mothysasks · 6 days
Which of the slugcats would be the best gamer?
Also, I hope you have a good day 
Enot and Nightcat, especially since they actually have gaming systems and they game together.
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mothysasks · 8 days
So uhh...is nobody sending asks or is stuff just not happening?
So far, not many asks
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mothysasks · 19 days
If artificer went to take revenge on the scavengers, would she hurt any scav pups or leave them? What about mothers? Sorry if this is a stupid ask, my head hurts and It just popped into mind ^w^ [Wrath god AU ask]
She wouldn't kill pups, she'd just leave them be. If the mothers are actively trying to kill her, probably yes, but if they're defending their young, she'll probably just leave them too. This rule goes for any parent or caretaker. (There are some exceptions, like Scav Chief, or if she recognizes them)
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mothysasks · 20 days
Welcome to my ask blog!
WIP post, will add later, will probably organize better later too
(Spoilers btw)
Below is information and rules:
Rules (may add more later):
1: Please specify what AU you're referring to, and specify the character or characters you're talking about
2: Keep them SFW please
3: Please be respectful
4: I may not always draw something, it depends. It may come in character based chatting if in-character, or ooc talk. (side note: I don't do requests)
Info about AUs and OCs below
AU: Heart of the Storm
First off is the Heart of the Storm AU, which I am still adding designs and characters to (and yes, it finally has a name after all this time lol). This is the home to my versions of the cannon characters, and several OCs, all with side plots to explore! If you want to ask someone specific, be sure to use their name, or characteristics, I will put their names below (and soon some character appearance to distinguish them)
All cannon Slugcats
FP, LTTM, NSH and SRS (others are open, this is just what I usually focus on)
Scavenger Chief, pups and the tribe
Alternate Focus (OCs):
Slugcats: Valkyrie, Void Cursed, Pathfinder, Martial, Barbarian, Elder (this one is due for redesign)
Slugcat pups: Cheese, Kick, Scratchy, Lumi and Mori
Iterators: Withering Abyss, Horizon of Consciousness, IANLM/Endless Imagination, Blind Signal, Prayers in Solitude and Howling Tempest
Scavenger: Prince (possible others, but so far it's just him)
I'll include a post soon about the OCs themselves soon. Making images currently.
OCs (Iterators and purposed)
AU: Wrath God (temp name maybe)
An offshoot AU of Heart of the Storm, based around Artificer's strong desire to take revenge on the Scavenger tribe on Five Pebbles' structure. Though with some careful research from a long distance friend, she discovers a way to annihilate the tribe completely with the help and teachings of Saint.
Artificer, Saint, and the pups (unnamed currently)
Scavenger Chief, pups (also unnamed), possible other Scavengers, but unknown for now.
AU: Rising from the Tides
During the collapse of Looks to the Moon, her systems were damaged terribly and some even destroyed. Her memories of people, what she is, where she is, and what exactly happened to her is gone. Despite this, she has faint, jumbled memories of Five Pebbles, though she doesn't know who he is exactly, just that he looks faintly like her. Aside from that, all she knows is that he is the reason for her collapse. Making some other connections and assumptions with her faint memories, she leaves the structure, believing the person doesn't know that she's still alive, and thinking about ways to fight them off in case they find out she survived. She spends a lot of her time trying to learn to survive in the world. Soon she discovers that she is "sick", which is what she assumes to be a poison or venom that the person from her memories gave her. In learning this, she actively seeks him out after a while. Though she believes she's poisoned, it's actually her primary structure slowly declining. (She is also unaware that she is actually the structure itself, not the puppet.) As well as this, some others outside send out a few overseers to check on her. Without communication to her, her puppet being missing, and just going off of the destroyed parts of the superstructure, she is declared as completely shut down. No one knows that she is alive for some time.
Looks to the Moon, Five Pebbles, Seven Red Suns and No Significant Harassment
Others tba, this is a new AU, so I have no one specific yet.
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