named-jiang-or-wang · 5 months
the thing that sucks is that people love saying sleep early is good etc etc and yeah it is. I've seen some benefits before. but I think it sucks to ignore that late night is the only time with any freedom. I think it sucks to not acknowledge the dread in waking up and it's a work day again
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named-jiang-or-wang · 5 months
every morning i wake up and make the worst possible time management decisions anyone has ever made
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named-jiang-or-wang · 5 months
I love Hideo Kojima he makes multiple games where characters give long winded monologues (that he personally wrote) about how US entertainment media is designed to manufacture consent for the military, and then he’ll spend 3 days gushing about Top Gun
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named-jiang-or-wang · 6 months
Thats one drippy warlord
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Inkling Barraki Kalmah for _KZN02 on twitter
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named-jiang-or-wang · 6 months
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named-jiang-or-wang · 6 months
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named-jiang-or-wang · 6 months
Not saying that Hollywood studios are committing blatant financial fraud or anything, but the writer of the original Men in Black being told that after 3 sequels, a hit song, a WB cartoon series and a comic book being told “this franchise has never made money” is rather shady.
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Didn’t Mark Hamill say they once sent him a letter every year claiming Star Wars never made any money?
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named-jiang-or-wang · 7 months
To people who use "þ" as an aesthetic "p"
þink again.
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named-jiang-or-wang · 7 months
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You up? Alex Krokus
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named-jiang-or-wang · 7 months
Historical Chinese Barbies
English added by me :)
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named-jiang-or-wang · 7 months
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nightly spiral
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named-jiang-or-wang · 8 months
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posts that make me want to rip my heart out part 6
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named-jiang-or-wang · 8 months
“But the 8-hour workday is too profitable for big business, not because of the amount of work people get done in eight hours (the average office worker gets less than three hours of actual work done in 8 hours) but because it makes for such a purchase-happy public. Keeping free time scarce means people pay a lot more for convenience, gratification, and any other relief they can buy. It keeps them watching television, and its commercials. It keeps them unambitious outside of work. We’ve been led into a culture that has been engineered to leave us tired, hungry for indulgence, willing to pay a lot for convenience and entertainment, and most importantly, vaguely dissatisfied with our lives so that we continue wanting things we don’t have. We buy so much because it always seems like something is still missing.”
— Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed  (via becoming-vverevvolf)
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named-jiang-or-wang · 8 months
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Credit: artsydoe
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named-jiang-or-wang · 8 months
every so often im struck by the memory of one of my college professors getting very angry with our class (art history of pompeii 250) because when she excitedly detailed the ingenious roman invention of heated floors in bathhouses via hearths in small crawlspaces, we asked who was tending the fires. she said "oh, slaves i suppose. but that isnt the point". and we said that it actually very much was the point. she had just told us that in roman society there were dozens of people, maybe hundreds, who spent every day of their enslaved lives crawling in cramped, hot, smoky tunnels to light fires to warm pools of water (which they were not allowed to swim in). how could that not be the point?
she wanted us to focus on the art, on the innovation of heated plumbing, on the tiles and decorations of the bathhouses, and all we wanted to do was learn more about the people under the floors. and she didn't know anything more about that. in fact, she said she thought we were focusing too much on superfluous details.
it feels almost hokey to put too fine a point on the idea im getting at here but i will anyway: There are a lot of people who are still under the floors. all these beautiful, convenient, brilliant innovations of modern society (think fast fashion, chatgpt, uber, doordash) are still powered by people working in inhumane, untenable conditions.
the people who run these systems want you to focus on the good - who doesnt love warm water? - but if anything is going to improve or change in our lifetimes, you need to examine these things with an attentive, critical, and empathetic eye. and for fucks sake stop ordering from amazon
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named-jiang-or-wang · 8 months
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named-jiang-or-wang · 8 months
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UltraHamsters and Guilliham
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