nanikasplace · 4 years
It's here!!!!!!
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Summary: A Hook/Emma angel/demon AU. They hide in plain sight, the servants of heaven and hell. The angels and the demons, who can save your soul or damn it. They stand on opposite sides, they are the bringers of light and the agents of darkness, they are enemies in an eternal war, but what happens when an angel and a demon are inexplicably drawn to each other?
Read on FF.net here or on AO3 here
                                            Part Twenty-Four
The Sistine Chapel - May 6, 1527
The long train of her gown made a faint whispering sound against the floor as she glided the length of the chapel, the heavy gold satin rippling and flowing in waves over the fine marble and intricately laid mosaics. They would have been a showpiece in any other cathedral, but here they paled in comparison to the splendour of a thousand years’ worth of papal wealth that surrounded them. A few lanterns were still lit in the niches and alcoves set into the walls but the light was dying, flickering and growing even more dim with each step she took further and further into the shadowed heart of Christendom. It was in this place where a new pope rose upon the death of the old, crowned and gowned and bequeathed the Keys to the Kingdom as he ascended upon Saint Peter’s seat.
The ancient throne lay empty and abandoned on this night.
Her hair was a loose spill down her back and she wore no hood or veil to conceal it, normally an unthinkable breach of protocol for a woman entering the sacred site and a grave offence to the Church. But there was no one left to bar her entry, not that any mortal man could actually stop her from passing through any door to any room in this place, where even the holiest of relics, the priceless texts of scripture and verse, the sacred hearts of saints, the swords carried into battle during the Crusades, all paled in comparison to her.
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nanikasplace · 5 years
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365 Days of Captain Swan [Day 162]
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nanikasplace · 5 years
I had a shit day. Is there any way we might get a sneak at the next BH&H chapter? It is truly my favorite fan fic for CS. I reread it often and hope for an update all the time!
I feel you Anon cause I’m also not having the best of weeks right now. Ugh, real life sucks sometimes, doesn’t it? 
Anyway, here’s an excerpt from a flashback scene I’ve been working on, it’s a bit rough and will definitely need more editing, but I’m happy with how it’s been coming along so far.
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“Someone’s coming.”
The whispered announcement sent everyone to the dusty windows in a flurry of palpable dread. The long drive that led from the farmhouse to the road suddenly lit up with twin oblong lights, as yellow as the predatory eyes of a serpent. They were unmistakably headlamps, from a large vehicle that was making its way directly towards their refuge.
It was a cry of alarm that was quickly taken up by the rest of the group, white-faced and trembling with both exhaustion and fear. She forced herself to her feet and lurched towards the door, tossing a hurried, “Stay here,” over her shoulder.
“Emma! Emma, wait, no, it’s too dangerous-”
But she was already on the porch, her shoes scarcely touching the ground as she practically flew down the ramshackle steps and straight into the path of the oncoming car. The light hit her and there was a squeal of metal, rubber tires skidding on the gravel as whoever was behind the wheel obviously slammed hard on the brakes. The door on the driver’s side flung open and a tall figure emerged, face hidden in shadow but clad in an unmistakable dark uniform that elicited another shriek of fright from behind her. Emma could feel the pull as they silently urged her to return to the safety of their little flock and the push from his presence, trying to repel away her divinity like the blast of heat from a bonfire until he stepped forward and there was suddenly nothing except him.
“Engel,” Killian murmured when she flung herself at him, into his arms and lowering his voice even more while she buried her face in his shoulder. “Oh, blessed one. What have you done now?”
There was the shuffling of uncertain steps behind her and she felt Killian go stiff, his attention shifting to the small group she’d shepherded from the ancient Dutch-Flemish border and across half of occupied Belgium. She should pull herself away, come up with some explanation for why she was openly embracing what looked to them like a high-ranking member of the Nazi army who’d appeared from out of nowhere in a car more suited to a film star than an officer. But her head was too heavy to care about appearances, weighted down with a thousand unanswered prayers that flickered behind her eyes in an endless loop of misery and despair. She slumped against him, fingers curling in the wool of his uniform and knees buckling, almost sending her plummeting to the ground.
The demon caught her before she fell.
to be continued…
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nanikasplace · 5 years
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take me to church and concealed confessions [because damn] by @optomisticgirl​
“The female form - a divine nimbus exhales from it from head to foot,” he recited softly, bringing his hands up to rest on the door either side of her head. “It attracts with fierce undeniable attraction and I am drawn by its breath as if I were no more than a helpless vapor- all falls aside but myself and it.” Emma’s heart beat quickened as he shifted forward a fraction of an inch until she could feel his breath ghosting along her lips. “Hair, bosom, hips, bend of legs… love-flesh swelling and deliciously aching.”
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nanikasplace · 5 years
Oooooooh this fic needs more attention!!!!!
CS Fic Rec Monday - Take Me to Church
Author: @optomisticgirl
On ff.net here
Summary: Emma Swan returned to her southern hometown of Storybrooke to pick up the pieces of her last shattered relationship, determined to rebuild her life in the one place she swore she’d never return to. What she didn’t expect was the new priest and the journey of passion, love and redemption he would take her on. Priest!Killian, modern AU, Mature, 124,000 words, WIP
My rec: Now, first off, I’m a sucker for forbidden love stories so Father Jones facing temptation to forsake his vows for the lovely Emma Swan? Sign me the fuck up! But while the sexual tension between the two is off the charts and the eventual smut is definitely worth the wait, I’m going to highlight something else in particular I love about this fic and that’s the relationship between Emma and her mother, Mary Margaret. In short, mother and daughter don’t always see eye to eye. It’s beautifully written as a difficult, complicated relationship, which I think is a huge challenge in AUs where they don’t have the canon background of the curse to work with. B pulls it off masterfully here. 
Sexy, angsty, complicated…did I mention sexy? Cause hot damn (pun intended!) - if you haven’t read this fic yet, you’re seriously missing out!
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nanikasplace · 5 years
About Will...
Oh man was this season good on so many levels! And of all the things I could talk about here I just want to talk about poor traumatised Will Beyers.
While he was missing his best friends had, for a lack of a better word, the adventure of a lifetime, trying to find him and bonding in a most unusual way while sharing trauma. Growing from it. And they get him back, HE get's back, tries to go on as if everything is back to normal, only to get bodysnatched by an evil entity which traumatised him on a whole new level. His friends meanwhile go on another adventure, bonding even more. And he never goes along. He gets stuck every time.
His friends grew up into love angsty teenagers, and this poor boy is stuck constantly trying to grab the only thing that is solid ground to him - playing games with his friends. He's not in the party anymore. Not really. And he knows it. And it's fucking painfull to watch.
Him smashing castle Byers was more painfull to watch than anything this season, especially because it was his hiding place in the upside-down...
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nanikasplace · 5 years
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nanikasplace · 5 years
As an original Candy shipper I am torn...
Malex is so good but the MM chemistry also has me...
Now I'm all invested...
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Also as an original Roswell superfan I am happy to report that I really like the show and am looking forward to season 2 as the finale broke me. Thanks.
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nanikasplace · 5 years
Well shit, I did not see myself liking it this much
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nanikasplace · 5 years
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nanikasplace · 5 years
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nanikasplace · 5 years
Wait...that was it?!
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nanikasplace · 5 years
Me @ Serbia’s ballad
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nanikasplace · 5 years
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nanikasplace · 5 years
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Madonna? The big star?
Did you mean: Verka Serduchka?
Måns Zelmerlöw?
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nanikasplace · 5 years
Look at that cootie patootie! 😍😍😍
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nanikasplace · 5 years
Just as I was about to scream how boring this is, France comes through with the ballerina. You go girl!!!!
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