nancygraay · 6 years
RAD140 (Testolone): A True Replacement for Testosterone?
Creating the perfect body can be a difficult task. Many bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts have resorted to using anabolic steroids such as testosterone in order to give them a quick advantage. One thing is true: testosterone works. It builds muscle fast and speeds recovery like nothing else. Unfortunately, testosterone also has a tone of side effects and needs to be injected frequently. What if there was a way to achieve the same effects of testosterone without the side effects? Now there is, and it’s available in a SARM called RAD140.
What is RAD140
Radius Health created RAD140 to treat patients with muscle wasting conditions. They quickly found that RAD140 drastically increased muscle mass in test subjects. Because RAD140 is a SARM and not a steroid, it doesn’t have nearly as many side effects. Also, it can be taken orally (unlike testosterone). Testolone has shown to have an anabolic to androgenic ratio of 90:1. This means that testolone is nearly as anabolic as testosterone but has hardly any of the androgenic side effects (such as hair loss).
Benefits of RAD140
As I previously mentioned, RAD140 is truly a miracle SARM. It can be used for a variety of different uses. Just like YK-11, it can be used for both cutting and bulking cycles. I personally like to include testolone in all of my cycles. You can also “recomp” with RAD140 The goal of a recomp is to lose fat while you build muscle.
RAD140 Builds Muscle
If you’re looking to build some serious muscle mass, RAD140 is a great choice. Initial studies showed that patients taking testolone saw a large increase of muscle mass that was not found with the placebo group. For more serious muscle growth, you can consider stacking it with LGD 4033.
RAD140 Burns Fat
Another positive effect of RAD140 is it’s ability to burn fat. It’s very similar to testosterone in this aspect. You can stack it with ostarine or cardarine to increase fat loss in your cycle, but RAD140 works great as a standalone compound as well.
Increased Endurance
If you’re into cardio, you’re going to love RAD140. One of my favorite benefits of RAD140 is how it increases cardiovascular performance and elevates oxygen levels in the body. You will be able to run longer, train harder, and recover faster. Obviously, these are all important aspects when training to create the perfect body.
Treatment for Breast Cancer
This is probably not applicable to the majority of my audience, but I figured I’d touch on it. Originally when Radius Health was running their trials, they discovered that testolone could be used to treat breast cancer in females. Obviously, I don’t recommend using this SARM if you have any sort of serious medical conditions. If you have any risk of cancer, go see a doctor immediately.
Side Effects of RAD140
RAD140 is pretty gentle on the body. It does not produce many side effects at all. Because it has such a low androgenic rating, users do not have to worry about prostate enlargement or hair loss. Also, it does not convert to estrogen. That means no risk of gynocomastia, either. With that being said, if you experience discomfort then stop taking testolone. As with all SARMs, I recommend keeping a very clean diet and increasing your water intake to help stay hydrated.
Best Dosage for RAD140
If you’re considering taking RAD140, you’ll want to know what the best dose to take is. I recommend taking a daily dose of between 20mg and 30mg. Like I always say, I recommend taking a smaller dose the first week to see how your body reacts. More is not always better when it comes to SARMs. Take 10mg a day for the first week, and if all is well, you can increase the dosage. Because testolone is mild on the body, you can run it up to 16 weeks if you’d like. Here is an example cycle template you can follow:
Week 1: 10mg per day.
Weeks 2, 3, and 4: 20mg per day.
Weeks 5 through 16: 30mg per day
As you can see, my dosing schedule for this SARM works by slowly ramping up your dosage until you reach it’s maximum dose. If at any time during the cycle you feel like you’re getting good results, you might want to keep your dosage the same instead of increasing it further.
Half Life of RAD140
RAD140 has a half life of 16 hours. 16 hours is not considered short by any means, but users may opt to take half their dosage in the morning and the remaining half at night. Splitting doses like this will ensure that you’re reaching peak plasma levels.
Before and After Results of RAD140
Whether your’re looking at doing a bulking or cutting cycle, you’ll want to see some before and after pictures to know what results to expect. I researched some popular bodybuilding and fitness forums to see what kind of results people were getting on their cycles. The results, as you will see, are pretty astonishing. Here are some before and after pics I found:
As you can see from the pictures above, users typically get some really great results from using this SARM.
Buy RAD140 Online
Now that you’re ready to start your cycle, you’ll need to know where to buy RAD140 online. There is one thing you should know. Companies quite often fake their SARMs. Many companies label fake product as RAD140 and sell it to consumers. These companies know that most consumers don’t have an adequate way to test what they’re buying online. Because of this, I only recommend buying online from a trusted source such as Proven Peptides. They’ve been in business a long time, and they have all of their products independently tested by a 3rd party lab to guarantee purity.
Liquid vs Pills
If you follow my blog, you know that I only recommend buying SARMs in liquid form. When stored in pill form, SARMs lose their potentcy. Also, buying in liquid form allows you to split doses easily and get an accurate measurement of how much you are taking. For example, if you have capsules dosed at 20mg each, and you want to take 10mg twice a day, you won’t be able to.
Frequently Asked Questions
I try to be as extensive as possible with these guides. With that being said, people always have additional questions.
Does RAD140 cause suppression?
No, it does not. Testolone does not cause shut down of natural testosterone production.
Do I need a PCT after my cycle?
No, you do not. Because testolone does not cause any shut down, you do not need a post cycle therapy.
How long does it take to kick in?
Most users will find that RAD140 kicks in by week two. Results will be even more pronounced by week 4 and on. You will continue seeing more positive effects for the duration of your cycle.
Does RAD140 cause gyno?
No, testolone does not cause gyncomastia. It has no conversion to estrogen. You do not need to take an AI while on cycle.
RAD140 vs LGD 4033
Some people ask me which is the better SARM to take. It really depends on your goals. LGD 4033 is much better as a pure bulking agent. Testolone is a better SARM for more versatile uses. Of course, you can stack both together as well.
RAD140 vs Testosterone
This is a much more difficult question to answer. You might find better gains with steroids, but for most people the side effects will outweigh the benefits. You do not need to inject SARMs.
Closing Thoughts
I hope you found this guide on RAD140 to be beneficial. Remember, I am not a doctor. I am only a fitness guru who has been in the industry a long time. I write these guides to help others make their own decisions about SARMs and other performance enhancers. With that being said, I always invite you to ask questions if you have them. Also, you’re more than welcome to share your experiences with us in the comments section below. I hope you’ve found this write up useful, and I look forward to reading your comments. Finally, best of luck on your gains!
The post RAD140 (Testolone): A True Replacement for Testosterone? appeared first on 101SARMs.
RAD140 (Testolone): A True Replacement for Testosterone? syndicated from http://101sarms.com/
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nancygraay · 6 years
Stenabolic (SR9009): Exercise in a Pill or a Garbage SARM?
Stenabolic, also known as SR9009 is getting a lot of attention lately due to some headlines going around. Researchers have called this SARM “Exercise in a Pill” along a host of other names. Today we are going to take an in depth look at stenabolic and whether or not it lives up to the hype surrounding this new SARM.
What is Stenabolic AKA SR9009?
Stenabolic is commonly referred to as a SARM, but it’s actually a PPAR modulator. Chemically, it shares multiple properties to cardarine and has a lot of the same effects. First of all, it’s great at burning fat, which you can see in some of the studies below. Also, it appears to reduce inflammation which can be beneficial for recovery. Last but not least, SR9009 can drastically increase muscular endurance.
Studies Done on Stenabolic
Stenabolic has had a few positive studies done on it since it was created. One of the most memorable studies was of course done on mice. This is common with SARMs since human research is done at the final stage of development. Anyways, on to the study:
Mice injected with SR9009 lost over 60% more fat mass than the placebo. There was no change to diet or exercise amount.
The next study aimed to see if SR9009 worked in humans. Bottom line: it does.
Another study on humans showed a huge growth of new mitochondria in muscle cells. That’s a big deal. New mitochondria means better recovery and more muscle growth.
Results of Stenabolic
Increased fat loss
More cardiovascular endurance
A more toned, polished look
Ability to lose weight without changing diet
Faster recovery time
Is Stenabolic Safe?
While no SARMs are sold for human consumption (that’s the law!) – SR9009 is generally regarded as safe. I’ve personally read hundreds of different logs and reviews and never once came across one that reported adverse reactions. With that being said, I highly recommend using a support supplement when running any SARM. Support supplements are important to keep your body at peak performance while they incur minor stress from taking outside supplements. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water while running your cycle. If you follow that advice, you will remain safe and healthy while taking SR9009.
Side effects of Stenabolic
There aren’t many side effects you need to worry about stenabolic. However, I wouldn’t be doing my job properly if I didn’t tell you about my experience with this SARM. I personally felt mildly dehydrated during my run of SR9009. When I increased my water intake, I felt much better. Also, I felt some minor stomach discomfort when I ingested SR9009 on a full stomach.
Stenabolic Dosage Guide
Let’s talk about the best dose for stenabolic. Personally, I found some really good results with doses as low as 10mg per day. Most people recommend doses between 20mg a 30mg a day. I always suggest to people that you start with a lower dose and build up over seven days to see how your body adjusts to it.
Best Cycle for Fat Loss
Now that you’re ready to start dosing SR9009, check out my standard protocol for people looking to lose fat.
Week 1: 10mg SR9009 per day
Weeks 2, 3, 4: 20mg per day
Weeks 5-8: Between 20mg and 30mg per day (increase to 30 only if you feel good at 20)
If you follow that dosage protocol while using stenabolic, I guarantee that you will get the results you are looking for.
Stenabolic Pills vs Liquids vs Capsules
If you’ve read this blog at all, you probably already know the answer to this. Liquids are always the best option when taking SARMs. SARMs hold their potency better in liquid form. Also, liquid dosing makes it a lot easier to change doses when needed. When you buy pills or capsules, you run into a few issues. Number one, you never know if what you’re taking is real SARM or a fake. Second, if you want to increase your dose to 30mg and your capsules come in 20mg form, you’ll be out of luck.
Half Life of Stenabolic
Stenabolic has a very short half life. This is one of the major drawbacks about this particular SARM. Two to four hours is the half life of SR9009. Because of that, you need to dose it quite frequently. I suggest 4 times a day minimum. This can be a big downside to a lot of people. Especially those who don’t want to travel with SR9009 with them 24/7. Consider this when deciding if you want to incorporate it into your cycle.
Before and After Pics
Below you will find some before and after pictures of people who took SR9009. Keep in mind that all results are different, and that it’s extremely important to make sure your diet and exercise are finely tuned before you start taking stenabolic.
Where to Buy Stenabolic Online
Stenabolic is available for purchase online from many different retailers. There is one catch though. SR9009 can only be purchased as a research chemical. This is because the FDA has a strenuous process for approving new supplements, and unfortunately it has not been approved yet.
Another thing to consider is who you’re buying from. SARMs such as SR9009 are very commonly faked. It’s not uncommon for less reputable retailers to either sell completely fake product or even worse, steroids. I’m not saying steroids are bad, but you don’t want to take them by accident.
In my opinion, you should only buy SARMs from a company that gets verified 3rd party lab testing done on their products. That’s why I only suggest buying from Proven Peptides. They’ve been around a long time and have great prices too.
Stenabolic FAQ
I’ve been researching SARMs for multiple years. These are some of the questions I get asked most about stenabolic.
Can women take stenabolic?
Yes. SR9009 is not a steroid and does not viralize. Women and men can both take SR9009.
Do I need a PCT after taking stenabolic?
No, you do not. SR9009 does not suppress natural testosterone levels. You do not need to take a post cycle therapy after your cycle
Does Stenabolic cause gyno?
No, stenabolic does not cause gyno. It is physically impossible to get gynocomastia from taking SR9009. If you’re getting gyno on cycle, then your supplier gave you steroids instead of a real product.
How long does it take for stenabolic to kick in?
It varies a lot depending on the user. Results start by week 2 for most people. By week 3 you will have lost a substantial amount of fat loss. From that point, fat loss will be substantial and almost effortless.
Can I take stenabolic for bulking?
I wouldn’t recommend it for a bulking cycle. Quite simply, it’s just too good to used for anything other than cutting and recomping. If you don’t want to cut but still want to lose some fat, consider doing a recomp cycle.
Can I stack stenabolic with cardarine?
Absolutely. In fact, I highly recommend doing a stenabolic and cardarine stack. It’s probably one of the most potent stacks for burning a substantial amount of fat in a very short period of time. If you want to take it into overdrive, you can add in some YK11 as well.
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Stenabolic (SR9009): Exercise in a Pill or a Garbage SARM? syndicated from http://101sarms.com/
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nancygraay · 6 years
Ostarine (MK-2866): A Potent SARM For Bulking and Cutting
Ever since the rise of competitive bodybuilding, people have been looking for shortcuts to gain muscle and lose fat. In the past, the only way to achieve this was by using potent anabolic steroids. While these drugs were effective, they also came with a host of side effects. Ostarine is a first generation SARM that has proven to be a legal alternative to steroids. Best of all, it has very low chances of side effects, and it is extremely cost effective.
What is Ostarine aka MK-2866?
Ostarine is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator). Specifically, it targets receptors in the body to increase muscle mass and bone density. GTX, inc originally studied Ostarine to see how it could help patients with muscle wasting diseases in the 1990s. The results were a great success. Scientists found that ostarine has the ability to actually increase muscle mass and even shed unwanted fat very quickly. Because of this, many professional athletes and bodybuilders utilize MK-2866 in their cycles to improve overall physique.
Is Ostarine Safe?
Yes. One of the great benefits of this SARM is the fact that it is very mild and safe. It has been around a very long time, and is well studied. Side effects are usually very mild, if you experience them at all. Out of all the SARMs currently on the market, MK-2866 is considered one of the safest. If you decide to run a cycle, I recommend you do the following in order to optimize your health:
Drink plenty of water. You want to stay as hydrated as possible while on cycle. Doing so keeps your body fresh and less prone to side effects.
Take a support supplement. There are plenty of good on cycle support supplements out there. Check on Amazon or any other supplement website.
Get enough rest. Make sure you’re getting 8 hours of good sleep at night. Your body needs that extra sleep to keep up with the extra muscle gain.
Side effects of taking Ostarine
There aren’t too many side effects associated with taking MK-2866. With that being said, there are a few that need to be noted. Most notably is suppression of natural testosterone function. Let me be very clear: this is extremely rare. I’ve only seen it happen a few times, and it only happened with people who ran their cycle much longer than needed. You can easily avoid shutdown if you keep your cycle length under 8 weeks. 8 weeks on with 12 weeks off is recommended.
The only other side effect worth mentioning is increased blood pressure. Some users reported that they had some higher than normal BP levels. You can easily treat this by taking a natural blood pressure supplement.
Like I said, the side effects are very mild. Most people don’t get any at all. With that being said, always listen to your body and go see a doctor if you need to.
Benefits of Taking Ostarine
Ostarine comes with plethora of benefits for people who chose to use it on cycle. Objectively speaking, it is a great all around SARM for both fat loss and muscle gain. Depending on how you run it, and what dose you use, you can use it for a large variety of different effects and achieve different results. Personally, MK-2866 was one of the first SARMs that I used and I got great results using it to recomp (lose fat and gain muscle while keeping overall weight the same). Below I will share with you a few different ways ostarine can benefit your next cycle.
Ostarine Can Help You Lose Fat
One of the first things that people realize when they’re in the middle of an ostarine cycle is how quickly they lose fat. More so, results are intensified by combining MK-2866 with a low calorie diet if you want to really put the fat loss into overdrive. If you really want to get the most out of using ostarine for a cutting cycle, consider stacking it with cardarine and/or yk-11.
Ostarine Builds and Preserves Muscle
If you are planning on gaining some muscle during the offseason, this SARM will be a great pick for you. Ostarine has shown time and time again to be a solid choice for gaining muscle mass. Also, it is extremely gentle on the body as you read above. You can expect slow and steady gains with it and noticeable results in 6 to 8 weeks time. I recommend stacking with LGD-4033 for bulking cycles. Last, do not run your cycle past 8 weeks. Always give your body a break after cycle.
What is the Best Ostarine Dosage?
You want to make sure you’re running an appropriate dose of ostarine if you’re going to jump on cycle. If you run it too low, you might not get the results you’d expect. Likewise, running it too high will have diminishing results and you might experience more side effects than needed. Your dosage also depends on whether you are bulking or cutting. I prefer using smaller doses for cutting cycles since your main goal is going to be to preserve the muscle you already have rather than trying to add slabs of new muscle in a caloric deficit.
Dosage for bulking
For bulking cycles, I recommend ramping up to 30mg a day and keeping cycle length at 8 weeks. Here is an example ostarine dosage protocol for a traditional bulking cycle:
Week 1: 10mg a day, taken either in the morning or at night.
Weeks 2, 3, and 4: 20mg per day. You can take the dosage at once or split it up morning and night, whichever you prefer.
Weeks 5 though 8: Up the dose again to 30mg per day. I like to do a morning dose, a preworkout dose, and a final bedtime dose to maximize plasma levels.
Dosage for cutting
With cutting cycles, I recommend keeping the cycle length under 6 weeks and lowering the dose a bit. Here is my personal protocol for cutting cycles:
Week 1 through 3: 10mg a day taken in the morning
Weeks 4, 5, and 6: 20mg a day. I like to take 10mg in the morning and another 10mg at bedtime.
Ostarine Halflife
Ostarine has a half life of a little less than 24 hours. Due to this, you do not have to split your doses up throughout the day. I mainly do it out of habit. Technically, it shouldn’t matter whether you take it all at once or split it up, though.
Pills vs Liquids vs Capsules
If you read my blog often, you know that I only recommend getting liquid versions of SARMs. They are simply the best option. A lot of SARMs will break down and lose potency in a capsule or pill form and that is not safe or good for your gains. Also, getting the liquid form will make dosing easier.
Before and After Result Pictures
Here are some before and after pictures I found online of people running ostarine in their cycles. As you can see, the results are pretty great.
Both guys leaned up quite a bit. Also, you can see that the guy on the bottom got a great amount of vascularity as well. Last, both subjects lost a good amount of fat around the midsection and increased body composition a lot. I would say overall this is a great result for ostarine cycles.
Where to buy Ostarine online
If you’ve decided you’re ready to commit to doing a cycle of ostarine, there is one thing you need to know. This SARM is faked a lot. Some less reputable companies will sell you a bottle of prohormones or steroids while labeling it as ostarine. They do this because they want you to think the product is real, and some steroids such as superdrol are extremely cheap to manufacture. I highly suggest you either buy from Proven Peptides, which has consistently produced only the purest SARMs on the market, or do a lot of research on whoever you’re going to buy from.
Frequently Asked Questions
I get a lot of questions emailed to me about SARMs. I always do my best to answer all of them. With that being said, if you have any question about ostarine (or any other SARM), please respond in the comment section below and I will answer you within 24 hours. Here is a list of frequently asked questions I get about MK-2866:
Do I need a PCT for Ostarine?
Honestly I would recommend it. You shouldn’t need a pharma grade PCT for ostarine, though. There are plenty of good over the counter PCT supplements that you can grab online. It’s always better to be safe than sorry with these kind of things. Olympus Labs makes a great post cycle therapy supplement that you can purchase on Amazon for around $30.
How long does it take for ostarine to kick in?
Typically you will start seeing results kick in around week 2. By week 3 if you are training and dieting correctly you will start to transform. After week 4 you should see a noticeable change in the mirror every few days.
Does Ostarine cause gyno?
This is debatable. One one hand, you have people on the internet that swear that ostarine gave them gynocomastia. With that being said, there is absolutely no way that ostarine can cause gyno due to it’s chemical structure. It’s just not possible. Chances are that whoever made the claims most likely had a bunk supplement sold to them that was a dangerous steroid.
Closing words
Overall, ostarine is a great choice for someone who is just starting to get into SARMS. It’s also a great choice for experienced users who want to add a little extra “pop” in their next cycles. I hope you’ve enjoyed this article and please feel free to share your experiences with ostarine in the comments and also ask any questions you need answered. May the gains be with you!
The post Ostarine (MK-2866): A Potent SARM For Bulking and Cutting appeared first on 101SARMs.
Ostarine (MK-2866): A Potent SARM For Bulking and Cutting syndicated from http://101sarms.com/
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nancygraay · 6 years
MK-677 (Ibutamoren/Nutrobol): Versatile SARM for Freaky GH Levels
Since the golden age of bodybuilding, athletes have long known in the power of HGH (Human Grown Hormone). High levels of grown hormone contribute to increased muscle mass, better sleep, and higher protein synthesis. Combined with a good training routine, growth hormone is pound for pound one of the most powerful muscle building compounds ever created. Unfortunately, HGH is extremely expensive and needs to be injected more than 3 times a day to be effective. What if there was a way to get the same effects of growth hormone for a fraction of the cost, and without injecting? Well now there is. MK-677, also known as Ibutamoren or Nutrobol is causing waves in the fitness industry and may the be the best thing since sliced bread.
What is MK-677?
MK-677, also known as Ibutamoren, is a Growth Hormone secretagogue. It is taken orally (unlike HGH), and produces the same effect as injectable growth hormone. Users will experience huge gains in serum GH levels along with big spikes of IGF-1 levels. Luckily, MK-677 is easy to take, requires no injections, and is extremely cost effective. In my opinion, MK-677 is one of the most versatile SARMs out there, and is a great choice for bulking, cutting, and even recomp cycles.
Studies done on MK-677
There have been numerous studies done on Ibutamoren. All of these studies have shown similar results on human participants.
The first study, done in 1998, showed very promising results. This was a double blind study done over 28 days on a group of men. The study aimed to see how Ibutamoren effected the body’s ability to retain muscle mass in a caloric deficit. After 4 weeks, every single participant saw a huge reduction of body fat with absolutely 0 loss of muscle. Keep in mind this was done on a very restricted diet, which makes the study’s results even more impressive.
Another study proved that MK-677 was effective in increasing fat-free mass levels. Participants who received the placebo actually saw a drop of muscle levels, while the group receiving Nutrobol had an increase level of muscle mass along with a drop in fat. Check out the insane results below:
Results of MK-677
As you can see from the studies above, MK-677 results in a few major changes in the body. This SARM  an be used for multiple purposes. In retrospect, you can use it year round for both bulking and cutting.
MK-677 for Fat Loss
One great result of ibutamoren is it’s fat loss ability. MK-677 results in quicker results of fat loss than dieting alone. If you’re aiming to shred some pounds, this SARM is a great choice. One of the worst things about dieting is that you will always lose some muscle along with the fat. By taking Nutrobol, you won’t lose any fat whatsoever and instead might see some muscle gains while you’re restricting your caloric intake.
MK-677 for Building Muscle
First of all, higher levels of HGH and IGF-1 will lead to increased muscle mass regardless of how your diet looks. It has been speculated that very high level bodybuilders have been using MK-677 to achieve the insane amounts of muscle growth that happens in the off season between bodybuilding shows. Because it is so cheap to buy, many athletes choose to run it for long periods at a time (6-8 months). It is extremely effective at reducing recovery time and giving you that “alpha” feeling in the gym. Strength gains happen quick and are substantial.
Sleep Quality, Hair, Skin, and Nails
But that’s not all. Since MK-677 boosts levels of both growth hormone and IGF-1, users will experience better sleep quality as well. Sleep is a huge factor in how well you recover and how much gains you’ll achieve. Higher HGH levels will lead to better skin, hair, and nails as well. It’s really as good as it gets!
Best Dosage for MK-677
By now you’re probably ready to start implementing this fantastic SARM in your next cycle. You will want to make sure that you’re dosing it properly to achieve the results you want. If you dose it too low, you might be a little underwhelmed. Dose MK-677 too high and you will start to experience some mild, but annoying, side effects.
The best dose for MK-677 is around 20mg per day. You can take it with or without food.
What is the Half Life of MK-677?
MK-677 has a half life of 24 hours. What that means to you is that you only need to dose it once per day. Peak plasma concentrations happen about 8 hours in and will continue to build with each daily dose you take. This is another huge advantage of using MK-677 instead of HGH. Instead of injecting 3 to 5 times a day, you only need to take one dose a day and you take it orally just like other supplements.
Before and After MK-677 Pictures
Here are some before and after pictures from users who took MK-677. I looked online for some MK-677 logs and was able to find these astonishing photos. Check these out:
As you can see, the results are pretty insane. Users of this SARM can expect to lose 5-10lbs of body fat and gain a significant amount of muscle in the mean time. If you’re really looking to gain a lot of muscle while on cycle, consider stacking it with LGD-4033.
Side Effects of MK-677
There are not many MK-677 side effects that typically occur, but there is one main one that you should know about. It is referred to as “moon face”. It happens with real growth hormone injections along with Nutrobol. When your body has an excess level of growth hormone in the body, it will be retaining more water than normal. There is a remedy for moonface, and it’s called dandelion root. You can buy it on Amazon or at major supplement retailers as well. I highly suggest lowering your sodium intake while on Ibutamoren as well. Higher sodium levels will only increase your chances of getting moon face. If you keep your dose at 20mg or less, you should be good. If it gets unmanageable, you can always discontinue running MK-677 and switch to a different SARM.
Where to Buy MK-677
You can buy MK-677 online as a research chemical only. As of now, this is the only way to legally purchase SARMs online.
Also, I highly suggest buying MK-677 online from Proven Peptides. They’re one of the only companies out there that sends their SARMs to a third party company to test for purity and strength. There are a lot of companies out there selling bunk Ibutamoren in order to turn a profit on people who don’t know any better. If your product is pure, you will immediately know it by the results it brings.
My MK-677 Review
I personally took Ibutamoren of 16 weeks in order to evaluate how it affected my body. First of all, I noticed an immediate increase in sleep quality. Each day I felt well rested and ready to face the day. Next, I started seeing an increased level of strength in the gym. Every set I did felt light and I had insane amounts of energy in drive. Finally, I started seeing huge increases in muscle mass, and my belly tightened up a lot. I felt that over 4 months, I probably gained around 5lbs or muscle and lost a few pounds of fat in the process.
Commonly Asked Questions
Here at 101Sarms, we want you to be as educated as possible before you decide to start taking SARMs. Below you will find a list of commonly asked questions I get regarding Nutrobol. I will do my best to update it as more questions come in.
Do I need a PCT after taking MK-677?
No, you do not. This SARM does not affect your HPTA system so therefore you do not need a post cycle therapy.
What’s better: MK-677 Capsules or Liquids?
I ALWAYS recommend taking a liquid version over taking capsules or pills. The reasoning behind this is straightforward. SARMs can be incredibly unstable in powder form, and they hold their concentration better when mixed with a liquid stabilizer.
Should I take MK-677 in the Morning or at Night?
This is completely up to you. As I said, Nutrobol has a long halflife. It is not a short acting compound.  It really does not make a difference. Whatever is more convenient with you will work just fine.
What’s the Best Cycle Length?
Most people do an MK-677 cycle length of 12 to 16 weeks. Some bodybuilders are taking it year round with no problems. There have been multiple studies showing no adverse effects even up to 2 years. As with all SARMs, I recommend listening to your body and seeing how you react.
What Gains Can I expect?
First of all, this all depends on your cycle goals. On one hand, bulking cycles will lead to a gain of around 5lbs per month. In some cases, this can be more. Also, cutting cycles will lead to a body fat loss of around 2% per month, and will slowly even out over time.
Final Words
In conclusion, MK-677 is a fantastic SARM for anyone looking to gain muscle and lose fat. As you see, it is extremely versatile and can be used for multiple purposes. Remember to always listen to your body and see a doctor if anything troubles you. Best of luck to you on your fitness journey!
The post MK-677 (Ibutamoren/Nutrobol): Versatile SARM for Freaky GH Levels appeared first on 101SARMs.
MK-677 (Ibutamoren/Nutrobol): Versatile SARM for Freaky GH Levels syndicated from http://101sarms.com/
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nancygraay · 6 years
Cardarine: Breaking Down a Miracle Drug
Building the perfect physique can be extremely difficult. Everyone wants that perfectly chiseled look, but getting that final polished look can feel impossible even with the help of anabolic steroids. I’ve been a personal fitness trainer for over 10 years, and one of my favorite SARMs for fat loss is a drug called cardarine. It stacks well with other SARMs and compounds, has very little side effects, and is extremely versatile. In fact, I include it in every single cycle I run due to it’s high amount of cardiovascular benefits while on cycle. Cardarine is also great for it’s hardening effect and increased vascular efficiency.
What is Cardarine?
Cardarine is truly a unique drug that has numerous uses but is primarily utilized for weight loss. This particular drug, that’s also known by the name GW-501516, is identified as being a unique medication that binds to the PPAR receptor present in your body. It is well-known that drugs that target the PPAR receptor directly impact the metabolic rate of your body. When you take cardarine, it binds to the PPAR receptor and actually forces your body’s metabolic rate to increase. This alone increases how much fat you burn on a daily basis, and also improves cardiovascular endurance.
Cardarine was first synthesized by Ligand Pharmaceuticals and GlaxsoSmithKline in the early 1990s. They theorized that this drug could help prevent obesity and even cure diabetes. While results seemed promising, their human trials ended and they decided not to pursue this SARM further. It was found that in high doses, cardarine caused cancer in rats.
Does Cardarine Cause Cancer?
When Ligand and GSK ran their clinical trials on mice, they were going in blind. They had no idea what doses were going to be effective, so they injected mice with 2000mg per day for a total of 2 years. First of all, that’s an insanely high dose. Most people run an average dose of 20mg per day, and they only run cycles for 8 weeks. Unfortunately the damage had already been done when the news had broke, and they ceased trials of gw-501516. It wasn’t until 10 years later that bodybuilders and athletes started using this compound to get a competitive edge. As of 2018, there have not been any reports of cancer in users. Not a single one.
Benefits of Cardarine
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about the benefits of Cardarine. There were a lot of positive findings in the initial studies that can be beneficial to understand. This particular compound is extremely versatile and has many uses. Most people find that gw-501516  is a great tool for recomp and cutting cycles, but the truth is that you can use cardarine on a bulk too.
Cardarine helps lower body fat %
Another advantage of GW-501516 comes from it’s ability to raise the natural metabolic rate. By doing this, your body will burn more fat automatically. Many bodybuilders and pro athletes use cardarine to get that final “polished” look before a show. It is an extremely effective SARM for this purpose. Some people say it is as good as Anavar for fat loss. I personally use cardarine in all of my cutting cycles, due to the fact that it helps me shed off those last few stubborn pounds. I typically use it after I’m done with my winter bulk and as I lead up into my summer cut.
Increased cardio endurance
This is probably my favorite aspect of cardarine. Everyone hates cardio, including myself. Luckily for people like me, cardarine has the ability to actually increase your cardivascular endurance. What this means is that cardio (running, cycling, swimming) gets easier when you’re on this SARM. I gave it a test and after taking cardarine for 12 weeks, I was able to run a 10 mile race with very little difficulty. Normally I run around 3 miles before I start getting tired, but with GW-501516 I felt like I could go forever.
Lowered Risk of Diabetes
Remember those studies GSK did on rats taking cardarine? One of the findings resulted after giving them unhealthy diets along with a dose of cardarine. What they found was shocking. In the control group (rats not taking any SARM), they found that the rate of diabetes skyrocketed. However, in the group that was given cardarine, the risk for diabetes actually went down. This happened regardless of the bad diet. Cardarine has shown it’s ability to keep users from gaining body fat even when eating a lousy diet.
Cardarine for Recomping
A “recomp” is when you have the goal of losing fat while gaining muscle mass. This sarm (and maybe YK-11 too) is your best option for such a goal. My recommendation would be to stack cardarine and ostarine or yk-11 together to get a synergistic effect. You’ll have no problem losing body fat while gaining  muscle mass if you throw in a high protein diet, lift consistently, and run a few times a week.
What is the best Cardarine dosage?
If you’re thinking about running GW-50151  in your next cycle, you want to make sure you do it correctly. The normal dose for cardarine is 20mg per day. Most suppliers will supply cardaine in a dose that is similar to this, so it should be easy to take once you get your hands on it. You can take it with or without food. It does not matter either way. Also, I highly recommend getting a liquid solution instead of a capsule or pill form. Usually the liquid solutions are much more stable and will retain their dose better.
What is the half life of cardarine?
Cardarine has a half life of around 22 hours. Because of this, you only need to dose it once per day. If your supplier gives it in 10mg doses, you can also dose cardarine morning and night to keep blood plasma levels steady throughout your cycle.
Before and After Results of Cardaine
Depending on your cycle goals, you’ll want to know what kind of results to expect of cardaine. Because this SARM has so many different uses, it really comes down to how you plan on using it.  Here are some before and after pics I found to give you an idea of what you can look forward to:
As you can see, most people tend to lose around 5 to 10lbs of fat. You can also see the polished look I was talking about before. If you stack with ostarine, you can achieve much more muscle mass while continuing to lose some fat as well.
Where to buy Cardarine online
Cardarine is for sale at numerous websites and online vendors. They will all label this SARM “for research use only”. Cardarine is not approved for human consumption by the FDA. With that being said, I highly recommend buying from Proven Peptides. They’re one of the only places that lab tests their materials to make sure that you’re getting what you pay for. Some shady companies spike their products with steroids which are cheaper to produce. Definitely avoid those companies.
Commonly asked questions
If you have any questions regarding this SARM that I didn’t already answer here, feel free to post in the comments below and I will address it. I promise to answer anyone who has a legit question. With that being said, here are some of the more commonly asked questions I get asked.
How long does it take cardarine to kick in?
Typically it takes about 2 weeks to start noticing the increased cardiovascular endurance. You’ll notice things like running become much easier after two weeks of taking a 20mg dose. Fat loss is gradual, but you should really see a difference around a month in.
Will cardarine shut me down?
No it will not. That is one of my favorite parts about this SARM. It does not interfere with your body’s natural testosterone production.
Do I need a PCT for Cardarine?
Nope. As stated above, GW-501516 will not affect your HPTA system at all. Your body will not shut down at all like it will with steroids.
Does Cardarine cause gyno?
NO! It does not touch anything that regulates estrogen. Therefore, gynocomastia is not an issue or anything to worry about. If you got gyno from cardarine, your source was bunk and likely spiked with steroids.
How long is a good cardarine cycle?
You should take GW-501516 for around 8 weeks as you see fit. I’ve extended my cycles up to 20 weeks with no big issue. It’s also great if you’re on trenbolone, because it can counteract the endurance issues caused by that. I will normally take it anywhere from 12 to 20 weeks. Others suggest around 8 weeks. Always listen to your body and see how you feel.
Closing thoughts
I hope you’ve enjoyed this guide on cardarine. My aim is to always educate and help people make good choices. If you have any question about this sarm, or any sarm in general, post it in the comments section below. As always, we want to hear about your experiences. Please post all tips, suggestions, and reviews in the comments below.
The post Cardarine: Breaking Down a Miracle Drug appeared first on 101SARMs.
Cardarine: Breaking Down a Miracle Drug syndicated from http://101sarms.com/
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nancygraay · 6 years
YK-11: Most Powerful SARM Ever Created?
Ever since the rise of bodybuilding in the 20th century, scientists have been pushing the envelope with new ways to increase muscle mass in humans. Researchers always assumed that the only way for a human to get to inhuman levels of muscle was by using anabolic steroids. These drugs, while extremely effective, all work the same way: by introducing an outside hormone to the body.  While steroids do indeed build muscle mass, they come with a whole host of side effects. What if you could achieve similar results without the side effects? Now you can, and you can do it with a SARM called YK-11.
What is YK-11
YK-11 is potentially the most powerful muscle building compound on the entire planet. I know that is a huge claim, but I will back it up. Out of all the SARMs I discuss on this site, I truly believe that YK11 is the most versatile and pound for pound strongest for building muscle mass. While other SARMs target specific androgen receptors in the body, YK11 actually inhibits myostatin. I’ll talk more about myostatin and follistatin next, but for now just know that the holy grail of building muscle is to inhibit myostatin. Before YK 11 hit the market, pharmaceutical companies have spent millions trying to figure out how to achieve this feat.
Myostatin and Why it’s Killing Your Gains
Myostatin is a myokine protein found in the body that serves one purpose: to prevent muscles from getting larger. Unless you have a rare condition, you have plenty of myostatin floating around in your body at this very moment. Even though you work out for hours and keep your diet clean, the simple fact is this: until you can lower the amount of myostatin in your body, you are not reaching your potential (ever). It sounds terrible, and it is.
This is why YK-11 is so exciting. It has the ability to drastically lower the amount of myostatin in your body. Just look at what happens when a cow is born with a myostatin deficiency:
Believe me when I say this. I have been in the fitness industry for over 10 years. Not once have I ever been so excited for a SARM (or any compound for that matter) to hit the market. YK-11 has the ability to completely transform your physique in ways previously unimaginable.
YK-11 Dosage
If you’re considering doing a cycle of YK11, you’re going to want to know how to dose it properly. For most users, 10mg per day is a good place to start. I also highly suggest splitting the doses and taking 5mg in the morning and 5mg at night. This SARM has a shorter half life, so you’re going to want to take it twice daily for the best results. The highest I’ve ever seen someone run this compound was at 25mg per day, and he had some insane gains. If you plan on doing a cycle, I’d suggest following a protocol similar to the one below:
Week one: 5mg in the morning and 5mg at night.
Week 2, 3, 4: Same as week one.
Weeks 5 – 8: Up dosage to 15mg per day. Do 5mg in the morning, 5mg pre work out, and 5mg at night.
Weeks 8-12 (optional): Up the dosage again to 20mg per day. Take 5mg in the morning, 10mg pre workout, and 5mg at night.
  Is YK-11 better for bulking or cutting?
This is one of the reasons I love this SARM so much. It is extremely versatile and can be used for both. Typically I would advise to keep the dosage lower for cutting cycles, since your goal is going to be to maintain as much muscle mass as possible while you lose weight. If you are bulking, you can assess your tolerance and ramp all the way up to 20mg per day if you feel comfortable. A lot of users like to stack it with LGD 4033 for bulking as well.
What results to expect
By now you are probably just as excited as I am about this compound. Because of that, you want to know what kind of results to expect from your cycle of YK-11. This is going to depend on a lot of factors. The most obvious ones are what your training and diet look like. Another thing that can play a role is the dose you’re running. If you’re running the average dose of 10mg per day, it’s safe to say that you can expect the following:
For bulking cycles: Gains of 10 to 15lbs of muscle for 8 week cycles are not unheard of while running YK 11. Hardly any fat will be accumulated if your diet is good and protein intake is high.
For cutting cycles: Gains of 5 to 10lbs of muscle alongside 5 to 10lbs of fat loss are common. Keep your total calories down between 500 to 1000 of your TDEE during a cutting cycle.
Side Effects
Another reason that I love this SARM so much is that it does not possess any of the side effects that are normally found with steroids and other harsher SARMs. There is no risk for hair loss or gyno (gynocomastia aka man boobs). With that being said, listen to your body. If you feel that something is wrong then immediately stop taking it at once. I know one person who got diarrhea from taking YK-11 but that’s about the worst that can happen. Compared to steroids, this is very easy on the body.
Where is YK-11 for sale?
Unfortunately, you’re most likely not going to find YK11 at your local supplement store. Most SARMs, are only sold online as “research chemicals”. They are not approved for human consumption by the FDA. Because of that, you can only buy them from a manufacturer who labels them as such.
Something extremely important to look out for is the growing problem of fake yk-11 on the market today. You want to make sure that you buy yk11 from a reputable site that gets 3rd party lab testing done on their raw materials before selling to the public. This is why I recommend Proven Peptides. They’re one of the only companies that spends money to have their products tested before they make each batch. I’ve been using them for years and they have always delivered a quality product.
Commonly asked questions
If you’ve decided that this compound is going to make a great addition to your training routine, you most likely have some questions. Here are some commonly asked questions regarding YK11:
Do I need a PCT for YK11?
No, you do not. This SARM will not shut down your natural testosterone in any way. You do not need a post cycle therapy after running it.
Can I stack YK11 with LGD 4033 or Test?
Yes! Stacking YK with LGD 4033 is extremely popular among people who are bulking. You can also stack it with test e if you’re running it. One of the main benefits to this chem is that it stacks very well with other steroids and sarms.
Does it cause gyno?
NO! There is no conversion to estrogen with this or any other SARM for that matter. Gynocomastia is impossible.
How much does YK-11 Cost?
The cost of YK11 depends on who you get it from. Proven peptides is one of the most affordable suppliers out there. They charge $44.99 for a small bottle. You can also get bigger sizes for a discount.
Is YK 11 Safe?
Yes, it is very safe when used responsibly. Drink plenty of water and monitor your body to make sure there are no adverse reactions going on. As always, if you don’t feel right then immediately stop taking this and all other SARMs and go see your doctor.
Final Words
YK-11 is a fantastic addition for anyone who wants to gain strength, size, and definition. It is extremely safe, versatile, and easy to dose. It stacks well with other compounds and it makes a great cycle base as well.
The post YK-11: Most Powerful SARM Ever Created? appeared first on 101SARMs.
YK-11: Most Powerful SARM Ever Created? syndicated from http://101sarms.com/
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nancygraay · 6 years
LGD 4033 (Ligandrol): Ultimate SARM for Muscle Growth
LGD 4033 (also known as ligandrol) is one of the most popular SARMs on the market today. Although it is not a steroid, it has the ability to increase muscle mass very quickly. Because of this, it is extremely popular in the fitness and bodybuilding and fitness communities. Today we will look at this SARM in depth, including safety consideration when incorporating LGD-4033 into your cycle.
What is LGD 4033
LGD 4033 is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. Basically, it is a compound that targets specific androgens in the body. In this case, it specifically targets muscle growth and increased bone density. LGD 4033 is able to do this without increasing prostate size, which is one of the more common side effects of using anabolic steroids.
In a nutshell: ligandrol helps you build muscle mass without a ton of side effects. It has also been shown to not be nearly as suppressive as testosterone, which means you can cycle it without having fear of long term shutdown.
Because of the legality of SARMs, you can only buy LGD 4033 online as a research chemical. This is how companies get away with selling it legally. Until it is approved by the FDA, this will be the only way to buy LGD 4033 online.
Is LGD 4033 Safe?
There have been multiple studies done on this compound in the last few years. Each one has shown the following:
LGD 4033 has very little toxicity in the body
Subjects who were given this SARM increased lean body mass (muscle) and bone density)
Mild suppression of testosterone when taken for long periods of time.
Side Effects
There have not been many side effects reported with this particular sarm. It does not appear that LGD causes any hair loss or male pattern baldness. In clinical trials, it was shown that prostate size was not effected. What about gyno? People always ask me that. The great thing is that SARMs do not convert to estrogen, so gyno is not an issue.
How to Correctly Dose LGD-4033
Ligandrol is a relatively new compound, but after many user experiences, people have found the “sweet spot” for dosing to be around 10mg per day. In clinical trials, doses as low as 1mg per day were shown to increase lean body mass. Anything higher than 10mg per day usually causes side effects (explained below). A good break down of an LGD 4033 cycle is as follows:
First week: 2mg in the morning, 3mg at night.
Second week: 3mg in the morning, 3mg at night.
Third Week: 5mg in the morning, 5mg at night.
Week 4 through six: Continue the same protocol as week 3.
I usually suggest keeping cycles at 6 weeks. The reason I like to ramp up the dosage slowly is to give the body time to adapt to the compound and measure side effects. Because studies show that LGD is effective even at doses as low as 1mg per day, there’s no reason to jump right into 10mg per day right off rip. More experienced users can go up to 8 or even 12 weeks, just make sure you follow a proper PCT protocol when you come off in order to get your natural testosterone levels back up to par.
What about cutting?
I usually don’t advise using this SARM for cutting. Studies show it doesn’t have much effect on lowering bodyfat. Consider cardarine and ostarine if you want to do a good cutting stack. If you must use ligandrol for cutting, I would advise a very low calorie diet along with high cardio and 10mg per day. Doing this will allow you to preserve muscle mass in your caloric deficit.
What Gains Can I Expect from LGD 4033?
The gains from LGD 4033 are usually pretty rapid. Most users seem to find themselves adding around 10lbs or muscle over the course of a 4 to 6 week cycle. It is important to keep your protein intake very high during this time. This sarm is incredible at increasing protein synthesis.
With that being said, make sure you work out hard, keep your protein intake high, and get adequate sleep. By doing this, you will achieve the results you’re looking for.
Before and After Pics
I looked around the internet for before and after pictures. Here’s what I found for people taking LGD 4033:
As you can see, the results of a cycle can be very drastic if done correctly.
Buy LGD 4033 Online
Buying ligandrol from a reputable source online can be difficult. There are a lot of fakes out there. Many companies are actually selling dangerous prohormones labeled as SARMs to unsuspecting customers. Because of this, I only suggest buying from Proven Peptides. Proven Peptides has their batched independently tested. You can find the results on their website.
LGD 4033 Capsules vs Pills vs Liquid
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Most people selling LGD-4033 pills are selling fakes. Why? Because this SARM in particular is not very stable in powder form.  Proven Peptides only sells liquid solutions for this reason. Simply measure out your dose with the included dropper, put it in your mouth, and swallow. I find it easy to wash down with water or milk, too. It doesn’t taste any worse than your normal liquid medications.
There are tons of reviews out there. What you’ll find across the internet will all be very similar. The truth is that LGD 4033 causes quick muscle growth with very little side effects. There has been people out there who have abused this sarm in the same way a rookie abuses steroids. You simply need to listen to your body.
If you’re looking to increase the amount of muscle mass on your body, ligandrol is the sarm for you.
The post LGD 4033 (Ligandrol): Ultimate SARM for Muscle Growth appeared first on 101SARMs.
LGD 4033 (Ligandrol): Ultimate SARM for Muscle Growth syndicated from http://101sarms.com/
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nancygraay · 6 years
LGD 4033 (Ligandrol): Ultimate SARM for Muscle Growth
LGD 4033 (also known as ligandrol) is one of the most popular SARMs on the market today. Although it is not a steroid, it has the ability to increase muscle mass very quickly. Because of this, it is extremely popular in the fitness and bodybuilding and fitness communities. Today we will look at this SARM in depth, including safety consideration when incorporating LGD-4033 into your cycle.
What is LGD 4033
LGD 4033 is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. Basically, it is a compound that targets specific androgens in the body. In this case, it specifically targets muscle growth and increased bone density. LGD 4033 is able to do this without increasing prostate size, which is one of the more common side effects of using anabolic steroids.
In a nutshell: ligandrol helps you build muscle mass without a ton of side effects. It has also been shown to not be nearly as suppressive as testosterone, which means you can cycle it without having fear of long term shutdown.
Because of the legality of SARMs, you can only buy LGD 4033 online as a research chemical. This is how companies get away with selling it legally. Until it is approved by the FDA, this will be the only way to buy LGD 4033 online.
Is LGD 4033 Safe?
There have been multiple studies done on this compound in the last few years. Each one has shown the following:
LGD 4033 has very little toxicity in the body
Subjects who were given this SARM increased lean body mass (muscle) and bone density)
Mild suppression of testosterone when taken for long periods of time.
Side Effects
There have not been many side effects reported with this particular sarm. It does not appear that LGD causes any hair loss or male pattern baldness. In clinical trials, it was shown that prostate size was not effected. What about gyno? People always ask me that. The great thing is that SARMs do not convert to estrogen, so gyno is not an issue.
How to Correctly Dose LGD-4033
Ligandrol is a relatively new compound, but after many user experiences, people have found the “sweet spot” for dosing to be around 10mg per day. In clinical trials, doses as low as 1mg per day were shown to increase lean body mass. Anything higher than 10mg per day usually causes side effects (explained below). A good break down of an LGD 4033 cycle is as follows:
First week: 2mg in the morning, 3mg at night.
Second week: 3mg in the morning, 3mg at night.
Third Week: 5mg in the morning, 5mg at night.
Week 4 through six: Continue the same protocol as week 3.
I usually suggest keeping cycles at 6 weeks. The reason I like to ramp up the dosage slowly is to give the body time to adapt to the compound and measure side effects. Because studies show that LGD is effective even at doses as low as 1mg per day, there’s no reason to jump right into 10mg per day right off rip. More experienced users can go up to 8 or even 12 weeks, just make sure you follow a proper PCT protocol when you come off in order to get your natural testosterone levels back up to par.
What about cutting?
I usually don’t advise using this SARM for cutting. Studies show it doesn’t have much effect on lowering bodyfat. Consider cardarine and ostarine if you want to do a good cutting stack. If you must use ligandrol for cutting, I would advise a very low calorie diet along with high cardio and 10mg per day. Doing this will allow you to preserve muscle mass in your caloric deficit.
What Gains Can I Expect from LGD 4033?
The gains from LGD 4033 are usually pretty rapid. Most users seem to find themselves adding around 10lbs or muscle over the course of a 4 to 6 week cycle. It is important to keep your protein intake very high during this time. This sarm is incredible at increasing protein synthesis.
With that being said, make sure you work out hard, keep your protein intake high, and get adequate sleep. By doing this, you will achieve the results you’re looking for.
Before and After Pics
I looked around the internet for before and after pictures. Here’s what I found for people taking LGD 4033:
As you can see, the results of a cycle can be very drastic if done correctly.
Buy LGD 4033 Online
Buying ligandrol from a reputable source online can be difficult. There are a lot of fakes out there. Many companies are actually selling dangerous prohormones labeled as SARMs to unsuspecting customers. Because of this, I only suggest buying from Proven Peptides. Proven Peptides has their batched independently tested. You can find the results on their website.
LGD 4033 Capsules vs Pills vs Liquid
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Most people selling LGD-4033 pills are selling fakes. Why? Because this SARM in particular is not very stable in powder form.  Proven Peptides only sells liquid solutions for this reason. Simply measure out your dose with the included dropper, put it in your mouth, and swallow. I find it easy to wash down with water or milk, too. It doesn’t taste any worse than your normal liquid medications.
There are tons of reviews out there. What you’ll find across the internet will all be very similar. The truth is that LGD 4033 causes quick muscle growth with very little side effects. There has been people out there who have abused this sarm in the same way a rookie abuses steroids. You simply need to listen to your body.
If you’re looking to increase the amount of muscle mass on your body, ligandrol is the sarm for you.
The post LGD 4033 (Ligandrol): Ultimate SARM for Muscle Growth appeared first on 101SARMs.
LGD 4033 (Ligandrol): Ultimate SARM for Muscle Growth syndicated from http://101sarms.com/
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nancygraay · 6 years
LGD 4033 (Ligandrol): Ultimate SARM for Muscle Growth
LGD 4033 (also known as ligandrol) is one of the most popular SARMs on the market today. Although it is not a steroid, it has the ability to increase muscle mass very quickly. Because of this, it is extremely popular in the fitness and bodybuilding and fitness communities. Today we will look at this SARM in depth, including safety consideration when incorporating LGD-4033 into your cycle.
What is LGD 4033
LGD 4033 is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. Basically, it is a compound that targets specific androgens in the body. In this case, it specifically targets muscle growth and increased bone density. LGD 4033 is able to do this without increasing prostate size, which is one of the more common side effects of using anabolic steroids.
In a nutshell: ligandrol helps you build muscle mass without a ton of side effects. It has also been shown to not be nearly as suppressive as testosterone, which means you can cycle it without having fear of long term shutdown.
Because of the legality of SARMs, you can only buy LGD 4033 online as a research chemical. This is how companies get away with selling it legally. Until it is approved by the FDA, this will be the only way to buy LGD 4033 online.
Is LGD 4033 Safe?
There have been multiple studies done on this compound in the last few years. Each one has shown the following:
LGD 4033 has very little toxicity in the body
Subjects who were given this SARM increased lean body mass (muscle) and bone density)
Mild suppression of testosterone when taken for long periods of time.
Side Effects
There have not been many side effects reported with this particular sarm. It does not appear that LGD causes any hair loss or male pattern baldness. In clinical trials, it was shown that prostate size was not effected. What about gyno? People always ask me that. The great thing is that SARMs do not convert to estrogen, so gyno is not an issue.
How to Correctly Dose LGD-4033
Ligandrol is a relatively new compound, but after many user experiences, people have found the “sweet spot” for dosing to be around 10mg per day. In clinical trials, doses as low as 1mg per day were shown to increase lean body mass. Anything higher than 10mg per day usually causes side effects (explained below). A good break down of an LGD 4033 cycle is as follows:
First week: 2mg in the morning, 3mg at night.
Second week: 3mg in the morning, 3mg at night.
Third Week: 5mg in the morning, 5mg at night.
Week 4 through six: Continue the same protocol as week 3.
I usually suggest keeping cycles at 6 weeks. The reason I like to ramp up the dosage slowly is to give the body time to adapt to the compound and measure side effects. Because studies show that LGD is effective even at doses as low as 1mg per day, there’s no reason to jump right into 10mg per day right off rip. More experienced users can go up to 8 or even 12 weeks, just make sure you follow a proper PCT protocol when you come off in order to get your natural testosterone levels back up to par.
What about cutting?
I usually don’t advise using this SARM for cutting. Studies show it doesn’t have much effect on lowering bodyfat. Consider cardarine and ostarine if you want to do a good cutting stack. If you must use ligandrol for cutting, I would advise a very low calorie diet along with high cardio and 10mg per day. Doing this will allow you to preserve muscle mass in your caloric deficit.
What Gains Can I Expect from LGD 4033?
The gains from LGD 4033 are usually pretty rapid. Most users seem to find themselves adding around 10lbs or muscle over the course of a 4 to 6 week cycle. It is important to keep your protein intake very high during this time. This sarm is incredible at increasing protein synthesis.
With that being said, make sure you work out hard, keep your protein intake high, and get adequate sleep. By doing this, you will achieve the results you’re looking for.
Before and After Pics
I looked around the internet for before and after pictures. Here’s what I found for people taking LGD 4033:
As you can see, the results of a cycle can be very drastic if done correctly.
Buy LGD 4033 Online
Buying ligandrol from a reputable source online can be difficult. There are a lot of fakes out there. Many companies are actually selling dangerous prohormones labeled as SARMs to unsuspecting customers. Because of this, I only suggest buying from Proven Peptides. Proven Peptides has their batched independently tested. You can find the results on their website.
LGD 4033 Capsules vs Pills vs Liquid
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Most people selling LGD-4033 pills are selling fakes. Why? Because this SARM in particular is not very stable in powder form.  Proven Peptides only sells liquid solutions for this reason. Simply measure out your dose with the included dropper, put it in your mouth, and swallow. I find it easy to wash down with water or milk, too. It doesn’t taste any worse than your normal liquid medications.
There are tons of reviews out there. What you’ll find across the internet will all be very similar. The truth is that LGD 4033 causes quick muscle growth with very little side effects. There has been people out there who have abused this sarm in the same way a rookie abuses steroids. You simply need to listen to your body.
If you’re looking to increase the amount of muscle mass on your body, ligandrol is the sarm for you.
The post LGD 4033 (Ligandrol): Ultimate SARM for Muscle Growth appeared first on 101SARMs.
LGD 4033 (Ligandrol): Ultimate SARM for Muscle Growth syndicated from http://101sarms.com/
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