mumblemooner · 2 years
I need more MCYT content on my dash so please
If you post art, headcanons, funky lil thoughts about lore, stories characters or creators, just fun lil mcyt things please interact
I'd love some more mutuals or people I can interact with about MCYT (my pinned post will tell you what content I watch most)
My dash is almost empty send help :(
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mumblemooner · 2 years
The Moon reflects light.
For how bright it shines at night, how important it is to life... it feels wrong. How can something be both so important and so unoriginal? Why is it that, when moths must find their way, they look to the Moon and not the Sun? Why is it that when the ocean tides ebb away from the beaches, it's the Moon they're reaching to?
Phantoms spawn at night, their laughs echoing across the mountain ranges. Their wings swoop overhead, their jaws open as their joyous howls screech past my ears. I duck my head, waiting for day, when laughs turn to dying cries.
When I'm sitting by the temple, lit by artificial lights, why is it the Moon's reflection I focus on and not my own? Drops of water or a landing bug may ripple and disturb the surface, but the Moon's glow is unmistakable. While it rains, the water in this sacred pond refuses to show me a clear view of myself. I wouldn't have recognized it anyway.
While I hear factories churning and producing in the distance, or the creaking of the new observatory's telescope, I am reminded of my ignorance and the burden that I am. When I hear the rolling of a wheelchair or a swoop of elytra, I wonder when I will be able to move on my own. Would anyone want to help if I never am? Would I be worth it?
I spend another night at the altar, its blue flames illuminate my skin in deathly light. I plead for help, reminded of the ever-looming presence above as I am gripped and torn from the ground. I float for a moment, another cry caught in my throat as I am rendered helpless by the weight of gravity that is threatening my home. It feels wrong, but I know nothing else. I cry once more, begging for help, and I am thrown down in response.
As dawn blankets the sky, the statues cry just as I designed them. I weep with them, covering my face with my hands. I do not know if they are even my own. Are my hands normally this pale? Should I have hooves? Should I have roots? My back aches for wings I dont think I've ever had, and my heart feels anything but my own as my heartbeat thumps off-rythym.
As the sun rises, light reflects off my skin.
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mumblemooner · 2 years
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isnt this what happened in scars latest video
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mumblemooner · 2 years
The world is falling
Or, rather, the world is rising around them. Blocks they had carefully crafted and placed have disappeared into the sky above, destined to crash into the moon. The ground they stood on uprooting, never to return and support their weight as they walk what should be a peaceful world. Even their own bodies are picked up by the invisible hands of the ever-approaching moon, but luckily they've evaded disappearing into its grasp and their fates so far.
Until now, that is. With custom built suits, at least that's what they'd like to think, made by one of their best friends and fellow interstellar traveler. Each walking away from the homes they dedicated so much time to, the land they've cultivated and reformed their their wants for the last time. Each clutching only the most cherished or necessary of their belongings. Each with a hope for a better future than what they'd experience here.
One by one, they gathered around the Boaten Hole, waiting until everything was ready. The winged Watcher kicked at the loose dirt, watching as the dusty particles rose into the air after being freed. The men next to him casting worried smiles at each other, the yellow-suited one giving the taller frazzled man a rough, yet reassuring, pat on the back. The woman just across the pit clutched her black kitten closer to her chest, her eyes locked onto the moon above.
It took a few long moments that lasted much too long of chatter for their saviour to fall gracefully from the suspended ship in the air and land in front of them. He brought some light to the situation, his smile bright and homely, as he told them it was time to board.
Pearl was first, reaching to give Scar her kitten, which he very carefully took and took back up with him. This wasn't the only animal he was rescuing, so it would be put with the rest. That left the other hermits to hurry aboard, Impulse getting up just behind Pearl, leaving Mumbo and Grian to board together.
The ship wasn't the cosiest thing any of them had been in, but it was livable, and hopefully only temporary. It had an industrial smell that mixed with the humidity of mountainous air they were all familiar with, and the inside was comfortably warm to the touch. It was safety, a haven of escape.
Grian joined in setting down cherished items, setting down his dragon egg that nobody was sure would ever hatch. Scar cast Mumbo and Impulse a questioning look, his cat Jellie sat lovingly on his shoulders. Impulse furrowed his brows, thinking of a pet he wanted to bring aboard, while Mumbo just raised his hands and shoot his head sheepishly.
With that out of the way, the five of them entered a bottom (top? Was this ship upside down?) chamber, the room looking plain and surrounded by glass. None of them took too much time to look at everything outside; it hurt too much.
Despite a bit of banter between the familial group, leaving Grian and Mumbo the two that had to share a crowded corner, the air only grew more tense. Mumbo could swear it was getting harder to breathe... he could only assume the air was getting thinner as it, too, was sucked away into space. It was now or never.
Scar paraded around for a moment, giving a typical speech in Scar-like fashion, before his hands landed on a one of the levers placed on the walls around the room. His expression seemed to falter for a moment as his skin grew pale and his smile turning bittersweet. A decision was made, and his hesitation didn't go unnoticed, but all the others could do was wait as heartbeat after heartbeat passed.
A deep breath and a faked smile later, Scar bowed in front of his friends. "I couldn't get it up... so we're going down." It was the best I could do, I'm sorry, I love you guys, so many things left unsaid.
The lever creaked and clicks sounded as the floor fell out from under them all. It felt different this time, as a cold draft flew up and enveloped them all. The cold grip of the void, claiming its children before the sky above could.
Panic ensued, Impulse gasping in shock and covering his face with his arms as he fell the fastest. Scar let out a cry as Jellie slipped from his grasp, scrambling against the air to grab her again before it was too late. Pearl's mouth open in a silent plea for Nugget, realization dawning in her tear-filled gaze. Mumbo and Grian reached for each other, calling each other's names as their falling turned into floating in the Moon's last attempt to claim more victims.
Nobody had the time for goodbyes that they thought they'd have. Their grief choked them all as they fell, their voices muffled by the tightness of their throats.
It was a silent death, at least. Scar was first to hit the point of no return, clutching his pet with one arm tightly and waving at the other Boatem members with the other.
Pearl was next, her eyes clouded for a moment before she closed them and accepted her fate.
Impulse tried to escape, an ender pearl shattering against the side of the hole, failing to reach high enough to get out.
Grian and Mumbo still held onto each other tightly, watching the others disappear into the nothingness with wide eyes. It was just them.
"Bye, Mumbo." Grian breathed out, his voice relaxed as if he weren't falling to his death.
"Its been fun." Mumbo said back, clutching Grian tightly as he screwed his eyes shut, refusing to watch.
Grian hit the void first, the cloth between Mumbo's fingers dissipating into nothing.
"He's gone. I'm gone." He murmured, his voice hushed.
He was last to hit the void.
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mumblemooner · 2 years
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one last moon big post before the moon inevitably destroys the server
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mumblemooner · 2 years
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Mooners 🌙
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mumblemooner · 2 years
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this is something he’s been worried about.
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mumblemooner · 2 years
The moon is in love with mumbo that’s why it’s coming closer
Actually they’re married and that’s why Mumbo has to reassure her that he loves it all the time
I’m- I’m- um-
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mumblemooner · 2 years
“You know that saying, make love not war? Well, if love doesn’t work, you may as well try making war. Why do they have to be exclusive?” - Mumbo, saying a quote that is WAY too raw for the context, holy shit,
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mumblemooner · 2 years
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cosmic angel,,,,,watcher grian,,,,,,
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mumblemooner · 2 years
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That Boatem sure can Crew
(Individual portraits here! plus bonus shiny Pearl lol)
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mumblemooner · 2 years
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Moon Big, like a void in the sky.
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mumblemooner · 2 years
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literally already posted 2 different watcher grian inspired drawings today but. this entire sequence was PEAK fuel for non-corporeal trickster bird man.
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mumblemooner · 2 years
Can you elaborate on the "Boatem Hole regurgitates creatures that possess traits of what it has been fed" thing? I think I've missed seeing that one on my dash somehow.
The best example I can think of is Lorebird’s Something Under Boatem AU! They’re definitely not the only person who’s drawn or written things inspired by the “void creature that takes on traits of what it’s been fed” concept, but their AU is the most condensed version of it I’ve seen.
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mumblemooner · 2 years
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Y’all ever just devote yourself to the Moon and shapeshift yet again?
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mumblemooner · 2 years
Hi I have fallen very fall into the hellhole that is -the Boatem hole- Hermitcraft fandom, so I have decided to make a sideblog for it and also maybe make my own content
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