mothohive-real · 1 year
can someone please be proud of me like fuck I’m trying
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mothohive-real · 1 year
The hive lands in a secluded meadow, curling up and falling asleep.
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mothohive-real · 1 year
are you okay with writing nsfw/do you plan to? [No, we don't plan to do nsfw. And we aren't okay with it on this blog. (please don't fuck the moth.)]
do you/how do you tag your triggers? so people can block them. [we do #tw(example trigger)]
do you plan to post a lot of ooc? if so, is there a certain tag you will use that partners can filter? [#ooc moth, we might post a bit of ooc stuff, but not much]
are you okay with writing toxic relationships and similar triggers? [No]
does your muse’s backstory contain triggers that may be mentioned a lot? [Not really, but if there is we'll be sure to tag it]
will you be posting discourse? how will you tag it? [Not planning to, but if we do, the tag will be #mothdiscourse]
will you reblog callouts? if so, will you tag them? [#mothcallouts]
will you post vagues or other drama? how will you tag them? [#mothdrama #mothvague]
any common triggers that your blog will likely contain? [Likely weapons, fighting, caps (seeing as large creatures tend to be loud)]
can personals follow you? if they can, can they reblog/like threads? will you block them on sight? what if they’re your friends? if their rp blog is a sideblog of their personal, should they message you first to let you know, or assume that you will check it out/message them? [Personals can follow, but we'd like to be informed if they have an RP sideblog. We don't normally message first.]
are you bothered by people posting a lot of ooc? is it okay as long as they tag it (so you can filter it?) [We don't mind a lot of ooc]
do you send in passwords to show you’ve read rules? does your rules page have a password? [we don't have a password, but if your blog does we'll send it in]
do you like to be reminded to respond to a thread? if so, how should they? (PM, inbox, discord, etc.) [PM works if you don't have our disc, but we might not see it. If you have our discord, please use it.]
do you expect to be notified if a thread is dropped? do you drop threads? how long will it take for you to drop a thread or ship for inactivity? [A notification would be nice, yes. We'll try to notify if we drop your thread.]
do you tend to use the block button liberally? what are some reasons for you blocking? [We block for impromptu NSFW, or general harrassment.]
about interacting/rping with you:
are you a multimuse or singlemuse? [Singlemuse]
are you mutuals only? [Not exclusively, but if you try to interact with us we'd at least like a follow.]
will you roleplay crossovers, or only in-fandom? [Crossovers are great! We plan to do crossovers! In-fandom is cool too, but I haven't seen that many RP blogs for the IRIS universe.]
will you write with duplicates? will you follow duplicates? or will you block on sight, or merely not interact? [I mean, if there ARE any, we will be following them, but I don't know about a roleplay with them.]
will you write with multimuses? with personals? [Of course!]
are there types of ships (or if you writing a canon muse, specific ships) you won’t write? such as large age gaps (recommend putting a number), etc. [We won't be doing ships for this blog at all.]
do you expect fast/slow replies? [We don't mind either kind, really.]
should they match your length? [It doesn't matter.]
do you prefer long/short replies? [It doesn't matter.]
do you care if your partner has fancy graphics/themes? [Not at all! Get as fancy as you want.]
do you expect your partner to use icons? [It's not expected, but if you want to that's fine.]
should your partner use formatting? (especially if you have eyesight problems; many people are willing to accommodate and not use formatting for threads they have with you) [No, it's fine!]
how active are you? [It depends on our schedule, but normally semi-active.]
how long will it take for you to unfollow someone for inactivity? does this change if they have a hiatus notice? [We don't unfollow for inactivity]
are you open to shipping? [No.]
if you’re writing a canon muse: are you selective with ocs? will you write with ocs that are related to a canon character/your muse? is your muse canon divergent in important ways? if your muse is canonly in a relationship with someone, is it okay for a person with your muse’s canon partner to assume a ship with you? [We don't do ships, but we will gladly interact with OCs]
do you like plotting? if so, should they have an idea for a plot before they message you? [Plotting is okay, but it's not necessary. ]
how busy are you with out-of-rp life? [Not very busy.]
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mothohive-real · 1 year
The Mothohive glares down at the being before it.
The only answer it has for you is
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