musepowerr · 3 years
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He wondered what the bet was. Dante seemed to be the closest thing to a friend Vantias had and the two of them were often seen arguing about one thing or another. “What bet did you win?” His curiousity won out over not asking, rolling over on his bed to regard him before he realized what Vanitas was asking. 
“I don’t think he’d mind. He’s never said anything about disliking humans and he’d more intrigued by your book than anything. I doubt he’d even be at home.” 
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“Hmmm~? Oh, that doesn’t matter. Trust me. Just a silly little bet that Dante insisted upon, and lost for it.” Hearing the sudden mention of his book, in regards to Noe’s master, he huffed lightly and looked away from the other. A sudden sense of curiosity and foreboding coiled in his chest. “Hm...I’ll keep that in mind, then.”
Moving now to sit up on the bed, he gives a final stretch before hopping off it. He takes a moment to take a look around the room. Observe the furniture in all its shining glory. 
“This really is quite nice, don’t you think~?” He hums, stepping over to the balcony and peering at it through the glass doors. “What do you think the food will be like, Noe~?”
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musepowerr · 3 years
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“A shame. It would be nice to stay here. It reminds me of home. One day we should travel back to my teachers home. There’s plenty of room there. It could be like a vacation! I don’t think he’d mind.”  He was pretty sure he wouldn’t mind. If he was even there. Teacher hadn’t been home in quite some time. 
“Is Dante paying for everything?”
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“You’ve got that right~!” He hums. “Dante took it upon himself to make a bet with me and this is the end result. I hope he forever knows that doing so with the likes of me, will only result in more loss.”
A snide chuckle emerged from him even despite the sudden intrigue about this ‘teacher’s home.’ Raising a brow as he mulls it over, he pushes himself to sit back up and stretches his arms into the air the moment his body protests the movement.
“A vacation to your teacher’s home sounds...enticing. Would he not find himself terribly put off by a human sullying his home though?”
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musepowerr · 3 years
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“As long as the casket is big enough for two.” He groaned, kicking off his boots so he could properly crawl into the bed and enjoy its softness. It reminded him of the bed back home. Big, spacious. Too many pillows. Which was perfect for him. He had plenty to hold on to for the night. 
“Do you think Count Orlock will pay to put us up here from now on instead?” 
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“Ohhh, Noé...too often do I wish I was as ignorant as you.” A laugh, light and sincere leaves him as he rolls over to face the vampire. “Non. That man wishes he could afford a room such as this. If he were to put us up here, I’m afraid he’d find himself bankrupt after the first week.”
Another laugh follows a snort as he adds, “I do so pity Dante for losing this particular bet~!”
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musepowerr · 3 years
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Noé opened the balcony, stood outside and leaned over the edge to see how far down the street was. Then he looked up to see how close the roof was, knowing that Vanitas liked to be up high. He sat in the little chairs that were out there, smoothing his hands over the table. It would be a very nice place to have breakfast in the morning, for sure. 
He came back into the room, meandering his way into the bathroom to look at that next. Bigger than the one in their little shared room and impressive but the one back home was bigger than this one. Which was fine. It was still divine. 
Then he finally joined Vanitas, flopping back onto the mattress. “Oh, this is so much more comfortable than our beds!” 
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“I believe that I will live and die here, Noé.” He mumbles into the blankets; having turned completely onto his face without a single ounce of regret. Not only did the bed feel divine, but the smell of the soaps used to wash the fabrics decorating its surface were incredibly relaxing. He imagined this was there purpose; an intentional move to further relax the rich.
“Allow me to be devoured by the comfort of this heavenly casket...mon dieu.”
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musepowerr · 3 years
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It was hard not to get distracted and try to pull away to see every little bit of the lobby, the hallways, the elevators, the other hallways. He wanted to see every little bit and the excitement was bubbling up. 
The damn burst once they entered the room and he dropped his luggage at the door. It was like seeing Paris for the first time in the daylight all over again. With a happy little sound, he first ran to the tall windows to see the view.
“Look Vanitas! Look! There’s a little balcony to sit on! And the view! You can see everything from up here!” 
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A titter of laughter escaped him as he watched Noé. Really, the word cute fit him perfectly. Paris had long overcome its shine for Vanitas and it was, all things considered, tainted for him quite some time ago. Getting the chance to see it through Noe in a loose-fashion was-- refreshing in its own right. 
“Yes, yes, I see it,” he huffs, moving over to the bed and tossing his own suitcase beside it. He falls down on top of it and exhales deeply - feeling all restraint leave him with just how comfortable the bed was.
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“Oh...this is wonderful.” He purrs aloud, nearly curling in on himself as he believes that he will never move again.
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musepowerr · 3 years
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“How is this gaudy? It’s so bright. I wonder what the rooms are going to look like?” 
He was easily distracted, or so he’d been told. He didn’t think so. It was everyone else who wandered off and got lost. Once he knew where to go, he had a wonderful sense of direction. 
He was sure Murr would agree with him. Murr would fit in perfectly in a bright place like this. His cat had already trailed off to explore and if Vanitas wasn’t dragging him, he would have followed the cat.
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“Spoken like a true tourist...” He grumbles, stepping up to the counter and speaking with the young man. “I imagine the rooms will be plucked straight from your wildest dreams.”
He acquires the key from him and continues pulling Noé in the direction of their room; ensuring that he maintains a tight grip on the other. If he wanted to get lost and wander about, questioning and admiring every little thing that shone, he could do so after they dumped their items off in the room. He wasn’t going to carry the man’s luggage for him, after all.
And, as promised, as soon as they found themselves within the hallway, and at the door of their hotel room, with one push of the door the blindingly brilliant and elegant hotel room shines forth for them. Decorated from head to toe in riches galore, complete with a balcony no less, even Vanitas has to admit that the sight is-- breathtaking.
Thank every star above that this particular “trip” wasn’t on his tab.
“Well...he breathes,” regaining his composure and sauntering into the room; seemingly unperturbed. “Go ahead. Wander about.”
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musepowerr · 3 years
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“But it’s so vast over there Vanitas. Do you think they hold dances in that room? It’s like the ballroom from before but the white makes it so much more welcoming!” 
He let’s Vanitas drag him back with little fuss because he could now look at the decor as they passed. 
“Is this your first time here?” 
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“Hm? Me?” He waves a flippant hand as eyes roam around the gaudy furniture and glinting of glass and other shiny objects. He knew that it would catch the vampire’s eyes and knew, even more, that it would lead him into distraction after distraction. Still, as he tugs the other toward the counter and catches the eyes of the young man standing at the ready, he heaves out a sigh. 
“...Not exactly. I’ve never stayed in a room here, but I have poked around long enough to gather that it’s an incredibly gaudy place. Perfect for a doe-eyed, country bumpkin such as yourself, of course.”
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musepowerr · 3 years
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“Hey!” He reaches out a quick hand to grab at the back of Noé’s shirt; a huff escaping his lips. His irritation was already rising and after determining that this would be the perfect place to take someone such as he, he was slowly beginning to regret his choice.
“Save the wandering until after we’ve reached the room. Trust me; you’ll have plenty to stare at.” He starts walking forward, hoping to drag the vampire along with him. “We just need...to pick up our keys.”
@musepowerr​ “Well Noe, I /did/ lose that rock, paper, scissors match and thus, as promised…here we are. You may look and scamper about, but please– try not to get lost before we get to the hotel room. Got it?” [ musepowerr ]
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“I got it– I won’t get lost–” 
Except this was a really big place. Really big. Like the place Domi lived in big. But whiter and grander. It was a much fancier hotel than the one they lived in right now. Fancier than Teachers home even. Everything was so shiny and new–
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“Oh– What’s that–” And off he goes.
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musepowerr · 3 years
Already with the questions. He had to admit, it was rather cute; now that the other wasn't scurrying off and risking the potential of missing the train. Leaving Vanitas to wonder why he'd offered to do this for him in the first place.
He bristles at the thought of why he chose to do this for Noé, regardless. Stepping with a bit more haste, he waves a hand at his current companion.
"I'm certain you'll be able to see...something. I've ridden many a train before and each one has their-- perks. But, for the most part, it isn't terribly fast. Just fast enough for us to reach the restaurant moments before opening."
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A yawn slips free from him as they make their way to the train station; a hand lifting to scrub at his eyes. With a brief nod, and a small laugh, he replies, “Oh, I suppose. Gotta get your fill of sightseeing in somewhere, right?”
He wonders what a ride beside Noé would be like, and reminds himself that the man was an overgrown child. It would be as everything else was when with him.
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“Does the train go really fast? I’ll be able to see everything as it goes right?” He asks. He tries his hardest not to look around too much. He wants to veer off. To look at a few things in the shop windows as they passed, but he forced himself not to. 
“Have you been on the train before?” 
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musepowerr · 3 years
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He makes a face at the mocking but follows nonetheless. It’s a day out and it’s for the tatin. He can deal with it for food. And seeing a part of the city he had not seen yet. 
“Can I sit by the window?” He asks, holding his ticket up as he walks to look it over, excitement bubbling inside him now.
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A yawn slips free from him as they make their way to the train station; a hand lifting to scrub at his eyes. With a brief nod, and a small laugh, he replies, “Oh, I suppose. Gotta get your fill of sightseeing in somewhere, right?”
He wonders what a ride beside Noé would be like, and reminds himself that the man was an overgrown child. It would be as everything else was when with him.
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musepowerr · 3 years
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“Yes yes. I understand.” He puffed out a little sigh at how adamant Vanitas was about it. No wandering off. No sight seeing. Even if he saw something new, he couldn’t leave Vanitas’ side. That sounded simple enough. Though, getting to travel on the train to another part of the city was new. That sounded fun!
“Can we go now?” 
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“Can we go now?” He mocks the other under his breath; a roll of his eyes given as he spins on his heels and makes for the doctor. “You are absolutely insufferable sometimes, do you know that?”
Stepping out into the hallway, hands in his pockets, he digs out one of the train tickets for Noé, handing it over to him. “It’s not a very long train ride, I’m afraid, but I hope you’re prepared to be sitting for a while...”
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musepowerr · 3 years
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He listens to Vanitas this time, tilting his head as the human goes off. Did he really agree to that? What a silly thing to agree on. He didn’t wander off all that much. It was everyone else that was getting lost. 
“Fine fine. I’ll stick to your side at all times on the way to the restaurant.” So Vanitas wouldn’t get lost. He had no idea where the restaurant was anyways.
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“No matter. What. Noé.” He huffs, using the stick now as a cane and leaning on it as he glares at the other. The last thing he needed today was the oversized toddler scrambling away while they found themselves in a section of the city he was unfamiliar with.
“If we find ourselves on a wild goose chase because of you, you can say goodbye to the tarte tatin.”
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musepowerr · 3 years
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“I don’t remember what my end of the bargain was.” Noé admitted, trying the bow to his shirt neatly, and checking it over in the mirror. As soon as he heard restaurant and finest, everything was white noise. He would have said yes to anything at the time at the thought of fancy tarte tatin.
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“Tch, I knew it!” He stands up immediately, pointing his stick directly at the other with a glare furrowing his brows together. “I asked you, several times, if you understood what this entailed and you reassured me that you did!”
He shifts a hand to scratch at his head, before grumbling out, “You are to stick to my side at all hours of the day. No matter what pretty tree or flower or entertainer you may see!”
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musepowerr · 3 years
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“Are we still going?” That has him up now, this time kicking at the stick and Vanitas’ hand as he got out of bed to start getting changed. “Do they have tarte tatin?” 
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“Ow! Hey!” He purses his lips into a proper pout as he watches the other get up, leaning back on his heels with a sigh. “Oh, I’m certain that they will have all the tarte tatin that your little heart desires. But don’t forget about your end of the deal, Noe~”
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musepowerr · 3 years
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“Eh? We do?” He made a face, batting at the stick with his hand before he rolled over and sat up, hugging his pillow. “Where are we going?”
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“Where are we going? Come now, don’t tell me you’ve forgotten already.” He shifts the stick to poke at the vampire’s sat; a smirk growing on his lips. “I promised to take you to the finest restaurant in Paris today, didn’t I~?”
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musepowerr · 3 years
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“Not important. C’mon, we’ve got a train to catch.” Pokes him a second time with the stick from where he crouches beside the bed.
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@musepowerr​ -pokes Noe with a stick- 
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“M’awake. M’awake– Where did you get a stick??”
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musepowerr · 3 years
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“Hoo boy, it is LATE! But...I’m here to play~!”
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