nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
For every 🎟 I get, my muse will tell a story from their childhood.
For multi-muse blogs, specify which muse.
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
|| Four best friends come forward about the abuse they suffered at the hands of tenured teacher, Mr. Hayworth. They urge others to come forward and police investigate a possible link to the Patrick Breckner case. || 
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
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Mr. Hayworth, tenured teacher at Greenville Elementary, has been convicted of sexual abuse by four seniors at GHS. Police are investigating a possible link in the Patrick Breckner case.
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
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Sometimes it seemed as if Greenville, South Carolina only housed the Breckners and no one else. They were all anyone focused on, they were who everyone comforted, who got all the attention and sympathy - but they weren’t the only ones affected. Jonah Breckner seemed to have a hard time understanding this as well - forgetting that other people were involved in Patrick's lives and that his disappearance affected so many. Not only Amelia, Kenneth, and Caroline but students they didn't even know were on the verge of breaking.
“You’re not the only one hurting!” Kenneth screamed. “You and your parents aren’t the only ones who knew him! I know it’s hard to believe,” His voice became eerily calm. “but this is bigger than you, Jonah.”
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
He was making her world spin right now, and he didn’t even know he had that much power over her. Which was amazing to Maisie, because she just wanted him to know that he was perfect to her. That he didn’t need to worry about anything right now, because everything was perfect. “I already don’t want this night to be over and it’s just getting started.” She whispered as he kissed her cheek, leaving a light blush tainting her skin. Her hand moved from his cheek to rest on his chest, her eyes taking in the suit he’d picked up. He really was her prince. This was proof of that.
Lavender and baby blue ribbons caught Maisie’s eyes and her smile only grew. “Yeah–yeah, they are.” Her dress made her feel like a snow queen, but the little bit of color in the corsage helped her feel a bit more like herself–not that she didn’t like the way she felt, because she did. She loved it. She felt like, for the first time in a long time, everything finally made sense.”You know, any other night I would scold you for dancing on an injured ankle. And I probably will by the end of the night.” She scrunched up her nose slightly anyways, a light laugh falling from her lips as she nudged his shoulder before taking his hand in hers. “You’re okay. I think I’ll keep you.” She stuck her tongue out at him teasingly, her bright blue eyes swimming with adoration for him. She took a moment as they walked onto the dance floor to think about what he said before her smile grew. “Thank you, though. Everyone deserves to have a good time, I just hope they do.” She turned to him, “Are you ready to dance?”
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She liked being with him. She let him know that he wasn’t just a depressing cloud of fog - that he could be happy again, that he could get better, that he could be normal again. “We’ll make the night last. It doesn’t have to end after the dance,” He said. “Not in a...that way, you know, just in a...we could sneak out and watch the stars or watch movies kind of way.” Jonah blushed.
“I’m glad.” He had to do a bit of digging and stalking to find out, but seeing her face light up was worth it. He’d do anything to get her to smile. He gently lifted up her arm and helped put on the corsage, marveling in how much it popped and yet blended so perfectly with her dress. “Nah,” He ran his fingers through her hair with a shake of his head. “I won’t let you scold me. I promise you, you won’t be able to get angry.” She still didn’t know he’d hurt his foot dancing - she didn’t know he had any ability to dance. Maybe she thought he was terrible or at the most, decent - but he knew he could blow her away so when she asked if he was ready to dance, he anxiously nodded and offered his hand towards her. 
The first dance was a slow dance and he could feel the rhythm drifting through his bones as he guided her through the steps like it was some simple math equation. He felt like he was Beast dancing with Beauty in the ballroom - simple and fluid movements. Jonah couldn’t focus on anyone besides Maisie, but he had an inkling that some other guys were stepping on toes and standing stiff as a board. 
He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “After this, I hope you keep me. I can do a lot more too,” He grinned.
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Camera Ready || Jonah & Maisie
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
Watching Jonah push him away, Isaac figured that he should have expected it. It was ultimately his own fault for not being there for Jonah sooner, especially when his date had just gone missing in front of everyone’s eyes. They all could have stopped this, and they hadn’t. Anger flooded his veins, but he swallowed hard to keep himself calm. He needed to be there for Jonah right now. “We can wait. They won’t wait. Emery, the other guards, the detectives–they aren’t going to rest til she’s found, Jonah. Whoever took her couldn’t have gone far, but we can’t get in the way of them looking for her.” He moved next to  Jonah, placing another hand on his shoulder. “I’ll carry you, then. We gotta get out of here.” 
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Isaac had been his voice of reason for the past four months - the one that who talked him out of dumb shit and helped him eat and was just there. Jonah scoffed, shaking his head. “Don’t carry me,” He mumbled. “that’s gay...can I stay in your dorm, though? I’d much rather be with you and Eddie tonight...”
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The World Is Unfair || Open
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
Listening to Jonah speak, Casper lets a small sigh out once he finishes. “Something that until now I didn’t know. But that’s the point of you relaying this information to me isn’t it?” Shrugging slightly, he turns facing Jonah. “It must be hard to deal with. The emotions springing up from the past, mixing with the emotions your feeling right now.” Shaking his head, he looks away momentarily. “Losing someone is difficult, but not knowing where they’ve gone. That can change a person entirely. You must be unsure of how to respond. But let me tell you something, Jonah.” Resting his hand on Jonah’s shoulder he looks back to him. “My opinion hasn’t changed now that you’ve revealed that to me, in fact, your point strengthens my opinion.” Removing his hand from his shoulder. “Don’t redirect the pain to yourself simply because you’ve been through something similar.” Turning around he continues down the hallway. “You can tell Maisie about this. Maybe it will make her hate me for treating you like this. But if she’s safe. I can live with her hating me, and I can live with you hating me.”
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“I prefer not to talk about it. I didn’t think...I’d have to deal with it again.” Jonah shrugged. “It was...my little brother. He’s still missing. I think he’s dead.” It came out so easily, like he’d always known the answer, like there were no doubts. Almost a year...if he was alive, Jonah would feel even worse that he had suffered that long. “It’s just...Mr. Moore, it seems like everyone I care about disappears,” He practically chokes on the words and tears spring to his eyes. “and I don’t think the length that I’ve known Maisie matters that much. I know others are worried, but...we’re close, me and her, and that means something too whether I’ve known her for ten years or ten minutes.” 
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
“Look Maisie is important to me as well Jonah. But we still have to be careful” Turning to him she starts walking. 
“It’s not your fault. How could you have known something like this was going to happen?” Shaking her head Mara looks at Jonah speaking in a soft tone. “There’s no viable way that you could have known unless E sent a message, or you helped E.”
Pausing she begins rummaging through her purse.  “Emily got me a few things for self-defense actually…” She murmurs pulling a small container out. Lifting the container she laughs weakly. “A personal alarm disguised as a lipstick. I guess I left the pepper spray in my dorm…” Shrugging a shoulder she lets a small sigh out. Mumbling the last part. “I guess having over-protective parents is helpful sometimes.” She knew they only agreed to send her to the school because James was sending Hale. And they let her stay because Hale was still there.
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“I...I don’t know, Mara...I just...should’ve known.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “She said she felt like someone was stalking her. Maybe I should’ve been on stage with her or something,” Jonah mumbled. He wouldn’t tell her that it was because everyone he loved was kidnapped - then he’d have to tell her about Patrick. Speaking to the teachers was easy - they already had his case files, they were required to know, but the students? They never had to know. 
“I’m pretty good at fighting,” He said. “I practice on a punching bag like three times a week.” He knew how to use a gun, but that likely wasn’t easy to get a hold of and he’d probably get severely punished - besides, he wasn’t quite sure if he was ready to have something so heavy on his chest, even if he wanted E dead for what they’d done. “Uh...where do we start? This is a big school.”
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The World Is Unfair || Open
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
“There are people that do fucked up things every day.” Shaking his head he sighs. “Your past can fuck you up pretty bad, and maybe that’s what happened here.” Motioning for him to follow he starts walking. “That’s what I’m here for. Making sure you get to your dorm safely.” Pushing his hands into his pockets as he walks he sighs. “You blame yourself. That’s why you want the camera right? Because you think this is all your fault.” Side glancing at him he shakes his head again. “Thinking like that… isn’t helpful. You’ll start wondering why everything you care about falls apart. You’ll think that there’s nothing good left in you. You’ll want to be another person entirely. And eventually, you’ll isolate yourself from everyone and everything in order to keep them safe.” Believe me… I know. He wants to add but the words don’t come out.
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Jonah kept his head down - focusing on picking up his feet and putting one in front of another, his hands deep in his pocket, his hair falling down in front of his eyes. The words he said hit too close too home - it made his heart pang and his throat dry. “It just seems like everyone I love disappears,” He whispered, licking his lips before taking a deep breath. “I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep...losing. I just want to know what it feels like to be happy again and...it always gets taken away...how do I...not blame myself?”
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
Aliyah held tightly onto Isaac’s hand up until the moment teachers had separated them in an attempt to get everyone back to their dorms, but as she was being ushered through the hall with a group of girls Aliyah spotted Jonah just in time to see him slide to the ground. Glancing at the teacher in charge of the group, she waited a moment until she was distracted before she slipped from the group, pushing her way through the frantic crowd towards the boy.  “Jonah-” she said as she pushed past one last person, her expression saddening as she knelt down beside him, putting a hand on his arm. “Jonah hey, they’ll find her… we’ll find her. She’s going to be okay, but we need to get out of this hallway before we end up looking like Mufasa..” 
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Jonah shook his head before staring intensely at the ground. “We don’t know that she’s going to be okay. We...we saw what E was capable of. We saw Gunner...” The image of the mangled body was ingrained in his brain. He wasn’t sure he was ever going to be able to forget...and seeing Eddie and Braelynn’s face change was awful. “I can’t just sit around in my dorm and wait until they find her body, Ali...you just don’t understand...” No one did. No one except his parents back home and he couldn’t tell them what had happened. He was terrified of being pulled out of this school.
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The World Is Unfair || Open
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
Harlow was for lack of a better word, numb. She felt sorry for the Castle siblings, knowing that what they would be going through would be as bad as what she was feeling, and she knew they had also been in a similar position to her when Gunner had gone missing in the first place, but she couldn’t comfort either of them just yet, in fact she couldn’t do much with her sister missing.  Sitting at a table in the mess hall, the blonde stared straight ahead, but she wasn’t staring at anything in particular, just off into space.  She felt hopeless, and that was something Harlow Anderson wasn’t used to. She had always been able to help Maisie when she needed, always, but how can you be there for someone who wasn’t even there?  Completely in her own little world, Harlow didn’t realise someone had sat across from her until they spoke..
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Jonah had become a cardboad cut-out of himself. The usual light that bounced in his eyes had flickered off and for a moment, he felt like he was back in time - back to when Patrick had disappeared - and seeing Harlow? It wasn’t fucking easy. Had he told the truth and been honest all along, comforting her would be a lot easier - he could tell her that he understood and help her through the process, but no one knew and he couldn’t tell them now - so became like the people back in Greenville. He either avoided eye contact or could only say cheesy things that fixed absolutely nothing. 
“It would be shitty to say that I’m sorry or that I understand because...I don’t understand, Harlow, I’ve never lost anyone, never had a sibling and I don’t know the bond,” He started. “But...I’ll be there for you. Your sister is a very special person to me and I’ll do anything to find her.”
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Numb ~ OPEN
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
“Jonah…” Kneeling in front of him Mara wipes the tears from his face. “Come on, get up. We can… we can look for her okay?”
Everything had happened so fast, Mara still wasn’t sure if it had happened. It all seemed too awful, like they were in some B-rated horror movie. “Besides there’s safety in numbers right?” Offering her hand Mara stands up. “So let’s go find Maisie together.” This would only cause trouble for the two of them. But Mara wanted to help Jonah. And if it meant looking for the girl she was worried about, she would do that.
Maisie was a sweet girl, she didn’t deserve what was going to happen to her. Looking down the hall Mara lets out a small sigh before wiping at her own face. “But if things get too dangerous we have to turn around, okay?”
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Feeling her gentle hand wipe the tears from his face, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Having someone with him certainly made it a bit safer - he was just so enthused to have someone say yes to looking for her. Someone who didn’t just want to drag him to his dorm and chain him to his bed, disallowing him to help at all. He knew it was best left up to the authorities, but he couldn’t just sit around and do fucking nothing. 
He took her hand and on shaky legs, he stood. “Yeah, let’s go find her,” He nodded his head, assured that this was some simple task and they’d find her and the defeat the villain, like it was some old horror film or superhero movie. 
“...I have to tell you, Mara,” He practically whispered. “I don’t care how dangerous it gets. This is...my fault and I’ll do anything it takes to find her.”
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The World Is Unfair || Open
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
“Go ahead,” Terrence states scoffing. Shrugging lazily he lets out a laugh. “But if you try I’ll call the authorities and inform them I saw a suspicious person approaching the scene of the crime.” With the shake of his head, he laughs more. “Going back is useless. You could wind up dead or missing, and how will you help her then? What you need to do is go back to your dorm. Your camera is evidence, going back is not only reckless but it’s tampering with evidence.” Shrugging he looks at the boy. “The choice is yours.”
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Jonah heard the words ‘go ahead’ and nearly got up to run back in. Terrence was a somewhat authority figure and he just desperately wanted to help find her or at least cling onto the camera that had some of her final moments. His laughs were off-putting...who could laugh in a situation like this? “I just...” Words weren’t forming correctly - he didn’t know what he wanted to do or say. “This is so fucking horrible. Who could do something like this to anyone, nevertheless Maisie?” Literal sunshine encapsulated in a human being. He felt it was something to do with him. He’d touched her and tainted her. Everything and everyone he loved had to die or disappear. “I just...want this all to be over.” His body was shaking and he feared he was going to throw up. “...can you help me to the dorms?”
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
As she was getting ready with Lizzy, Maisie couldn’t help but think about how Jonah would be dancing on his injured ankle. And while she knew that she should be thinking of other things, her mind seemed to be fixated on that specific situation and how she was going to talk him out of hurting himself even further.
It was no secret that Maisie had poured her heart and soul into the Snowflake Ball. Every last ounce of love and effort had been placed into making sure that this party was one that every single student would remember fondly and look back on with warm smiles and full hearts. Because that’s exactly what the entire student body deserved. Working with the rest of the planning committee had been loads of fun, especially with Harlow by her side all the way through, but the actual day of the ball was more spectacular than she had imagined.
With the long, sparkling dress, and her blonde hair in perfect curls, Maisie felt like a princess. It was every little girl’s dream to be a Disney princess, and here she was. Practically living the reality of one. And maybe a year ago, she would have expected a fiery redhead to be her Prince Charming. Instead, however, she had a charming Knight in Shining Armor to spend the night with and God, she was beyond ecstatic. The smile was plastered to her face as she walked through the crowd, her blue eyes searching for his. And then she heard her name, and she could have sworn her heart nearly exploded in her dress.
The flash of the camera brought a light giggle from her soft lips, but the elated expression only grew as she took in his entire appearance. And the smile on his face–that just about made her entire world so much brighter. “Hi, handsome.” She answered softly, taking a few steps towards him, her smile growing the closer she got. Placing a hand on his cheek, she couldn’t help but feel like this was just…right. This was where she needed to be–with him. And she hoped he felt that way too. “You clean up well.” But despite how much she tried to hide it with the teasing, it was impossible for Maisie to cover up the affection she held for Jonah.
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She had called him handsome and it was like nothing that happened in his life mattered anymore. His ears burned bright red and his heart practically beat out of his chest. He didn’t know what to say - she just looked so absolutely stunning, so beautiful - like a princess and he realized, he wanted to treat her like one and with her hand on his cheek, he wanted to kiss her - but the nerves were killing him. She was special - he didn’t want to rush this, he wanted to cherish her so instead, he placed his lips on her cheek and held up a corsage.
“Isaac helped me pick this. I think these are your favorite colors?” He said hopefully, with a smile on his face. “...and what? I thought I always looked this amazing,” He teased. “You and Harlow did amazing with this gym. I can’t wait to dance with you...and don’t tell me no just because of my ankle. I want to dance with you. I want to treat you how you deserve to be treated.”
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Camera Ready || Jonah & Maisie
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
Eddie came first, but Ali was close in second. That was purely because of circumstance, and he couldn’t fucking find Jonah. So he put off looking for his friend for a split second, if only to take care of those who needed his help, and who he could locate easily. Holding onto Aliyah tightly, he had only let go when she moved to console Whitney. Seeing Eddie, however, broke his heart. But the boy seemed so distraught that Isaac couldn’t do much but wait for him to come back to their room. Then he would do anything he could to comfort him.
And so he made the trek from the crowded, chaotic gymnasium, which was now full of fear and sweat, to the cooler hallways. He instantly started searching for his other best friend, and it wasn’t long before his eyes landed on him. “Hey, it’s going to be okay.” He knelt next to Jonah, placing a gentle hand on the boy’s shoulder. “It’ll be okay, but we need to get out of her. She’d want you to be safe. You know she would.” He knew Jonah didn’t want to hear it, but it needed to be said. “We can look for her tomorrow. What we need right now is to make sure that nobody else gets hurt or goes missing. Especially you. If you want to be there for her, the best you can do is stay safe. If not for yourself, then for Maisie.”
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Jonah shook away Isaac’s arm. He couldn’t handle it right now - his world was crashing down - walls that he’d built up so high tumbling and all he could think was...this was what he deserved. He deserved to have his sunshine taken away because he was using her, he was lying...but he couldn’t tell Isaac that. He couldn’t tell anyone. “I can’t, Eye - “ His voice was broken - cracking and full of fear. “what if...what if we wait for tomorrow and it’s too late? I don’t care what happens to me, I just want her safe...besides I don’t know if I can stand.” His entire body was shaking, he was wracked with fear and he worried that if he stood up, he’d only fall or worse - throw up.
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The World Is Unfair || Open
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nahbreckner-blog · 6 years
Cassidy’s eyebrow kinked upwards at the vengeful tone in his voice. She would be the first to admit that her lack of filter could upset people but in this case - she didn’t think it was exactly warranted. It was her first goddamn day - was she really expected to know some kid had died? “Forgive me, i wasn’t aware i was supposed to already know the ins and outs of this place” Cassidy quipped back bitterly. School drama or not, she wasn’t going to sit around and let some kid use her as an emotional punching bag. 
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He stuffed his hands inside his sweatshirt pockets and with a roll of his eyes, shook his head. “No, I’m not saying you need to know everything - but I think it’s pretty clear that something bad happened and maybe you should be more empathetic. Not use that sarcastic ass tone,” Jonah was more blunt than ever - from lack of sleep, from lack of eating, from his emotions running high and from not having someone like Maisie monitor him. He’d put too much of himself into her...who was he without her? A monster?
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