mustbecm · 6 years
Hi i've asked you to remove my fanfiction from this blog and it's still up? why?
I have not been active. I have removed all fics that were requested by the authors. Hope yours was in that bunch. If not, let me know and I will remember to check in a couple of weeks. I apologize for the inconvenience.  
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mustbecm · 6 years
can you please take down my fanfic bruised.. i didn't give you permission to repost it. thanks...
I apologize for not removing it earlier. I have not been on this site for a couple of years. It has been removed. I apologize for the inconvenience. 
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mustbecm · 6 years
Please remove my fanfic "Follow Up" from this blog. I did not chose to post it here, and I do not want others to do it for me. Thank you.
Hello, I apologize for not removing it or responding earlier. I have not been on this site for a few years now. I truly apologize for the inconvenience. It has been removed.  
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mustbecm · 8 years
Leaving Las Vegas
Morgan couldn't help himself. It was just too easy. "Hey, Prentiss, pick a card," he teased, holding a fanned out pack of cards. The slightly hung-over agent glared at him. "I hate you so much right now, Morgan."
"Aw, come on, Princess, you can't leave Vegas behind."
"Morgan, I swear..."
He leaned forward on the table between them and grinned.
"How are you not in pain?" she asked, closing her eyes and wishing the world away. Why was the jet so loud?
"Because I didn't drink nearly as much as you last night. What in the world were you thinking?"
"That it was Vegas. That the drinks were free. Why didn't you stop me?"
He laughed. "I tried. Many times. But I'm scared of you sometimes; you carry a gun and know how to use it.”
She opened her eyes enough to squint at him and managed a small smile. "Smart man." Closing her eyes again, she just wished he'd stop talking.
Whether she fell asleep or not, she wasn't sure but she suddenly smelled freshly brewed coffee under her nose and felt Morgan sit in the seat beside her.
She took the coffee and practically guzzled it.
"Still hate me?" he asked with a chuckle.
"Not right now. I'm sure I'll find another reason soon but coffee wins you forgiveness right now." After another sip, she found herself leaning against his arm. "Do you think Reid will be okay?"
"In time. Everything he believed about his parents has changed. And he has us." "Yes he does." She shoved the now empty mug in his hand. "More."
"Irish coffee this time?" he asked, taking the mug. "And I'm right back to hating you," she muttered
Across the aisle, Aaron Hotchner watched the interaction between the two agents. They had a connection, a bond that, at times, he found himself jealous of.
"Think they'll ever figure it out?" Rossi quietly asked. Hotch turned his attention to his friend. "Figure what out?" "What they have. What they could have."
"Dave, you know there are rules..."
Rossi laughed a little too loudly. "And those rules are named after me. Come on, Aaron. You can't tell me you wouldn't look the other way as long as it didn't interfere with the job." He glanced over as Morgan returned with another mug of coffee for the brunette agent. "They're good for each other."
"I am not having this conversation." His eyes drifted back to his two agents who were now softly laughing at something Emily had whispered to Morgan. He could not deny Dave was right, though. As he watched Emily easily rest her head on Derek's shoulder, Hotch fought back a smile. He'd never admit to anyone, least of all Rossi, but yes, he would absolutely look the other way and it seemed that would be happening sooner than later.
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mustbecm · 8 years
Almost Christmas
Thursday, December 15th, 11:36 p.m. and he is staring at the same spot he has been looking at for thirty minutes now; the incessant blinking of the text cursor mocking at him from the blank document on the luminous screen.
"It's cold in here." Emily mumbles from her sluggish position against the doorframe, raspy voice still filled with sleep and hands rubbing distractedly at her forearms to get them warm.
He hasn't heard her approaching and up until a few seconds he'd been secure in his knowledge of her whereabouts, warm and safe amongst the bedcovers, lost inside, what James Lee Burke would have called, 'Morpheus' gift'; yet Dave isn't startle by her sudden appearance.
Nowadays he always seems to sense her presence whenever she is near.
"It should be. I closed the room's vent; it was getting stuffy in here." David answers in his own gruffy tone, without looking at her.
"So… It was stuffy in here… and now it's freezing… You are a very lucky man; the bedroom upstairs is just the right amount of nice and cozy." Emily states matter-of-factly.
"The final draft for the book is due before the holidays," he explains. "It's almost Christmas."
He doesn't have to say more and she doesn't need the hear it, but she puts it out there anyway.
"Writer's block?" She asks, padding quietly towards him.
He arches an eyebrow at her as she half-leans, half-seats on the corner of the desk nearer to him. "What? Just because I'm seating all alone in my dark and cold study, in the middle of the night, with my computer powered up and the page in my text processor blank? I don't know what you're talking about, seriously." He deadpans.
"Wow, full of snark and all that... I think you've been spending way too much time around me." She chuckles softly, stretching her right arm languidly to run gentle fingers through his hair.
"Mmmm…"Dave hums and closes his eyes at the sensation, craning his neck and moving his head slightly sideways to stir her caress along the side of his face and through his beard. "I don't see how that can be a bad thing." He tells her as he captures her slim hand with his larger one and brings her pale fingers to his lips, depositing a soft kiss on them. "And, about the other thing," he gives the last word an inflection of the voice and another arched eyebrow to emphasize it. "I'm just experiencing a minor setback, nothing to worry about."
"Yeah, well…" Emily says, eying the computer screen suspiciously. "You've been at that for days now; so I'm inclined to believe that we are talking about a little more than a 'minor setback' here."
"Hey! It's true; I'm just looking for the right words to put my thoughts into." He replies indignantly.
"Riiiiiight… Tell me again, how did you said you had managed to publish all those others books before this one?" She asks him casually.
He throws a dirty look at her but when she appears unimpressed by it, he pulls the hand he is still holding towards his lips again and places another tender kiss against her cool knuckles; taking a deep breath as he does so, unabashedly inhaling her scent, breathing her in. To him she always smells wonderful and sweet and this time it's no different; she smells like Emily, like a thousand promises rather than a thousand sins and he believes he's starting to understand.
"Maybe I haven't had the appropriate inspiration." He says from behind her hand, a mischievous glint radiating from his eyes.
"Admit it Rossi, if you haven't gotten it by now, you're not going to get it in the next few hours;" she tells him in her best no-nonsense tone, tugging at her hand, freeing it from his warm grasp as she gets up from the desk and starts walking in the direction of the door. "Now, come to bed Dave or else you are going to freeze your ass down here by yourself until New Year's Eve."
Dave watches dumbfounded as she walks out of the door without even a second glance back at him; a feisty vision in flannel pajamas'.
"Now, David!" She calls from the hallway.
Dave shakes his head and smiles at himself; his little spitfire is definitely one of a kind. He types in a few keys on the computer before hastily following Emily out of the study, meeting her half a way up the stairs and disappearing inside the master bedroom hand in hand.
The digital clock on the still running computer screen reads 00:06 a.m. and it's December 16th, already.
Christmas it's almost here, and the final draft for Dave's book is at last ready for submission; the final touch now can be read in the previously blank page.
If asked, David Rossi would say he has never written truer words.
For Emily Prentiss, light of my life…
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mustbecm · 8 years
Jealous Much?
The BAU was in New York working on a case. Emily had been working with Detective Cooper a lot and he was flirting with her. They has finished the case but Cooper's witty banter continued as they were wrapping up.
Cooper says, "Emily, it is so sad to see you go."
Emily replies, "Call me and maybe I will answer."
Cooper mentions, "How bout I buy you a cup of coffee. You don't leave for awhile."
Emily nods her head.
Morgan sees the two of them leaving together and was getting furious. He couldn't stand that some other guy was flirting with his girl.
As they got coffee and sat on a bench Emily admits, "You know this between us can never go anywhere because with the distance and the fact I have a boyfriend it just wouldn't work."
Copper adds, "Agent Morgan."
Emily says, "How did you..?"
Cooper states, "I see the way he looks at you. He's a lucky guy. It is just my thing. I flirt with everyone. My partner of seven years, I still flirt with even though she is married."
"Then you know he is going to be pissed at you, right," Emily replies.
"He won't be when you explain we are just friends and I have a wife," states Cooper
Cooper adds, "There he comes now. I guess he finally worked up the nerve to tell me off."
Morgan walks up to where they were sitting on a bench and begins, "Emily what are you doing with him. It is not like the long distance thing ever works out. I mean look at JJ and Will."
Emily stands up and places a finger to his lip. She says, "Don't speak. I don't realize other people flirt with me because I am so madly in love with you, even if no one knows yet. Cooper is just a friend of mine. Nothing more." then places a kiss on his lips.
Derek mentions, "I'm sorry I get jealous. We better get to the airport. No one was at the jet yet, and there was still a little time when Derek states, "How bout we start telling people."
Emily wraps her arm around his neck and Derek engages in the kiss. They were making out right there beside the jet as they were waiting for the others. They were so engaged in each other that niether noticed that footsteps of someone else joining them. At the sense of someone else being there they pulled apart still looking each other in the eyes.
Rossi clears his throat and begins, "I would say you two are either a couple, which would mean Hotch owes me 50 bucks or just really good partners."
Emily turns her eyes towards Rossi, "We are now offically a couple. We were planning on telling people."
Rossi agrees, "Good, I am happy for you guys."
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mustbecm · 8 years
Something About Italians
The amber rays of sunlight beaming through the big picture window in the bedroom are broken up by the languid forms of two thoroughly pleased feline interlopers. Pitch black and slightly plump, Sergio extends his front paws to stretch out even further, positioning his body into the sunshine a little more. Other than the barely perceptible breathing of the well fed cat, his stretch is the only indication he is actually alive. Sergio is not much for physical activity of any kind, unless it involves getting the prime spot in his human companion's lap for ear scratching.
Opposite Sergio on the deep window sill is a long and lank swathe of silky chocolate fur glistening from the sun's rays over his body. A slight twitch moves his uniquely brown whiskers, and little else. However, his life status is readily apparent from the rhythmically swinging tail along the wall. While the sun has him still for the most part, his true frenetic nature cannot help but show through with each sweep of his tail, and the constantly circling ear sticking up in the air. This cat may be resting, but with the slightest hint of activity from his human companion on the bed, he will be ready for action, and for snuggling.
So captivated by their feline behavior patterns, he almost fails to register the fingers now playing in the hairs on his chest. David Rossi places a gentle morning kiss on Emily's forehead before he says, "There you are." He can feel her wide smile on the skin of his shoulder and it makes him smile as well. "Apparently they aren't the only ones having a lazy morning in the sunbeams."
Her only answer is to snuggle in closer to him and kiss his shoulder. He wishes they could have more mornings like this, knowing now how truly precious they are after nearly losing them forever.
His eyes turn back to the window sill when the brown menace lifts his head to stare at the sleepy form curled up against him. She has not spoken, and so the cat remains cautious, biding his time to strike, but not betraying a hint of that desire.
"I never really understood why anyone would want an animal that so clearly demonstrates a desire to remain aloof from its owner." The cat flicks his whiskers at Rossi, and he can see the one droopy eye with the strange scar above it. He is a rescue, just like his midnight compatriot on the sill, but unlike Sergio, he was abused horribly. When Emily brought him home the month before, the gash above his eye was still healing, and the droop was much more pronounced. But with every subsequent visit, Rossi could see the cat getting better, stronger, and far too confident; much like his namesake.
Emily turns in his arms and looks directly at the cat staring them down, but trying to look like he is staring through them. "Because I know that act." With her lips pursed, she makes a kissing noise, and the sleek Havana Brown cat is instantly at her side, head butting her arm. "And I respect it." She reaches up to tickle behind Dave's ear, making him smile and twitch from the attention, before giving in to the cat's desire to be close to her. "I also know how to get past it."
Dave chuckles at the truth of her words, as Sergio slowly and with great nonchalance, strides across his side of the bed. "Okay, but what's with naming him Luciano?" His hand immediately begins to scratch Sergio's waiting ears. "Along with Sergio… It's just, odd."
"Well, I got this one," she reaches over him to stroke Sergio's head, "after a particularly good shopping day. And he matched the shoes I bought, so the name was perfect." The cat gives Dave a haughty snort, which he could swear the cat uses to tell him off.
"And 'Lucky' Luciano over there?" Dave gives Emily a little poke in her side to make her squirm with his question.
"Oh, Luciano was just so cute in his bandages, and that gorgeous chocolate fur, plus he had been beaten and dumped in a park, and he's a Havana Brown. How could I NOT name him Luciano?" The cat moves from her arm to rest on her shoulder and put his head under her chin, as if showing off to Dave just how close he could get to her.
With a roll of his eyes, Dave knows the argument is invalid, and he has no chance of winning.
However, Emily snuggles once more with Luciano before dropping him on the floor. She smiles and leans over him, "There's really no fighting it," and then shoos Sergio off the other side of the bed before she straddles Dave with a dangerous look in her eyes. She slowly pulls her hair back and tells him, "I guess, for me…there's just something about those Italians."
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mustbecm · 8 years
The Safety of His Arms
He shouldn't be here and and he knows it. He stands outside her door, his hands scrunched into fists beside him, his left arm lifting slightly every few seconds to knock on the hotel room door, before he thinks better of it again. He shouldn't disturb her, when she's already been through so much over the last two days. But he needs to know she's alright. He needs to know that she's alive and well, despite the injuries he'd seen only a few hours ago. He could still hear her screams in his head, echoing on repeat, interrupting his thoughts and making it impossible to sleep. He raises his hand once more, this time determined to knock, when the door opens. It frames her beautifully, and even with the bruising around her eye and the cut on her lip, she is still the most stunning vision he's ever had the privilege of laying eyes on. "How long were you planning on standing out there?" she asks, and he can hear in her voice that she is amused and confused in equal measures. He shrugs slightly. "I..." "Come in." She opens the door wider, stepping back to allow him entrance. When she closes the door behind him and turns to look at him, it is all he can do to stop himself reaching out his arm to pull her against his chest. He knows that wouldn't be good. It would only further her confusion and that's the last thing he wants. "I'm fine," she tells him, after he tries to speak three times, each time only ending up opening and closing his mouth like an idiot. "It looks worse than it is." "What did the doctor say?" he asks eventually, sitting down on the edge of her bed. "The worst of it is bruised ribs. Really, I'm fine." "Bruised ribs isn't fine, Emily," he tells her, shaking his head. She rolls her eyes at him, and it's such a familiar reaction from her that he is hard pressed not to smile at her. Why she doesn't understand why he's so worried, he doesn't know. Doesn't she know that the guilt has been eating him up inside? "I'm sorry." "You've nothing to be sorry for, so far as I've been told. You're the reason I got out of there alive." "I should have been able to get you out earlier." It's her turn to shake her head. "I was doing my job, Dave, and you did yours. We get hurt sometimes. It's part of the job description." He reached for her then, unable to control the impulse to touch her any longer. She allowed him to take her hand, and she squeezed it lightly. When he didn't say anything she sat down beside him. He didn't miss the slight wince she gave.
"Why are you here, Dave?" "I realised something while I listened to that bastard beat you." "Oh?" He nodded. "I... You mean a lot to me. More than a lot, really. I mean..." "I love you too, Dave." "Can I stay with you tonight? Just to sleep. I don't think I can handle being away from you right now." "We said never on a case." "Don't you think this is a special case?" She sighed then nodded. "Alright." She wakes slowly, feeling warmer and more comfortable than she has any right to in a hotel room. When strong arms pull her closer, she realises why she feels so comfortable. Dave is looking at her through sleepy eyes, and she smiles at him. "Morning." "Good morning," he replied, pressing a gentle kiss to her temple. She snuggles into him for a moment, enjoying the feel of his embrace, enjoying the safety of being in his arms. It's not a luxury they allow themselves to indulge in while on the job, and this is the first time they've ever been anything less than professional. "We should get up," she sighs, pulling away from him reluctantly. "I need a shower and you need to go back to your room before anyone else is up." He nods. "I know. I'll see you in the lobby for breakfast?" "I'll be there." She gets up then and he follows suit, eyeing her flannel pyjamas with affection. "You'll come home with me tonight." It's not a question she knows, but she nods in agreement anyway. She needs his presence as much as he seems to need hers, even if she hasn't admitted it out loud. She knows it was only him holding her to his chest that kept the nightmares away during the night, and she's not looking forward to the night when they finally catch up with her. He reaches for her and pulls her into one last embrace, pressing his lips to the corner of hers, carefully avoiding the cut. "I do love you, Emily." "I know."
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mustbecm · 9 years
Actually I just saw that she removed all her work from FFN. It was on her FB. She is now writing as Sarah O’Rourke as a published author. 
Do you know what happened to all of ilovetvalot's fics on FFN?
She could have deleted her account and all her fics erased. Or she changed her name. That the only explanations I have. Sorry didn’t realize they were gone until I saw this message. 
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mustbecm · 9 years
Do you know what happened to all of ilovetvalot's fics on FFN?
She could have deleted her account and all her fics erased. Or she changed her name. That the only explanations I have. Sorry didn't realize they were gone until I saw this message. 
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mustbecm · 9 years
True Love
'Dad' Nicholas called as his dad walked passed his room. Hotch stopped to see what his son wanted. 'Are you busy?' He asked. Hotch shook his head 'no why? What's up?' 'Can you come in? I need to talk' Nick said in a serious voice, just like his dad. Hotch nodded and walked in to his sons room and sat down on his bed next to him. 'What do you want to talk about?' Hotch asked. 'Do you believe in love?' Nick asked. 'Of course Nick why?' hotch frowned after sighing, that was a complicated question. 'I was just wondering' he shrugged. 'Do you believe in love?' Hotch asked his 11 year old son. 'I don't know' he shrugged again. Hotch sighed. 'Love is a complicated thing and very beautiful and when you find it, you'll know' 'Why do people love?' Nick asked. 'I don't know... You just do and you don't choose who you fall in love with' Hotch answered in the best way he could. 'Why do you love mommy?' Nick asked. 'Because I do, she is amazing an so much more and I love her very much' Hotch answered. 'Mummy loves you too' Nick answered his dad. 'I know... I also think your mom is damn near perfect' Hotch said with a smile. 'Why is mummy damn near perfect? I think she's completely perfect' Nick answered. 'I know you do' Hotch smiled at his son 'but no one is completely perfect, your mom isn't, I'm not, your sisters aren't, no one is...but she's damn near perfect to me' Hotch told his son honestly. 'You believe that love exists?' Nicholas asked his dad. 'Mummy is the living proof' Hotch said to Nicholas with a smile. Emily had been outside of the room listening to their conversation and she got tears in her eyes at Hotch's words. She covered her emotions and knocked on the door. Hearing Nicholas ask who it was, she said 'me can I come in' 'Yea come in' Hotch answered and she walked in the room and went to sit down on Hotch's lap, he put his arm around her waist and kissed her on the head. 'Are you okay?' Hotch asked. 'Yea I'm fine, what are you both talking about?' Emily asked, knowing the answer. Hotch looked at his son and he nodded so Hotch said 'we were talking about love' looking at Emily knowingly and she made a face. 'You're in love?' Em asked. 'No' Nick answered in a serious voice and Emily smiled 'I was just wondering if love was real and if you believe in it' he answered. Emily moved the hair out of his face and answered 'I believe in love' she started 'I think it's real. I love you and your sisters and your dad very much' Emily finished. Hotch held onto Emily's hands and smiled when he heard his son say 'I love you too mum' Emily squeezed his cheeks before saying 'you're perfect' Nick frowned, just like his father and said 'dad doesn't think you're perfect but I do' Emily looked at Hotch and he shook his head. 'I meant to say that no one is perfect but I think you're damn near perfect' Hotch explained to Emily 'that's what I said' he said. Emily smiled and Hotch gave her a kiss on the lips before she said 'I think you're damn near perfect too' 'I love you 100% though' Hotch said. 'I love you more' Emily smiled, before looking back at Nick who was reading his book.'Basically Nick, I believe in true love, even though it is... DIFFICULT... at times' Emily glared at Hotch and he laughed, shaking his head. 'But that is what love is all about' Emily
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mustbecm · 9 years
The Great Valentine’s Mixup
When Emily stepped into her hotel in Southern California on Valentine's evening, something was off.
Her first clue was the blank envelope taped to her door. Inside it were half a dozen candy hearts with the off-putting messages: TEXT ME, MY WAY, ALL MINE, URA TIGER, HOUSE PARTY and FIT FOR LOVE. Emily wrinkled her nose but removed the envelope wondering which member of her team decided to play an asinine prank. Reid and Morgan instantly came to mind, but Emily didn't have the energy to go to their rooms and give them the reaming out they surely deserved.
Making sure the door was closed securely behind her, Emily flipped on the lights and cursed. A dozen red roses sat on the table in the corner. On the bedside table between the beds, there was a bottle of chocolate syrup. Emily sank down onto the bed and reached for the flowers and the bottle of ice cream topping. If Morgan and Reid were going to leave perfectly good roses and chocolate for her, they shouldn't expect to get them back. They could have the chalky candy hearts. After squirting the sweet Hershey's syrup into her mouth and feeling like a kid again, she inhaled the scent of the roses deeply. Finally, Emily set both aside and tried to sleep.
She was in the twilight stage - near sleep but not quite there - when a horrid mix of songs played sensually from the bathroom. Emily sat bolt upright and squinted. It was dark and the door was ajar, just as she'd left it, but now, the not-so-romantic strains of Elton John's Can You Feel The Love Tonight and the even worse early '90s Color Me Badd hit, I Wanna Sex You Up could be heard. Her heart raced and Emily groped for her gun. The restroom light was flipped and the figure of a nude woman was perfectly backlit.
Reaching for the lamp beside the bed with one hand, she located her gun with the other.
"Oh, shit!" the woman screamed and the door was slammed.
"This is special agent Emily Prentiss! Come out with your hands up!"
"Where's Aaron Hotchner? I was told this was his room!" a hysterical voice demanded.
"Who are you?" Emily insisted, still not able to let her guard down. "Identify yourself."
"My name is Beth. I'm Aaron's…" she trailed off, obviously unsure of how to characterize their relationship. A shaking hand appeared around the door, revealing a Virginia driver's license with a picture matching the naked woman that Emily could only see if she squinted. "We were training for a race together. I wanted to surprise him and the lady at the desk told me he was in 222."
"He is. This is 322." Emily sighed, lowering her weapon.
The door to the bathroom eased open, and Beth appeared, fully dressed this time. "I think…I should go…" she said, eyeing the roses and chocolate syrup that were now lying in the empty space beside Emily in bed.
For the first time, Emily noticed the huge boombox Beth was carrying - appropriate, she supposed - for playing an innocent and vulgar mash up of 90's songs.
"I'm…really…really sorry about this," Beth apologized. "I'll just go."
"I think that's a good idea," Emily responded dryly.
The next day, on the jet back to Quantico, Emily casually dropped an item on the table in front of Hotch. Something Emily had missed on her first walk-through of the room, and apparently, Beth forgot it, too, in her rush to get the hell out. Emily had held the offensive object by her thumb and forefinger, examining it, and then made the prompt decision to let Hotch know just what had gone down in the waning hours of Valentine's night.
"What's this?" Hotch asked, distracted. Emily wondered if he had been expecting a visitor last night and was disappointed when she never showed.
"Your…Beth…came to see you last night…" Emily confided softly so as not to disturb the rest of the team who was sleeping in various locations on board. "But because of either an error with room numbers and keys, or dyslexia on the part of your…Beth…she ended up in my room. I enjoyed the chocolate syrup and the roses very much. Please send her my regards. But these…" Emily smirked, dumping the envelope of candy hearts with the first item, "you're welcome to have back."
"She…" Hotch trailed off, setting the newspaper he was reading aside, and really looking at the item in front of him. Watermelon-flavored gummi edible undergarments for men sat on the table, unashamed. The man pictured on the package looked as miserable as Hotch felt. The tips of his ears burned with embarrassment. This could not be happening. He explicitly told Beth that coming out to surprise him while he was on a case was not a good idea. Not even if he knew about it in advance. She, however, was relentless, and apparently, it had come back to haunt her.
"Don't worry. I won't say a word. One thing, though?" Emily whispered, unable to stop the slight twitch of her mouth or the twinkle in her eye. Now that she'd gotten some sleep, and a little perspective, she found the whole matter hilariously funny. The only down side was, there was no one she could tell. Not if she kept her word to Hotch, which she fully intended follow through on.
Hotch eyed her, wincing.
"Please tell me you're not actually into Color Me Badd and Elton John…they just seem…so wrong…especially together like that…"
"I'm sorry… I don't…" Hotch trailed off, confused.
"There was a boombox…which played a curious mix of Disney and R&B music in the moments before the bathroom light was turned on and I…knew I wasn't alone…"
Hotch closed his eyes, at a loss for words.
"Look, I'm fine with…whatever…you two like to do, okay? Just do me one favor?"
"Anything," Hotch managed.
"Make sure she has your key-card. Not my duplicate," Emily said, smiling a little.
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mustbecm · 9 years
Please Emily
"I'm gonna kill you!" Emily yelled.
"I'm sorry!" Hotch yelled back.
"I can't believe you right now! You're never here when I need you!"
"C'mon! You know I don't do it on purpose!"
"My ass you don't do it on purpose Aaron!"
"Emily, I swear I didn't try to hurt you."
"Aaron, please just stop," Emily whispered sitting down on the bed.
"Sweetheart, I am sorry. I truly am sorry," he said kneeling in front of her.
"Just stop, before I really do kill you. I don't want to be arrested by my own team ok?" she snapped, rolling her eyes.
"Emily... Please," Hotch begged, tears pooling in his eyes.
Emily looked at him and her face softened. Aaron Hotchner's tears were her kryptonite. She knew she couldn't give in this time, not after the hell he put her through.
"No. No. No. No. You can't just cry and have me crawl back to you, not this time," Emily said getting up and walking past him.
Hotch got up and grabbed Emily's wrist but she shook him off with angry tears.
"No, don't touch me," she said shaking her head.
She stood there staring at him, tears falling down her face when she felt a sudden nausea come up. Emily ran to the bathroom and leaned over the toilet, throwing up into it. She sat on the bathroom floor puking her guts out as Hotch watched her from the doorway. He wasn't sure if he should touch her, he didn't want to get her even more mad but he could just watch her vomit and not do anything. Hotch kneeled down next to her and rubbed her back, hoping she would stop throwing up.
"Emily sweetheart, please stop crying, it's just going to make you throw up more, especially with the baby," Hotch begged.
She was two months pregnant and no one knew except them. Emily scooted closer to the toilet trying to get away from his reach but couldn't go anywhere further. Hotch pulled a piece of hair that fell out of her ponytail and tucked it behind her ear.
"Baby please..." Hotch said trailing off.
Emily took a few breaths, she tried to stop but couldn't hold it in. She leaned over the toilet and puked some more. Hotch sighed and kept rubbing her back.
"Em, if you don't stop you're gonna puke up the kid," Hotch warned in a serious tone.
"Don't you think I'm trying!" Emily yelled between breaths.
She stood up and flushed the toilet, going to the sink to gargle some mouthwash. Hotch got up and stood behind her. Emily spit out whatever was left in her mouth and turned around, tears streaming down her face. She stared at him silently, with the exception of her sniffling. Hotch's heart broke every time at the sight of her tears, Emily Prentiss crying was rare to begin with.
"Come here," Hotch whispered, pulling her into his chest.
He wrapped an arm around her neck and with the other he rubbed her back. Emily didn't refuse his embrace, she was glad he was with her but she knew he wasn't staying for long. Hotch held her crying body and didn't let go, he wasn't planning on letting go either.
"Emily I'm sorry, I should've came home when you called me..." Hotch said into her ear.
Emily's crying got a lot softer, then after a minute or so stopped completely. She pulled her head out of his chest and looked up.
"I needed you... and you weren't here..." she trailed off.
"I know, baby, I'm sorry. I don't want to make you angry at me. Emily, please, help me fix this," Hotch said grabbing her hands.
Emily stared at him, unsure if she should forgive him. He seemed sincere, but she couldn't handle getting hurt again.
"What are you gonna do for me?" she asked, "How are you going to make this better?"
"I don't know, whatever you want..." he replied.
Emily kept staring at him expecting an answer.
"I'll... I'll take my vacation days and stay with you, the whole week," he said.
Emily was still unsure, she didn't respond right away. He never took vacation days so it was a pretty good deal. Hotch grabbed her neck and pulled her into a kiss. He poured all his feeling into that kiss, hoping she would forgive him. When he pulled away he looked at her, expecting an answer. Emily sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Fine," she said flatly.
Hotch let out a sigh of relief as smiled crept onto his face.
"You're gonna stay, right?" Emily asked quietly.
"Yes, I'm staying."
A tear fell from Emily's face and Hotch wiped it away, pulling her into his arms. He pulled away confused when he heard a slight laughter. He looked at Emily with a raised eyebrow as he saw her laughing, some tears falling from her face.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"I missed you," she smiled, wiping some tears.
She practically jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Hotch smiled and kissed her on the cheek. Emily pulled away and smiled. Hotch picked her up and carried her to the bed, sitting her on his lap.
"I love you Emily. Please remember that," he whispered.
"I know, I love you too..." Emily smiled, wrapping her legs around his waist so they were chest to chest.
Hotch gave her a few soft pecks on the lip before laying down on the bed. Emily was still sitting up on his thighs, then she took her legs from under him and laid next to him. He was laying on his back facing the ceiling, and Emily was on her side facing Hotch. She played with his hair, softly kissing his cheek as he still stared at the ceiling.
"Aaron..." Emily whispered.
"Yeah?" he said looking at her.
"Well... We're in bed, and neither of us are mad anymore..." she trailed off.
"And...?" Hotch asked, trying to make her get to the point.
Emily sat up and sat back on top of his waist.
"Do you wanna... you know," she said taking his hand.
Hotch raised an eyebrow, he was lost. Emily started rubbing his palm with her fingers and then the lightbulb clicked for him. Every time she rubbed his palm he knew she wanted sex. He smiled and sat up. He walked over to the door and slammed it shut, taking hold of Emily's body as she laughed.
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mustbecm · 9 years
Lovely Night
"Em..?" JJ whispers, slightly moving towards her still sleeping wife. It's 3:30 am and the blonde's having one of her cravings because of her pregnancy. "Em.." She says more firmly, trying to wake her up. "Yes?" Emily groans while pulling the blanket up to her head. She needs her sleep and doesn't like to be disturbed at night. "Sorry babe, I know you hate that, but I need you to do me a favour." JJ carefully mentions as she tries to get Emily's full attention. "I feel like I'm starving and I'm too exhausted to get up and make myself something to eat. Could you..? Please?" A moment of silence goes through the room as Emily begins to speak. "You really like to push me around, don't you? I'm half asleep. How am I supposed to get up and make you and that little peanut in there a whole dinner?" She slowly pulls JJ closer and draws small circles on JJ's bump. "Because.." JJ leans in to kiss Emily's neck. "You love me!" "You've got a very good point there, Miss." Emily slightly moans as JJ moves further down towards her chest. "Please, Em. I need something to eat. You don't want to disappoint peanut before he's born." "No, definitely not."
"Okay, maybe you can tell mommy what you'd like to eat, buddy." Emily says to JJ's stomach as she begins to move out of bed. "I think he and his mum would love to have some pancakes." The blonde glances towards the brunette with a huge smile on her face, trying to brighten her wife up. "He definitely know what's good." Emily chuckles as she makes her way out of the bedroom slipping into her bath robe.
JJ rests her head on her pillow as her thoughts begin to wander. "Why am I so lucky?" she thinks, not noticing that Emily stands in the door to their bedroom, watching the blonde. "I don't know, maybe because you deserve it and because you're the most wonderful person I know." "Oh my god, did I say that out loud?" JJ flinches a bit as she sees her wife making her way towards the bed. "Look what I brought you" the brunette tries to switch the topic. "Doesn't that look good?" "It smells amazing, Em. Thank you." "You're welcome, Jen." Emily smirks.
"What's up?" JJ asks, worriedly glancing into Em's dark brown eyes. "Oh, nothing. I just thought how lucky I am to have you as my wife. I love you, Jennifer." The brunette answers, keeping her eyes onto JJ's blue orbs and leaning in to kiss her softly. "I love you too, sweetheart. But can you give me the pancakes, please? I'm starving." "You like destroying the romantic atmosphere, don't you?" Emily grumbles with a smile on her lips. "I'm sorry. But our little buddy in here wants something to eat." JJ says, pointing towards her baby bump. "Oh, you so owe me." The brunette laughs, rolling her eyes and handing the pancakes to JJ who gratefully accepts them. "Don't you want some?" The blonde asks as Emily lays back in their bed. "No, thanks. I don't want to get fat." The brunette agent teases, which earns her an evil eye from her wife. "But you look amazing, Jen. I love seeing you pregnant. Everything feels so real and it makes me happy to have you as part of my family." JJ turns to Emily, looking straight into her dark eyes. "I can't imagine having a more gorgeous and loving wife." "Me neither, Jen. Me neither."
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mustbecm · 9 years
Iron Man
"Aaron!" Emily shouted.
"What?" he replied, hurrying out of the bathroom, his toothbrush still hanging in his mouth.
Emily stomped her foot and pointed at the German Shepherd cowering by the door. "Se did it again! Se peed on my grandmother's chair!"
Hotch suppressed an eye roll that desperately wanted to come out. They had gotten the German Shepherd, a female named Zoey, a month ago as a present for Jack. Well, present was a bit too generous. She was really a way to butter him up for the news that he was going to be a big brother soon. Unfortunately, while Jack and Zoey got along like two peas in a pod, Emily and Zoey had had a difficult courtship.
"I'll clean it up. Just give me a minute." He turned and headed for the bathroom once again with Emily hot on his heels.
"We can't keep going through this," she said. "Every day, she pees on that chair. She's going to ruin it! We have to get rid of her!"
Hotch opened his mouth to respond, only to be interrupted by Jack shouting, "No! I love Zoey! You can leave instead! I hate you!"
"Jack!" Hotch yelled, but Jack fled. He glanced back at Emily, who was standing there stunned, tears welling up in her eyes. He was torn between chasing after his son and comforting his wife. "Emily-"
"I'll go talk to him. I'm the one that upset him," she told Hotch firmly before sweeping out of the bathroom.
Hotch finished brushing his teeth and dressing. He had yet to hear a word from Jack's room, though he supposed that no more yelling was a good sign. Nervous, he took up pacing the hallway. He was outside of Jack's room when the door opened, surprising him.
Hotch glanced anxiously between his son and his wife. "Everything okay?"
"Everything's fine," Emily sighed.
"Yeah, Dad, we made a deal," Jack added.
Hotch's apprehension grew. "What kind of deal?"
Jack smiled. "Emily is going to let us keep Zoey and I'm going take her outside first thing every morning since that's when she tends to pee on the chair."
"That sounds like a good deal. And did you apologize to Emily for your words?"
"I did," Jack promised.
Hotch turned to Emily, curious by her silence. Her face had paled and she refused to meet her eye. "Was there anything else to the deal?"
Emily cringed and Hotch knew his suspicions were correct. "Emily, do you want to tell me what the other part of this deal was?"
"Not... really," she countered.
Hotch bit back a sigh. "What did he talk you into?"
Jack protested, "I didn't talk her into anything! She offered!"
"What did she offer?" he asked, a bit more forcefully.
"She," Jack gulped at the tension between the two adults. "She promised me that I could name the baby."
Hotch's jaw dropped. "You want?"
Emily held up her hands. "I said he could pick out the middle name, that's all! I thought it would be a sweet story."
"Oh, yeah, real sweet," Hotch muttered, shaking his head. He was already trying to formulate a plan out of this one. "Jack, tell Emily what your favorite name is?"
"Iron Man," Jack announced, proudly.
In retrospect, Hotch thought to himself as he scrubbed the chair later, he really should have seen that smack coming.
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mustbecm · 9 years
It was sitting there when she reached up for her morning cereal bowl – the special one that Jack had made for her while at camp last summer. It was just sitting there and it wasn't hers. Emily's insides grew cold. She had noticed that Hotch had been acting weird lately, but she never thought that he was actually cheating on her. She grabbed the bracelet and held it in her hand.
"Good morning," Hotch said, kissing the top of her head. He reached over her to grab a bowl.
"That remains to be seen," Emily mumbled.
Hotch stepped away from her. "What's going on?"
Emily held the bracelet up. "You tell me." Hotch opened his mouth to continue, but was cut off by Emily. "I can't tell you the joy it brings me in the morning to see another woman's bracelet in my boyfriend's house, especially in front of the bowl that Jack made especially for me." Emily put her hands on her hip and began her tirade anew when Hotch attempted to reply. "At least, I thought it was my boyfriend's house. I could be wrong about that. Maybe, this is all just some fun for you; something to tide yourself over until you find your next girl. I mean, hey, we don't work together anymore so why not have a little roll in the sack with Emily. Maybe-"
Hotch stopped any further censure by pulling her into a bruising kiss. Emily squeaked as he swept his tongue into her mouth. She leaned into him slightly only to snap and come to her senses.
"What are you doing?" she demanded, jerking away from him.
"I was trying to stop the madness," Hotch defended.
Emily's eye twitched. "Madness? Is that what you call it?"
He threw his hands up. "What else would you like me to call it? You're ranting and raving over a bracelet that you assumed was from some other woman. There is no other woman; there will never be another woman. I love you and only you."
"Then, where did the bracelet come from?" Emily badgered.
"It was a present for you from Jack," Hotch explained. "There should be a piece of paper up there, too." He stretched his arm over her to the cupboard and pulled out the paper.
Emily studied the paper. There were two figures, a big one with long, black hair, and a shorter one, clearly identified as her and Jack. "I love you, Emily!" was written across the bottom. Emily's whole face blushed deeply. "Oh."
Hotch lifted her chin. "What's going on with you? You've been acting weird lately, like you don't trust me. Have I done something?"
"I don't know," she replied with a sob. "I'm tired all the time and angry for no reason. All these weird thoughts are running through my head."
"Emily," he took a deep breath, "is there any chance that you could be pregnant?" She looked up, sharply, the fear in her eyes turning into wonder. "You stay here. I'm going to get a test. I'll be back in twenty minutes." He stopped at the doorway. "FYI, Kelli is a great name!"
Emily fell back against the counter, putting her hand on her abdomen. "Oh, boy... or girl."
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mustbecm · 9 years
Purple Spray Paint
Emily woke to the weight of a hand sliding under her tank top, and a pair of lips on her neck.
She groaned, "Aaron, what are you doing? I'm trying to sleep." Hotch slipped his hand to her other hip, pulling so she was I her opposite side facing him.
Then, placing his lips back on her neck. "Trying to wake you up." She slowly opened his eyes
. "I get that, but why? It's my day off." She said running a hand though his hair.
"Because I wanted to talk to my beautiful girlfriend before I left for work." He answered into her neck. He pressed his lips to hers, she looped he arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Hotch kissed and suck down her neck to her collarbone.
The ringing of his phone broke them apart. He picked it up off the night stand, answering and holding it to his face. "Hotchner."
Emily watched his face fall, a case. When would a day off, end up a day off?
"Yes, I do have a copy of the file." He said in to the phone, kissing Emily's forehead as he got out of the bed.
Emily sighed crawling out of the bed as well, heading to bathroom. "If you left I mark, I'll kill you." She yelled over her shoulder.
"So I gotta ask, what's with the turtle-neck?" Morgan asked as the walked to the latest crime scene.
Emily played with her cuff. "On Wednesdays, Sergio and I colour-coorinate."
He laughed. "Emily, last Wednesday you wore purple."
She turned, "How do you know I didn't spray paint him purple?" She said walking ahead.
Morgan stood there laughing for a moment, before answering. "One, Hotch would have told everyone. Two, stop changing the subject! What's with the turtle-neck?"
Emily sighed before tiring back. "You can't tell anyone." She demanded. When he nodded, she reached up and pulled the neck of her shirt down, revealing a huge bruise. Morgan nearly fell over laughing.
"Is that a hickey?" He asked trying to catch his breath.
"Yes" Emily said kneeling down to fix her boot, nothing was wrong with it she just didn't want to look at Morgan right then.
"Well that explained why you didn't say a word to Hotch on the jet, and all but shot Rossi to be in the other SUV." With that he stood up right, walking to the victims house.
"Never a good one." Emily said with a sigh.
Seaver looked over at her nervous. "Can I ask you one more thing?" She asked
"You and agent Hotchner are together, right?" Emily nodded.
"Then why the whole time I've been here have you not said a word to him if it's not about the case?"
Emily sighed, pulling to SUV over in front of the model home. For the second time that day she pulled the neck of her shirt down showing, the mark.
Seaver laughed but nodded. "Now I get it."
Emily grabbed her arm to stop her. "How'd you know about us.?"
She laughed again. "Rossi."
After his talk with Ashley and Rossi, Hotch walked back to the end of the plane. Instead of reading like before, Emily had her head in her book on the table, asleep. He kneeled down beside her, slowly pulling the book out from under her head. He stood up placing the book in her go bag, behind the curtain.
Hotch walked back to her looking at Reid and Morgan in his way, Reid was lying there cuddled up with a book, and Morgan had his headphones on eyes closed probably passes out as well. Once he got to Emily he draped one of her arms around his neck, then looping his arms under her legs and behind her back. Once she was out of her chair, her other arm reached out to grab his shirt.
"Aaron." She mumbled, as he carried her past Dave and Seaver.
"It's ok sweetheart, just go back to sleep." He said laying her down on the couch. Taking his suit jacket, laying it under her head. Then grabbing the blanket from the drawer under the couch, covering her. Before heading to the front of the jet to get coffee.
"No kiddo. There's no winning. There's just living. Moving forwards. And if you keep doing that... You'll be alright." Dave said watching Hotch picking Emily from her chair.
Seaver fought back tears. "Is that true?"
"It is for me." He stopped as Hotch walked by Emily in his arms. "Them too, they've been together almost two years now." He said pointing at them. "Last year, his ex-wife and son went into witness perfection. Hotch wanted her to go to, but Emily fought it. Biggest fight I've ever seen anyone get into. Looking at them now, you'd never know, they were at each other's throats for almost five months."
"Thank you." Ashley said taking his hands in hers, tears rolling down her face.
Hotch set his coffee down, carefully lifting Emily head, siting down he let her head rest in his sat there for a while combing his hand through her hair . She rolled on to her side and as she did she mumbled.
"I'm still gonna kill you."
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