muse-writes · 4 months
Prompt: Luring your lover back to bed with kisses
Pairing: Noelle Holiday (Deltarune) x Morticia (my s/i)
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Noelle slowly woke up, smiling at her lover. "Hey, Morticia, wake up…" she whispered, "We have school, remember?" Morticia opened her eyes, but whimpered like a puppy. "I don't wanna… Can't we stay in bed a liiiittle longer? Pleaseeee?" Noelle got up, starting to get dressed. Morticia kept whining, her tail quietly thumping against the bed as it wagged. She had an idea! Morticia rolled over to Noelle's side of the bed, and pulled her in by the waist, and started giving her kisses. By the time Noelle realized she was being kissed, Morticia had rolled back over to her side of the bed, giggling and wagging her tail. "Dear…" Noelle giggled. "If you want more, you have to get back in bed!" Morticia exclaimed, her tail wagging still. Noelle sighed, chuckling to herself as she climbed back into bed, and her tail began wagging as well as Morticia latched on to her and started smothering her in kisses. "I love you!" Noelle squealed. "I love you too, my little stormcloud." Morticia purred.
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muse-writes · 5 months
Prompt: Kisses with a height difference
Pairing: Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5) x Wafer (my s/i)
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"Gh- Dammit! Stop bein' so effin' tall!" Ryuji whined, as Wafer just giggled. He waltzed around Ryuji, teasing him. "What, do you wanna kiss me or something~?" it teased, tapping Ryuji on the nose. Ryuji stood where he was, watching Wafer. God, it was so… handsome. Kissable. So, so… His thoughts were interrupted by more teasing from Wafer. "Your face is getting all red, Ryu~! What, were you imagining something~?" Ryuji snorted, trying to hold back a sassy remark. But that's when he got an idea. He grabbed the jacket of Wafer's uniform, pulled him in, and kissed him. Wafer was leaning down a little to make up for the height difference, but it was okay! It was kissing his love… And his love was kissing it… What bliss!
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muse-writes · 5 months
Prompt: B freezing in shock and then breaking down when A unexpectedly hugs them as they can’t remember the last time getting genuinely hugged
Pairing: Bowser (Mario) x Martyr (my s/i)
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Martyr, despite being a prince, hadn't had a genuine hug in a while. Everyone wanted him for his power, or his fame, but never for HIM. Not until Bowser. Today, Martyr was alone in his room as Bowser put Bowser Jr. down for a nap. He was pacing back and forth in anticipation, as Peach was coming to babysit Bowser Jr., and he and Bowser were going on a date, since they finally had a chance to. The door slowly opened as Bowser walked in, and he hugged Martyr. Or, at least, gave him the closest to a hug he could give a human. Martyr froze, his whole body going stiff, before completely relaxing. Martyr was sobbing and thanking Bowser, and Bowser was doing his best to soothe Martyr.
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muse-writes · 5 months
Drabblecember 2023 day 31: Happy new year!
Pairing: Legoshi (Beastars) x Bonnabelle (my s/i)
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"I can't believe it's the new year…" Legoshi whispered, watching his breath puff out in front of him from the cold. Bonnabelle giggled, carefully leaning their head on Legoshi's shoulder so their horns wouldn't poke him. "I know… We've been together this whole year… It's insane!" Legoshi grinned a little, and chuckled. "I don't know why you chose me, though. Especially as a sheep of all animals… You have a reputation with wolves…" Legoshi murmured. Bonnabelle laughed. "I didn't choose you because you're a wolf! I chose you because you're you! And I love you." Legoshi's eyes widened, a blush crossing his cheeks. They could hear cheering downstairs, and fireworks started going off. So, Bonnabelle went in for a kiss, which Legoshi returned. It lasted for a long moment, but when it did end, Bonnabelle gently cupped Legoshi's face, and whispered, "I love you. Happy new year, my love."
(pssst: @eternally-smitten I CANT BELIEVE ITS THE NEW YEAR!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Also, thank you so much for hosting such a lovely event!! I enjoyed it so so much!!)
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muse-writes · 5 months
Drabblecember 2023 day 30: Morning routine
Pairing: Bowser (Mario) x Martyr (my s/i)
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"Babe." Martyr slowly opened his eyes upon hearing Bowser's deep, rumbling voice. "Huh…?" "Wake up. It's almost time to wake Boswer Jr. up for school." Martyr sat up, slipping on a huge shirt Bowser got him (Bowser doesn't quite understand the difference between human sizing and Koopa sizing), and put on a pair of pants, and went to brush his hair. Bowser followed. They brushed their hair together, and then brushed their teeth together. Bowser, for good measure, used some mouthwash, while Martyr felt confident he smelled good as he was. Then, together, they went to wake Boswer Jr up. He was cranky, but what kid wouldn't be at 6:30 in the morning?
(pssst: @eternally-smitten yippeeee!)
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muse-writes · 5 months
Prompt: Making the other a gift by hand
Pairing: Gladiolus Amicitia x Wolfsbane (my s/i)
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Gladiolus watched as Wolfsbane walked to the Regalia, to go out with his friends, leaving him to hold fort. This was his chance… He had gone foraging several nights before, anticipating a moment like this. What had he gone foraging for? Tea herbs, of course! And now he could make Wolfsbane some tea bags… He was a big guy, so this fiddly work was difficult. His hands were steady, but his hand was at least three times the size of the tea bag… He did it, though! He did it. And just in time, because the Regalia was pulling in, with Wolfsbane and its friends chatting happily. They got out, and Gladiolus greeted Wolfsbane, his hands behind his back. "I made you something." he said quietly. "I can tell." Wolfsbane joked, kissing Gladiolus on the cheek. Gladiolus revealed his hands, showing the little tea bags. "I know you like tea, so I-" he started, but was cut off by Wolfsbane throwing his arms around him and kissing him. Well, safe to say he likes it!
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muse-writes · 5 months
Prompt: "What do you mean? You have me."
Pairing: Josuke Higashikata (JJBA) x Saccharine (my s/i)
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Saccharine had been sad the past little while. They had been missing school, and not with Josuke! It made him worry… So, he stopped by to visit. Stand users have got to keep an eye out for each other! That's how he's rationalizing it… He still doesn't quite think of Saccharine as his partner, it's just too good to be true, you know? Anyway, he was on his way to visit them. Make sure they were okay. He opened the door to their house, and watched as their cats all came running to crowd around him. Josuke quietly got them to quiet down, and they ended up scattering. He crept upstairs, listening to the sounds of Saccharine's tv. Josuke oh so carefully opened the door to Saccharine's room, and watched the surprise on his face as he realized his boyfriend was there. "Jojo-?! What are you-?!" they shouted. Josuke chuckled. "Coming to check on you! You've seemed down." "Oh… Well, I just haven't had anyone to talk to is all…" "What do you mean? You have me." Saccharine's mouth fell open, and he blushed. "I… Sorry, I hadn't thought of that… I'm not used to having a boyfriend." Josuke snorted. "Neither am I! We'll get used to it. Together."
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muse-writes · 5 months
Prompt: "What did I do to deserve you?"
Pairing: Sebastian Debeste (Ace Attorney) x Vincent (my s/i)
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Vincent and Sebastian were cuddling in bed, resting after a particularly rough trial. Vincent was slipping in and out of sleep, and Sebastian was wide awake. He looked scared, even. "Vince?" Sebastian asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Vincent opened his eyes. "What is it, buttercup?" Vincent whispered, pulling Sebastian closer. Sebastian started to cry. "What did I do to deserve you? I-I mean, I'm horrible and pathetic and-" Vincent cut him off, and kindly, but firmly, said, "Sebby, don't talk about yourself like that. You're amazing, and I love you so, so much… Hell, I should be asking what I did to deserve you! You're an angel, my angel, and I'd do anything to make you happy." Sebastian sniffled. "Anything…?" "Anything."
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muse-writes · 5 months
Prompt: "What?" "Nothing, you're just beautiful."
Pairing: Pearl (Splatoon 2) x Shelle (my s/i)
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Pearl and Marina had finally gotten a moment apart between airings of Off The Hook, and Pearl took the opportunity to sneak off and she her girlfriend. Ahh, her girlfriend, twice her height and a dumbo octopus… Shelle was elated to see Pearl, and picked her up in a hug and spun her around. "Pearlie!" she squealed. Pearl laughed, kicking her feet like a kid. "Hey! Put me down!" she said, snickering. She didn't really want to be put down, though. Shelle eventually put Pearl down, and they just sat together, enjoying each other's company. But then Shelle felt Pearl staring. "What?" Shelle asked. Pearl shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing. You're just beautiful." Shelle blushed, managing a quick "For eel?!", and almost instinctively went into her octopus form as if to hide in her ink. She didn't have any ink on the ground, though, so she just sat there. Pearl was laughing, when Marina walked in. "Sorry to interrupt you lovers, but it's showtime." Shelle popped up and gave Pearl a kiss on the cheek, and wished them well. Then, the second they were out, she turned the TV on. She couldn't bear not seeing Pearl for too long…
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muse-writes · 5 months
Prompt: Sitting on a bench together at sunset/sunrise
Pairing: Ignis Scientia (Final Fantasy XV) x Chamomile (my s/i)
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"Why'd you bring me out here?" Chamomile asked. Not in a hostile way, just genuinely curious what Ignis was planning this time. Ignis always had elaborate dates planned, but he always tells Chamomile! But this time, he had just said to come with him, and they rode Chocobos out… Ignis hummed. "You'll see." He sat down on the lone bench, gesturing for Chamomile to sit beside him. Chamomile did as requested, and leaned his head on Ignis's shoulder. "You know, I think Noctis would be proud of us right now." Ignis said, blankly staring at the setting sun. Though he was blinded during their adventures with Noctis, he still knew this area well enough to know exactly where to look to catch the light of the sunset. Chamomile's face fell a little. "You think so? I mean, after I-" "That doesn't matter, my flower." "Iggy…" Chamomile watched as the sun set, listening to his and Ignis's Chocobo chitter at each other. It brought a tear to his eyes. "Ignis…" "You're welcome, my dear."
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muse-writes · 5 months
Prompt: Letting the other cry themself to sleep in their arms
Pairing: Giorno Giovanna (JJBA) x Lovesyck (My s/i)
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"Signore, someone is here t-" The guard was abruptly cut off by Lovesyck running in, sobbing, into Giorno's arms. Giorno quietly shushed Lovesyck, letting him climb onto his lap, and bounced his leg as if comforting a small child. Lovesyck sobbed about something Giorno couldn't quite make out, but was whispering reassuring words. He was an expert at comforting. Eventually, though, Lovesyck was just crying. He didn't know why. He was… just crying. Giorno was still doing everything he could, putting his work on hold for his beloved. Lovesyck's crying grew fainter and fainter, until eventually, he fell asleep in Giorno's arms. Giorno stood up, and carried Lovesyck to their room. He left a sweater in Lovesyck's arms, so he could still smell Giorno. The actual Giorno, however, had work to do… no matter how much he wanted to stay and lay with Lovesyck.
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muse-writes · 5 months
Prompt: Person A visiting Person B unannounced to cheer them up
Pairing: Crow Armbrust (Legend of Heroes series) x Corvid (my s/i)
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Corvid curled up in his room, heartbroken about finally having to betray Class VII. Everyone in the Imperial Liberation Front were off doing their own things, leaving Corvid, or "Comrade Miracle" as he became known (there couldn't be two C's!), utterly alone. Crow, in particular, had been gone for a while. But then there was a knock on the door. Corvid looked up, tears silently streaking down his face. "S, if it's you-" he started, but got cut off by a familiar voice. "Wrong! Corvid, I know you missed me~" It was Crow. "Crow-?! C-Come in! Sorry, I-" he got cut off by Crow entering, picnic basket in hand, cooing about how Corvid doesn't need to be sorry and he was "sooooo cute." Crow cuddled beside Corvid, not-so-subtly putting his hand on Corvid's lap, and set the picnic basket between their legs. "Why did you-?" Corvid started. "Because I love you." Crow mewed, opening the picnic basket to reveal… Corvid's favorite sandwiches and sodas… "…Thank you, Crow, really. I love you so much, I… Words can't explain…" Corvid whispered, pecking Crow on the cheek. They quietly ate, enjoying each other's company, and catching up on little things that have happened while they were apart.
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muse-writes · 5 months
Drabblecember 2023 day 29: Shopping trip
Pairing: Ann Takamaki (Persona 5) x Confetti (my s/i)
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Ann rushed into the underground mall, excited to take her girlfriend to her favorite stores. Confetti struggled to run after her in her platform shoes, but was doing well enough. Ann first brought Confetti to a flower shop, where she got Confetti a bouquet of tulips and red roses, representing perfection and love. Some people stared at Confetti, but it's okay! She's a decora girlie, it's expected! Ann then took Confetti to the store where she gets all her cute patches and hairclips, and Confetti bought at least 2,000 yen worth while Ann introduced her to the store owner. They kept making their rounds, buying more and more, when Confetti asked… "Would you like to go to some of my favorite stores?" Ann was elated that she would even ask, and ran with Confetti all the way to the alternative stores around Shibuya.
(pssst: @eternally-smitten shopping!! yippeeeee! i love shopping so so much...)
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muse-writes · 5 months
Drabblecember 2023 day 28: Doing chores together
Pairing: Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa) x Ribbon (My s/i)
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Ribbon woke up to being shaken by Kiyotaka. "Ribbon!" he said, more shouted, to Ribbon. Ribbon blinked wearily, and yawned. "Whazzit?" Kiyotaka huffed, "You missed our meeting with everyone! But alas, that's not important! We're on clothes washing duty!" Ribbon's expression fell. Right. They were in a killing game. "Oh! Let me…" he trailed off as she scrambled out of bed, getting his outfit on. Kiyotaka blushed as if he was seeing her for the first time, and couldn't help but whisper, "You're not the Ultimate Living Doll for nothing…" Ribbon giggled, kissing her love on the cheek, and putting his wig on. "Ready?" he asked Kiyotaka, who nodded eccentrically. They went to the laundry room and threw all the dirty clothes in, and while they waited, Ribbon carefully taught Kiyotaka how to waltz, until they were smoothly waltzing across the laundry room, not even noticing Hifumi snickering and taking pictures.
(psst: @eternally-smitten THIS ONE WAS FUN! I didn't write much about the chore portion buuuut-)
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muse-writes · 5 months
Drabblecember 2023 day 27: Making dinner together
Pairing: Akihiko (Persona 3) x Canidae (my s/i)
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Canidae woke up in Akihiko's bed, in Akihiko's shirt. He remembers this. Though, what he doesn't remember, is something catching on fire. Why does it smell like it's burning…? He walked out of "his" room, following the source of the smell. He could hear the rest of S.E.E.S.'s muffled complaints, and was greeted with… "ダーリン!" Akihiko smiled, poorly hiding the burning rice behind him. "…Aki… What in Apate's name are you doing?" Canidae asked playfully. Akihiko blushed shyly. "Well… I was trying to make you a beef bowl to surprise you with…" he timidly explained. Canidae snickered. "You're so cute. Let's just order some, okay? Let's clean up, handsome."
(pssst: @eternally-smitten haiii! Fun fact! Apate is the Greek god of deceit, and is also Canidae's Persona!)
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muse-writes · 5 months
Drabblecember 2023 day 26: After a party
Pairing: Jax (TADC) x Epoch (my s/i)
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Jax watched as his friends (debatable) left the party room of the circus tent. Epoch, Jax's boyfriend, was hugging up to Jax, whimpering about wanting to go back to his room. Jax shook his head, reminding Epoch that they had promised to clean up after the party. Epoch whined a little, laying on the couch. Jax started to clean quietly, when he got a sneaky little idea. He walked up to Epoch, held a mistletoe above them, and gave him a big ol' kiss on the lips. Epoch blushed, his lava lamp body bubbling up. It reminded him of… …of… It's not important! He's kissing Jax, and that's all that matters.
(psst: @eternally-smitten I am once again having to catch up /silly)
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muse-writes · 5 months
Drabblecember 2023 day 25: Swapping gifts
Pairing: Piers (Pokemon Sword/Shield) x Pelt (my s/i)
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"Happy Delibird day!" Piers slowly opened his eyes, to see his boyfriend standing beside his bed, in Christmas pajamas. "Oh, g'morning, love. I'm guessing Marnie's up?" Piers said drowsily. "Yeup! Come on, we're all waiting on you!" Piers got up at Pelt's words, and followed him into the living room, where Marnie was patiently sitting with a gift on her lap. Once Piers sat down, she held it out to Piers, and said, "Here, big bro, for bein' here for me. No matter what. Happy Delibird day." Piers opened it, and it was… A new guitar?! Piers was almost crying as he grabbed his gift for Pelt, which he ripped through. Pelt started flapping his hands and rocking back and forth upon seeing it was a Galarian Zigzagoon plush, and some art supplies. He hugged Piers, and sat as close as he could as he handed Marnie her gift. "I understand if you don't see me as a big brother yet, but-" "I do." "Huh-?!" "I see you as my brother. Piers loves ya, so naturally I would too. I haven't seen him this happy with a person in years." Pelt blushed, dwelling on that as Marnie opened her gift. It was a new dress and some platform boots, which she was very thankful for. And so, they continued exchanging gifts, happier than ever.
(pssst: @eternally-smitten MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!)
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