mwill0600 · 1 month
Hi all! I’m currently looking for a long term rp partner. Heres a little about me:
My name is Meghan. I’ll be turning 24 next month. I work night shift in a children’s hospital, so sometimes I might be a bit too busy to reply with work and sleeping. But I promise to make up for it on my days off! I have a cat named Sullivan, who just turned 1, and I am completely obsessed with him. I’ve been writing for a little over 10 years now, beginning on the good ole 1D forums page that is no longer in existence. I love to read, and I love even more recreating things I read or movies/shows that I watch.
Terms for writing. 20+. I’m looking for someone who is pretty active for rapid fire. Obviously we all have lives, so I don’t expect you to be active 24/7/365. Life happens, and life is busy. What I do expect is quality replies. However, i do not tolerate three liners. I expect responses to be minimum a decent sized paragraphed. Just enough to keep the story moving along. My replies range from a decent paragraph to a full novel if it calls for it. I typically match what is given to me. I write primarily in discord, so if I’ve communicated that you aren’t giving my minimum, I will no longer write with you. But for the most part, I’m very easy going! If somethings going on, just let me know! DOUBLES ONLY!!
Disclaimer: I primarily write fxm because that’s all I’m really good at writing. I don’t have experience with mxm or fxf, so I just don’t do it.
I am also all for friendships outside of rp. I like getting to know who I’m writing with, it helps me write better for what you’re looking for!
I’ve made this post long enough. Heads up, I only rp on Discord. Send me a message if you’re interested and we can discuss further!
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