mozeloon · 6 days
you know what will salvage this expensive and unemployable degree? a second, even less employable degree!! #grad school
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mozeloon · 14 days
Couple of Aziraphale studies ♥
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Michael Sheen's face is so much fun to draw. Shout out to the GO reference library on discord that made it easy to find good refs!
Just wanted to draw one more quick one to color digitally and when I looked up it was three hours later?👍
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mozeloon · 14 days
what is it about good omens that creates such brain rot i can't remember the last time i watched tv that got me this rabid
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mozeloon · 15 days
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the relief and glee on his face. ..... i love this moment.
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mozeloon · 15 days
I've seen a number of posts taking Aziraphale to task for hesitating over the word "friends" in 1941 and here's my take.
Neither of them names their relationship before 1941. It's always The Arrangement, and they deny anything else because Heaven and Hell are always listening/watching (many many great metas on their coded language elsewhere so I won't get into it here).
But then this happens in 1941:
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"It would take a real miracle for my friend and I to survive it."
Crowley just SAYS it. (Code again, always, but said out loud.) Then the books. The touch. The "oh."
It's not JUST the books. It is that Crowley has NAMED them, named this. Admitted what they had to deny in 1601.
So not a half hour later Aziraphale says this. In public!
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He takes the very next possible opportunity to communicate to Crowley - "I heard you. I understood you. I feel the same."
AND JUST TO BE SURE, he says it again, in private, with softness in his look and his voice.
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Look at the way he glances away just before the word friends. He wants to use another word, but can't. So he will say it again, in code, but again so Crowley understands.
"I see you. I understood. I understand. I feel the same."
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mozeloon · 15 days
on the good omens s2 finale ....
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Finally got around to watching this show and at first I was very surprised with the turn of events in episode 6... esp Aziraphale saying "you're the bad guys" about hell, and in general being so happy to invite Crowley back to heaven with him. I thought, surely he knows Crowley would say no, how could he be so naive? truly a tough watch, i was cringing but so invested. And I knew ahead of time they were going to kiss!!! I didn't know it was going to be this way!!!!
I see a lot of parallels between Azi and Zuko's redemption arc in ATLA. In season 2 of ATLA, Zuko is utterly rejected by and pitted against the family and nation he has relied on/been loyal to. Now, he is completely relying on the one person who truly loves him, and he is forced by his circumstances (and gently guided by Iroh) to reckon with taking a new direction in his life. This involves a lot of grief and struggle, and finally, when Zuko starts to adjust to his new life, to find joy in it, he is offered the greatest possible temptation: a glorious return to his family and title.
His father and sister have not changed or regretted their treatment of him; Azula's coaxing at the end of S2, telling Zuko she needs him, is very similar to how she traps Zuko at the beginning of the season, telling him their father regrets his banishment and wants to keep his children close. But from Zuko's perspective, he wants to believe that they do have regrets – that they recognize his efforts and his actions (like how he asserts that "I have changed" when he joins Azula against the gaang).
We know from watching the series play out that this is a necessary regression in his character arc - he needs to encounter these temptations, and eventually turn away from them, for his redemption to feel earned and complete. If not given the chance to return to the fire nation, his life in Ba Sing Se could be seen as making the best of a bad situation - he could still dream every night of returning home.
To return to Good Omens, this is much how I saw S2 play out. Aziraphale, long loyal to heaven despite occasionally diverging according to his own morals, is left a little more on his own and is clearly a bit put out about "not reporting to heaven" anymore. He gets to enjoy shenanigans with the one person who unconditionally loves him, and gain confidence in the decisions he is making against the will of the heavenly bureaucracy, when he is offered the chance to get back everything he lost. Like Zuko, Aziraphale is manipulated into thinking that heaven has changed, because he is being rewarded for his actions with a promotion – so of course, they are on the same side!
I think, despite hearing Crowley say over and over that he is not interested in being on the side of heaven or hell, Aziraphale has always projected a bit of his own feelings about the matter: he thinks Crowley is just saying that because that is a way to make the best of their situation. Not to mention that they both feel that Crowley's fall was undeserved. Aziraphale, like Zuko, have both been indoctrinated to be grateful for any kind of recognition or acceptance, even if they are poorly treated in the process. I would imagine that Crowley, who had to unlearn this long ago, is also worried Aziraphale might be hurt or corrupted by the system around him.
For this reason, I don't think the Metatron will immediately reveal himself as evil and subdue Aziraphale, or that Crowley and Azi have switched bodies again, or that Aziraphale is already hatching some genius plan, or anything like that. In the same way that Zuko had to return home to realize he lied to himself about how his life would turn out, Aziraphale is still hoping to make a positive difference and find a way to reconcile these different threads of his life. This is at the root of his naive, black-and-white thinking during that final confrontation with Crowley - he's just desperate and trying to convince himself. Only once back in heaven will he realize he cannot fit back into his old mold.
I have more thoughts but that will have to be for another post.
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mozeloon · 15 days
In 0.5 seconds and without saying a single word, Michael Sheen changed lives.
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This was the bitchiest bitch moment Aziraphale had in all 2 seasons. Thank you for your service, respectfully, I am deceased.
GIF credit: @wildsflag
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mozeloon · 15 days
This was brought about by finishing good omens so there will be some GO posts incoming
the other day i was thinking i should really start a lil reading blog for my thoughts and i thought of a username and everything and then i was reminded ..... i have this ....... so here i am after years of inactivity
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mozeloon · 15 days
the other day i was thinking i should really start a lil reading blog for my thoughts and i thought of a username and everything and then i was reminded ..... i have this ....... so here i am after years of inactivity
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mozeloon · 3 years
i just want to kiss my gf in these trying times is that too much to ask
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mozeloon · 3 years
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At Target this lady told her son he couldn’t have a Wonder Woman doll because “that’s for girls” and then bought her daughter the same one. It got me thinking about how often I see people bar young boys from appreciating girls/women as protagonists and heroes, and my own experience with it as a kid.
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mozeloon · 4 years
what if I'm in love
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mozeloon · 4 years
now pennsylvania 😌😌😌 goodbye orange man
georgia flipped 😌 
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mozeloon · 4 years
georgia flipped 😌 
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mozeloon · 4 years
if i were momo for a day i'd assassinate jeff bezos
The perfect crime
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mozeloon · 4 years
anyone else terrified whenever they have to go to a doctor or dentist or optometrist appointment omg it’s not even rational but every time I know I'm gonna have to go to one of those it freaks me out so bad I almost always break into tears at some point during the check up and my mom has to hand me tissues and tell me theres nothing to worry about and I have to tell her that I know but its like a conditioned response at this point
I'm talking like routine checkups like not something new, nothing to worry about, just things you've done before...... and its so hard for me???? I swear I have no clue what to do or how to prevent the panic or why it happens I just don't like those things I do my BEST to stay calm but its like as soon as I walk into that waiting room a part of me dies
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mozeloon · 4 years
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Water. Earth. Fire. Air. [x][x]
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