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We are participating in a group exhibition called RADIO_D5 in the town of Schwerin, about an hour's drive east of Hamburg, Germany.
I am showing some video works.
During the exhibition, there will be a free jazz performance in the gallery and a screening at the town's cinema.
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We are participating in the Maebashi Film Festival 2023 online screening. Screening period: 30 Jan (Mon) - 5 Feb (Sun), 2023 Website: https://maebashimediafestival.jp/mmf2023works/
How are you doing now that the cold weather has set in? We are showing “Monkey Geographic” as part of the Maebashi Film Festival 2023, online, so you can watch while confined to the house.

Interaction with people can be messy at the best of times let alone in bad times. This video explores such moments.
 What is it that we want to do that is not just sound, or just performance? When we were producing the piece, I was thinking about media art. A lot of things get manifested as video works, or sound. However, what came up in mind or thought about then does help push things forward and sometimes break through, with individual matters, and those relating to space.
 Some of the participants said that they didn't want to shoot anymore while being chased by insects. But when the weather gets a little warmer, I'm thinking of doing some shooting while camping outdoors.
Please enjoy the film while eating some mandarine oranges.
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前橋映像祭2023オンライン上映に参加させていただいています。上映期間: 2023年 1月30日(月)〜 2月5日(日)サイト: https://maebashimediafestival.jp/mmf2023works/
山/完全版は家に篭りながら、前橋映像祭2023に「Monkey Geographic/猿の幾何学」を出品しています。
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Iqaluit Parasomnia/イカの命取りPV
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Listen/purchase: summer demonstration by 山/完全版 MOUNTAIN/FULL EDITION
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"Counterflows has always been purposefully built around around the interconnectedness of people and music: it's no surprise that this returning editions feels even more alchemic..." Thx to @thewiremagazine for the great review of Counterflows Festival 2022!
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How are you?
How are you doing during the pandemic? How are you doing with your life?
We've created a new music video. Please watch it when you have time. www.youtube.com/watch?v=sts1UUOTAYM
A new album is now available. Please listen to it. I hope you enjoy it.
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ニューアルバムのリリースのお知らせです。テニスコーツの���ンバーさんの運営するオンラインショップ”みんなきける”から新しいようなそうでないような音源Floating Mountain Insomniaです。無料で聴けるのできいてみてくださいー。
We are pleased to announce the release of our new album.This is the new and not-so-new Floating Mountain Insomnia from "Minna Kikiru", an online store run by Tenniscoats.You can listen to it for free, so please take a listen.
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Mountain/Full Edition QandA
Q Alasdair & Fielding 
A Kentarou Imai
time 2020 04
Q. How did Mountain/Full Edition come together?
A. About 8 years ago there was an event where Misako Yabuuchi, one of the band’s members, did a performance for a bed-bound child with a severe physical impairment at the child’s private home. I composed a waltz for this occasion, and this was a start. Then BuBu de la Madeleine joined us and we started our activity like a band. After that, friends started to join. People come and go. The group sometimes gets as big as 12 or 13 people.
Q. Mountain / Full Editionというバンドはどのようにして結成されたのですか?
A. 8年くらい前にメンバーの薮内美佐子さんが障害の重い寝たきりの子供の家(個人宅)にパフォーマンスを見せに行く企画があって、そのために今井がワルツを作曲したのがはじまりで、そのあとキーボードとしてブブ・ド・ラ・マドレーヌが加わってバンドみたいなことを始めた。 そのあとは適当に友達や知り合いが入ったり出たりしてる。多い時は12.3人くらいでやる時もある。
Q. What's the origin of the name?
A. When three of the original members stood in a line, it looked like a Chinese character yama (mountain). At the time we also found a flyer with a text describing a screening of a “full edition” film, then we decided to call ourselves Mountain/Full Edition.
Q. 名前の由来は何ですか?
A. 上記の三人並んだ時に山の形みたいだったから名前が山になって、そのときなんかの映画の完全版が上映って書いてあるチラシをみつけて山/完全版になった。
Q. You have occasional members from outside of Japan join the group. What do you feel binds the collective together? Any specific musical ideas, aesthetics, politics?
A.  Friends come from places like the U.S., France or Sweden, and if the timing is good, we do a session or sometimes even a live performance. We exchange ideas online and sometimes do long-distance collaboration where they send material like videos and sounds.
A.There are musical, artistic and political approaches in the group, but the dynamic changes depending on the band members who are in the band at any given time. With more liberal members in the group, what we would do will be more liberal. If I have left-wing members, we would be oriented towards the left. If we have many artists, the approach towards the work becomes more artistic. Our musical direction reflects our members at any given time.
When we have more parts where performers take part, then the focus of the work will be on the performance rather than how well the music is played. In these instances, I look back and think whether the unbalance reflected well in the work or not, but this also had a tendency to cause arguments.
Mixing various elements however allows me to reflect what is going on in society and the world. Working collectively brings out something that I cannot do on my own. These different factors influence the shape of the band, so it is also a way for me to make adjustments.
We think of the politics, visual arts and music with one brain, so it is all connected.
It is difficult, but I don’t want to fall into a trap of intellectual relativism. And I want to overcome the fear that we would be labeled as political people.
Q.日本国外からのメンバーがグループに参加することがあります。コレクティブを束縛していると思いますか? 特定の音楽的なアイデア、美学、政治などはありますか?
A. タイミングが合ってアメリカとかパリやスウェーデンなどから友達が来てなんかできるときに一緒にやるよ。
で難しいといと言えば難しいんだけど、そこで知的相対主義に引っかかったりせず。また政治的な人達というレッテルをはられることを怖れず乗り越えていきたいと思っています。 もし拘束というよりルールがあるとするなら差別主義者やファシストはお断りということかな。
Q. Activism is a large part of your collective. We were wondering if you would like to talk about this for a bit?
A. Some of us  are actively engaged in activities against issues, such as politics, gender, racism, immigration, nuclear industry, while other members engage in other kinds of social activities. I try to incorporate these and express them through our music. But this is not all.  
Perhaps it is important to mention that there are not many artists in Japan who are outspoken about politics. Hardly any. And if someone talks about politics, the person would often get fierce criticism from all sorts of people for various reasons. Supporters of the far-right ruling party just want to attack whatever is against their ideology.  People generally just want to consume music as fans.
This leads to a soft and fluffy Fascism, a very unique phenomenon to Japan.  
Many artists probably think that political issues are troublesome to deal with. We feel so too. But I think linking social activities to artistic expressions can get us out of the soft and fluffy Fascism.
Q. 活動主義はあなたの集団の大部分です。 これについて少しお話ししたいと思いませんか?
Q. There are a lot of masks in the group and a babble of different languages. How do you feel identity plays a part in Mountain/Full Edition?
A. I see what you mean. For a while I used to think that there were as many identities as there were band members, creating multiple forms of expressions.  But if everyone does what they wish, it becomes chaotic, a nightmare of a drunken karaoke session. This can create an amazing masterpiece, but I feel it relied too much on the chance. 
I don’t think having many identities is simply good, and I am trying to make adjustments. That is why I used the animal masks - to make us look unified. I am always thinking about the balance between keeping the group’s diversity and the strength of the work.
Q. グループにはたくさんの仮面があり、さまざまな言語のせせらぎがあります。IdentityはMountain / Full Editionでどのように役立っていると思いますか?
そうですね。ある時までは参加するメンバーの数だけIdentityがあるから、それだけいろんな表現ができると思ってたんだけど、みんなが好き放題やるとカオスで、たんにドランケンカラオケセッションのような悪夢だったんだ、またそのなかで時々見たことないような名作も生まれたりもしたんだけどね。でたとこ勝負な要素が強かった。 いまはそ��なにIdentityがたくさんあることがいいともおもってなくて修正してる段階かな。だから動物の仮面で逆に統一感を出してる。グループの多様な在り方と作品としての強度や個性を殺さずに見せれるものを生成するバランスには常に悩まされている。
Q. When we first heard the group in a way it first reminded us of another Japanese underground music collective, Maher Shalal Hash Baz. Do you see yourself as part of a lineage of collective-based music? And do you see yourself as part of a community or lineage of experimental activity in and around the western Kansai region?
A. You are right. There was an interesting music scene in Kansai region in the 90’s, and I was influenced by Japanese hardcore, Scum and Japanoize. I was in a Grindcore band as a teenager, and was aware of the BOREDOMS and the noise scene. I also was inspired by sound artists like Takehisa Kosugi. And off course, Maher. But I started listening to a mix of music: Aphex Twin, Fatboy Slim, Free Jazz such as Albert Ayler, and other kinds of Jazz as well. I think I am influenced by all sorts of sounds including contemporary music starting from Arnold Schönberg, sound art, soundscapes, and pop, world folk music, music that comes into my ear even if I don’t like it. 70’s American experimental music, sounds I hear randomly, music I have forgotten. I cannot control what will come to being.
Ah, but I don’t listen so much to Vaporwave!
I am influenced not only by music, but by contemporary art, contemporary dance, left-wing culture, literature, old ladies’ knittings.
In this sense, half of what you said is true and half is not. There are many experimental music communities in the Kansai region, but I don’t actively follow them. Perhaps there are differences among them, but from afar, they appear similar. What I would like to see and experience is not in the places I expect but in other unexpected places. It is like a Buddhist riddle.
Q. このグループを初めて聞いたとき、すぐに別の日本のアンダーグラウンドミュージックの集まり、Maher Shalal Hash Bazを思い出させてくれました。 自分を集団ベースの音楽の血統の一部だと思いますか? そして、あなたは自分自身を関西西部地域とその周辺の実験活動のコミュニティまたは血統の一部と見なしていますか? 
A.確かに80/90年代の関西シーンに面白い音楽はあってJapanese hardcoreやScum・Japanoizeのようなものに影響は受けた。ティーンエイジの時Grindcoreのバンドをやっていたし、BOREDOMS や Noise scene にも触れてきた。Takehisa Kosugi の様な Sound Artにも影響を受けた。もちろんMaherも。 けれどもそのあと同じくらいAphex Twin・Fatboy Slim・Albert Aylerの様なfree jazz、またそれだけじゃなくてあらゆるJazzやArnold Schönbergに始まる様な現代音楽・サウンドアート・サウンドスケープ・電子音楽、聴いてきたあらゆるPOPS・世界中の民族音楽・好きでもないけど耳に入ってきた音楽・アメリカの70年代の実験音楽・たまたま聞こえてきた音、忘れてしまったような音楽、あるいは聴いたことある音すべてに影響を受けてると思うんだ。それがどのタイミングで出てくるかはコントロールできないな。
そういう意味で、半分は正解、半分は間違い。関西西部地域とその周辺の実験活動のコミュニティが今どうなってるのかほとんど知らないし、熱を上げて観ることもあまりない。よくよく見ると違うのかもしれないけど、ちょっと距離でて眺めると似たようなものが多い気もする。 見たり体験したいことが 在るところに無くて、無いところに在る、なんだろ禅問答みたいだね(笑)
Q. What other things in the Western Kansai region (music, art etc) is exciting you right now?
A. There are many artists, musicians and dancers in the Kansai region, and whether Japanese or international, interesting things are happening in all sorts of places. But I don’t feel that there is a place where we could belong.
I don’t get excited so often, but I do enjoy the works of friends (people who join Mountain/Full Edition). And although it is not possible now due to Covid-19, if there is a protest demonstration I would like to join. It is exciting to face democracy head-on in Japan today.
Credit list
Kentarouh Imai/Guitar Monkey Concept, Music Composition, Lyrics, Video Direction
Misako Yabuuchi/Song Monkey,Twin Snake Performance, Lyrics, Costume (Twin Snake, Props), Watercolor Painting
Kohei Matsumura/Corn Saxman Camera, Video Composition
Ufo/Citizen Rap, Lyrics, Magic
Kiuchi Hitomi/Trumpet Monkey Lighting, Laser Illumination
Miho Shimizu/Pig A Costume (Mountain Jacket, Animal Masks), Translation #2
Moire/Drum Monkey Store Owner, moirestore.jimdo.com, Some luxurious effector
ChibiGuts/Dancing Monkey and Pig B
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(Stranger's Immune(不思議な免疫)けんけん)
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MOUNTAIN/FULL EDITION  band camp!!!!!!!
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