mythicallyyours · 9 months
Got an anon request for a vampire/self insert from a very sweet person and I finally finished it today! #pleasebenice
Link stood up from his desk as you entered the room and sat in the chair in the well lit Mythical office, “Come on in.”
You kept your head low. As a new mythical employee, you had failed to read the extremely fine print that part of your job was to provide your own  fresh blood to one of the big bosses to Link, who happened to be a creature of folklore known as a vampire. Stevie mentioned it to you this morning that you had a meeting with Link, everyone else knew except you until Alex saw fit to enlighten you to what was actually going to happen.
 It wasent a joke, it wasent a ploy, no cameras. It was very real. You had seen the show, Link seemed like a funny, tall, southren, goofy dad-type guy, not a prowling, biting, horror movie monster. He was.
Oh god, those teeth. They looked sharp and those canines were longer than the average persons and it should have been a tip off to his true nature. Now you were locked in the office alone with Link looming above you possibly licking his lips to drain you dry and end your existence.
Links white addidas shoes appeared in front of you, “Hows your day been? Everything going well for you in the office?“ 
Why was he talking to you like this? Why have a conversation with someone you’re about to devoure? Was this some kind of mental game? You didn’t look up, you didn’t speak, but a small sob jerked you as a tear dropped out of your eye and you let out a soft shaky breath.
Link quelled his voice a bit, “Hey, you alright?” His large hand landed on your shoulder when you didn’t answer, “Awe, poor thing, you’re shaking. You look scared. What’s the matter?”
Long fingers tentativly touched your cheek and chin coaxing you to look at him, “Tears? Scared?” Link dropped onto his haunches before you.
Eyes warm and blue like the sun rising thru stained glass windows in a cathedral searched yours, “Wanna talk about it? Might help this seem less scary.”
You wiped your eyes, “I-I’m n-not ready to die..”
Links mouth opened, “Die? What do you mean die?!”
Your lip quivered as the words dropped out like your tears, “Y-you’re gonna drink all my b-blood and t-then I’ll die.”
Links brows furrowed as shock flooded his face, “Oh no, no, no! I’m not gonna drink all your blood, honey! I only need less than a pint and I’m good. You’ve been watching too many horror movies. Gosh, I would never!”
You sniffed, “O-only a little?”
His palm rested on your knee, “Only a little bit, I’m not a monster. Promise it will be a pinch, slurp, lick and I’m done.”
Link tipped his head to yours, “Please don’t cry. I know, I know the idea of being bit is pretty terrifying. But don’t be scared, you’re not in any real danger.“ 
Your arms wrapped around your torso, "Y-you won’t chew o-on me?”
Links nose wrinkled with repulse, “Of course not! I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I have to live too. I’ve learned how to live with my problems and make things as painless as possible for my volunteers/ donors.”
You took in a deep breath as you held up your pinky, “P-promise?” Your voice sounded so small and weak.
Links much larger pinky wrapped around yours as he echoed, “Promise.”
Link stood up, “Alright, shall we?”
You stood on shaky legs before him, less frightened than before but still nervous.
Link eyed you with a sympathetic smile, “This is always awkward, but here we go, I like to feed from behind normally, but seeing as you’re freaked out, I’ll go frontways. Okay?”
You nodded. Link removed his glasses, placing them in his shirt pocket, “Alrighty, here we go.”
Link leaned forward, arms opened and reached for you. Instinctively, you gasped and stepped back with your arms held tightly across your chest.
Links eyes softened, “Hey, hey, don’t run away.” Link closed the distance and clasped your shoulders, “Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay. We’ll take this slow, alright?”
He brought you into a gentle hug, then traced his fingers along your neck as he brushed back your hair, “Gosh, your heart is racing.” He whispered.
Link tipped your head to the side, “There we go. Now, brace yourself, honey." 
His hot breath hit your neck as you bit your lip bracing for the pain.
Link cooed softly, "Shh, shh, you’re alright.”
 No bite came, but a soft, tender, warm kiss was planted on your jugular vein, “You’re being so brave.”
A light pinch of sharp fangs broke your skin, causing you to whimper and your lip quivered. His lips touched your skin then  started to lightly suck in your blood.  His jaws didnt bare down on you and cause further pain as expected, no. They simply rested against you as his tongue did most of the work around the bites drawing out the blood a little at a time, slowly and softly.
The stubble on his chin felt like the scratch  tweed on a smoking jacket. There wasn’t as much noise as you expected either, a little sucking, no growling, and an occasionaly deep hum of satisfaction from his throat. Oddly enough, he kept you in a secure hug the whole time too. Links arms held you close as he fed, one hand  gently combed thru your hair as the other held you close to his chest, not restraining you, just holding you, comforting you with firm long back rubs.
 A light lick was placed on your neck, “There, that will help it heal fast, clean up the mess and dull the pain.” Link sighed, “Thank you, you tasted great.”
Once his arms released, you touched your neck and felt the two indentions from his fangs. It stung a little but not much.
Link guided you to the couch, “Lets get you some sprite and some crackers an a bandage then you can rest a bit. That probably tuckered you out. Maybe dizzy too.”
You stared up at him, “B-bandages and snacks?”
Link raised an eyebrow with a half smile, “Havent you ever donated blood before? You get a drink and a snack to help you quickly replenish the blood loss you experienced. The bandage will help the bites heal quicker too.”
You nodded slowly, “Oh.”
Link shook his head and chuckled, “I told you, I'm a monster. You just lay back and the lightheadedness will go away.”
Your eyes closed as you leaned back onto the couch pillows.
 It was weird, but he was doing everything possible to take care of you and even thanked you for your blood. He wasent a monster and even if he was he was still Link. Link couldn’t be a ruthless, blood sucking killer, cause it wasent his nature.
51 notes · View notes
mythicallyyours · 3 years
Got an anon request for a vampire/self insert from a very sweet person and I finally finished it today! #pleasebenice
Link stood up from his desk as you entered the room and sat in the chair in the well lit Mythical office, “Come on in.”
You kept your head low. As a new mythical employee, you had failed to read the extremely fine print that part of your job was to provide your own  fresh blood to one of the big bosses to Link, who happened to be a creature of folklore known as a vampire. Stevie mentioned it to you this morning that you had a meeting with Link, everyone else knew except you until Alex saw fit to enlighten you to what was actually going to happen.
 It wasent a joke, it wasent a ploy, no cameras. It was very real. You had seen the show, Link seemed like a funny, tall, southren, goofy dad-type guy, not a prowling, biting, horror movie monster. He was.
Oh god, those teeth. They looked sharp and those canines were longer than the average persons and it should have been a tip off to his true nature. Now you were locked in the office alone with Link looming above you possibly licking his lips to drain you dry and end your existence.
Links white addidas shoes appeared in front of you, “Hows your day been? Everything going well for you in the office?“ 
Why was he talking to you like this? Why have a conversation with someone you’re about to devoure? Was this some kind of mental game? You didn’t look up, you didn’t speak, but a small sob jerked you as a tear dropped out of your eye and you let out a soft shaky breath.
Link quelled his voice a bit, “Hey, you alright?” His large hand landed on your shoulder when you didn’t answer, “Awe, poor thing, you’re shaking. You look scared. What’s the matter?”
Long fingers tentativly touched your cheek and chin coaxing you to look at him, “Tears? Scared?” Link dropped onto his haunches before you.
Eyes warm and blue like the sun rising thru stained glass windows in a cathedral searched yours, “Wanna talk about it? Might help this seem less scary.”
You wiped your eyes, “I-I’m n-not ready to die..”
Links mouth opened, “Die? What do you mean die?!”
Your lip quivered as the words dropped out like your tears, “Y-you’re gonna drink all my b-blood and t-then I’ll die.”
Links brows furrowed as shock flooded his face, “Oh no, no, no! I’m not gonna drink all your blood, honey! I only need less than a pint and I’m good. You’ve been watching too many horror movies. Gosh, I would never!”
You sniffed, “O-only a little?”
His palm rested on your knee, “Only a little bit, I’m not a monster. Promise it will be a pinch, slurp, lick and I’m done.”
Link tipped his head to yours, “Please don’t cry. I know, I know the idea of being bit is pretty terrifying. But don’t be scared, you’re not in any real danger." 
Your arms wrapped around your torso, "Y-you won’t chew o-on me?”
Links nose wrinkled with repulse, “Of course not! I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I have to live too. I’ve learned how to live with my problems and make things as painless as possible for my volunteers/ donors.”
You took in a deep breath as you held up your pinky, “P-promise?” Your voice sounded so small and weak.
Links much larger pinky wrapped around yours as he echoed, “Promise.”
Link stood up, “Alright, shall we?”
You stood on shaky legs before him, less frightened than before but still nervous.
Link eyed you with a sympathetic smile, “This is always awkward, but here we go, I like to feed from behind normally, but seeing as you’re freaked out, I’ll go frontways. Okay?”
You nodded. Link removed his glasses, placing them in his shirt pocket, “Alrighty, here we go.”
Link leaned forward, arms opened and reached for you. Instinctively, you gasped and stepped back with your arms held tightly across your chest.
Links eyes softened, “Hey, hey, don’t run away.” Link closed the distance and clasped your shoulders, “Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay. We’ll take this slow, alright?”
He brought you into a gentle hug, then traced his fingers along your neck as he brushed back your hair, “Gosh, your heart is racing.” He whispered.
Link tipped your head to the side, “There we go. Now, brace yourself, honey." 
His hot breath hit your neck as you bit your lip bracing for the pain.
Link cooed softly, "Shh, shh, you’re alright.”
 No bite came, but a soft, tender, warm kiss was planted on your jugular vein, “You’re being so brave.”
A light pinch of sharp fangs broke your skin, causing you to whimper and your lip quivered. His lips touched your skin then  started to lightly suck in your blood.  His jaws didnt bare down on you and cause further pain as expected, no. They simply rested against you as his tongue did most of the work around the bites drawing out the blood a little at a time, slowly and softly.
The stubble on his chin felt like the scratch  tweed on a smoking jacket. There wasn’t as much noise as you expected either, a little sucking, no growling, and an occasionaly deep hum of satisfaction from his throat. Oddly enough, he kept you in a secure hug the whole time too. Links arms held you close as he fed, one hand  gently combed thru your hair as the other held you close to his chest, not restraining you, just holding you, comforting you with firm long back rubs.
 A light lick was placed on your neck, “There, that will help it heal fast, clean up the mess and dull the pain.” Link sighed, “Thank you, you tasted great.”
Once his arms released, you touched your neck and felt the two indentions from his fangs. It stung a little but not much.
Link guided you to the couch, “Lets get you some sprite and some crackers an a bandage then you can rest a bit. That probably tuckered you out. Maybe dizzy too.”
You stared up at him, “B-bandages and snacks?”
Link raised an eyebrow with a half smile, “Havent you ever donated blood before? You get a drink and a snack to help you quickly replenish the blood loss you experienced. The bandage will help the bites heal quicker too.”
You nodded slowly, “Oh.”
Link shook his head and chuckled, “I told you, I'm a monster. You just lay back and the lightheadedness will go away.”
Your eyes closed as you leaned back onto the couch pillows.
 It was weird, but he was doing everything possible to take care of you and even thanked you for your blood. He wasent a monster and even if he was he was still Link. Link couldn’t be a ruthless, blood sucking killer, cause it wasent his nature.
51 notes · View notes
mythicallyyours · 3 years
Got an anon request for a vampire/self insert from a very sweet person and I finally finished it today! #pleasebenice
Link stood up from his desk as you entered the room and sat in the chair in the well lit Mythical office, “Come on in.”
You kept your head low. As a new mythical employee, you had failed to read the extremely fine print that part of your job was to provide your own  fresh blood to one of the big bosses to Link, who happened to be a creature of folklore known as a vampire. Stevie mentioned it to you this morning that you had a meeting with Link, everyone else knew except you until Alex saw fit to enlighten you to what was actually going to happen.
 It wasent a joke, it wasent a ploy, no cameras. It was very real. You had seen the show, Link seemed like a funny, tall, southren, goofy dad-type guy, not a prowling, biting, horror movie monster. He was.
Oh god, those teeth. They looked sharp and those canines were longer than the average persons and it should have been a tip off to his true nature. Now you were locked in the office alone with Link looming above you possibly licking his lips to drain you dry and end your existence.
Links white addidas shoes appeared in front of you, “Hows your day been? Everything going well for you in the office?“ 
Why was he talking to you like this? Why have a conversation with someone you’re about to devoure? Was this some kind of mental game? You didn’t look up, you didn’t speak, but a small sob jerked you as a tear dropped out of your eye and you let out a soft shaky breath.
Link quelled his voice a bit, "Hey, you alright?” His large hand landed on your shoulder when you didn’t answer, “Awe, poor thing, you’re shaking. You look scared. What’s the matter?”
Long fingers tentativly touched your cheek and chin coaxing you to look at him, “Tears? Scared?” Link dropped onto his haunches before you.
Eyes warm and blue like the sun rising thru stained glass windows in a cathedral searched yours, “Wanna talk about it? Might help this seem less scary.”
You wiped your eyes, “I-I’m n-not ready to die..”
Links mouth opened, “Die? What do you mean die?!”
Your lip quivered as the words dropped out like your tears, “Y-you’re gonna drink all my b-blood and t-then I’ll die.”
Links brows furrowed as shock flooded his face, “Oh no, no, no! I’m not gonna drink all your blood, honey! I only need less than a pint and I’m good. You’ve been watching too many horror movies. Gosh, I would never!”
You sniffed, “O-only a little?”
His palm rested on your knee, “Only a little bit, I’m not a monster. Promise it will be a pinch, slurp, lick and I’m done.”
Link tipped his head to yours, “Please don’t cry. I know, I know the idea of being bit is pretty terrifying. But don’t be scared, you’re not in any real danger." 
Your arms wrapped around your torso, "Y-you won’t chew o-on me?”
Links nose wrinkled with repulse, “Of course not! I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I have to live too. I’ve learned how to live with my problems and make things as painless as possible for my volunteers/ donors.”
You took in a deep breath as you held up your pinky, “P-promise?” Your voice sounded so small and weak.
Links much larger pinky wrapped around yours as he echoed, “Promise.”
Link stood up, “Alright, shall we?”
You stood on shaky legs before him, less frightened than before but still nervous.
Link eyed you with a sympathetic smile, “This is always awkward, but here we go, I like to feed from behind normally, but seeing as you’re freaked out, I’ll go frontways. Okay?”
You nodded. Link removed his glasses, placing them in his shirt pocket, “Alrighty, here we go.”
Link leaned forward, arms opened and reached for you. Instinctively, you gasped and stepped back with your arms held tightly across your chest.
Links eyes softened, “Hey, hey, don’t run away.” Link closed the distance and clasped your shoulders, “Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay. We’ll take this slow, alright?”
He brought you into a gentle hug, then traced his fingers along your neck as he brushed back your hair, “Gosh, your heart is racing.” He whispered.
Link tipped your head to the side, “There we go. Now, brace yourself, honey." 
His hot breath hit your neck as you bit your lip bracing for the pain.
Link cooed softly, "Shh, shh, you’re alright.”
 No bite came, but a soft, tender, warm kiss was planted on your jugular vein, “You’re being so brave.”
A light pinch of sharp fangs broke your skin, causing you to whimper and your lip quivered. His lips touched your skin then  started to lightly suck in your blood.  His jaws didnt bare down on you and cause further pain as expected, no. They simply rested against you as his tongue did most of the work around the bites drawing out the blood a little at a time, slowly and softly.
The stubble on his chin felt like the scratch  tweed on a smoking jacket. There wasn’t as much noise as you expected either, a little sucking, no growling, and an occasionaly deep hum of satisfaction from his throat. Oddly enough, he kept you in a secure hug the whole time too. Links arms held you close as he fed, one hand  gently combed thru your hair as the other held you close to his chest, not restraining you, just holding you, comforting you with firm long back rubs.
 A light lick was placed on your neck, “There, that will help it heal fast, clean up the mess and dull the pain.” Link sighed, “Thank you, you tasted great.”
Once his arms released, you touched your neck and felt the two indentions from his fangs. It stung a little but not much.
Link guided you to the couch, “Lets get you some sprite and some crackers an a bandage then you can rest a bit. That probably tuckered you out. Maybe dizzy too.”
You stared up at him, “B-bandages and snacks?”
Link raised an eyebrow with a half smile, “Havent you ever donated blood before? You get a drink and a snack to help you quickly replenish the blood loss you experienced. The bandage will help the bites heal quicker too.”
You nodded slowly, “Oh.”
Link shook his head and chuckled, “I told you, I'm a monster. You just lay back and the lightheadedness will go away.”
Your eyes closed as you leaned back onto the couch pillows.
 It was weird, but he was doing everything possible to take care of you and even thanked you for your blood. He wasent a monster and even if he was he was still Link. Link couldn’t be a ruthless, blood sucking killer, cause it wasent his nature.
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mythicallyyours · 3 years
Could you write a blurb about what it might be like to hug Rhett and Link? I need a hug, and I really want to hug them someday ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
Dang anon… I want to hug them too….
Rhett hugs, are probably very soft, warm and gentle. There would probably be a bit of beard floof contact against your cheek. I’ve rarely seen him use 2 hands to hold someone close, but I imagine his hands feel large and just as warm. He wouldn’t grab you, he would hold you softly, so you wouldn’t feel trapped, thus giving you the option to pull away first if you get anxious. Rhett would be highly aware of the unspoken body language between you. 
Link hugs are maybe very tight and close, a hug from someone who means it. he wouldn’t mind if you’re shy, he’ll squeeze the shy out of you. He probably wouldn’t be the first to let you go. Infact, he may hold you close until he feels you relax against him. With his wide shoulders, you could rest your head against without feeling like you’re going to be pushed away. Links arms would hold you just as close as though you were family. 
Hope you get to hug them someday, nonnie! 
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mythicallyyours · 4 years
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mythicallyyours · 4 years
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Rhett trying to get Link’s attention. (x)(x)
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mythicallyyours · 4 years
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Painted a jean jacket today #illustration #painting
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mythicallyyours · 4 years
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214 notes · View notes
mythicallyyours · 4 years
I'm sort of loving this....
Link a man getting ready to eat peanut butter. Some old fanart
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mythicallyyours · 4 years
Could you write a blurb about what it might be like to hug Rhett and Link? I need a hug, and I really want to hug them someday ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
Dang anon… I want to hug them too….
Rhett hugs, are probably very soft, warm and gentle. There would probably be a bit of beard floof contact against your cheek. I’ve rarely seen him use 2 hands to hold someone close, but I imagine his hands feel large and just as warm. He wouldn’t grab you, he would hold you softly, so you wouldn’t feel trapped, thus giving you the option to pull away first if you get anxious. Rhett would be highly aware of the unspoken body language between you. 
Link hugs are maybe very tight and close, a hug from someone who means it. he wouldn’t mind if you’re shy, he’ll squeeze the shy out of you. He probably wouldn’t be the first to let you go. Infact, he may hold you close until he feels you relax against him. With his wide shoulders, you could rest your head against without feeling like you’re going to be pushed away. Links arms would hold you just as close as though you were family. 
Hope you get to hug them someday, nonnie! 
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mythicallyyours · 4 years
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21K notes · View notes
mythicallyyours · 4 years
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City boy in the wild | Jaskier in the Witcher
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mythicallyyours · 4 years
the range of this performance will forever stand the test of time… real lifetime actors could never
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mythicallyyours · 4 years
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Dark Link photoset (2)
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mythicallyyours · 4 years
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Some vintage Rhett art work from way back in the day...
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mythicallyyours · 4 years
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167 notes · View notes
mythicallyyours · 4 years
Rhett rocking his lengthy hair and beard
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