Diving fun around the Poor Knights Islands
poor knights islands>/days>We feel really ripped off and misinformed. Dive Tutukaka' only advertises with the 'Top 10 rating by Jaques Cousteau', so expectations are automatically raised which do not come true afterwards. After 4 weeks on the South and North Island and driving about 5.000 km of roads and tracks with the off-road vehicle, we let the last 3 days of our trip end in a very dignified and relaxed way.
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So we threw all our plans up in smoke again and decided to rent a car. But since there were no (cheap) car rentals in Whangarei and the last bus back to Auckland had already left, we first went to the hostel recommended by the Touriinfo. When we got up it was quite cold and we didn't really feel like diving yet. But our campground was also in the shade and when we arrived at the diving school the sun was already shining and warming us. All we had to do was register, show our diving ID cards and pay, that's all they wanted to see or know from us (otherwise they would have made more effort at this point). Here in New Zealand diving is completely different than in tropical waters, because first of all the water is much colder and therefore there are of course completely different ways of life. With the second boat from the right we went diving. On 04.02.09 we picked up our camper punctually at 9.30 am at "Backpacker" and we left the city in northern direction. Together with our travel specialists you discuss your travel plan and your wishes and get your individual offer.
Wellington and Auckland are hip big cities, while the neat little towns in between still radiate the British charm of their early days.
A single enumeration would be too much, unfortunately I didn't write it down in my logbook ;-) Anyway, this dive makes you want to do more.
We will do something together for a few more days before he will fly to Australia.
Underneath the waves of the Poor Knights Islands an ocean-wide variety of diving in a relatively small space is waiting to be discovered.
Read more about campervan hire New Zealand here. As an instructor I am well aware that there are no guarantees for anything underwater, but I have rarely been so disappointed on a dive as I am here. My partner and I booked 2 dives each and as we were travelling with our 2 children we had to take them on the boat for $75,-- per child. The transitions to sunlit areas are partly smaller caverns and the many archways are also worth seeing above the waterline. Diving and snorkeling are the best ways to explore the underwater world of the Poor Knights Islands. Various charter dive boat departures from Tutukaka Harbour, 30 kilometres from Whangarei. Tutukaka is located in a beautiful harbour, where boats depart for one of the most popular diving areas in the world, the Poor Knights Islands Marine Reserve.
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