mstwiggly · 6 years
Baby Kruger-Reedus
Congratulations on the little one! ❤️❤️❤️
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mstwiggly · 6 years
Walker Stalker Atlanta
I had a great time at WSC! My friend and I did selfies with Ross Marquand, Lennie James, Josh McDermott, Yvette Nicole Brown, Jenna Elfman, and Maggie Grace, and photo-ops with Ross (I like Aaron, what can I say), Norman, and JDM. The selfies are fun because you get to spend a bit of time with the person and have a chat. I got to tell Ross about my hope that the relationship, romantic or not, between Daryl and Aaron continue as part of the storyline because they’re great together.  He agreed that they good together and told me to keep watching in a wink-wink sort of way. All of the actors I met were friendly and seemed happy to be there. The photo-ops go by so fast but they’re fun too. Ross remembered us from the selfie line because we were there right before his photo-op, he wished us a safe journey home. 
Norman was warm and friendly, not drunk, not hungover, not grumpy, not an asshole in any way. He was wearing the hoodie and sunglasses but he cheerfully greeted me and my friend, and everyone we saw ahead of us in the room. When it was our turn he said: “Hi, girls!”  the flash went off, he said “Boom!” We said “Thank you” and he said “Thanks for coming to see me” and it was over. I don’t know what the hell people expect to happen in the three seconds it takes to take the picture but I have zero complaints. Same with JDM. It was short and sweet but he was very friendly, made eye contact when he said hi, and gave everyone a quick hug. It was the first time I did a photo-op with JDM, he was lovely! 
I kind of understand now why they limit some autograph sessions to gold and platinum only. I don’t like it but I get it. If the person is only going to sign for four hours total the people who sold the tickets, WSC I guess, has guaranteed the people who spent $600 or $1200 a place in that line. It’s just like life if you have more you get more.  If you spend more you get more. It isn’t fair but that’s the way it is everywhere in every way. If there’s limited time the people who spend more get opportunities that the people who spend less don’t get. 
We also went to Nic & Norman’s to watch TWD which was an absolute blast!! If I lived there I’d be there to watch the show every Sunday. Our waiter has worked there since it opened. He had nothing but nice things to say about Norman and Greg Nicotero, and everyone else in the cast and crew. He didn’t gossip but he said it was a great place to work and that the people from the show were always a pleasure to have in the restaurant. 
We went to the museum in the gift shop, saw Daryl’s motorcycle and a couple of the cells from the prison set. I think “they” do not know how to market Carol. There is far too much Cookie Carol/sweater-set Carol merch and not nearly enough badass Carol. Like, none. The only interest I have in Cookie Carol is that it’s an act she put on to get what she needed to get and when things changed, she put on a hoodie, tied a rag around her face, painted a W in blood on her forehead, and went on a killing rampage. That’s my Carol! That Carol had no merch. 
All in all, it was a great trip! Had a wonderful time. 
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mstwiggly · 6 years
WTF Melissa?
From what I can tell, you have to have purchased either the $600 or the $1,200 ticket to Walker Stalker Con Atlanta to qualify to spend another $100+ to have your picture taken with Ms. McBride. Her photo-ops aren’t even listed on the main page, you have to dig for the actual schedule to see that she’s available at all. Kind of a dick move there, Melissa. Weeding out the riff-raff? I only spent a measly $230 on my not gold or platinum VIP ticket, guess I don’t rate. 
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mstwiggly · 6 years
The End of Daryl and Carol?
I love the closeness between Daryl and Carol. I miss the moments they shared, the easiness they had with each other, their commitment to having each other’s back. At the prison, I was hopeful that their relationship would take a romantic turn but I was willing to follow the story wherever it lead. Personally, I don’t think prison era Daryl was capable of a real relationship. I think Carol tested those waters and determined he wasn’t ready or able to respond. I think she felt closer to him than to anyone else in the group, but, I think any romantic feelings she may have had ended pretty quickly when he didn’t bite. He would die for her, kill for her, make sure she’s safe and cared for, but he couldn’t look her in the eye and offer to be her partner. He couldn’t do that and without that her feelings changed. They didn’t lessen, they shifted. “It’s like you were a kid” she said. She didn’t want a kid.
So how about after the prison, “now you’re a man” Daryl? If Beth hadn’t died and they’d found a stable place to settle in for a good long while I think they may have ended up moving towards each other again. But that is not what happened. Beth died and they ended up wandering the potentially endless road, wondering if they had come to the end. This is when the writers forgot about Daryl and really let the character and the actor down. Up until this point he made sense. I remember an interview with Denise Huth where she says the initial apocalypse wasn’t that hard for Daryl, that losing the prison was really the beginning of Daryl’s apocalypse. That made sense to me. It would have been an interesting storyline for him too but instead he just stopped talking and went into a shell for three seasons. Such a shame. Carol was still his emotional touchpoint but he was stuck and getting Daryl unstuck was never part of the story, unfortunately.
Carol moved on. She met Tobin. Whether her feelings for Tobin were deep or not, she was having a relationship with him. She found her footing in Alexandria. Then came the saviors and Carol coming undone...Daryl blaming himself for Glenn and going deeper into his shell. No Caryl.
Now, apparently, Carol will find a partner in Ezekiel. I’m all for it. I think they’re good together. We’ll see where it goes. Maybe he’ll die like he does in the comic and she’ll lose him. That will make some people happy which to me is kind of sick but whatev.
I am not thrilled with the idea of Daryl and Rosita. I’m not sure if that’s just a fan rumor or if there’s something more substantial behind the story. If Daryl gets a partner she should be a new character and not younger than 40...but, this is American TV so, fat chance there.
At this point, if they just stuck Daryl and Carol together without major changes in their storylines, over many episodes, it would feel like desperate pandering. That would be sad. I do hope they come together like they used to be. I hope they get back to their playful closeness. I hope Daryl gives Ezekiel the “treat her right or else” talk. I hope Daryl comes out if the writer and producer induced funk he’s been languishing in for several seasons. I have high hopes for Angela Kang. I’m excited for season 9!
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mstwiggly · 6 years
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mstwiggly · 6 years
Interesting list
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mstwiggly · 6 years
EW Exclusive Sneak Peek of The Walking Dead S8 Ep12 “The Key”
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mstwiggly · 6 years
The Walking Dead leads the pack! Not a surprise. Not a surprise at all.
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mstwiggly · 6 years
Andrew Lincoln is on Ride, yeah! And, he bailed on the London con at the very last possible moment, not yeah. So, where’s the hate for Andy for the last minute cancellation? The speculation about his motives and attitude? Admittedly, I’m not looking very hard, maybe it’s there. The difference in treatment makes me feel bad for Norman.
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mstwiggly · 6 years
Well, they didn’t come North to Sonoma County like I’d hoped but still cool to have them in the Bay Area. I think Norman lived on the peninsula for awhile growing up, didn’t he?
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farmgirljamie  ||  They say it’s all about being in the right place at the right time. Apparently that is at Apple Jacks in Loma Mar at 7 pm on a Thursday. Two of my favorites from The Walking Dead. Thank you @bigbaldhead and @steveyeun for sharing your time with two superfans
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mstwiggly · 6 years
I a 99% sure at this point the next location of Ride will be in California. They are in San Francisco currently. I am trying to post some pics from someone that works in production. I will post any details and pics I find.
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mstwiggly · 6 years
Question for a Tumblr savvy reader: is there a way to use emojis from a computer or do you have to be on a phone?
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mstwiggly · 6 years
I love Norman on Fallon! They always seem to have fun together.
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Fun with Fallon 😂😂💖💖
#Norman #sexyaf #adorkable #fallon #love #suchadork
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mstwiggly · 6 years
I wish a video of this whole panel would show up
Negan and Daryl’s best pick up line
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mstwiggly · 6 years
Tumblr is an annoying platform.
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mstwiggly · 6 years
Am I the only one who wonders if he’s a furry? No judgement here, just the invasive curiosity of rabid fandom. I wonder. And the thought makes me giggle.
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mstwiggly · 6 years
Tickle in all the best places. 🤗
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Beardporn is definitely a thing 😍😛😏😍
#Norman #sexyaf #beardporn #thatgreyissosexy #beautiful #perfectface
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