let her know we’re headed home as soon as possible.” “damn, it’s that time already?” alex looked at his phone. “wow, today was fun, girls.” “yeah, it was!” katelyn beamed. “i agree, it was good to hang out with you, future shop-mate.” mercy giggled, lightly elbowing alex in the arm.
mercy drove alex back to the mason household, since he left his car at their house. he walked the sisters to the door. “hey, thanks for today, katelyn. you’re a fun gal.” “thanks, alex. you too, you’re fun. thanks for dinner, too! see you soon!” “not a problem at all. see ya, goodnight!” alex hugged katelyn, then waving as she went up to her room. “alright, thanks for tonight, alex. thanks for the taco bell and dinner. i appreciate it. i owe you, too.” katelyn watched out her window at mercy and alex on the walkway by alex’s car. “no, no, you don’t owe me. it was my treat.” “mmm-mmm. you’re not getting away with that, bowman.” the pair laughed, as they hugged each other. katelyn snapped a picture of them and sent it to mercy. “i’ll see you soon. hopefully at the track this week?” “yeah, definitely. stay safe.” mercy smiled, patting alex’s arm. “see ya, mason.” “see ya, bowman.”
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nascar-fanfics · 2 years
new story :)
hi y’all! i have a new story that’s also on ao3 and wattpad! i just pinned it to my tumblr. go ahead and read if you’d like :)
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nascar-fanfics · 2 years
the mason sisters: three
summary: speeches from hendrick drivers, mercy and katelyn's parents surprise mercy at their place, and mercy catches feelings even harder now.
word count: 2996
warnings: swearing
next chapter | masterlist
(a/n: i created a character descriptions carrd! it’s on the masterlist, which you can find here!)
mercy was contemplating on two outfits for tonight: jeans and a my chemical romance crop top with a cardigan in case she gets chilly, or an oversized van halen t-shirt with a skirt. “katelyn! can you help me pick out my ‘fit for tonight?” katelyn knocks on mercy’s door, then comes in, seeing clothes all over mercy’s room. “ignore all that, i’ve narrowed my choices down to two.” mercy pointed to the two outfits on her bed. “the mcr one. it’s really cute!” katelyn picked up the crop top and mocked her sister. “oh alex, you’re so dreamy! kiss me, handsome!” katelyn made kissing noises, almost tripping when mercy shoved her shoulder. “hey! shut up! i’m not mocking you for your crush on blondie ankrum in trucks!” immediate silence filled the room. “sh-shut up.” katelyn’s face turned red. mercy’s phone dinged, taking it out and reading the message out loud. “‘hey, we’re going to southbound in charlotte in about an hour. i can pick y’all up if you’d like?’ can we all fit in his car? mom and dad can take our car, they may wanna leave early…” “i’ll go with them, spend some time with your new teammate!” katelyn smiled, hugging her older sister. little did mercy know, her parents and little sister were planning a surprise party with the three of them and her new coworkers. “...katelyn, you never do this… are you sick?” mercy placed the back of her hand on katelyn’s forehead, “you’re warm.” “it’s because i’m bubbling with happiness. i’m so, so happy for you, sis. i, uh, i love ya.” katelyn mumbled the last part, pushing her sister, who wouldn’t let her go. “i love you too, rascal. thanks for being my biggest supporter.” katelyn pat her back, finally being able to get her sister off of her. “go get ready. i’ll let mom and dad know you’ll be leaving soon.” katelyn uttered, leaving the room. mercy texted alex back, smiling at the text. 
‘katelyn and my parents are going together, they want me to spend some time with my teammates, but they are coming tonight!! :] i’ve been planning on going to southbound! i’m excited. can’t wait to see you!’
‘and teh team ofc. :)’
‘fast typing, sorry haha’
alex: ‘Food’s great. Hella better than Taco Bell.’
‘i could go for taco bell, but i’m saving my appetite for southbound :D’
alex: ‘Good. What’s your address again? I don’t think I got it.’
mercy typed in her address and sent it, receiving a thumbs up from alex. she headed to her bathroom to touch up her hair and her makeup. she brushed out her hair and put it in a half-up-half-down ‘do, a bit of mascara, and some chapstick to help with her chapped lips. mercy’s outfit was lingering in her mind. she loved my chemical romance, but never wore crop tops. she’s always figured girls her size shouldn’t wear crop tops. she’s healthy, but very thick boned, thanks to her mom’s genes. she’s never been able to wear anything smaller than a large, depending on the style of clothing. mercy’s mind kept shoving negative thoughts into her already nervous state. a ding comes from her phone, which was a text from alex. 
alex: ‘I’m about to leave, be there in 10!’
‘okay! see you soon :)’
once again, mercy’s anxious thoughts filled her brain. she shook her head, trying to shake those thoughts out. she walked out of her bathroom and headed to the kitchen downstairs. she grabbed a water bottle with a raspberry lemonade packet to drink while she waited for alex. her parents and sister were in the living room, unknown to mercy. she headed to the living room and almost threw her bottle at her dad, gregory. “jesus, the three of you almost made me shit myself!” her dad laughed, getting up to hug his daughter. “we’re sorry, and so damn proud of you.” her mom and sister stood next to mercy and her dad, giving her a group hug. “you’re going to make me cry and ruin my mascara!” mercy laughed, wiping her tears from her eyes. “sis, we’re just so proud of you! you’re gonna kick ass next season.” “so are you, sis! can’t wait to brag to everyone that you beat everyone each week.” mercy gave her sister a kiss on the crown of her head, hugging her, then her mom, claire. “thank you all for believing in me. i love you all so much.” “we love you too, sweetie. you’re going to be the best next year! let’s head outside, we don’t want you to be late! we’ll be right behind you, dear.” mercy nodded, grabbing her purse and putting on her favorite filas. the family waited outside for mercy’s new coworker to pick her up. “expect her to be all red in the face when she comes back, she’s had a huge crush on this guy since he was in xfinity.” katelyn giggled, receiving a light smack from mercy. “shut it, rascal!! i know you have a crush on tyler, your coworker!” katelyn blushed, pouting. “sh-shut up.” a roar of laughter came from the family, mercy’s negative thoughts disappearing. the faint roar of a black corvette bounced off the walls of the homes around the mason residence. mercy stood up and waved, knowing that it’s alex’s corvette. “he’s here!! i can’t wait for you two to meet him. he’s a really nice guy!” mercy smiled, giving her dad a hug and a kiss on his cheek, then her mom. “i’ll see y’all in a bit, love you! drive safe!” “love you too!” mercy’s family waved to her, alex pulling up and getting out of his car. “hi alex! long time no see.” mercy laughed, opening her arms for a hug, which alex returned. “hey, mercy!” alex laughed, breaking the hug after a few seconds. “i like your shirt. i can’t believe they’re back together. i hope they release some new stuff.” “me too, i’ve been a fan since i was a kid.” mercy smiled, fixing her shirt and untying the cardigan from her waist to hold. “shall we?” alex opened the passenger door for mercy, closing it after she got in and thanked him. waving to her parents and sister as they left, mercy’s eyes started to tear up. “it feels so weird not going anywhere with kate… we’re usually screaming the lyrics to an mcr or fall out boy song.” she sighed, wiping the tears from her eyes. “i can connect you to the car, if you wanna play some stuff?” alex glanced over at mercy, seeing her wipe her eyes. they were at a stoplight, so mercy quickly connected her phone to alex’s corvette. cemetery drive started playing, since that was the last song mercy listened to while getting ready. “damn good song.” alex mumbled to himself, mercy trying not to sing too loud. she hoped that alex didn’t realize that she was nervous to be around him. it’s not a bad nervous, it’s the fact that she has a massive crush on him. the last chorus and post-chorus started to play, mercy’s brain not regulating how loud she gets when she sings. each word was sung with emotion as mercy and gerard’s voice collided, alex could tell mercy loves singing any song that comes on with powerful emotion. once the song ended, mercy caught alex stealing a glance at her. “i really get into that song, sorry if i was loud.” she mumbled, looking out the window. they were about twenty-five minutes from southbound, sitting at a stoplight. “nah, it wasn’t loud. i like your voice, it’s emotional.” alex affirmed, a smile on his face. “tha-thanks.” mercy blushed, catching alex’s eyes again. van halen played through the speakers, boosting mercy’s mood. “eddie’s guitar is just so good. i really want to see val halen. when my mom was around my age, she saw van halen for the first time.” mercy chuckled. “when i was a kid, i was gonna marry eddie van halen. i had, and still do have, the biggest crush on him. yeah, he’s old enough to be my dad, but i honestly don’t care!” alex raised his eyebrows, a laugh escaping his lips. “he does have some amazing guitar skills.” “oh my god, intruder into (oh) pretty woman is one of the best moments in van halen history! i need to play that next, your ears need to be blessed!”
after about twenty minutes of singing to songs and talking about different bands, alex and mercy were about five minutes away from southbound. “i apologize if i’ve been talking your ears off, when i’m nervous i ramble, but when i hear a song i love, i get really excited.” mercy fixed her hair, then checking her texts from her family. “katelyn said she and our parents are gonna be at southbound in ten minutes, i can’t wait for them to meet y’all. they’re the best people in the world.” alex turned his head toward mercy, noticing the fact that she’s not super nervous anymore. “i’m excited to meet them, they seem like nice people.” “they absolutely are! hey, there’s a taco bell right near southbound! i might wanna get a baja blast. oh, i don’t think you knew this, but i’m under the drinking age, so i can’t buy any drinks for anyone.” “oh, jimmie’s covering everything anyways. i was gonna offer to buy you a drink, but thanks for letting me know. i thought you were older!” alex pulled into the parking lot. “yeah, i’ve been told that. one day someone asked if i was in college. i said ‘uh, no, i’m in 8th grade’.” alex laughed, “no way!! someone actually thought that?” “yeah!” the pair laughed, nerves absolutely disappeared.
alex texted jimmie to let him know that he and mercy were at southbound, heading into the restaurant. alex held the door open for mercy, a small thanks from her. “wow, the vibes are so cool in here…” mercy spun around, taking in all of her surroundings. a server walked by with a tray full of food, the smells flowing through the room. “it smells so good!” “it does smell good! i don’t see jimmie, he said he’s here… maybe he’s sitting outside?” “yeah, maybe.” “table for two?” the host asked alex and mercy. “oh, no, we’re meeting some friends here… table for johnson?” alex questioned. “oh, right this way!” the host smiled, walking to the door leading to the outdoor seating. “you were right, he’s outside.” mercy chuckled, walking a little behind the host. “alex! mercy! so glad you’re here.” jimmie waved. “enjoy your meals!” the host beamed, heading back to his station. mercy thanked him quietly, finding a seat next to jimmie, alex on her left. “hi, i would’ve been here earlier but i couldn’t decide what to wear.” mercy laughed. “typical things for me and my brain.” “totally understand, my girls are so indecisive when it comes to clothes.” jimmie smiled, giving mercy a hug. “so happy for you, kid.” “thanks jimmie.” mercy smiled, hugging him back. they sat down in their seats, a few bowls of chips and salsa waiting for them. “anyone mind if i dig in?” mercy chimed in, “i haven’t eaten since breakfast. i was too nervous for the meeting today to eat lunch.” “go right ahead!” jimmie pulled the bowl of chips and salsa towards mercy and alex, who had his eyes on the chips. “oh my god,” mercy murmured. “this salsa is so fucking good.” “isn’t it delicious?” alex beamed, his mouth full of chips. “thanks for the recommendation, jimmie, it’s so good.”
each driver arrived, then mercy’s parents and sister. the group could finally order their food. conversations were had, laughs were shared, and food filled the table. a few rounds were bought by each person, mercy’s anxiety gone and her nerves disappeared. jimmie interrupted the conversation with a small speech. “i just wanna say that i’m sad to be leaving the sport this year, but i’m happy to see mercy take over with the 48 team in the 5 car, and see alex take the 88 team and bring it to the 48 car. this is about you guys, especially mercy, tonight. i’m so proud of both of you and i can’t wait to see you two kick ass next year.” cheers and clapping came from everyone at the table as mercy gave jimmie a hug. “i’m feeling a little drunk, but i’m speaking anyways.” chase stood up, a little wobble while standing. “happy to see a new face, but i’m gonna miss jimmie. good luck next year jimmie, can’t wait to race alongside you next year, mercy.” mercy smiled, going over to chase to hug him. “i second that!” william smiled, raising his beer bottle to mercy, who gave him a side hug. “i’m excited to be working with you next year, mercy. we’ll be seeing each other often, since we’re in the same shop. you’ll probably get sick of seeing me every week, but we’re gonna kick ass.” alex raised his beer, hugging his teammate. “thanks, everyone. i’m so excited for next year, i can’t wait to get advice from everyone and maybe get some wins for rick.” mercy raised her cherry coke, a laugh from everyone.
mercy wrapped her cardigan around her torso, a shiver coursing its way through her body as she waited for alex to finish using the men’s room. her parents and sister left just after the speeches, then her teammates, then jimmie. alex finished up in the men’s room, putting his mask back on. mercy’s mask made her face warm, thank god. “ready, merc?” alex’s voice was muffled, a small tap on mercy’s shoulder took her out of her thoughts while scaring her in the process. “jesus, you scared the shit out of me!” mercy gasped as alex chuckled. “sorry, i’m done using the men’s. y’ready?” “yeah, i’m freezing,” mercy laughed, “to think i grew up in the northeast where it was freezing in the winter, you’d think i’d get used to the cold. i’ve hated it ever since i was a kid. summer is my favorite time of year. i’ve always loved the heat.” “i’m the total opposite. i welcome the cold, i love it. growing up in arizona, we never had temperatures colder than mid to high 60s.” alex opened up the door for mercy, a small thanks from her. “i’m jealous.” mercy laughed. “need my address again?” “i’ve got it in my gps, you’re good.” alex smiled. “don’t go stalking me, i’ve been a true crime fanatic since birth.” mercy smirked, leaving a playful slap on alex’s shoulder. 
when mercy and alex arrived at the mason household, mercy noticed the lights off. “it’s only 10:30… my parents are night owls…” she thought out loud, alex walking beside her. mercy grabbed her keys, unlocking and opening the door. she let alex in and turned on the lights, “SURPRISE!!” everyone yelled, making mercy jump and grab onto alex’s arm. “surprise!” alex cheered, laughing. “goddammit, y’all… second time tonight i’ve had the shit scared outta me!” mercy breathed, letting go of alex’s arm. mercy noticed a small pile of gifts on the kitchen island, one from each person. “y’all didn’t have to do this… just that dinner was enough, but i do appreciate all the love!” mercy hugged everyone again and sat down in her favorite chair. she opened up the gifts and cards, thanking each person. after opening the presents, mercy stood up and gave a speech. “my turn for a speech, a proper one this time.” she cleared her throat. “he’s not here, but thanks to rick for a chance at achieving my dream. i can’t wait to kick ass. to william, you’re not the baby anymore, alex’ll be picking on me from now on.” everyone laughed. “thanks for being older than me and the help at hendrick. chase, thanks for the advice and being so helpful. alex, thanks for making me feel comfortable. i can’t wait to hear the comments you’ll be making at how much younger i am than most of the drivers on the track.” alex laughed, raising his beer. “katelyn, mom, dad, thank you so much for everything. we grew up with little to no money, but you made so many sacrifices for kate and i to pursue our dreams. i love you three so much.” 
it was about one in the morning when everyone but alex left. the mason parents were asleep, and katelyn was headed to bed. “i can walk you out, i don’t mind.” mercy slipped on some slippers and grabbed her hoodie, plus her keys. alex shook his head. “alex, i insist.” mercy opened the door to let him out. “it was really nice of my parents to do this for me, thanks for being a part of it.” mercy smiled, closing the door behind her. “hey, it’s not a problem at all, thanks for walking me out.” mercy was a few feet from alex’s corvette when she hugged alex again. “i’m a hugger, can’t escape from that.” she laughed, patting alex’s back, feeling his arms around her. they broke the hug when alex’s phone vibrated. “ah, that’s the dogsitter. i should go.” “say hi to finn and roscoe for me!” “will do!” alex waved, getting into his car and rolling the passenger window down. “i’m not leaving until you’re inside.” “okay, okay, i’m going!” mercy chuckled, waving at alex again. she headed for the front door of her house, giving alex a final wave and then heading inside. when she locked the door behind her, she heard a soft rumble from the corvette’s engine fading away. mercy had covered her face, a smile upon her lips. she let out a small giggle and uncovered her face to find katelyn on the couch. “you’re pretty giddy tonight.” “shush, you rascal. i’m finally not anxious for once.”
0 notes
nascar-fanfics · 2 years
the mason sisters: two
summary: mercy has her meeting with each current hendrick driver, katelyn's crush is revealed, mercy also has a slight anxiety attack and puts herself down
word count: 1451
warnings: swearing, anxiety attack
next chapter | masterlist
(a/n: i created a character descriptions carrd! it’s on the masterlist, which you can find here!)
song after song, nerves between the sisters grew. they quietly sang to songs, which they never do. it’s always off-key singing screaming bouncing off the leather seats of their car. eventually, the sisters pulled into the parking lot of hendrick motorsports at 2:48, less than fifteen minutes until the meeting with rick hendrick. mercy was anxious about literally everything going on. she felt as if she should be excited, but she can’t even think straight. she’s won multiple races in the xfinity series, broken records in xfinity and trucks, and is excellent at everything she does. “hey, merc, stop overthinking… you’re the one with the psychology degree, you’re gonna be fine.” katelyn said with a smile, patting her older sister on her shoulders. mercy took a deep breath and shut her eyes, a tear falling down her cheek. “i’m gonna fuck up my career. rick is gonna hate me the second i step in there. i’m gonna make a fool of myself in front of my future coworkers. you look like me, can you do it for me? i can’t fucking do this.” mercy rarely ever showed this side of her. growing up, katelyn would always speak up for mercy. you’d think the older sibling would be more outspoken and such? not for the mason sisters. katelyn was always mouthy and always the peacemaker, while mercy stood in the corner contemplating leaving the room or building and going home due to her major social anxiety. katelyn grabbed her sister’s shoulders and turned her upper torso. “mercy-kay mason, you are going to kill this. you’re going to be amazing. ignore those stupid anxious thoughts, you’re not gonna fuck this up, you’re gonna kill it!” katelyn convinced her older sister to get into the building earlier than she wanted to be. mercy wanted to walk in at 2:55, but she jumped out of the car at 2:50 and made her way to the doors, trying to ignore her thoughts. she opened the doors and looked around, realizing this is going to be her new headquarters. her eyes met with her new coworker, chase elliott, who was headed to the bathroom. “ah, miss mason,” the dawsonville native smiled, walking towards her. katelyn bolted through the door, realizing her sister went inside. she saw chase and mercy shaking hands and decided to walk calmly toward them. “welcome to hendrick motorsports, we’re pretty much ready for you. follow me in.” “thank you, sir. is there anywhere i can put my younger rascal of a sister?” mercy chuckled, katelyn sticking her tongue out. “yeah, she can come in. i think mr. h will be okay with that!” he smiled, leading the way to the office. ‘this isn’t so bad.’ mercy thought to herself as she tapped her cheek once again. the world felt as if it was in slow motion. mercy stepped into the room and saw her hero, jimmie johnson, talking with her future teammate, alex bowman. william byron, the youngest member of hendrick motorsports, turned towards chase, who announced “guys, mercy-kay mason is here. i assume mr. h is just getting the papers together?” jimmie turned to chase, nodding. “yeah, he’s taking a bit of time. he probably wants us to talk with the newbie.” mercy couldn’t believe her hero was right in front of her. it took her a few seconds to even open her mouth, which moved up and down like she was a fish. william chuckled, waving. “hi, mercy! i’m william, but i think you knew that.” he stood up, giving mercy a handshake. “hi, william. i’m mercy, but i also think you knew that.” mercy chuckled, looking behind her to see katelyn amazed at the talent in the room. “holy shit, merc, i’m gonna shit myself.” everyone laughed at katelyn’s statement, especially mercy, who felt the same way. “kate, please don’t. i cleaned you enough times when we were kids.” mercy turned towards the men in the room, “sorry, she’s a little rascal. has been since day one.” “hey!” katelyn pouted, folding her arms and turning her back towards mercy. after a few more seconds of laughter, alex introduced himself next. “hey, mercy. long time no see.” alex and mercy shook hands, smiles on their faces. “good to see you again. you’re pretty badass, i have to admit it.” mercy’s cheeks grew red by the millisecond. “hi, alex! yeah, it’s been a while… 2018? 2019?” the pair unlocked hands, “i appreciate the compliment! no one has ever called me badass besides the little rascal. you’re pretty badass, too.” mercy chuckled, fixing her shirt. “yeah, somethin’ like that. i think the last time we saw each other was my last xfinity start. michigan, right? you did really well that year, can’t wait to see you on the track in the cup series.” alex beamed, a small chuckle escaping. “yep, michigan! i can’t wait to finally race for hendrick. it’s been my dream since childhood.” mercy blushed a bit,  noticing jimmie coming up to her, making her nerves go crazy. “holy shit, you’re real.” mercy mumbled, not realizing she actually spoke. katelyn laughed as she shook william’s hand, having a small conversation with him, chase, and alex. jimmie chuckled, “i get that a lot, i can’t believe you’re real!” mercy smiled, negative thoughts gone. “sir, you’ve been my idol since day one, i literally saw you win your seventh championship from the stands, i-i cheered so much with my mom, my voice was gone the next day.” jimmie smiled, “so that was the loud scream i heard! call me jimmie, we’re practically teammates now.” the newest hendrick driver nodded and chuckled, hearing a knock on the doorframe, seeing rick hendrick, her new boss, come in. “ah, so i’m the late one this time.” he chuckled. “hi miss, how are you?” “i’m fantastic, sir. i’m just so proud of my big sister.” katelyn smiled at mercy, who practically had tears in her eyes. “hi miss mason, thanks for coming in so quickly.” mercy held her hand out to shake mr. hendrick’s, a small shake between the two. “he-hello, sir, this is a huge dream of mine. i won’t disappoint you, sir.” mercy slightly shook with nerves. “i’ve seen what you’ve done, you haven’t disappointed me at all. you’ve got talent, kid.” rick smiled, holding his hand out to a chair. “come, sit down, we’ve got stuff to talk about.”
after the meeting with rick, mercy and katelyn headed to their car. mercy, who was relieved the meeting went well, spotted alex coming over to her side of the car. “hey, i, uh, wanted to ask if you and katelyn would like to come out to dinner tonight? we can finally have a conversation outside of the track and social media.” alex scratched the back of his neck, a nervous chuckle escaping him. “yeah! i know i’d like to, how about you, kate?” mercy turned to katelyn, who was texting a friend. “yeah, sure, that sounds great.” “she’s distracted by someone, maybe her boyfriend?” mercy dragged out ‘boyfriend’, making alex laugh. “shut up, you’re practically-” “alright, that’s enough, katelyn.” mercy turned back to alex, “absolutely. we’re coming to dinner! can i bring our parents? they’ve been such an important part of my life.” “i think jimmie’ll be alright with that! he said he’s buying.” alex grabbed his phone from his pocket. “can i get your info? i’ll text you where we’re going.” “yeah, here’s my number.” mercy recites her phone number, then gives alex her sister’s number as a backup. “text me so i know who you are, please!” two dings came from mercy’s phone, one being from alex and the other katelyn. 
unknown number: ‘Hey, it’s Alex! You now have my number :)’
rascal: ‘just get married already, holy shit.’
“katelyn marie!” mercy yelled, making alex laugh. “alright, i’ll see you tonight! we’re not going anywhere super fancy, but you can dress up if you’d like.” “okay, thanks alex. see you tonight!” the pair waved and mercy climbed into her car. katelyn smirked at her older sister, whose face was as red as loudon the lobster. “shut up.” mercy mumbled, starting her car and heading back home. when she pulled out of the parking lot, she got a text from jimmie.
‘Alex said that you wanted to invite your parents? They can come along! I wanna meet the people who raised the next best thing.😁’
“holy shit, jimmie said i’m the next best thing!” mercy yelled, a huge smile on her face. “well, you are!” katelyn praised, in awe at how amazing her sister is. dinner with the new family is next, and the sisters couldn’t wait to tell their parents.
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nascar-fanfics · 2 years
the mason sisters: one
summary: a small introduction to the sisters, mercy gets the call that determines the rest of her career, and nerves start growing.
word count: 504
warnings: swearing
next chapter | masterlist
(a/n: i created a character descriptions carrd! it’s on the masterlist, which you can find here!)
“what are you listening to?” katelyn asked mercy-kay. “demons by hayley kioko. i’m working on my playlist to share with fans.” “ah. i should do that sometime. maybe we could collaborate a playlist on spotify?” “that’d be fun.” mercy-kay smiled, receiving a phone call from none other than rick hendrick. “holy shit. mr. h is calling me.” “WHAT??? ANSWER THAT!!” katelyn jumped out of her seat as mercy-kay took a deep breath and answered her phone. 
“hi, uh,” mercy clears her throat. “hi mr. h. is everything okay?” “yes, miss mason. in fact, i hope you accept this.” mercy’s face went white. “uh, accept what?” “the opportunity to drive for me, in the number five next season.” mercy-kay couldn’t believe what mr. h was saying. “mercy?” “absolutely sir, i would absolutely love to.” mercy took a deep breath, “when do i come down to sign the papers?” “anytime. just call me to let me know.” this is huge for the 20 year old. it felt like yesterday she was knocking on doors to raise money to get her own racecar. now she’s going to be driving for her dream team? she seriously couldn’t believe it. “is today good? three o’clock?” 
mercy-kay looked at the time, then at katelyn. she shook her fist and shut her eyes, her smile as big as alaska. “see you at three. bring katelyn, too.” mercy could hear mr. h’s smile through the phone. “absolutely sir. thank you so, so much for this opportunity. oh my god,” mercy chuckled, “you don’t know how much this means to me. thank you.” “not a problem, miss. i’ll see you at three.” “see you at three!” mercy ended the call and turned to katelyn. “so? what happened?” katelyn looked super excited. “I’M DRIVING THE FIVE FOR HENDRICK MOTORSPORTS!!!” “FUCKING WHAT??? OH MY GOD!!” katelyn hugged her sister as tight as she could. “i’m so so happy for you, merc! oh my god, this is amazing, holy shit.” “I CAN’T FUCKING BELIEVE IT!!” mercy hugged katelyn back, jumping up and down. “i have to tell mom and dad.” mercy grabbed katelyn’s hand, running to the living room from upstairs. “MOM! DAD!”
katelyn checked her phone for any notifications and noticed the time: 2:17. “hey, mercy, it’s 2:17. you should probably leave in about fifteen minutes. “hey, you’re coming with me, sis.” “what? this is about you, sis. i’m not interrupting this moment for you.” mercy shook her head, taking a sip of her mountain dew. “mr. h told me to bring you. guess it might be a free tour for you! hey, you might get to meet the other drivers~!” “mercy, we both know you’re going to be losing your mind afterwards, especially seeing alex.” mercy started blushing, tapping her pointer finger on her cheek; a nervous tick she’s had for years. three o’clock was coming fast and her nerves were growing as quickly as possible. something she had dreamed about ever since she was a little girl was finally coming true.
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nascar-fanfics · 2 years
the mason sisters masterlist
summary: growing up loving racing, two sisters finally make it into nascar. the oldest mason sister, 20-year-old mercy-kay is in the cup series driving the 5 mountain dew chevy for hendrick motorsports in 2021. her hero growing up, jimmie johnson, has kept his eye on her over the years and suggested to rick hendrick she take over the 5 car. the youngest mason sister, 18-year-old katelyn is driving the 26 wattpad chevy for hattori racing enterprises in the truck series in 2021. kevin harvick, her hero, had been following along in her career. both sisters have their heroes and couldn't believe what was happening. they have a ton in common, but the number one thing they have in common is that they are both rookies in each series. katelyn is starting her nascar career, while mercy-kay finally made it to the big leagues, driving for her favorite team and being coached by her hero. as the sisters go through their years of racing, they make new friends, enemies, and possibly lovers.
word count (so far): 36,379
warnings: swearing, periods, food, romantic relationships
character descriptions
nine - throwback edition
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nascar-fanfics · 2 years
Do you still write imagines?
hi!! i still do! i'm pretty slow when it comes to uploading stuff, since i'm busy with life and school 😭 i try my hardest to get the imagine out the week i get the request! :)
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nascar-fanfics · 6 years
Do you still do imagines?
yes! indeed, i do anon! pm me of you’d like one :)
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nascar-fanfics · 7 years
Hi I would like to request an imagine. My name is Allison, I have brown eyes and hair very tan and I would like it to be for Kyle Larson where his girlfriend breaks up with him and I comfort him amd end up kissing, please. Thank you!
just got this request and I shall do it! Thank you so much Allison for requesting this! This didn’t take much time, since I was thinking about doing this with another driver! :)) anyway here's your imagine @neverland-is-home14 !!!!
I get a text from my brother, Jamie, that Kyle isn’t doing so well. I get into my car and drive over to the track. The security guy knows who I am and lets me into the garage area. I head over to Jamie and ask him where he is.
“I saw him run over to his motor home… He’s probably over there right now. He told me what happened.”
“What happened? Did someone pass away?” I asked. He shook his head.
“Kaitlyn dumped him for his best friend.” Jamie sighed. “She’s such a whore.”
“What a fucking bitch!” I roll my eyes. “Thanks for telling me what happened Jamie!” I give him a hug and rush over to his motor home. I knock on the door and hear him yell “Go away, Kaitlyn! I don’t care about you anymore!”
“Ky, its Allison!”
I heard a few quick footsteps and a door open. I feel his arms wrap and squeeze my body tightly around my waist, as he sobs into my shoulder. I guide him back into his room and sit him down next to me, playing with his soft, dark brown hair. He looks up at me with bloodshot eyes, dried and wet tears streaks, and a sad look in his eyes.
“She cheated.” He quietly cried. “She cheated with my best friend.” He rested his head on my shoulder. “I don’t get it.”
I kissed his forehead and rubbed his back. “She wouldn’t’ve cheated if she loved you. I knew she really didn’t love you. I saw her with another guy, but I didn’t wanna tell you. She’s been doing this for years, Kyle. I’m sorry.” I hugged him again. His arms wrapped around me again, stroking my long, brown hair. He looked into my brown eyes again.
“Can you stay here with me tonight? I need someone to be here with me.”
“I will, Kyle.”
He smiled and quickly kissed my lips. My eyes widened after, and my cheeks were red as fuck.
“Fuck it.” I said and kissed him again. I knew he needed me, and I needed him.
“I love you, Allison.” His hands stroked my brown hair again.
“I love you too, Kyle.” I stroked his cheek, whiping the tears off his face.
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