mzjohan-blog · 10 years
Stay away from people who try to belittle your faith, goals and ambitions. Follow your heart and keep pushing forward.
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mzjohan-blog · 10 years
When someone walks out of your life, let them. There's no use in wasting your time on people that leave you. What you make of yourself and your future is no longer tied to them. Yeah, you may miss them. But remember that you weren't the one that gave up.
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mzjohan-blog · 10 years
Water is the softest thing, yet it can penetrate mountains and earth. This shows clearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness.
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mzjohan-blog · 10 years
What you plant now, you will harvest later.
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mzjohan-blog · 10 years
Expectation is the root of heartache.
-William Shakespeare
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mzjohan-blog · 10 years
Sometimes our walls exist just to see who has the strength to knock them down.
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mzjohan-blog · 10 years
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mzjohan-blog · 11 years
What it takes
For someone to even have a chance with me
1. Respect my mind for the thoughts I think, questions I ask, and opinions I have.
  2. Respect my soul for you truly cannot love someone unless you can understand their soul. 
  3. Respect my mind and soul, and my body is yours.
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mzjohan-blog · 11 years
I'd want a fighter over a lover, because a fighter will fight for what they love.
Keep fighting for what you love. If they no longer are fighting for you, then you shouldn't either.
#love #fight #strong #fighter
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mzjohan-blog · 11 years
Remember being wanted for who you are instead of what you can give is the ultimate compliment.
Be urself. If they dont respect u for who u r then they dont deserve ur time.
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mzjohan-blog · 11 years
Confront any issues in your personal life head on and with optimism.
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mzjohan-blog · 11 years
When your feeling lovely, spread your joy and help make someone else's day.
Happy 1st of the month. Its August baby. Get shit crackin again.
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mzjohan-blog · 11 years
You gotta make a change for there to be a change!
If you allow yourself to be stuck in a place where u don't like being, the only way ull to get unstuck is to do something about it.
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mzjohan-blog · 11 years
You can't move on to the next chapter in life, unless you've closed the previous one.
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mzjohan-blog · 11 years
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#past #present #future #happy #live #letgoandletGod
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