mylife-myfandom · 2 months
환상연가 - Love Song for Illusion - Whump List - 🇰🇷
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Whumpees: 사조현 (Sajo Huron) and 악희 (Ak Hee) played by 박지훈 (Park Jihoon)
Synopsis: Crown Prince Sajo Hyun is an intellectual character who uses his innate artistic sense to work as a fashion designer at a downtown boutique while hiding his identity of crown prince. He has a wound deep down in his heart from his childhood due to his oppressive father Sajo Seung. Sajo Hyun’s other personality Ak Hee is a charming character who can easily seduce others, but he is cursed to feel extreme pain when he makes physical touch with others. (MDL)
Genre/Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Shot, Stabbed, Period, Emeto, Traumatic Past, Drugged, Constant Whump
Watch On: Viki (Original), DramaCool, KissAsian
Notes: Will use the term “madness” for his “DID” symptoms a couple times + I will do a section for both characters all at once then both separated (you’ll see below)
⚠️CAUTION: This drama depicts child ab*se, as well as the morning after non-con⚠️
1.01 : flashbacks of being abused as a kid) ::: verbally abused
1.02 : fighting off madness ::: fighting off sleep, biting his lip to keep from sleeping, bleeding, concern for him, sitting in an ice bath to fight sleep ::: drugged, fighting it, biting his lips, bleeding ::: anxious
1.03 : traumatic flashbacks, nauseous, gagging, concern for him, shaking, emotional, screaming, fighting off the madness, coughing, in pain, concern for him, weak, held, passed out, woke up, passed out again, carried ::: asleep, doctor examined, feverish, woke up ::: (flashbacks: screaming in pain) ::: chained up, coughing, woke up, (flashbacks: screaming in pain, fighting off the madness), weak ::: chained up, choked, struggling, angry ::: chained up, screaming in pain, collapsed, passed out ::: at knife-point
1.04 : at knife-point ::: (flashbacks: spell used on him, screaming in pain, collapsed, passed out) ::: chained up, frozen ::: arrow pointed at him, flinched, threw up, shaky breathing ::: his father told him he’s ashamed of him, (traumatic flashbacks) ::: (traumatic flashbacks) ::: (traumatic flashbacks) ::: heartbroken, feeling betrayed, concerned for someone, grieving
1.05 : crying, grieving ::: crying, grieving ::: shaking, chest pain, covering his ears, screaming, frozen, locked up, in pain, desperate, scared, nearly killed by a sword ::: grabbed, strangled, struggling, fought, attacked with a knife ::: crying ::: wincing, concern for him ::: cold, (flashbacks: locked up, frozen, emotional) ::: dizzy ::: fought, chased, shot at
1.06 : coughing up water, exhausted, concern for him ::: having chills, (flashbacks: in pain x2) ::: in pain, concern for him ::: getting chills, concern for him, scared (semi comical) ::: tried to stand, in pain, concern for him, wound treated, wincing ::: anxious, scared, stumbling, struggling to breathe, traumatic flashbacks, panic attack, attacked with a knife, saved ::: heavy shaking breathing, emotional
1.07 : hallucinating ::: hallucinating ::: stressed, anxious, hallucinating ::: angry ::: angry ::: drugged, collapsed
1.08 : uncomfortable ::: in pain, wincing, emotional, heartbroken ::: heartbroken ::: upset, in pain, wincing ::: defiant, trained on, concern for him ::: angry ::: fought, protecting someone ::: wound on his lip and jaw, concern for him, flinching away, heartbroken, crying ::: asleep, crying, crying
1.09 : asleep, crying, shaking, crying, (flashbacks: heartbroken) ::: anxious, hallucinating ::: fought, anxious ::: concerned for someone, desperate, manhandled, screaming, grieving, concerned for someone, basically thrown, scared, crying ::: crying, grieving, in shock
1.10 : in shock, crying, held, emotional ::: angry, fell to his knees, in pain, concern for him, unable to speak, ambushed, in pain, screaming, angry
1.11 : angry, cutting his arm with a sword, concern for him, bleeding, wincing, holding a sword to his throat, concern for him, weak, shaking, wincing, exhausted ::: arm treated, bandages, dizzy, blurry vision, stressed ::: laying in limbo in his mind, paralyzed, mute, looked after, tired, dizzy, blurry vision, anxious, pretending to be angry, dizzy ::: blurry vision, concern for him, not feeling well, concern for him, in pain ::: exhausted, helped to walk, still paralyzed, anxious, tired ::: heartbroken, in pain, shaking, groaning, exhausted, concern for him, crying ::: exhausted, struggling to walk, stumbling, heavily lidded eyes, slightly slurred speech, concern for him, stumbling, concern for him, looked over, in pain, stumbling, concern for him ::: still paralyzed, emotional ::: stabbed, paralyzed, slowly losing consciousness, collapsed, fell into the mind room, weak, in pain, concern for him, groaning, unconscious ::: concern for him ::: laying on the ground, weak
1.12 : paralyzed, stressed ::: paralyzed, stressed, laying barely conscious with a magical knife in his shoulder, dying, concern for him ::: laying barely conscious with a magical knife in his shoulder ::: magical knife in his shoulder, stressed, wincing, paralyzed, anxious ::: struggling to get up, screaming in pain, concern for him ::: struggling to get up, screaming in pain, concern for him ::: struggling to get up, screaming in pain, concern for him ::: exhausted, in pain, heavy breathing ::: concern for him, loved one attempts to pull the knife out of his shoulder, screaming from the pain, shaking, concern for him, screaming in pain, shaking, barely conscious, heavily lidded eyes, screaming in pain, shaking ::: screaming in pain, shaking, heavily lidded eyes, heavy breathing, screaming in pain, shaking
1.13 : looked after ::: looked after, concern for him, coughing ::: crying, flashbacks, crying ::: crying ::: feeling unwell, screaming, fell to his knees, concern for him, eyes momentarily glowing
1.14 : weak, struggling to stand, nearly collapsed, concern for him, flinching away from someone, in pain, (flashbacks: angry, concerned for someone, anxious, confused, in pain, weak, someone sees the bloody knife he had pulled from his shoulder), concern for him (semi wound reveal) ::: (flashbacks: weak) ::: concern for him ::: in pain ::: weak, heavily lidded eyes, exhausted ::: in shock, in pain ::: life threatened, concern for him, shot at (arrows), emotional
1.15 : concerned for someone, angry, heartbroken ::: in pain, holding his head, groaning ::: intense head pain, collapsed, heavy breathing ::: weak, heavy breathing, heavily lidded eyes ::: weak, heavy breathing, heavily lidded eyes ::: weak, heavy breathing, heavily lidded eyes ::: intense head pain, collapsed, heavy breathing, groaning ::: struggling to see, stumbling, in pain, concern for him, shaking, shaky breathing, wincing, in pain, wincing, shaking ::: fought
1.16 : magic performed on him, fought, stabbed in the chest, concern for him, manhandled ::: (flashbacks: fought, stabbed, bleeding, concern for him), in pain, concern for him, heavy breathing, half-collapsed, concern for him, trapped, sickly, weak, wound on his face, bloody, angry ::: angry/upset ::: in pain, concern for him ::: trapped, sickly, weak ::: concerned for someone, desperate, in pain, shaking, emotional, concerned for someone, crying
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사조현 (Sajo Hyeon)
1.01 : flashbacks of being abused as a kid) ::: verbally abused
1.02 : fighting off Ak Hee ::: anxious
1.03 : traumatic flashbacks, nauseous, gagging, concern for him, shaking, emotional, screaming, fighting off the madness, coughing, in pain, concern for him, weak, held, passed out, woke up, passed out again, carried ::: chained up, coughing, woke up, (flashbacks: screaming in pain, fighting off the madness), weak ::: chained up, choked, struggling, angry ::: chained up, screaming in pain, passed out
1.04 : at knife-point ::: arrow pointed at him, flinched, threw up, shaky breathing ::: his father told him he’s ashamed of him, (traumatic flashbacks) ::: (traumatic flashbacks) ::: (traumatic flashbacks) ::: heartbroken, feeling betrayed, concerned for someone, grieving
1.05 : crying, grieving ::: crying, grieving ::: shaking, chest pain, covering his ears, screaming, in pain ::: grabbed, strangled, struggling, fought, attacked with a knife ::: cold
1.06 : coughing up water, exhausted, concern for him ::: having chills ::: in pain, concern for him ::: getting chills, concern for him, scared (semi comical) ::: tried to stand, in pain, concern for him, wound treated, wincing ::: anxious, scared, stumbling, struggling to breathe, traumatic flashbacks, panic attack, attacked with a knife, saved ::: heavy shaking breathing, emotional
1.07 : hallucinating ::: hallucinating ::: stressed, anxious, hallucinating ::: angry ::: drugged, collapsed
1.08 : angry ::: crying
1.09 : asleep, crying, shaking ::: anxious, hallucinating ::: fought, anxious ::: ::: concerned for someone, desperate, manhandled, screaming, grieving ::: crying, grieving, in shock
1.10 : in shock, crying, held ::: angry, fell to his knees, in pain, concern for him, unable to speak, ambushed, in pain, screaming
1.11 : laying in limbo in his mind, paralyzed, mute, looked after ::: concern for him ::: still paralyzed, anxious ::: exhausted, concern for him, crying ::: still paralyzed, emotional ::: concern for him
1.12 : paralyzed, stressed ::: paralyzed, stressed ::: paralyzed, anxious
1.13 : looked after ::: looked after, concern for him, coughing ::: crying, flashbacks, crying ::: feeling unwell, screaming, fell to his knees, concern for him
1.14 : in shock ::: life threatened, concern for him, shot at (arrows), emotional
1.15 : concerned for someone, angry, heartbroken ::: fought
1.16 : fought, stabbed in the chest, concern for him ::: (flashbacks: fought, stabbed, bleeding, concern for him), in pain, concern for him, heavy breathing, half-collapsed, concern for him ::: angry/upset ::: in pain, concern for him ::: ::: concerned for someone, desperate
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악희 (Ak Hee)
1.01 : none
1.02 : fighting off sleep, biting his lip to keep from sleeping, bleeding, concern for him, sitting in an ice bath to fight sleep ::: drugged, fighting it, biting his lips, bleeding
1.03 : asleep, doctor examined, feverish, woke up ::: spell used on him, screaming in pain, collapsed, passed out
1.04 : (flashbacks: spell used on him, screaming in pain, collapsed, passed out) ::: chained up, frozen
1.05 : frozen, locked up, in pain, desperate, scared, nearly killed by a sword ::: crying ::: wincing, concern for him ::: (flashbacks: locked up, frozen, emotional) ::: dizzy ::: fought, chased, shot at
1.06 : (flashbacks: in pain x2)
1.07 : angry ::: uncomfortable
1.08 : uncomfortable ::: in pain, emotional, heartbroken ::: heartbroken ::: upset, in pain, wincing ::: ::: defiant, trained on, concern for him ::: angry ::: fought, protecting someone ::: wound on his lip and jaw, concern for him, flinching away, heartbroken, crying ::: crying ::: crying
1.09 : crying, (flashbacks: heartbroken) ::: concerned for someone, basically thrown, scared, crying
1.10 : emotional ::: angry
1.11 : angry, cutting his arm with a sword, concern for him, bleeding, wincing, holding a sword to his throat, concern for him, weak, shaking, wincing, exhausted ::: arm treated, bandages, dizzy, blurry vision, stressed ::: tired, dizzy, blurry vision, anxious, pretending to be angry, dizzy ::: blurry vision, not feeling well, concern for him, in pain ::: exhausted, helped to walk ::: heartbroken, in pain, shaking, groaning, exhausted ::: exhausted, struggling to walk, stumbling, heavily lidded eyes, slightly slurred speech, concern for him, stumbling, concern for him, looked over, in pain, stumbling, concern for him ::: stabbed, paralyzed, slowly losing consciousness, collapsed, fell into the mind room, weak, in pain, concern for him, groaning, unconscious ::: laying on the ground, unconscious
1.12 : laying barely conscious with a magical knife in his shoulder, dying, concern for him ::: laying barely conscious with a magical knife in his shoulder ::: magical knife in his shoulder, stressed, wincing ::: struggling to get up, screaming in pain, concern for him ::: struggling to get up, screaming in pain, concern for him ::: struggling to get up, screaming in pain, concern for him ::: exhausted, in pain, heavy breathing ::: concern for him, loved one attempts to pull the knife out of his shoulder, screaming from the pain, shaking, concern for him, screaming in pain, shaking, barely conscious, heavily lidded eyes, screaming in pain, shaking ::: screaming in pain, shaking, heavily lidded eyes, heavy breathing, screaming in pain, shaking
1.13 : concern for him, eyes momentarily glowing
1.14 : weak, struggling to stand, nearly collapsed, concern for him, flinching away from someone, in pain, (flashbacks: angry, concerned for someone, anxious, confused, in pain, weak, someone sees the bloody knife he had pulled from his shoulder), concern for him (semi wound reveal) ::: (flashbacks: weak) ::: concern for him ::: in pain ::: ::: weak, heavily lidded eyes, exhausted ::: in pain
1.15 : in pain, holding his head, groaning ::: intense head pain, collapsed, heavy breathing ::: weak, heavy breathing, heavily lidded eyes ::: weak, heavy breathing, heavily lidded eyes ::: weak, heavy breathing, heavily lidded eyes ::: intense head pain, collapsed, heavy breathing, groaning ::: struggling to see, stumbling, in pain, concern for him, shaking, shaky breathing, wincing, in pain, wincing, shaking ::: fought
1.16 : magic performed on him, fought, manhandled ::: trapped, sickly, weak, wound on his face, bloody, angry ::: trapped, sickly, weak ::: in pain, shaking, emotional, concerned for someone, crying, dying
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mylife-myfandom · 3 months
NEW SETS: Weak Hero Character Name Meanings (Korean) ~ LITERAL & METAPHORICAL ~ Part 1
I was in a bit of a somber mood after the ending so I made yet another set of character name meanings (Korean). If you notice the differences from my previous edits it's because I had since learned a little bit more about naming culture in China, Japan, and Korea. Enjoy!
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mylife-myfandom · 3 months
finally compiled screenshots of when ppl call gray pretty boy or think he's a girl
also I got these from desktop webtoons so if the quality looks wonky it's bc I was piecing together screenshots lol
ep 1 , Colton Choi and co.
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also ep 1 , Alex Go
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ep 3 , Eugene Gale
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ep 4 (I think)
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somewhere between ep 4 and 10 , I forgot to write it down lol
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ep 16
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ep 38
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ep 48
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ep 68
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ep 71 , class 1-1
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also ep 71
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ep 84
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ep 118
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ep 147
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ep 218
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ep 234
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I skipped any dudes that vaguely mentioned how Gray looked bc they were flabbergasted and not questioning their sexuality lmao
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mylife-myfandom · 3 months
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Friends my ass. this looks like some sort of right-people-wrong-timing romance shit
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mylife-myfandom · 3 months
welcome to my humble presentation:
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this took 3+ hrs.
[IDs in alt text.]
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mylife-myfandom · 4 months
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Park Ji Hoon as Sajo Hyun/Ak Hee || Love Song For Illusion (2024)
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mylife-myfandom · 4 months
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The Story of Park's Marriage Contract 열녀 박씨 계약 결혼뎐 (2023-2024)
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mylife-myfandom · 4 months
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Park Ji Hoon as Sajo Hyun/Ak Hee || Love Song For Illusion (2024)
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mylife-myfandom · 5 months
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Viva La Vida.
“어때? 나 만날 준비 됐어?”
“고마워, 약속 지켜줘서”
“So how? Are you ready to meet me?”
“Thank you, for keeping the promise.”
Such a breathtaking series that wraps up beautifully.
2023년 11월 14일, 2348hrs.
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mylife-myfandom · 5 months
There’s no scale to compare who’s hurting more. There’s no judge to determine that, either. No one has the right to judge someone else’s pain. You’re not obligated to be acknowledged, either. Just… If you’re hurting, you’re hurting. And only you know how much you’re hurting. I won’t force you to be happy. I won’t measure who’s unhappier with you, either. […] And if you’re able to shine on your own again, I want you to shine with all your might.
—Twinkling Watermelon (2023).
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mylife-myfandom · 5 months
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"Thank you. For keeping the promise."
Twinkling Watermelon 반짝이는 워터멜론 // Episode 16
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mylife-myfandom · 5 months
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Give me my reward as you promised.
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mylife-myfandom · 5 months
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Yi Chan is so lucky.You're like his lucky charm that suddenly landed in his lap.You're tutoring him.You started the band for him…and want to buy him a guitar.Why are you so good to him? Tell me. I want to know.
" I want him to shine. First, on stage. Then in life."
E07 : TWINKLING WATERMELON (2023) dir. Son Junghyun
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mylife-myfandom · 5 months
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“Watch closely. This is only for you and no one else."
Twinkling Watermelon 반짝이는 워터멜론 // Episode 13
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mylife-myfandom · 5 months
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A message from an 18-year-old father to his 18-year-old son.
But you know what? For some reason, I felt as though you were like my father. Even though I have never experienced a father’s love, I got to experience something similar thanks to you.
아들, 고맙다.
다음 생엔 내가 니 아버지로 태어나줄께.
2023년 11월 14일, 0244hrs.
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mylife-myfandom · 5 months
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I called Ma Joo and told him we couldn’t make it. Happy now? Are you satisfied?
There’s an unfortunate event I want to prevent. I didn’t know how I could prevent it. But now, I think I see a way. So I must seize the opportunity and do whatever I can to prevent it.
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mylife-myfandom · 5 months
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2K notes · View notes