naia-beast · 12 days
Hey. Don't take this to mean jack shit coyoteboy, but 🌹?
- ⚜️ Scamp
《 ask game link 》
🌹 - do they like valentines day? have they been confessed to before? have they confessed to anyone before?
valentine's day.. woof, it's been a while since we celebrated that! you always looked so uncomfortable when i bought you flowers so i thought maybe you had some history there, but yeah, i'd say i like it myself :) if nothing else, the chocolates from my students are nice, haha!
confessed to? oh, a bunch. i was quite the looker in my youth, you know ;) though i was always.. let's say a bit specific about who i'd say yes to, and nothing lasted long even if i said yes. my fault, not theirs. still had as good of a time as i could squeeze out of it all though, ha! and enough stories to match, if you get my old mouth yapping
and, hm, not exactly? i think i told a girl i loved her when i was maybe 4 if that counts. and, of course, i tell you i love you every day :) so anywhere between never and a million times depending on how you count, hehe
how about you? we can always reserve a table downtown to make up for some lost valentine's days if i read it all wrong :)
-🃏 rascal x
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naia-beast · 12 days
Hey Jianlin, I uh- made this [a wood carving of a red panda is added to your inventory]
It's not very good, so I don't want to keep it. You hold onto it instead.
Bye - 🌾 Sachi
sachi!! (⌒▽⌒)/☆ oh my gosh, you made this? ohh look at it.. it looks just like danny, you even captured his crooked little ear... (╥﹏╥)
[she takes her time carefully rotating the little figure to look at all angles of it with a warm expression before regarding him again]
thank you so much.. i'll keep it safe (T^T)ゞ and hey- you've improved a lot you know [she bumps his shoulder - if it's corporeal enough] you'll surpass me in no time. i'll look forward to seeing what your "good" work looks like (^ω~)☆
-🌲 jianlin U・ᴥ・U
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naia-beast · 16 days
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naia-beast · 17 days
《 ask game link 》
🚆 - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
hah. hah. no- no i won't laugh at you, comrade, it's a fair question for a newcomer. but you miss the clear material conditions at play. you see, we, the people, have no power to be anywhere near the lever in the first place. the tyrants at typhon genetics are the ones who make these decisions, and rather than choose inaction or harm reduction, they choose violence. they choose profit! they pull the lever, but to direct the trolley at the masses for their own numbers! and it is up to us, to our collective, to take down their system to have our own isper hands on the lever ourselves, and choose peace and unity as we once thrived in before their arrival. yes! we must rise up! join me, comrade, in changing our conditions, and taking that power back from them, by whatever means necessary! for peace!!
[he doesn't seem to realise he has very clearly answered with "pull the lever"]
-🦇 vesper
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naia-beast · 17 days
hey panda ^o^ 🌠? and 💙&💘 while we're at it >3<
-💘 oksa
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
How simple, I would wish to have a warm body to hold you with... that, or that we would never part.
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
Darling, I miss you most ardently when you aren't with me. You may descend a floor down in the tower, or walk to the other side of a room, and the moment the feeling of your touch vanishes, I miss you. Sometimes, it pains me that my face is incapable of showing it.
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
I have never looked for anyone else, so I can only speak to what drew me to you.
At first, it was your eyes. They were a stormy blue like the sky the day I came into existence. Yet, they also held a great sadness in them I had never known, and felt urged to whisk away. Do not think of the sadness, love, or the cause of it. Think of me.
In the days following I came to know you more personally, your whims and wants, your caprices, your vices, your torments. They became mine as readily as a gift. I endeavoured then to keep you as my own, should you want to be...
I'm sorry, what was the question?
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naia-beast · 2 months
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naia-beast · 7 months
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naia-beast · 7 months
i hate when people are like "she'll eat you alive" "she'll kill you" like yeah im gonna be a five star meal for her
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naia-beast · 1 year
love is in the air? WRONG! flaming skull
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naia-beast · 1 year
i had a dream i was doing stand-up comedy at an open mic and i said "you know i'm something of a skeletal system myself" and it cut to someone in the audience who was like "dead ass?" and it cuts back to me and its just a skeleton's pelvis and i woke up with the most sweatiest cold sweat and disoriented
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naia-beast · 1 year
meanest person you've ever met: i'm so sick of being nice
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naia-beast · 1 year
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Epic bumper sticker spotted last weekend .
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naia-beast · 1 year
Skull issue
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naia-beast · 1 year
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naia-beast · 1 year
part of my masculine charm is that i'm completely insane
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naia-beast · 1 year
It’s because you’re always on that damn journey of self-discovery.
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naia-beast · 1 year
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Something something bite the hand that feeds you
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