my-croftholmes · 7 years
I do hope your diet is going absolutely spiffily, Mr. Holmes! Would you mind putting in a good word for me to your government friends, seeing as we're fine companions now? HJ
“Fine companions”? What could possibly make you think we were “fine companions”? 
((I haven’t been on Mycroft’s blog in far too long, would you mind refreshing my memory on what was going on? If you’re still interested, that is.))
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my-croftholmes · 8 years
I'd rather not. It would interfere with my diet. Good day, Doctor. M. H.
Doctor, I must ask you to stay out of London from this point forward. Thank you. M. H.
Sorry, what? Who exactly are you, and what makes you think that you can tell me to stay away from London? Of all the cities on Earth, it seems to be the one that needs my help the most. And, it’s my favorite! The biscuits there are brilliant! Why do I have to stay out?
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my-croftholmes · 8 years
It's not trouble that you have caused. It's trouble you're /going/ to cause. And threatening to kill you? No. I'm not. Yet.
Doctor, I must ask you to stay out of London from this point forward. Thank you. M. H.
Sorry, what? Who exactly are you, and what makes you think that you can tell me to stay away from London? Of all the cities on Earth, it seems to be the one that needs my help the most. And, it’s my favorite! The biscuits there are brilliant! Why do I have to stay out?
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my-croftholmes · 8 years
Then I would suggest that you stay out of sight. Everywhere. For if you cause any problems for my brother and I... The British Government has an amazing weapons program. M. H.
Doctor, I must ask you to stay out of London from this point forward. Thank you. M. H.
Sorry, what? Who exactly are you, and what makes you think that you can tell me to stay away from London? Of all the cities on Earth, it seems to be the one that needs my help the most. And, it’s my favorite! The biscuits there are brilliant! Why do I have to stay out?
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my-croftholmes · 8 years
Doctor, as I have stated before, you are no longer needed. There are others who can protect London. M. H.
Doctor, I must ask you to stay out of London from this point forward. Thank you. M. H.
Sorry, what? Who exactly are you, and what makes you think that you can tell me to stay away from London? Of all the cities on Earth, it seems to be the one that needs my help the most. And, it’s my favorite! The biscuits there are brilliant! Why do I have to stay out?
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my-croftholmes · 8 years
It would seem you underestimate the abilities of the British Government. M. H.
Doctor, I must ask you to stay out of London from this point forward. Thank you. M. H.
Sorry, what? Who exactly are you, and what makes you think that you can tell me to stay away from London? Of all the cities on Earth, it seems to be the one that needs my help the most. And, it’s my favorite! The biscuits there are brilliant! Why do I have to stay out?
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my-croftholmes · 8 years
Because there are others that can take care of London now. You are no longer needed. If you so wish, you will be reimbursed for your troubles. M. H.
Doctor, I must ask you to stay out of London from this point forward. Thank you. M. H.
Sorry, what? Who exactly are you, and what makes you think that you can tell me to stay away from London? Of all the cities on Earth, it seems to be the one that needs my help the most. And, it’s my favorite! The biscuits there are brilliant! Why do I have to stay out?
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my-croftholmes · 8 years
My name is Mycroft Holmes. You'd be wise to forget London ever existed and leave now. M. H.
Doctor, I must ask you to stay out of London from this point forward. Thank you. M. H.
Sorry, what? Who exactly are you, and what makes you think that you can tell me to stay away from London? Of all the cities on Earth, it seems to be the one that needs my help the most. And, it’s my favorite! The biscuits there are brilliant! Why do I have to stay out?
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my-croftholmes · 8 years
Oh, simply for the little matter that if you don't, I will forcibly take possession of that little blue crate of yours and have it blown to pieces from the inside out. Stay out of London. M. H.
Doctor, I must ask you to stay out of London from this point forward. Thank you. M. H.
Sorry, what? Who exactly are you, and what makes you think that you can tell me to stay away from London? Of all the cities on Earth, it seems to be the one that needs my help the most. And, it’s my favorite! The biscuits there are brilliant! Why do I have to stay out?
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