naiyanoouji · 10 years
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{ ☠ } ———— He laughed haughtily, not able to hide it as a mere chuckle once more as she gave her request. He prided himself on being a cunning villain, able to see through tricks with ease for most of the time. She wouldn't be let off so easily.
"Oh, of course you could!... If I owed you a kindness. However, I owe you nothing, therefore you shan't. So terribly sorry, Lilly-flower."———— { ☠ }
(To Sonia) "You... You're the heiress to the Novoselican throne, correct? Or, rather, /were/ the heiress?"
((I’m guessing this is post-despair, right? So sdr2 spoilers ahead!))
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"Who are you, and why do you care?"
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
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{ ☠ } ———— His mind should have boggled with self-doubting questions concerning her mortality and his worthiness as a leader, but he had grown far accustomed to being surprised at who had left alive, so he thought nothing of it. Instead, he drew his coat tighter around his body, attempting to shield his body from the piercing gales.
"...Shame on me for believing your country had entered springtime. Yes, I do believe we should converse indoors. I... Have several questions for you, you see. Originally I had no such questions, but upon seeing you, they arise by pure necessity." ———— { ☠ }
♛ +6
61813 || naiyanoouji || rakki-kibo || diamondscantbebroken || tzetsyui || m-oowada
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           { ♛ } — ”Oh,” the young monarch gasps, wrapping the cloak tighter around her. “Hello there, traveller. You seem to have caught me at a bad time. Though Novoselic is cold, and I have put up a strong defense to such climate…”                                She can’t help but shiver at the wind that blows her flaxen hair and her sapphire cloak. “The wind truly is my worst enemy here. Perhaps, once I return to the palace, I’ll be able to greet you properly.”
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
not all character development exists to make someone a better person
people turn into assholes, too. They become more  manipulative, arrogant, clingy, irritated… complex.
and that’s okay, that’s important.
explore that.
✧・゚:*✧・゚:* \(◕‿◕✿)/ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
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{ ☠ } ———— "Your friends?" Leon had to stop himself from laughing aloud, deciding to just chuckle at her statement, though even that seeped with some sadistic venom. He really did enjoy this, seeing her seem to flail in the wind, helpless and without faith. "...They are safe, but in the palm of my hand. Their state is tentative. If something were to, oh, somehow go wrong... The fingers around the palm they rest in will curl around them and crush them to death. Understood?" ———— { ☠ }
(To Sonia) "You... You're the heiress to the Novoselican throne, correct? Or, rather, /were/ the heiress?"
((I’m guessing this is post-despair, right? So sdr2 spoilers ahead!))
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"Who are you, and why do you care?"
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
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{ ☠ } ———— "Yes, yes. What an obedient little doll." He smirked as he toyed with her with words only, continuing to eye her. Her fear, her apprehension... Her tears... All such delicious eye candy to the redhead as he finally stopped circling her, standing in front of her and standing tall, forebodingly over the princess.
"Now, what was that you wished to ask me?" ———— { ☠ }
(To Sonia) "You... You're the heiress to the Novoselican throne, correct? Or, rather, /were/ the heiress?"
((I’m guessing this is post-despair, right? So sdr2 spoilers ahead!))
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"Who are you, and why do you care?"
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
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{ ☠ } ———— "Good girl, that's a good girl." He chuckled in a low voice, a sinister air about him as he slunk around the room, circling the princess as he stayed just in the corner of her eye, toying with her.
"Mm... So, with you as my representative now, you will be in uniform, yes? You will have to change into more formal attire. A suit with skirt would be fine. Heels or flats, entirely optional. Do you understand, my dear?" ———— { ☠ }
(To Sonia) "You... You're the heiress to the Novoselican throne, correct? Or, rather, /were/ the heiress?"
((I’m guessing this is post-despair, right? So sdr2 spoilers ahead!))
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"Who are you, and why do you care?"
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
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{ ☠ } ———— "Your 'cycle of luck'...?" He leaned towards the other, eyebrow raised as he looked the other over in consideration of his still-standing offer. He was indeed of good physical condition, yes, and seemed to have a good strategic ability about him. "Do educate me, Nagito... I'm not quite familiar with your fortune's reputation, you see." ———— { ☠ }
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"Hmmm…My my…a plan that demonstrates the leaders true intellect does it not…?~" He laughed a bit as he reflected on Leons own plan wondering how exactly he would like to be such a little pet of Leon…and it sounded perfect…then again. "…But my liege. Why would you want such a pathetic and trash kind of pet like me…? I am sure any other kind of pet would work at least…I would not ruin your life through my cycle of luck at least…" 
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
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{ ☠ } ———— "Perhaps so, my dear." His fingers curled around his goatee, smirking as he leaned towards her, almost seeming to possess a devilish charm about him, seeming almost equally seductive and intimidating. It took a special kind of person to manipulate like he could, that was for sure.
"Then, perhaps... Perhaps this anarchist leader has been begging for... Ibuki, you said your name was? Yes, I believe I am correct. Perhaps I have been begging for Ibuki to enter my headquarters, to finally show her face and perhaps... Perhaps enter the leader's... Audition, of sorts? Yes, an audition. For a very, very special position." ———— { ☠ }
Discordia | keiongakubu
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An angel? The more she listened, the more it sounded like he was merely over-stating his importance and stroking his ego with his words. Then again, Mioda can’t say that she didn’t do a less extreme version of it. It was a form of self confidence, was it not? And if it was just self confidence, albeit a bit extreme, Mioda couldn’t help but respect it. 
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“Reaaaaally now? Has Ibuki been subconsciously asking to be freed like a clown subconsciously begs to not have to see another kid in his life? Is that why Ibuki’s bumped into the anarchist leader?”
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
{ ☠ } ———— "...And what does this have to do with me? If you managed to strike yourself, then I suggest you nurse yourself, as well. If you were unconscious, then you are excused to receive help. Otherwise, you do not need the assistance of anyone else." ———— { ☠ }
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+1 ( naiyanoouji )
"Arwuu, Leon-kun!!!! You’re here!!! Good!!" Enoshima paused to sniffle a little bit. "I just, like, hit myself in the head with a baseball bat, and it, like, really hurts~!!!"
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
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{ ☠ } ———— “To ensure your safety, I suggest you remain quiet and open-minded. Not that you’d have much of a choice, anyway— If I deem that you have become resistant to my ideas, I will not hesitate to kill you here and now.” His stature remained tall and intimidating as his arms crossed behind his back.
"But, for now, my arms will remain in a place where they cannot come out and harm you. See? Now, you are safe. But listen carefully, ex-noble: Do not fall into the belief that you have any hope of reviving your rule. Hope is dead, as is all government. But you needn’t be reminded of that, need you, my dear? Now, you will be no more than my adorable little means to an end. I have been in dire need of a representative when assassination is rumored. You will speak in my stead if I need you to. Do I make myself clear, little Lilly-Flower?" ———— { ☠ }
(To Sonia) "You... You're the heiress to the Novoselican throne, correct? Or, rather, /were/ the heiress?"
((I’m guessing this is post-despair, right? So sdr2 spoilers ahead!))
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"Who are you, and why do you care?"
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
2/4 drafts done. holla atcha boiiiiiii
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
aaaaaa im sorry for the inactivity as of late ;;;;; my school’s heritage panel (like a tolerance club) training is monday and its gonna be a big day and im a little scatterbrained trying to get less anxious about it, ill finish all my drafts tomorrow i promise uwu thank you for your patience!!
EDIT: um........... im sorry for procrastinating more, but with this worry i have and gearing up for this meeting, i just cant channel that evilness that is mm!leon today. ill probably finish those drafts tomorrow tho!
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
            how             can a             monster             be             the             hero
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
i had a wonderful dream today. she was alive and when i confessed, she didnt call me a monster. i guess a guy can only dream of somethin that great happenin, huh?
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naiyanoouji · 10 years
He raised a brow, folding his arms as the other drew nearer. "I've... Never thought of achieving godhood. I don't necessarily intend to... My only doubts about such a hasty move would be that it would ruin my image among the people. They must always love me. But perhaps a sacrifice could be arranged... Though not to the gods. No, not a sacrifice in means of death. Perhaps you could be my proof of being loveable, hm? You could perhaps be a little commoner pet for me to treat kindly, to show that even those who were once considered no one are nothing but loved in my eyes. And if someone were to attempt to assassinate such a kind, caring image... The people would riot and avenge me. Does this sound like a plan, Nagito?"
"Oh dear my noble liege...Are you having doubts doing such a deed...?" He said shaking his head as he took a step forward towards Leon...A simple but powerful unhinged gaze towards the punk ruler now. "I never truly meant that a culling was needed actually...But if you must...A sacrifice could be needed for your place among the gods...?~"
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