nabeelscomputer123 · 2 years
barriers to communication
barriers to communication.
                                  Barriers to communication!
Tone of voice – tone of voice is important because you can give someone the wrong idea by the way your speaking. to prevent this from becoming a barrier you can talk in the same tone the person you're talking to is talking. This can become a barrier because it might give the impression you are nervous and not very confident.
Body language – body language could give the wrong impression like you are not concentrating. To prevent this from becoming a barrier you can maybe add some hand gestures and stop fidgeting while speaking. This can become a barrier because it shows the person you are talking to that you know what you are talking about and are confident.
Not paying attention – you won’t know what the person is saying and will look bad in front of them. To prevent this from becoming a barrier you can maybe try paying attention or keep answering them while they are speaking by maybe saying mmm, yes and eye contact while help. This can become a barrier because if you get asked a question and you don’t know what they are talking about could be a problem and could make you look uninterested in front of the audience or the person you are talking to.
Subject accuracy – it’s a barrier because you don’t want to be giving inaccurate information. To prevent this from becoming a barrier you can talk about stuff you know and if not answer the person's questions instead if starting the conversation. Subject accuracy can become a barrier because it can make the audience or the person you are talking to feel like you’re not really interested and just saying it to hold the conversation.
Eye contact – having no eye contact can show you are nervous and not confident. By giving eye contact you are showing the person you are confident and know what you are talking about. Eye contact could be a barrier because it could lead to the audience or the person you are talking to feel like you might feel confused and might think you are not talking to them.
Difference in cultures and languages – this could be a barrier because there could be a lack of understanding. If you don’t understand the language, you could use google transalater or have someone their that can transalate.
Auditory impairment –this could be a barrier because you won’t know how to communicate with them because they can’t hear. To prevent this from becoming a barrier you can communicate with them with someone who knows how to do sign language.
Distractions - It’s very common top get distracted however you should always try Ur best to stay focused. This could be a barrier because it can make the audience or the person you are talking to feel like they are just talking nonsense and you are not interested in what they are talking about because you are getting distracted. use eye contact so that you dont get distracted.
bold writing - how to overcome these barriers.
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nabeelscomputer123 · 2 years
barriers to communication
Tone of voice – tone of voice is important because u can give someone the wrong idea by the way Ur speaking. to prevent this from becoming a barrier you can talk in the same tone the person you're talking to is talking. This can become a barrier a because it can put the person you are talking to off.
Body language – body language could give the wrong impression like you are not concentrating. To prevent this from becoming a barrier you can maybe add some hand gestures and stop fidgeting while speaking. this can become a barrier because if the body language is not correct it can show you are nervous.
Not paying attention – u won’t know what the person is saying and will look bad in front of them. To prevent this from becoming a barrier you can maybe try paying attention or keep answering them while they are speaking by maybe saying mmm, yes and eye contact while help. this can become a barrier because when getting asked a question u won't know what you are talking about.
Subject accuracy – it’s a barrier because u don’t want to be giving inaccurate information. To prevent this from becoming a barrier you can talk about stuff u know and if not answer the person's questions instead if starting the conversation. this can become a barrier because the person you are speaking to will think less of you because hell think you don't know what you are talking about.
Eye contact – having no eye contact can show you are nervous and not confident. By giving eye contact you are showing the person you are confident and know what you are talking about.
Difference in cultures and languages – this could be a barrier because there could be a lack of understanding. If you don’t understand the language, you can try call an interpreter or use google translator.
Auditory impairment – u won’t know how to communicate with them because they can’t hear. To prevent this from becoming a barrier you can communicate with them with someone who knows how to do sign language.
Distractions - It’s very common top get distracted however you should always try Ur best to stay focused.
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nabeelscomputer123 · 2 years
barriers to communication.
Barriers to communication
good mourning peeps in this blog i am going to talk about some examples of barriers to communication and how you can overcome them.
Tone of voice – tone of voice is important because u can give someone the wrong idea by the way Ur speaking. to prevent this from becoming a barrier you can talk in the same tone the person you're talking to is talking.
Body language – body language could give the wrong impression like you are not concentrating. To prevent this from becoming a barrier you can maybe add some hand gestures and stop fidgeting while speaking.
Not paying attention – u won’t know what the person is saying and will look bad in front of them. To prevent this from becoming a barrier you can maybe try paying attention or keep answering them while they are speaking by maybe saying mmm, yes and eye contact while help. Subject accuracy – it’s a barrier because u don’t want to be giving inaccurate information. To prevent this from becoming a barrier you can talk about stuff u know and if not answer the person's questions instead if starting the conversation.
Eye contact – having no eye contact can show you are nervous and not confident. By giving eye contact you are showing the person you are confident and know what you are talking about.
Difference in cultures and languages – this could be a barrier because there could be a lack of understanding. If you don’t understand the language, you can try call an interpreter or use google translator.
Auditory impairment – u won’t know how to communicate with them because they can’t hear. To prevent this from becoming a barrier you can communicate with them with someone who knows how to do sign language.
Distractions - It’s very common top get distracted however you should always try Ur best to stay focused.
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