nabbing-bad-habits · 3 days
“…Uuuuh, sure, let’s go with that. Totally wasn’t thinking of doing something different.”
@nabbing-bad-habits replied to your post “"...I wonder if you drop a coin off Peach's castle...”:
"I could totally find out for you, plumber boy. I got enough one-ups for it."
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"You're....volunteering to have a coin dropped on-a you? I'm-a confused..."
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nabbing-bad-habits · 7 days
“Welcome to pride month. As the saying goes, be gay, do crimes. I know I’ll be!”
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nabbing-bad-habits · 17 days
🎨Paint the town red 🎨
Send my muse an ask with a color + emotion, and my muse will describe a memory where that color was significant based on the emotion you chose.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 17 days
“Why don’t ya make me, plumber boy?”
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"Start loving yourself like I do or ELSE!"
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nabbing-bad-habits · 24 days
name. Nabbit.
nickname(s). Nabbs, Nabby, but only by him.
title. The bunny bandit of the Mushroom Kingdom. (Gave himself that title.)
P E R S O N A L .
morality. lawful/ neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
religious belief. Same as anyone else really, after life when your game ends and wishing to star spirits for good things to happen, or “However it works.” In his own words.
sins. lust  / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride /envy/ wrath
virtues. chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience/ justice
primary goals in life. To have fun and play jokes, also steal stuff. Honestly, he doesn’t really know what he wants out of life so, he’s just doing what he wants, when he wants. Although, having some friends for once would be nice…
languages known. He does know a good few languages, but mostly learns how to speak them to sell something off, so he doesn’t know how to have a true conversation in any of them.
quirks. - Nabbit is actually a huge book nerd, so when not messing with people, he likes to crack open something to read. He has the habit of calling people nicknames instead of their real ones. Also, he weirdly holds back on stealing when in fights or on adventures.
savvies. - Speed, stealth, quick learning skills, plus a whole bunch of other tricks at his disposal!
P H Y S I C A L .
build. slender/ fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other
height. 4’11
weight. 110lbs
scars/birthmarks. He does have a burn scar on the back of his right hand, but that was from learning how to cook.
abilities/powers. - Nabbit is incredibly fast, he’s able to outrun most, if not all danger he comes across. He’s also much stronger than he actually looks, that bag of his is anything but light! Well not really a power, he seems to have pretty expansive knowledge of different things, including various kingdoms, artifacts, and Mario, plus a few of his more interesting adventures. Plus, his seemingly invincible nature, being able to run of spikes and enemies seemingly ignoring him. (Take that, Mario!)
F A V O U R I T E S .
favourite food. Veggie stew, especially if he’s got some fresh grown vegetables from his garden!
favourite drink.  Strawberry lemonade.
topping. Mushrooms and peppers forever, baby!
favourite colour. Purple.
favourite music genre. Anything high energy and catchy, but he does have a preference for jazz when it’s an option.
favourite book genre. Normally he’s reading books on history and old legends, but when he’s not, mystery is the go to!
favourite movie genre. Nabbit doesn’t really watch enough movies to have a favorite genre.
favourite season. Fall, not too hot or too cold, to him it’s perfect, Halloween is a plus because of all the candy he can score.
favourite curse word. Doesn’t actually curse that often. Probably f-bombs though.
favourite scent.  Cinnamon.
F U N S T U F F .
bottom or top. Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy.
loud burper or soft burper. Soft, Nabbit try’s to keep attention off of him whenever he’s out in public so, it just kinda became a habit.
sings in the shower. yes /no
likes bad puns. yes / no
their opinion on the mun. "She’s way too nice for her own good, but her friends like her so, i guess that’s just a me problem."
Tagged by: @red-man-of-mustache thanks!
Tagging: @brokenpathways , @lultimagoccia , and anyone else that sees this!
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nabbing-bad-habits · 26 days
"Mario just said that he's been 'laying some pipe' with my dad, that's all."
He breaths in, and sighs.
“If you wake up tomorrow to find any of your jewelry missing, know it’s because you keep telling me stuff like this, Wendy.”
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nabbing-bad-habits · 26 days
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💫 The grooviest worm in the galaxy, Earthworm Jim! Played by Pierrot (they/he)! Follows and likes from @starlitcircus! 💫
💫 18+ | Mutuals only | Headcanon-driven 💫
Please read through all rules and bio before interacting!
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nabbing-bad-habits · 27 days
Psst, I made this blog as well, I’d appreciate it if could interact whenever possible!
About page!
Name:Petey Piranha.
Hight:9 ft.
Race:Mutant Piranha Plant.
Petey’s origins are mostly unknown, although Mario’s first encounter with him was on isle delfino. After a crash into a windmill, and a fight, it seems like it was gone. But that was soon proven wrong seemingly in minutes. After that adventure, Petey appeared whenever it pleased after.
Although, it may have not been their true first fight. During the Shroob invasion, both the brothers and their baby counterparts fought the plant. He seemingly was being used as a tool for a flashy game over, for those who apposed the Princess of the weird army. No matter the circumstances, he seems to always be up for taking a more fight than flight stance.
When around…well, pretty much anyone other than Mario, he acts a bit more relaxed and even somewhat playful. Though, the naturally aggressive demeanor can quickly come into play if need be. Despite all that, Petey really just wants to live his life without being bothered, at least in a way that doesn’t wind up with him getting a stomach ache, or beaten up.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 27 days
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My pal and I played through Super Mario Bros. Wonder together as a Nabbit & Peach duo, so now in my mind they are BFFs. This is canon until proven otherwise.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 1 month
“I’m sorry, the what now?”
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"I wonder if those-a pipes into Bowser's body still-a work..."
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nabbing-bad-habits · 1 month
Excuse me sir, I hope my horrible ugliness won't be a distraction to you
He looks other up and down.
“…Eh, I’ve seen worse.”
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nabbing-bad-habits · 1 month
Honestly, it’s too nice of a day to be running around. Maybe a little nap in the sun would be nice right now, not like anyone is gonna ruin it.
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nabbing-bad-habits · 2 months
Still a work in progress but,
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Hehehe >:3c
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nabbing-bad-habits · 2 months
How we feel about this plant?
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Asking just because, totally not relevant to my last post whatsoever, noooooooo…
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nabbing-bad-habits · 2 months
I’ve may or may not be considering a new muse but, eh, we’ll see. We’ll see. :3c
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nabbing-bad-habits · 2 months
@red-man-of-mustache replied YOU EAT UNCOOKED PASTA??????
“What, no! I’m a little bit of a kleptomaniac, but I’m not insane! Honestly, plumber boy, I didn’t know you thought so little of me.”
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nabbing-bad-habits · 2 months
“…Why does is feel like there’s unfair treatment of uncooked pasta? Maybe it’s just me…”
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