mulhernslover · 4 years
Never Have I Ever…with Stephen Mulhern and Emma Willis | Happy Place Festival.
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mulhernslover · 4 years
Stephen Facts from Happy Place Festival
- The first festival he went to was with Emma
- Stephen’s not a hugger
- Stephen forgets birthdays sometimes
- Stephen’s never been skinny dipping
- Stephen’s never watched so much Netflix and Amazon since lockdown started
- Stephen has started watching Games of Thrones but isn’t addicted to it (He started it about 6 - 12 months ago) 
- Stephen used to wear a light chain?!
- Stephen gets stressed over what to wear for Emma’s quizzes
- Stephen enjoys Emma’s quizzes
- Stephen’s gate crashed someones box at an awards ceremony
- Stephen saw someone picking their nose while he was in his car and apparently they were also eating it... He found it revolting
- Stephen used to pick his nose
- Stephen used to be a lookout for police because his parents were market traders and would illegally sell items. (not illegal items!) 
- He used to sell magic tricks when his parents could afford a magic stall
- The movie Herbie makes Stephen happy
- He’s been pulled over for speeding
- Anyone who doesn’t get scared by the police pulling them over are criminals according to Stephen...
- Stephen’s never tried marijuana or CPD oil (I’m very proud of him for not taking drugs) 
- Stephen’s never had avocado on toast and never will
- Stephen’s never had guacamole
- Stephen will try guacamole next time he’s at Emma’s
- He doesn’t know what spirulina is
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