myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
 Breastfeeding is known to be the best way of providing your baby with  all the nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy. But few talk  about how hard and stressful breastfeeding can be when things do not  work out the way they should naturally. Many mothers talk about their  problems with breastfeeding and explain their everyday struggles.  Constant back pain, and even breast infections were commonly mentioned,  that would burn like hell even weeks later when the baby would latch on.On the other hand, some mothers did  say that this “Hell phase” only lasted for little time and eventually  mother and baby were harmonized and breastfeeding seemed like the  easiest thing. Although some mothers that had success in breastfeeding  went on about their experience with their second or third child that  seemed to take a complete turn in many cases.To their surprise even if the mother  is able to breastfeed, not every child is able to! Many mothers drove  themselves crazy, spending hundreds of dollars seeing doctors or  specialist to get it right. Yes, there are many benefits to  breastfeeding such as; all natural nutrients from the mother and no  artificial or unknown substances. However, there are many amazing powder  milk formulas that mimic breast milk very closely as well.
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
My Organic Company - Baby Care
Now that your baby has finally been  born after the long months of waiting, you are able to take him/her home  and start a new chapter of your life. Many new mother’s and father’s  have questions regarding the first few days at home with their  newborn…Here are a few things that will help parents and child to stay  calm and relaxed.
Especially mother’s are often  overwhelmed with a feeling of joy and love when they spend their first  days at home with their baby. During this time it is important to stay  calm and enjoy the time and bond between you and your child. It is  important to be in a quiet environment with no loud noises surrounding  mother or child. The mother needs time to rest from the stressful  pregnancy and regain all the energy. A healthy diet filled with vitamins  and proteins helps, as well as walks outside to regain strength.
Newborn baby’s have very sensitive  skin that can easily get irritated. Therefore it is important to change  diapers after every nap and after each feeding. To clean, a warm wet  towel can be used at first. The area of the bum should be kept dry and  clean at all times. Baths are not necessarily needed in the first few  days but can be included in the cleaning routine every 3 days or so.  Face, hands and feet although should be cleaned with a warm towel daily.
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
As parents, we worry a lot about the nutritional value we give our  children. We all want our bundle of joy to live happily and healthy. As a  new parent, breast milk is the best source of nourishment. Breast milk  offers all the necessary nutrients, it comes at the right temperature,  and it's convenient. All experts and doctors will advise using breast  milk. However, they are instances whereby breastfeeding may not be  appropriate. So if you are looking for an alternative to breast milk,  you can introduce Holle.
So when is the right time to introduce Holle?
At My Organic Company we understand the importance of giving your infant the proper nutrients. So we recommend introduction of Holle Organic Infant Formula Stage 1.The  good news about Holle Organic Infant Formula 1, is that it can be  introduced as a supplement for breast milk. It offers the necessary  nutrients as breast milk and can be used from the start as the best  alternative to breast milk.
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
As the baby grows, his body requires nutrients which may not lack in breast milk. So at the age of 4 to 6 months, the baby is introduced to more foods. As a supplement source of nutrients, as a parent, you can start adding infant porridge.
At My Organic Company we understand the complexity of ensuring that your kid is getting enough nutrients. For more information, you can visit:
As the baby grows, his body requires nutrients which may not lack in breast milk. So at the age of 4 to 6 months, the baby is introduced to more foods. As a supplement source of nutrients, as a parent, you can start adding infant porridge.
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
Holle Goat Milk
Use Holle organic baby formula with vitamin D for better calcium absorption and bone strength, also contains vitamin A and C for a healthy immune system!
Great for babies from birth to 6 months No added sugar Vitamin D for better calcium absorption and bone strength Vitamin A and C for a healthy immune system Essential Vitamins and Minerals Calcium for healthy bones No wheat, soy, or peanut ingredients Free from artificial chemicals, preservatives, and flavors Biodynamic, Demeter, and Organic Certified (Organic ++) Chemical-free farming and positive animal husbandry Gluten-Free Iron fortified Main carbohydrate is Whole Organic Goat milk GMO-Free
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
Let’s be real, no matter what, breast milk will always be the best solution for your infant. There is simply no other way to say the truth. Cow’s milk and other manufactured formulas are not necessarily bad for your baby, they still provide important nutrients to  your baby and provide it with dietary needs. Nevertheless, it just isn’t the complete mother nature milk that has far more benefits for your infant that only you can provide. Breastfeeding does not just provide better nutrition, it creates an emotional bond between mother and child.
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It has been proven that children that have a secure attachment with their mothers, tend to be more independent than children who were not breastfed or stopped being breastfed too early. Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing that mothers get to experience. It’s the little moments that count, such as having skin to skin contact with you baby and feeling your baby falling asleep in peace.
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
As we get closer to the beloved Christmas season, temperatures start to drop and the air starts to get dryer along with the low humidity that promotes dehydration to the skin. Not to forget the sudden temperature changes from the cold outside air to warm air inside homes whichadditionally strain the skin for infants.
My Organic Company | Why Lotion and Creams
During cold seasons it is important to hydrate your baby’s skin with a rich cream or lotion. If your infant has any kind of skin condition such aseczema or very dry skin then the skin should be creamed several times a day. If you live in an area that deals with very cold temperatures aAnhydrous cream would be a wise choice as creams that have a high water amount cool the skin down drastically in cold temperatures.
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
It is well known that european baby formula quality is very popular and known to have tighter regulations when it comes to ingredients used in the formulas. In european farms, no pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used in farming. It is also known, that there are no genetic modifications of animals or plants. In general the overall regulations are stricter than in the U.S and other parts of the world.
Why are all of these things important? these regulations play a huge difference in the outcome and production of the formula due to the cow being fed on grass that is way more natural and healthier than grass that is sprayed with pesticides and chemicals. That way the cow eats healthier, which comes to a result of the milk produced being healthier to use in formulas. Europe also does not allow any corn syrup, glucose, fructose, rice syrup, table sugar in their formulas. Instead they use different sweeteners such as lactose in their formulas.
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
using the highest organic farming standards anywhere in the World, our Hipp, Holle and Lebenswert Cereals really differ to morst so called organic Cereals available in most U.S Supermarkets. They taste awesome and are structured for Healthy Babies in a weaning transition
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CEREALS, REAL organic, my organic company, HIPP, Holle & Lebenswert
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
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myorganiccompanyus · 4 years
Shop for the finest organic, non GMO formulas, sustainable diapers and chemical free Baby-care items from trusted Brands. Huge inventory, lowest price and flexible membership. Become a club member now and get 15% discount on all items. Shop now!
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